>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations mega.nz/#F!bF0ExS4D!_XaMECn0K9HiJKUFSopJLA
I want to get rid of some of my backlog. What army should I focus on? Which should I trade/sell off?
Samuel Ross
Rak'gol have four arms
Jack Brown
So any chance of Gue'vesa?
Jayden Lewis
Focus on Tyranids and Angels, they might get a duo release and you'll be occupied for awhile
Tyler Barnes
Focus on Nids and Bangles. Crons are getting the shaft. Don't sell off stuff now, either. You'll regret it when their codices drop.
Julian Diaz
Convert them and run them as Fire-Warriors
Blake Fisher
Are they actually going to do brand new Primaris model releases for the unique chapters like Dark Angels and Space Wolves? I thought they were going to ignore updating them like they did with Grey Knights.
Lincoln Bell
>32 Armies >7 Daemon and 7 IG primary >No Necrons, Tau, DE focused armies
Here is the list of the first army I see
Batallion: Malefic lord Malefic lord 10 brims 10 brims 10 brims
Batallion: Chaos lord- power fist Chaos sorcerer- force sword 10 cultist- auto guns 10 cultist- auto guns 36 cultists- auto pistol combat weapon 9 berzerkers- 9 axes, 9 swords, banner 9 berzerkers- 9 axes, 9 swords, banner 10 noise marines- 10 sonic blasters 3 obliterators Rhino- 2 combi bolters Rhino- 2 combi bolters Rhino- 2 combi bolters
Supreme command Malefic lord Malefic lord Malefic lord Magnus
Daniel Campbell
No, they're all fucking dead.
Hunter Lee
But make sure they all have thick-lensed glasses and skinny arm to show how nearsighted and weak they are.
Jordan Cox
This image is for Chaosfags only.
Stay away lapdogs of the false emperor.
Aaron Price
I would bet they do 100%, the reason Grey Knights didnt get any Primaris is because of their recruitment standards, its something like 1 in a 1000000 make it. Also their geneseed is SUPER SECRET NO TELLING so Cawl probably didnt have the genetics to make any, if he even knew they existed
the other chapters however, were all open game
Julian Martinez
Veeky Forums Where's my Super Suit?
Jaxson Walker
List of the GW employee at NOVA. Is this an army or a catalogue of what you should buy from them? I can't tell.
Guiliman Librarian Ancient Repulsor 2 Units 10 Intercessors 2 units of 5 intercessors 2 units of Hellblasters Redemptor Dreadnought
Gavin Cruz
>one in a million make it >they only recruit psykers who are already a one in a million occurrence themselves It's a wonder they have any numbers at all like that. Then again, with the scale 40k operates on a millionth of a millionth isn't as small as it sounds.
Carter Murphy
>Be GW studio exec >Attend meeting where the heads of the company say that the brand is going stale and we are out of ideas >Suggest making space marines 3 feet taller as a joke >Get called a genius and a big pay raise >Goyim everywhere are buying my shitty product and taking the new lore seriously
wew lad
Julian Miller
>surprised that people actually buy models that look better
Should have simply replaced the current range of marinelets though.
Ryan Carter
Considering that individual hive cities have populations running in the trillions- as in multiple trillions- yes, we humans literally cannot comprehend the amount of people that exist in the IoM.
Eli Watson
someone post the little brother memes, I love those ones
Caleb Phillips
Its the recently painted studio army.
Isaiah Flores
Anyone got ideas for Dragoon conversions? I'm totally out of ideas.
Ryan White
Considering they get the pick of the litter from the Black Ships that come in from all across the galaxy they might actually have one of the biggest recruitment pools of any chapter.
Jeremiah Lewis
The real reason: GW doesn't think they'll sell more chapter unique kits so they get a throwaway codex just like last edition.
All the other codex chapters have upgrade kits and bits, so there is no reason for them to make any Primaris models *just* for them.
Aiden Myers
I think rarity in 40k is entirely relative to ones perspective. Plasma guns are considered rare, but every guard squad and his dog's seems to end up being issued with one at some point. But even with every infantry squad in the Imperium being issued a plasma gun, they're still incredibly rare amongst other weapons like the humble lasgun.
Isn't it 10'000 psykers that get fed to the Throne every day? Those are just the rejects, with the Imperium ever-hungry for more astropaths, diviners and battle-psykers. amongst those there have to be the very best that make it through to Inquisitorial ranks or Grey Knight intake. Though that reminds me, is it explained where chapters get their Librarians from? Do they head down to the local Black Ship market and pick out a few heads?
Lincoln Brooks
I don't think that's right.
Might do.
Blake Taylor
>>three of nothing ...is this even a legal list?
Oliver Davis
Not sure if you are aware that the GK codex is quite good, not sure why it qualifies as a throw away codex
David Thomas
Disregard I need to feed a chemical dependency.
Ethan Nguyen
>Q: How do you get the largest playerbase to rebuy their armies? >A: Truescale.
Easton Cook
Librarians usually come from the worlds they recruit from, ones who are detected by the chapters librarians etc etc
Kevin Barnes
Are Death Korps at all decent so far this edition? I love the models and want to start a force, but I want to know how good they are at what they do.
Owen Long
No new models, no new releases. They get some toys that vanilla Marines have. That's about it.
Jack Watson
Why would the chaos marines even bother charging, they know they're facing an unstoppable enemy that will never stand down.
Barbed Wire
Asher Sanchez
With arguably better strategms?
Cooper Taylor
Its a throwaway release because writing isn't that difficult and reusing art is also easy and lazy.
It might have made them mechanically better, but t hey aren't getting any actual love (re: new models/units) like the actual flagship armies are.
Landon Clark
What the hell is an "updoot"?
Ryder Murphy
Astra Militarum are top tier.
Jacob Myers
It's from Reddit.
Grayson Wood
Begone foul redditfag
John Young
he took it from ribbit
Schedule filler and quick to pump out. Doesn't mean it is a weak codex, merely a low effort low care one
Jayden Myers
>I don't think that's right.
Marshall Draco led a Crusade of genocide against the Gue'vasa planets and Gue'vasa have not been mentioned in the new millenium, the facts are this and they speak of Imperial retribution! DEAL WITH THE FACTS T'AU!.
Grayson Hernandez
thats all they needed though. Anyone expecting serious rule changes in the codexs is silly, everyone is going to be pretty much just adding traits and stratagems and maybe a couple of points cost tweaks to the index rules. The index rules would be how they want to do each faction, just bare bones.
Nicholas Morales
Bringing this to my local 1500 pt tourney tomorrow, wanted to shoot for a strong army that also feels classically guard with all the artillery , other than lack of smite spam protection, which put meta lacks almost completely, how do you guys think it looks? Battalion HQ >2X company commander Troops >2x 35 man conscript squads >4x 5 man scion squads with 2 plasma and a plasma pistol Elites >2x commissars Harker Heavy support >3x basilisk squadroned >2x manticore Flyer >thunderbolt heavy fighter with hellstrike missiles
Owen Garcia
ah now I understand your quibble, my fault. You wont be alone for very long though, I'd be surprised if anyone other than Imperials get new models, fluff, or artwork with their releases
Lincoln Ward
Are there any heroes that give close combat buffs to Imperium keyword?
I'd love to grab some non-shooting buffs or auras for my Admech.
Jonathan Walker
Only Guilliman. Rerolls to 1's to-hit.
Cooper Hughes
NOVA has really confirmed for me what a disappointment 8th is.
Charles Mitchell
Wait till all their codex's drop. Try them out and pick the one you like to roll dice for the most and focus on that. sell off the others so you on focus on what brings you the most joy not WINs.
Christian Morris
Then stop playing The hobby will be better without people like you who complain constantly about what goes on at the highest level of play that won't affect you in the slightest other than the occasional WAACfag who netlists that you can just refuse to play
Caleb Diaz
Is it true that we'll soon(TM) see some more Chaos releases?
Henry Ward
>3 months in >3 out of 15+ codexs released
Cameron Thompson
Deathguard? Yes, very soon.
Tau's 7th art was the same as 6ths. They can't reuse that again.
Michael Reyes
I actually play in and travel to a lot of tournaments usually a pretty high level. I'm disappointed because I had hoped GW would cleave true to their play-testing and commitment to a more balanced game.
Did you look at the top 10 and see the number of Malefic Lords and Magnuses? Haven't seen much that's going to challenge that yet.
Benjamin Roberts
I don't think this is true, user.
Samuel Miller
>They cant reuse that again How new are you to this hobby, this image is at least 12 years old now and all they've done is color it
We also saw GWs reaction to the flyer + Guilliman spam, either they will faq the build out of existence or future codexs will have the tools to shut it down
Wyatt Carter
Just got a raider a venom nine Wyches and an Archon for 50$ on eBay. Today was a good payday anyone else find any sweet deals to start the weekend?
Cameron Barnes
GW so far hasn't indicated a willingness to issue FAQs for FW models which the major point of concern. Also its worth noting that even with Brims going to 3 PPM they're still in every chaos list that is doing well so again while they are responding they aren't doing it well.
I'll gladly retract my statement if tomorrow they simply remove the Supreme Command detachment but I don't see it happening any time soon. The issue with Malefic lords is two fold in that they are FW (which will require FW to address any balance concerns) and the reason they're good is hard to FAQ out with a simple change.
Jack Baker
>Playing 40k tournaments >Having fun in the hobby
Pick one.
Christopher Hughes
>FW ah that explains that, they really need to fucking get off their asses and fix their indexes, I know they were "informed of 8th late" but come the fuck on
Nicholas Sanders
more conscripts
Gavin Ortiz
>meanwhile in alien /40kg/...
Luis Barnes
With Alan Bligh's passing I don't think its going to happen anytime soon. Unfortunately he was the rudder of that company and I think without him they don't know where to go and what to do.
Aiden Roberts
>Tourneyfag Oh say no more then
Josiah Gonzalez
Man the Imperium of Zerblon sure is grimdark!
Adrian Martin
Damn. Thanks user, looks like I'll be giving those buffs a miss though. I have a passionate hatred for that model and I just can't really fit that many points in for one guy.
Christian Myers
This is pretty much my dream project. Proably wouldnt be hard just take guards men and file off the aquila and use some pulse rifles from yourbbits box.
Colton Robinson
For Tau, the rule Saviour Protocol reads, " If a Drones unit is within 3" of a friendly Infantry or Battlesuit unit when an enemy attack successfully wounds it, you can allocate that wound to the Drones unit instead of the target. If you do, that Drones unit suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal damage."
Yesterday, the guy I was playing against was allocating the wounds to his battlesuits, making his saves, and THEN taking whatever wounds were left and allocating THOSE to the drones.
You're supposed to allocate before the save is taken, right? Otherwise the mortal wound part would be pretty much irrelevant.
Isaac Roberts
What's the next step, when everyone is rocking full Primaris armies for years?
Grayson Martin
These are worthless opinions and thus are discarded. I don't engage with Casual At All Costs players.
Sebastian Bell
Alright Veeky Forums Dubs decides one group of 40k players that are immediately thrown out of helicopters on the release of chapter approved
Jason Ross
Liam Lee
You called?
But seriously, nice to have finished this guy, apologies to any Howling Griffon players.
Julian Robinson
Cameron Gray
I'm sorry you've forgotten what it is to play 40k for fun user
Benjamin Diaz
Joke's on you I have grav chutes
Thomas Powell
I missed that news completely, I hope the regain themselves at some point here soon, their stuff is basically either completely overcosted and useless >Squiggoths or completely undercosted and obscenely good >Malefic Lords >Flux Bombard Leviathans
Grayson Anderson
It seemed weird that a dude could decide to intercept a bullet AFTER he'd seen it pierce the flesh of his ally.
Chase Richardson
Anthony Ortiz
Boys that aren't girls
Adam Lewis
Neo Guardsmen. Then new Orks New deldar New gaunts New GK New everything Except sisters and CSM
Nolan Butler
CSM players, fucking whiny cunts
Bentley Jones
Twenty years from now we'll be playing survivor instead of wargames
Thomas Hughes
They reused Thousands Sons cover in the same Edition.
Brandon Reyes
Eh, just glad to see one of the best post-heresy marine schemes on display.
Carter Hernandez
My fucking nigga. Wish you would've included Guard players for good measure.
Josiah Gomez
People that don't drill barrels.
Nicholas Watson
Okay, so I have: >Dominus, x1 Dunecrawler (laser, x2 stubber), x1 Ironstrider Ballistarus (lascannons) >5 Rangers (sniper squad, omnispex), 10 Rangers (arc rifles, omnispex) >5 vanguards (calivers, data tether because i didn't realize how useless it would be on a 5-man squad)
I just got the Tempestus GS box so that I can branch out and have some auxilliaries for my AdMech, and I have a box of Kastelans on order. How should I build them?
Also, how should I deploy them? I'd set the stormtroopers up as deep strikers, but I don't think their Commissar can follow them there, and the Taurox can't deep strike or carry Skitarii.
Hunter Johnson
So after the SC box of Necrons, what should I go after next? I already have another box of Warriors to get a unit of 20, but I'm not sure where to go next. I have a few ideas, but I'm not completely sure. I've heard mixed things about Warriors vs Immortals, so I don't know if I should get more of either of them for more troops, or if I should get some Lychguard/Praetorians. I've heard mixed things about those units too. My local GW doesn't have any Ghost Arks in stock, and the online store is sold out too so I can't get one of those yet. I know that Command Barges are good, but I want to wait until I start playing in higher point games before I get one.
What are my best options? Aside from collecting something else.
Dylan Sullivan
I literally typed in Imperial Gua-
Then i remembered not all Guard players are bad, just most of them
Isaac Kelly
Units that look cool.
Tyler Ortiz
Makes sense. In the dawn of the 3rd millennium gingers are first to betray their people and kill them for a false god, too
Charles Hernandez
>They can't reuse that again. the 6e nid codex has art thats been reused every eddition since 3e.
Anthony Gonzalez
How have Sisters been doing in the tourney scene? Have they seen any representation at all?
Asher James
I have no idea if they're good but Collect an army of Triarch Walkers
Hunter Howard
Yeah the balance is awful both internally and externally. As much as I love FW and own a decent chunk I'd advocate for simply keeping it out of tournaments for awhile.
Evan Williams
how so?
John Fisher
The god of change wills it
Kayden Wright
Top tables all consistent of effectively the same units and same builds. It is frustrating because I'd hoped to some variety in those lists because GW heavily promised that the edition had been play tested and that they were taking a more active eye towards supporting organized play and none of that seems to be true at this time.