Do you guys think colored women tribal is viable in modern?
Do you guys think colored women tribal is viable in modern?
but which one is the cutest tho
(it's Kaya)
Huatli can't be real, can she?
>Dinosaur knight
>Costs 6
>generic narrow buffs
She could say each creature and she still wouldn't even be okay
It's the planeswalker deck card so it's supposed to be awful. The ult's text actually reads "JUST FUCKING ATTACK WITH YOUR DINOSAURS ALREADY JESUS COME ON" because newbies are dumb and don't want to risk losing their cool expensive creatures.
Also, Legendary planeswalker? are they worried about this generic shit being too powerful if more than one person runs her in edh?
Conspiracy is only legal in Legacy, Vintage and Commander.
Dude, the legend rules only applies to one side since a while now
that rule was changed years ago
Kaya isn't legal in modern
You could probably find a way to build a deck around delicious brown women in modern, but Saheeli is a different kind of planeswalker than Samut and Huatli (Artifacts matter vs Creatures matter). Maybe add Noble Hierarch
They just changed the rules for planeswalkers. The uniqueness rule no longer applies, so you can play multiple different Jaces at the same time, but they errata'd Legendary on to all old planewalkers so you can't have two of the SAME planeswalker card out at the same time. It's all basically to make that self-clone Jace card work.
The new Jace apparently wasn't the reason for the change.
Stop leaving your dentures in the fridge, grandpa.
goddamn kids.
Next you'll tell me banding doesn't work anymore.
remember when we got white people as cards? i miss the days when magic didnt pander so hard
You mean like the other planeswalker for the duel deck pair?
WotC will literally make a (at least one) token minority woman planeswalker every set from now on. Subtle isn't it
The two Jace cards, Rowdy Crew, Bishop of Rebirth, Mavren Fein, Lannery Storm, Fathom Fleet Captain, Angrath's Marauders, Daring Saboteur, Beckett Brass, Marauding Looter, Deadeye Plunderers, Invite the Party.
I may have missed some.
It also makes the GoT emblem better if you can have more Gideons.
>mostly women
Lol ok
Well, he's the only one it actually matters for directly.
Kaya isn't Modern legal, you noobcake fuck
She was unfortunately born in sin as her unveiling deliberately coincided with the marketing run of Ghostbusters 2016. (Get it? Ghost busters, Ghost Assassin!)
Kaya had real potential but was so clearly built on pandering it disgusted everyone. Her debut story article has her fucking over a white guy who mistreats a woman.
Hautli is a duel deck card which everyone needs to stop losing their shit over the narrowness of.
We don't know much about her yet but she's already more interesting than Kaya and Samut combined, if only for the dinosaur gimmick.
Samut objectively stinks. Her general shittyness outside of that one story article where she sparks is something black women should find offensive, but they had a black woman SJW consultant greenlight her. Pretty sure this same consultant had a hand in making sure Kaya 'wasn't too sexualized' (That is, there's hints Kaya had a hotter original design and she probably screeched about it. I'll bet she's also responsible for Samut's receding hairline. The fuck man.)
Saheeli Rai is objectively the best yet of these efforts toward inclusiveness.
>Not some kind of bombshell but at least pleasant to look at.
>The card is solid.
>They give her some actual character beyond wanting to stick it to the man.
It likely said 'except they aren't Jaces' before they decided to make all planeswalkers Legendary. Still works the same.
The only good card there isn't Modern legal.
>Hauti looks interesting
>what makes them white/red?
>Hautli is a she.
Mark Rosewater was a mistake
It's fun to watch guys who can't get laid take their frustration out on a children's card game.
He's only correcting the guy because he refered her as "they/them", instead of "she/her". He's omitting the reason she's red/white so people read the boring ass story.
Beats taking out frustration with drug dealing, robbery, rape and murder.
And where do you think you are?
And if he hadn't, you just know that people would take that as TOTALLY CONFIRMING Huatli is some nongendered bullshit or some such.