XLN Spoilers
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Dinos n' shit
more dinos
Head you like Dinos?
Another fucking Dino
>RW Dino planeswalker
>6 cmc
So much for my hope of running tiny dinos
The actual Huatli is supposed to be a two drop.
It's the pack version.
I really hope the set version isn't so strictly tribal.
Spoke too soon
By pack you mean planeswalker deck?
I see a minotaur and some artifact golem. Neat!
Slim chance of being played in standard, bomb in limited. +1 Draw and +1 untap all your creatures is kind of powerful.
Underwhelming, you'd only choose this in limited if you go heavy into dinosaurs.
Shit. This should at least be a 5/5.
Great in limited
not!inferno titan with a stronger ETB, going to see play in limited and standard as a big finisher, going to hike up in value if decent ramp is released
None of these cards are relevant to limited, they are Planeswalker deck cards.
I remember when Jace was a good card.
Snubhorn is a bear with a slight upside, its going to be relevant in limited aggro decks.
Burning Sun's Avatar is literally not!inferno Titan, its a huge bomb in limited and a priority pick.
But yeah I get your point, rares are not very relevant in limited in general.
Burning Sun's Avatar was already spoiled, so I think it's in the set and that one is just promo art.
>there will be nine jaces when ixilan releases
wotc plz.
One of which won't be played at all. What's your point?
>Implying theres more than one competitive jace
I guess beleren is good in commander tho
So wait, is the dino the planeswalker or is it the girl?
The girl sadly. Would love to see more planeswalkers that are not human.
I think even for non-human planeswalkers, it has to be something sapient, so wild animals are out.
It'd be neat if we got a mono-green Merfolk walker this set or something though, or if this Red pirate planeswalker is a minotaur.
You are a fucking idiot
hey more garbage to fill up that dino edh deck
op missed the jasic lands
Please kill yourself you actual retard
is that jace learning waterbending?
Seems like it. Either that he's moving his arm in a 'holy shit what was that' fashion
He was a waterbender when he was first introduced
Jace appears to be allied with the River Guardians out of the four Ixalan factions. This sets him against Hualti (Sun Empire), Vraska (Brazen Coalition) and whoever will show up in the second set representing the Legion of Dusk.
Imagine replying to this many posts only to be too stupid to realize what you're saying is completely ignorant and irrelevant.
>alright, we'll put less emphasis on the gatewatch
>next set
>multiple jaces, including one with mechanics that require a major errata to the game
>We can only use one member of the jacetice league this block
>Ok but just to make sure he gets proper exposure let's make him be able to copy himself
Patiently waiting for Chandra to make 1 turn flame doubles and nissa to spawn micro walkers made of vines
He's always been able to make illusory copies of himself though.
Nice spoilers, but where are the good cards?
Hell, it's like the first thing you do with illusion.
Pretend you are in two places, and then kinda actually be in two places.
why does rw get such shit flavour text
>planeswalker deck walkers
5/5 that jankly provides card parity on being uses?
That's a bit much.
Already spoiled weeks ago.
So I haven't really been following these spoilers. Do we know the point of making the Planeswalkers legendary now? I mean, you're already limited to one of each anyway.
Planeswalker Uniqueness Rule isn't a thing any more. Enjoy your Oops All Gideons.
i love this fucking dino
If you play it as planned it's going to attack as a 6/6 anyway.
>expecting instant change when the company time and time again tells people they work in advance of products by years.
Personally, I don't care if we still get one Gatewatch member crammed into every block. It's just when they try and force all four where it doesn't work.
Having much more than Jace and Lili there for Innistrad was unnecessary. Maybe Nissa for Leyline nonsense, but that's about it.
Similarly, Chandra's the only major player you need for Kaladesh, while Gideon is the most key for Amonkhet due to his outlook on the gods.
Having consistent characters between planes is something I can understand, but when you're going to waste a bunch of plot and cards making sure we have all of them there, it feels wasteful. 2 planeswalkers are more than enough to solve a vast majority of problems.
>it's a people bitch about the shit card in the planeswalker deck cards because they think they will be in booster thread
Every fucking time
Is it just me or are these two just really....boring. I mean Jace looks useful, but it's so bland. I miss card design being a bit crazy, especially with planeswalkers and their ultimates.
those are planeswalker deck cards, they are designed to be "baby's first planeswalker" tier, so nothing overpowered or complicated. If you want crazy design, look at Jace's actual PW card from the set.
These are intro deck walkers. Proper set Jace is absolutely fucking insane.
Considering Castaway Jace is a 2 card infinite with himself and Doubling Season, I think they went crazy enough.
Ah, I see.
This set looks like complete shit. Can someone link some bombs from this set?
I will freely admit to being terrible at magic but is it that useful to have infinite Jaces though? You'd have to wait one turn to +1 all of them, then you create infinite 2/2's the following turn, but that's still a 3 turn timer. I suppose it's pretty low risk, but it feels like I've seen nastier combos.
Its ridiculous mostly due to being U/G which is, arguably, the most degenerate color combo in EDH. Said color combo doesn't need an easy way to make infinite creatures, on top of infinite mana.
I doubt new Jace will dominate formats without Doubling Season.
A) It's the same planeswalker deck shit they've been doing the past year. Only Jace is in the set, not Jace and the entire gang.
B) They didn't need to rewrite the planeswalker rules for the one. "Create two tokens that are copies of Jace, Cunning Castaway, except they aren't Jaces" does the exact same thing, mechanically.
You dont have to wait one turn to +1 the clones, because the clones act as if they had just been played, and therefore can do their first action. SO you spawn two clones, have one clone drop and illusion and the other clone spawn another two clones, and repeat. If you have anything that gives your dudes haste, you get to swing with an infinite amount of illusion bears.
Mate, you get 4 jaces per ulti activation with doubling season out, so you only need to have one jace to keep making jaces from every batch, you basically get to draw your ass off and make a absurd army of 2/2s.
And this is why I'm terrible at Magic
Scratch the card draw part, you only get do it the next turn unless you already have a dude out when you start making your infinite Jace harem.
You don't have to wait for shit.
>have 1000000 Jaces that haven't done anything yet.
>Either make 2000000 phantasmal bears or +1 them when you have lab man out and connect with one creature.
I wonder if wotc forgot how to print new walkers that aren't black women or jace
And then have conversations with illusions of yourself
You stupid fucking nigger, "less gatewatch" has been a complaint since Nu-Innistrad. Maro said himself that HoD would be the last "superfriends meet up" set for a while and they'd be focusing on the characters of the planes.
>forgetting cards
I miss intro packs. These weird new ones with watered down planeswalker and couple imbalanced cards that work eith walker don't just cut, and are actually detrimental to deckbuilding if you are starting playing.
Then post the source of that you dipshit.
And the lands
Funnily enough I do hate card flickers and I play 8rack.
Played a kid the other week, young teen, was flicking his cards. What an appalling habit to pick up so soon.
this with little jace and all merfolk tribal is going to rape standard, helps that blacks new removal card conveniently misses merfolk as well.
the fucker looks like mr. clean
how old is jace supposed to be? he seems 20-ish on ixalan, but other art shows him pushing 40
Actually, what if that's Angrath? Minotaur planeswalker?
Literally three seconds in google you water-headed homo
>Minotaur planeswalker
So is it intentional that almost every WEWUZ planeswalker that has been made so far after Teferi Walker 2014 is subtly utter garbage and ugly as shit? I for one don't want to have ANYTHING to do with Samut and this iteration of Huatli. On that note, is Saheeli even good without the Cat?
Are there any cards that don't have retarded planeswalker syenergy?
The people I play with usually throw planeswalker cards away and draw a new one if they accidentaly shuffled in one of those lamers.
of course it is. WotC subverst SJW by giving them exactly what they wanted and making it shit. It's basically 5d chess
how old are these people?
I wish they would stop with their retarded planeswalker characters already.
>this iteration of Huatli
Well yeah it's a planeswalker deck planeswalker
So, is the story of this peaceful dark skinned natives are getting invaded by the evil pale skinned vampire conquistadors?
>that name
Fuck this guy.
The Sun Empire is pretty explicitly not peaceful, and the Vampires were good until they had their magic 'we don't need blood' rock stolen and had their society crumble
Do you think that the only reason they don't print cheap, Common planeswalkers is MUH EPICS?
why is a card like this not green?
>that art
How is it possible to make something as exciting as riding a fucking dinosaur in a prehistoric jungle look that boring?
Seeing Jayce experiencing despair fills me with joy.
No, I was just hoping that RW Dinos would curve lower overall. Is that hard to understand?
What's stopping him from planeswalking away?
Magic rock on the plane prevents planeswalkers from leaving.
This has upset a few people
desu he's kind of hot in that pic, would bang.
>Your joke wasn't that funny
>[raptor laughter]
Dude, they don't want cheap planeswalkers cuz they want all planeswalkers to be expensive and have crazy effects