Pathfinder General /pfg/
Solitude Edition
Where does your character go to get away from it all?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Solitude Edition
Where does your character go to get away from it all?
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>obligatory private greater demiplane
Is your character attractive without makeup? How much gold does she spent on it?
Are wall mounted torches ambient lights? Do they get extinguished by darkness because they are torches?
She hasn't had the luxury of make up for a few months now yet she is still the prettiest thing within dozens of miles.
They're the first warning sign a dungeon is inhabited, user, because they can't light themselves.
My players didn't even think about it when I described the hallways as being lit by torches. They were shocked when the door they tried to open because it was locked was opened by the bugbear who was in the room sleeping. they asked me how they could have possibly known the uninhabited castle had monsters in it.
Not really. she's got a somewhat sharp boned, angular face, though she's got a lithe body the rogue is jealous of and eyes to die for. The female bard is crushing on her so i guess someone thinks she's pretty.
I'm just trying to decide here what a dungeon with wall mounted torches would have for lighting where a darkness spell and an eternal flame overlap.
Does anyone have art of that half-angel half-demon girl that got posted around here a few times?
Does it make sense for a Skald to be the leader of a band of mercenaries?
Absolutely, since he generally has the charisma, leadership skills, and buff control to set the rhythm of combat for his allies and lead them into battle
Sword drills in the nearest empty space
Sitting in contemplation in the forest
PMing his crush
They are all attractive without makeup, but the makeup comes out for the noblewoman when she's heading to proper events of any kind. Adventure is one thing, but people want her to look her best when she's at the ball or some formal feast or festivity.
So far it's under 10 gold, iirc, but we haven't had many parties either.
How good of an idea is it to have an evil empire ruled by a puppet government of a powerful lich who maintains power through the distribution of addictive magic-drugs, and a war machine powered by animated constructs and a genetically engineered race which are also reliant on said drugs? All the while the populace is kept happy by a combination of supposed democratic governance, readily available creature comforts provided by said drug fuelled magic and slaves, and not having to worry about conscription due to said slaves forming most of the military?
Also, let's say that the Lich in question doesn't care so much about actually ruling, but rather just wants to have the perfect cover to allow him to experiment freely on a powerful artifact that is bound to the nation
Please be more descriptive.
Sounds fine to me
>half-angel half-demon girl
Have you tried either Deviantart or the local donut shop?
Stereotypical insufferable Mary Sue with clear angel and demon halves, such as having both an angelic and a demonic wing, clothes also split in half, etc.
I'm deliberately making an ironic special snowflake character
Sweet, just gotta get together enough narrative to properly explain how all this happened. Then, once I get home and in front of my computer I can write up the lore for The Republic of Ayngrol
If it's deliberate, then all the more reason to hit up DA for the art
I just remember one particular piece of art which got posted on /pfg/ multiple times and which would fit perfectly if I could find it. Google image search hasn't helped me so far, unfortunately.
yeah they'll be, uh, blatant to say the least
What's her Charisma? It isn't hard to be the prettiest thing in a dozen miles when she's up against peasant rabble.
She may be considered cute by some. She isn't overly attractive with makeup, though.
Within the modules and the adventure paths, are there any particularly good wilderness adventures?
18 without any sort of buffs, magical aid or inherent bonuses take from books or whatever have you
Torches aren't extinguished by darkness, only dimmed.
>First, "people asking you to stop" was largely one person who wasn't even serious
Patently false.
>Then you'd be better off shitting at people who actually posted sexual stuff in discord, of whom there were several.
Who says I don't? You're not being singled out as the only one, only mentioned for being representative of the level of obnoxious fucking constant posting about this game, lewd or not.
I'm not even in the discord and Mashallah annoys the fuck out of me.
Who's worse, Mashallah or IDrive?
I.Drive. It takes a special kind of asshole to sink a game and an even bigger asshole to think he can just say sorry and come back.
>Patently false.
Please provide proof of your claims witchhunt user. You may be correct in it being literally >1, but it still sounds like a disgruntled and cowardly vocal minority.
No, I agree with witchhunter. Fuck off.
I'm just the MIDF. It's kind of ridiculous to bring someone up then get mad when people talk about them though.
To whoever had the idea last thread of a campaign where heroes save a dragons eggs from an evil princess I think I'm actually going to try and give it a shot. The question is what type of dragon to use
So I have a magus who already has plus ten initiative. Is improved initiative even necessary at this point? I always read that it's actually one of the most valuable feats a caster can have
If you don't feel like you need it, a Magus has plenty of shit to spend feats on
Get it, nerd. Be fast as fuck on the draw.
The type doesn't matter, what matters is their plan
The despotic nation plans of performing experiments on the eggs and newborn dragons, mutating them into dangerous mutant warbeasts to help fuel their conquest of the neighboring lands.
Regrettably, the Dragon herself cannot assault the fools themselves, as they hold ownership to an Orb of Dragonkind (which is part of their plan to control the mutant babies)
I think the type does matter at least a little bit, if only in broad strokes. Metallic would make the most sense, but some of the more strange dragon types that have been printed over the year could make for interesting options
So in the grand scheme of things how obnoxious of a tripfag is DHB? Like, what has he done to shit on this general?
I want CON to AC on a Dwarf Earth Kineticist.
Is this possible?
Speaking of DHB has anyone used his races?
They look kinda interesting? WHat did he make them for?
Nothing much really. Just occasionally post homebrew and ask for critique and ideas. Otherwise he keeps generally disconnected from the thread politics and drama, and otherwise only gets mentioned when someone wants to either bring him up or shit on him. Really, out of all the celebs, he's the most reclusive and the lease celeb-y
If you've got a feat slot for it, take it. There's plenty of times you'll roll a 2 with that +10 initiative.
Not really. Magus is in the unique position of being better as a reactive caster than a forefront caster, because it allows them time to decide which options are best when the enemy has shown their hands.
So how is the main country in your setting run?
The government on the main one in mine is split between a Theocratic Bureaucracy and a Democratic Council Plutocracy who together run the government.
No witchhunting. Here to discuss game, game mechanics and games, not whether or not [name] has done [something someone doesn't like].
If you don't know whether or not someone has done something to upset someone, there's no reason to go looking for controversy.
Council of liches run the country and have to serve time teaching at colleges in exchange for getting assistance with research and political power. Surprisingly it works very well.
A very angry wight leads the military, the aristocracy is mixed with vampires and humans. There are laws about how feeding undead procure their food. Primary export of the nation is magical goods and extremely skilled mages.
Not sure if this is the one you meant, but saw it just before coming into the thread.
Not the one, sorry.
It was a pretty cute girl.
What if we're witchhunting IDrive?
DHB is fine. He talks about his characters directly instead of pretending to be other people who are "fans" of his character. The worst things about DHB are his tone-deafness, his inability to play a character that doesn't have a fuck-huge Diplomacy score, and the fact that he doesn't know when to disengage when being baited.
>doesn't know when to disengage when being baited.
To be fair, he stays civil as far as I know. Even when he responds to bait, it's usually to try and explain himself and respond honestly to criticism rather than getting confrontational like Vult or trying to weasel his way into convincing himself he's right like 2hu.
No witchhunting at all. People who engage in it should be banned from Veeky Forums.
To be fair, the diplomacy score thing has to be a meme at this point. The first time he was just "sup, look at the bullshit you could pull off 1/day" and nobody has let him live it down since.
What if the people being hunting deserve it so that we can force them to remove themselves from our hobby to make it better for everyone?
Yeah, a better example would be his sleepy reverse trap for LoBaF. It started as "Oh shit son my Initiative bonus is gonna be over 20 at the start of the campaign" and then he realized "Yeah, maybe I should back it down."
No; and there hasn't been one of those faggots in a long time. If anything witchhunters are closer to it than anything else.
Oh yeah, he definitely remains calm and just makes his argument, but he keeps going long past the point that it's clear he's having an argument with a troll.
He entered the campaign with +18, he didn't back down he just didn't change it. People stopped caring once he got accepted.
Like the Naruto guy argument.
Fuck off. People like IDrive and Rory deserve to be chased off. It's handwringing faggots like you who want to give everybody a second chance that gives the shitters a foot back in the door whenever they come back to "apologize".
That sounds extremely motivational.
>ywn swallow DHB's batter
>ywn lick DHB's spoon
Is this Hell, this life?
You see, DHB's cockgobbler is much more disruptive than DHB himself.
You're the sort of shitter that kills systems by chasing off everyone you don't like without realizing that there isn't really an influx of new players.
Old systems with a lot of competition in the market can't afford to be selective about their player bases
>no one can tell I'm falseflagging because I'm anonymous tee-hee, it isn't painfully apparent to anyone with a brain that it's one person doing this.
You sure fooled us user!
>HURR DURR People who want to expel people that actively hurt and kill games are the ones who are killing the hobby
aaaaa DHB~
>only the people I say are okay should post
Fuck off.
>There's nothing wrong with leaking logs or trying to kill a game by raping and murdering a plot critical NPCs
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you'd probably fuck it up anyway.
Don't forget the bamboozles!
Oh yeah that reminds me, dragons usually give birth to multiple eggs at once right?
I don't think IDrive ever leaked logs, did he? And wasn't the murder not strictly of a plot critical NPC, just the rape? And isn't that game still going, not dead?
I found it by looking through the archive.
Here it is for anyone who might be curious what I had in mind.
The logs got leaked, I don't know by whom.
I believe the murder and rape were conflated into one NPC, but in reality he killed one plot-critical NPC and raped another.
And the game had to reset and re-recruit in order to keep going.
Argentum himself said he doesn't hold it against IDrive. Who are you to be upset in Argentum's stead?
Fortunately you're no more the boss of me than you are this board despite your self important shitposting and belief that anonymity makes you important and worth listening to.
Rory is the log leaker. IDrive is the rapist/murderer.
>Who are you to be upset in Argentum's stead?
Somebody who applies to /pfg/ games. Even if the DM doesn't care, I certainly don't want to play with somebody with a history of disruptive behavior.
>self important shitposting
I want to keep disruptive players out of games while you white-knight for their honor and I'm the self important shitposter? I didn't realize it was possible for somebody to be this retarded.
How good/bad is the Demon Dancer Skald Archetype?
>The logs got leaked, I don't know by whom.
Get your logs here, fresh off the presses.
If you knew where IDrive lived, would you tell 2hfag to kill him?
Both of you can fuck off. There's no need to defend the game culture of the thread, it's already dead. All the good players have their games now we're left with the dregs like Mashallah and Kawase. Game culture is dying here and I say good riddance.
I'd defend him from death!
I thought Rory fucked off after TSS? If he hasn't like, what is he even doing? I haven't heard ANY waves from him.
If I knew where IDrive lived I wouldn't do a thing because I couldn't care less about him or 2hu.
>Like, what has he done to shit on this general?
Literally nothing. The only one that shits on this general is the witch hunter that hates him for some autistic reason.
Actually, IDrive gave a pretty good explanation of what went wrong.
the tl;dr "shit, slept through game" and then "shit, I'm too much of a coward to go back and apologise, especially since it looks like I'm a giant shit"
So, it's incompetence rather than active maliciousness.
I'm still glad it happened so I had a chance to get in!
He's still around, but he's pretty quiet now.
Well, better than constantly fucking stuff up like 2hu or any of the new "celebs" that desperately want attention.
>believing the sob story he's selling as he sets up for an obvious bamboozle
>animated gif of a character talking
>434 KB
hi tumblr
DHB is apparently quitting his job soon and said he is gonna have time to actually run games once he has. Who knows he might run a game here.
I'd rather see him run a campaign for Starfinder desu senpai.
He's been talking about a revolution themed game in a russian/eastern european inspired folktale setting for a while now. So probably that.
... Are you telling me he's the guy that was asking questions about the Steppes and Cossacks and stuff?
Most of DHB's worldbuilding was done shortly after RotJR kicked off, so it seems unlikely that it's him. But then again he might be expanding his work in light of his impending glut of free time.
>russian/eastern europian themed game
oh shit! time to tap into my ruskie heritage!