ITT: your tax policy

ITT: your tax policy

>vampire kingdom decides providing your blood to a vampire is tax deductible

Other urls found in this thread:

>AnCap Lolidom
>What tax policy?

A hefty tax on tax policy threads.

>Tax free State Oligopoly
Everyone wants to move to the picturesque Arcadian town until they realize the kingdom is completely dependent on imports for food and the royal family owns all the ships.

>currency usable only on domestic market
>60% or more of all accounts taken monthly
>use it or lose it
>boost spending, turbocharges economy
>state can buy/build all it wants (infact it pretty much has to) and gets back more
>people amass assets instead of liquid currency
>national industrial power skyrockets
>0% unemployment

Stop posting about tax policy jesus christ

>cities run by particularly qt vampire nobles always have budget problems due to people volunteering to be fed on instead of paying taxes

The vampire secretly funds the church that discourages such lewd behavior

I've seen a pretty funny screencap where Veeky Forums came up with an ancap setting where dungeons were private property. Does anyone have it?

A 70% tax on adventurer, cave delving, or tomb raiding benefits. It runs the whole kingdom with a generous welfare system to boot.

The funds are automatically teleported from the money bags of adventurers

That's a pretty bad system, you're going to alienate all adventurers from your kingdom, causing monsters to run rampant, at the very least you make supporting a coup look very tempting for adventurers.

Jokes on them. The same system that teleports gold, teleports monsters from our neighbours into our borders. We have a local monopoly on monster contracts. We also have a secret deal with the Cabal of Darkness to operate their more inoccuous and less kingdom threatening work within our borders and the legal system will look the other way, most of the time.

>Stop posting about tax policy jesus christ

I'm curious, what made you think that giving OP exactly what he's looking for (negative attention) would cause him to slack off on spamming troll threads?

Rolled 82 (1d100)

>now a percentage of the population is anemic, as a "divine punishment" for tax "misdemeanor"

>vampire countess spots the city's richest merchant on his way to her castle in tax season
>he looks tasty as fuck, but she really needs the money this year
>quickly messes up her hair, smears her makeup, and changes out of her fancy dress into a dirty bath robe to appear as undesirable as possible

I guess the previous tax policy must've been quite unpopular


There was a Discworld novel featuring this. The vampires were eradicated for being such poor sports about the natural and expected state of human/vampire interactions.

mine is that getting fucked by the lord or lady is tax deductible

This would work it limited to corporations and High income individuals.

It makes a stable middle class impossible.

Only tax we have we spent on free dragon rides for those who say that we need to spent it for more.

>What is your government-enforced theft policy

>the merchant is even more turned on by this as he usually spends his days among well dressed people

The Gvaar dont do tax, though they do demand tribute from other kingdoms periodically as an excuse to go to war.

The Aldulii have a progressive tax based on social class.

The Yiggardi also dont do tax

The Bram'al'ata pay tax to their Raj but they decide how much, and its basically a bribe.

The Ashmen dont have cities, and dont pay taxes.

Everybody in the Stormbones pays a tribute to Jvar Seablood or he'll fucking send a wizard hitman after you.

Everybody pays some kind of interest to the Black Bank because everybody has borrowed money from them at some point.

>smeared makeup
>messy hair
>implying the merchant wouldn't mistake it for a post sex flow.
>implying he wouldn't get harder, driving the vamp crazier due to the increased blood flow

*glow God damn it.


We phased out the lower class in favour of clockwork automata because it was more efficient and allowed us to spend less time on civil affairs and more time on eldritch research into the workings of the cosmos.

If your court wizard is effectively already god then why do you even bother with an economy. Why even bother with a kingdom.

>He said, surrounded by technological marvels that civilization could never have achieved without 'government-enforced theft' to provide a stable foundation from which to build.

That still leaves you with a massive budget shortfall and monsters destroying your town.

Because the monsters can't leave they grow more and more aggressive until any city without a wall, and some with walls, are completely overrun by monsters.

The Adventurers, meanwhile, have chosen entirely different lines of work so it would be impossible to hire them even if they were willing to work at a 70% tax rate.

No taxes, the trees provide what we need, like electricity, fruits, crafting materials, giant moths, moth silk, wi-fi and precious metals:

>Ever wondered why it's called "ironwood"?
>Bioleaching is the extraction of metals from their ores through the use of living organisms.

>Besides iron, they extract gold as well. Do you really think the golden elven trees are just crude magic?
>It was reported earlier this month that “gold nanoparticles can induce luminescence in leaves.” That’s right: glowing trees. The scientists who discovered it call it bio-LED.

>Let's not forget the mundane wood.
>Over the centuries, cedar wood was exploited by the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Israelites and Turks. The Phoenicians used the Cedars for their merchant fleets. They needed timbers for their ships and the Cedar woods made them the “first sea trading nation in the world”
>process by which they were able to “manufacture” what they call “analog and digital organic electronic circuits and devices” inside living plants.
>Why build a radio station, in a sense, when you could simply plant a forest and wire up its trees?

>Oh, we also have a power network

>can never retire unless you're able to hoard a warehouse of canned goods



Vampires, the proper ones, consider it all a sport. It's why In their castles they keep so many ornaments that can be twisted easily into holy symbols, easily twitched aside curtains, furniture that could be made into stakes and an anatomical drawing showing the location of the heart on the doors of all the garlic and hammer cupboards.

Old Count Magpyre would then spend a few years dead and resting and then rise from the dead.c

He was a proper gentleman.

>his setting has taxes

>you didn't build that

Found the Obamadrone