Guess who can't take his 'nazi flag' on campus anymore
Guess who can't take his 'nazi flag' on campus anymore
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For real? The Imperial Aquila confused for the Nazi Eagle?
>living on campus
jesus christ
Yes, for real.
They think it's some kind of 'alt-right' thing my entire uni is paranoid about that kind of stuff lately
Yeah whatever who cares post your chest
I believe it. The U.S. political landscape went crazy after 9/11, growing nuttier with each passing election, lost all remnants of sanity in 2016, and it's somehow still deteriorating.
.... Given how much the imperium is supposed to be the worst ever, that it's symbols overlap with nazi-shit is by friggin' design.
It's like bitching you can't say hail hydra in public.
Replace it with a nice wholesome soviet flag.
Prohibiting Hail Hydra is fucking weird too.
Why are you carrying an Imperial flag around campus anyway?
Your campus administration is suspiciously heretical and will be investigated. Thank you for reporting them, loyal subject of the Imperium.
Now try carrying a Muslim flag.
>It's like bitching you can't say hail hydra in public.
You can though, at least where I'm from. Everyone here knows it's a fictional capeshit comics organization. The day people start taking "Hail Hydra" seriously is the day I move somewhere else, because that's insane.
To show my powerlevel of course
no I was decorating the game room
to those who are not long in the neck whiskers; it resembles a fascist symbol only without the bundle of sticks and blade, so it's a easy mistake to make
Do you even realize how retarded you sound
Rainbow Soviet Flag, that way you can piss even more people off.
Yeah and if you ran around shouting about burning heretics you'd probably be put away.
40k isn't normie shit, despite GW's efforts.
>owning an imperial flag
Neckbeard alert.
i dont think you have a grasp on what pisses off college students these days
Clearly your campus is being run by heretics. Appease them and your new dark gods by bringing in a Chaos flag instead.
>neckbeard alert
>on Veeky Forums
US political landscape was batshit long before 9/11.
>can't burn the heretics and witches because of religious freedom
>can't kill the mutant - "they're people too and all people are equal"
>no purging of the unclean either, we call them people with alternative hygiene habits now
Do we live on a Chaos world? Where is the Inquisition when you need them?
Be sure to to wear christian symbols either.
>that it's symbols overlap with nazi-shit is by friggin' design.
more relevant
Eagles have been noble symbols for thousands of years and the Reichsadler itself having a two headed version which predates the nazi designs
none of which really resemble the imperial one, except perhaps the fact the nazi version is sort of flat and angular
it's like getting pissed with someone who has an iron cross. this is the Germanic imagery the Nazis wanted to co-op. Where the swastika is more foreign and noticeably Nazi aligned
>It's like bitching you can't say hail hydra in public.
you can totally say that and you should just in the proper contexts, it's just it never comes up.
pointing to red arm bands would have been more correct
Seriously man if i wanted to where say a hydra shirt ain't nobody who should stop me
Didn't that thing break from overuse 2 days into Veeky Forums.
There's hella witches among young people these days. You'd be surprised how well that might go over.
>Do we live on a Chaos world?
Yes, you have immanuel kant to thank for that.
Forgot pic...
it was closer to hours.
if we weren't such a slow board moments
>educators preaching ignorance and hate
activates my almonds
Assuming you're not making shit up, (and for the record: I'm pretty sure you are,) you should fight it, because that shit goes on your record.
Talk to whatever your schools equivalent of a student resource officer is and find out the procedure to fight the disciplinary action, bring proof the aquila is a symbol from a popular science fiction franchise and is in no way indicative of your political views, any more than a student wearing a star wars shirt with storm troopers or other iconic symbols of the Empire on it.
The U.S. political landscape hasn't been anywhere even close to this batshit since the 70s.
I think it's important to consider how niche the symbols in question are.
An Iron Cross is unfortunately closely associated with the nazi regime, and that's not a stigma that will go away in our lifetimes.
>Veeky Forums is a slow board
I love this meme.
this sort of annoys me
but I'm a catholic and we had to protect the eastern empire
nibba there are definitely faster boards.
not /f/ slow but not ..... actually given the quality of those boards I'd rather this board be slow
Actually I (OP) live in the Netherlands
Bitch I bought a Brotherhood of Steel flag that decorates my room. Fuck your bitch ass for not liking things
You answered your own fucking question my friend
>tfw your country's military still use swastikas in its flags and symbols
>every couple years you get to see foreigners get butthurt about it and demand their removal
Why is red arm band different than hail hydra shirt?
Both are things that people in a non comic context will think are nazi-flavored.
And often they are, given that Hydra is literally formed out of elements of Nazi Marvel Villains.
>being a curry
I can't imagine anyone actually giving a fuck
Aren't hydra actual acknowledged to be nazi's
That's a bit different from a space empire that burns witches
Can I have a news source?
Also, I feel even prouder playing the least political army.
Post the flag or it didn't happen
Only /b/ /pol/ /a/ and /v/ spring to mind, Veeky Forums is one of the fastest boards.
I believe Marvel moved their organization away from the Nazi regime just in case some kid idolizes them.
I doubt a teacher yelling at a student about removing a flag from a classroom is going to end up in the news
>mfw I can't honor the memory of the rightful rulers of the Germans in college
Some people would like to just stay at home to learn, but not all colleges afford that opportunity.
>the swastika is limited to India
Most Eastern countries have it plastered everywhere.
Why would it annoy you? Some guy sent on deployment to whothefuckcaresistan should be allowed to wear whatever he wants as long as its within standards.
If you're in a public university contact a lawyer or the ACLU. They'll love this shit. If you're in a private university, you have no rights outside of what they give you.
Alternatively, just print out information about 40k and show them that it's for lonely nerds, not crypto-fascists.
Kek, that's nothing, guess who was kicked out of the reading room in my campus and sent to meet the principal
Yeah I can definitely picture a university getting upset over something stupid like that.
I know for a fact they'd get upset over my flag
>>you dropped this
Eh, first MCU Cap. America cleary casts then as Nazi Rements
>Banning politics
Wew. I guess they're going to get rid of all the leftist faculty too now, right? I mean to be fair and impartial...
>t. heretic
>lonely nerds can't be crypto fascists.
Shouldn't it be pretty easy to explain that the Nazi's literally appropriated the East Asian Swatsticka and until those chyucklefucks tried to take over the world it was a pretty common symbol in Eurasia?
Do some research and make your case. This is a japanese author/artist coming in from a different cultural context.
That's largely because it's significance as a religious symbol can't be overtaken by its significance of a political symbol.
Hell, I live in a small Canadian city and one of buildings across from my work has part of its brickwork arranged in swastikas. (I think it might be an old eastern immigrant thing? They're in the top corners of the building, one clockwise one counter-clockwise.) It's regularly vandalized but the city keeps cleaning it up.
I mean, they can and there definitely is some overlap. But thats not really the intent here, since the Imperium of Man's state is pretty much portrayed as a FUCKING BAD THING.
tfw there are guys on this very board fantasizing about living in the imperium
And yet people play around as if it would be a great thing to happen.
Shit, people do that with Star War's the Empire, and that's clearly both a bad thing in setting and in presentation.
They didn't let me explain myself in the reading room, it was "easier" with the principal because he let me explain myself and make my case, still I have been "advised" to not bring this manga anymore to not "rise concern" because not everybody know what this symbol means so instead of informing people is better to leave the ignorants rule our lives
>tfw the crazy woman in charge of the reading room also called that green symbol the SS
I hate the world we live in
The Iron Cross is older than Hitler. The eagle is a symbol of Rome.
Leftists need to stop being so butthurt about everything at all times.
That's mainly because nu-GW is shit and autists can't into subtlety. Shit I've had people on this board flat out tell me Dune ripped off 40k.
I would like to live in Ultramar desu.
Can't we just call them closet-nazis? 'Crypto-fascist' makes them sound like xcom enemies.
Jesus, that is fucked user. If you don't mind me asking where to you go to school?
Yeah, people think the bad guys are cool. Most grow out of it around age 15. Some don't.
What kind of knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing troglodyte walks around with a fake flag from his toy soldier game? You earned it.
>>tfw the crazy woman in charge of the reading room also called that green symbol the SS
What a fucking gal.
It's literally a surrogate for closet-nazis to jerk off to without being publicly recognized as such.
>Being a curry
Btw, a football team in my country had to change his T-shirt to play a match in Germany because a 4 star Celt triskelion is nazi now
....Primacy is for cucks.
Recency is what people actually use
... Or do you believe I am calling you happy when I call you gay?
Like I said, I was bringing it to the room specifically appointed for the troglodytes to play their games in
Spain, lately we're getting our fair share of liberals ruining everything. We used to be kinda immune to that shit though
Got the same one here, mine in particular would fucking crucify me if they saw it (fucking Rutgers Newark)
I wonder what would have happened if the Nazis had used the cross as their symbol instead.
... aren't you guys literally still a fascist dictatorship?
Not anymore.
lol wut
>Shouldn't it be pretty easy to explain that the Nazi's literally appropriated the East Asian Swatsticka and until those chyucklefucks tried to take over the world it was a pretty common symbol in Eurasia?
Holy shit you are retarded. Europeans have been using swastikas since BEFORE SUMERIA.
Also the Germans never tried to "conquer the world" they literally only annexed places with a German majority after holding a referendum. And they only did this because Germans were being ethnically cleansed.
The ethnic cleansing was finished after ww2 btw. The Germans were the only genocide victims of the war.
What year are you living on?.
1940s to 1970s they def were.
Pol, you're leaking
To be honest, the nazis were pretty nice compared to the Imperium
Hey dumbass, there are other countries RIGHT NOW who are using the eagle.
We considering there's a cultural genocide of the Catalans going on, he has a point.
Blade of the Immortal I think is called in English, right? they censored Manji's symbol in my country, here is just an X
And are you aware that most people that shit themselves over two-headed eagle will also think that USA is a horrible facist rogue state that wages wars for oil and oppresses small innocent states like Cuba or North Korea for shits and giggles.
>Cuba or North Korea
You mean Chile or Argentina
Notice how that eagle is not stylized.
Western Civ has a weird interaction with Roman shit, given how much they fucked up being a republic, yet conquered and worked with a large amount of West Civs forbearers.
But dune DID rip GW off.
Read a book lol