Stat him Veeky Forums.
Stat him Veeky Forums
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He's a small guy
0 hp
Literally took someone with a step down from Omnipresence to stop him/10
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
STR: Big Guy
CON: Can take things that are extremely painful.
DEX: Can't fly so good
INT: Getting caught was part of the plan
WIS:Shoots men before throwing them from planes.
CHA: He doesn't get to being friends.
For (Her)
Strength 8
Stamina 8
Chaosh 18
You 4
Hp -10
In the last three seasons:
That's what happens when Martin won't FINISH HIS FUCKING BOOKS AAAAAAAAA
That's what happens when D&D only has a surface-level understanding of the source material.
Despite the mockery of "Chaos is a ladder" line, it's actually very accurate characterization of the book Littlefinger. Characterization that D&D forgot during the last seasons.
Littlefinger is supposed to create chaos, because it creates opportunity for advancement. As opposed to acting in a chaotic, nonsensical matter himself.
They absolutely wrote themselves into a corner with the Sansa rape arc. They utterly butchered Littlefinger's character, Sansa's character and the entire "the North remembers" plotline all at the same time. And for what?
Types: Veteran & Gothic
Powers: Connections & As Expected
Qualities: Knight Talk & Quiet
Roots: Ambition
Athletics 1
Affection 1
Cunning 7
Skill 5
Luck 4
Will 7
Money? Merchandising rights?
>They utterly butchered Littlefinger's character, Sansa's character and the entire "the North remembers" plotline all at the same time.
Along with every single other character and event this whole fucking season.
How hard can it be to just spin off two seasons from the ample material in the books and lock the fat bastard in a room without windows till he is done?
Small size creature
Checked skills are Pilot (aircraft), Intimidate, Small Guns, Communications, but takes disadvantage to Sense Motive.
Reminder that crazy Lysa drugged and raped Littlefinger, twice.
George considers him the character most altered, noting that book Littlefinger is much more friendly and better at keeping his true motives ambiguous than TV Littlefinger. Multiple show characters comment on how utterly untrustworthy he is, whilst in the books most of King's Landing seem him as weak and reliable.
No Harrenhall in table???
Littlefinger, Master of Coin (2BB)
Legendary Creature — Human Advisor
Whenever an opponent discards a card, create a colorless artifact token named Gold. It has "Sacrifice this artifact: add one mana of any color to your mana pool."
Lord Baelish of the Eyrie (2BWR)
Legendary Creature — Human Advisor
Whenever you are Hellbent, become the Monarch.
Discard a card, (t): Create a 1/1 White Knight creature token.
At the beginning of your turn, if you have been Monarch for ten consecutive turns, you win the game.
a health track full of agg damage.
While i like the second card I feel like itd be more in character if he was grixis with a loot or draw ability rather than making knights
>Create a 1/1 White Knight creature token
>tfw not sure if pun or not
CE aristocrat 4
Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16
Persuasive, Negotiator, Bluff Focus
Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Local, Nobility & Royalty, Sense Motive, Brothel Owner/Master of Coin (proffession)
Lord Petyr Baelish Adult Schemer
Awareness 4 Empathy 1B, Notice 1B
Cunning 4 Logic 1B, Memory 1B
Deception 6 Act 2B, Bluff 3B, Cheat 2B
Knowledge 3 Education 1B, Streetwise 1B
Language 4 Common
Persuasion 4 Bargain 2B, Charm 3B,
Convince 2B, Incite 1B, Taunt 2B
Status 7 Reputation 2B, Stewardship 1B
Will 4 Coordinate 2B
Defense 8
Defense 15
Health 6 Composure 12
Destiny 1 Points
Benefits: Adept Negotiator, Charismatic (Convince),
Compelling, Connections (Free Cities), Expertise (Bluff), Favored
of Nobles, Head for Numbers, Head of House, Treacherous
Arms & Armor
Dagger 2D (+1) 1 damage Defensive +1, Off-hand +1
the entire fucking trial was a sham
>no speaking lines for any of the lords, of the vale or the north?
>everyone taking the word of an insane cripple at face value? and only because the viewers are aware he's omnipotent no less
>killing the man who is directly responsible for your family's return to power without any consideration?
Jesus H. Christ
To say nothing of how they spend the next scene reminiscing about Ned's wisdom, which they blatantly ignored.
>“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die."
>sansa sentences, arya kills
>Petyr is killed before he can even finish his plea
All of the designated heroes have turned into villains. Except Jon, but only by the grace of being an idiot.
Also, does anyone else wonder who is actually ruling the seven kingdoms right now? The Stormlands. Dorne, the Reach, and the Riverlands all have no Lord Paramount anymore. And the writers have deliberately killed off every great house that matters so that wouldn't have to bother writing the characters anymore.
>people celebrating that the entire Frey family was handwaved away
Reminder that Littlefinger is Robert Arryn's father.
Object: Human Corpse
>Also, does anyone else wonder who is actually ruling the seven kingdoms right now? The Stormlands. Dorne, the Reach, and the Riverlands all have no Lord Paramount anymore. And the writers have deliberately killed off every great house that matters so that wouldn't have to bother writing the characters anymore.
Crayons aren't good at writing all that big head stuff, so Dumb and Dumber are just focusing on the things that make people burble.
Explain both of these words
GoT is the lowest IQ plebshit ever
It's the most popular show on TV right now, they realized 90% who watch it are literal idiots so there's no real reason to adhere to any standards. Just put in some epic scenes, some epic sex, some epic feminism, and boom, you have a season.
>four (you)s
>That's what happens when D&D only has a surface-level understanding of the source material.
>implying Martin has anything more than a surface understanding.
Just because he's read "The Medieval City" and some other glosses doesn't make him a historian. He's better, but they are all in the shallow end of the pool.
explain the pun to me?
It was bullshit how he broke down like that. Bran uttering what he did couldn't be proven.
You say I threw her from the moon door? On the word of one who was past the wall? Who here can provide proof besides words?
>Petyr "littlefinger" Baelish
>Metatype: Elf
Body: 2
Agility: 4
Reaction: 2
Strength: 2
Charisma: 7
Intuition: 5
Logic: 3
Willpower: 4
Edge: 4
Made Man
School of Hard Knocks
Blades (Knives) - 2
Con (Seduction) - 5
Data Search - 2
Etiquette - 4
Instruction - 3
Leadership - 3
Negotiation (Bargaining) - 5
Palming - 2
Perception (Hearing) - 3
Tailored Pheromones - 3
Toxin Extractor - 2
Some of your points are good, but I think you're a bit confused about feudal power structures. The Lords Paramount are gone, yes, but the Westerosi equivalents of counts and barons are for the most part okay. Small towns have village councils, larger towns have mayors, minor houses have castles and some soldiers to fight off bandits the local law enforcement can't deal with.
I don't mean to act like this sort of thing doesn't matter at all. To be clear, that sort of instability invariably results in balkanization as trade breaks down and regions become increasingly insular. It's what caused feudalism in the first place when the Roman latifundia became self-contained units during the collapse of the Empire in the West. I'm just saying that for a while, things will work all right. The biggest issue you will have is instability on a larger level, when the people next door think your house looks nice and decide they want to live there (e.g. Germanic tribes in our world, 'white walkers' in GoT).
They're talking about the source material that is ASoIaF you booty goon, not medieval history
D&D have a really faulty understanding of who the characters are, how they function, and why the choices they made early on in the series matter.
>the entire fucking trial was a sham
>>no speaking lines for any of the lords, of the vale or the north?
>>everyone taking the word of an insane cripple at face value?and only because the viewers are aware he's omnipotent no less
>>killing the man who is directly responsible for your family's return to power without any consideration?
>Jesus H. Christ
>To say nothing of how they spend the next scene reminiscing about Ned's wisdom, which they blatantly ignored.
>>“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die."
>>sansa sentences, arya kills
>>Petyr is killed before he can even finish
This pissed me off, too. I had the experience of watching it in a public setting at my LGS. People fucking clapped and cheered when he died, and with him so did a little part of me.
Yes, and the other user is saying that, while DnD have a terrible grasp on the source material of the books, Martin has a terrible grasp on anything that would make the world of the books worthwhile.
I'm entirely sure that any possibilities of instability and balkanization will be completely glossed over, and everyone will be totes fine with King Designated Hero and Queen Elsa being the rulers, just like in the generic fantasy epics that everyone pretends this is soooo much better and more mature then.
He had no fucking plan
There was never a fucking plan
The chaos ladder was a big fucking lie
That's the most upsetting thing about this fucking farce. It never mattered that Little Finger existed in the first place.
Nigga could've just died in the first season. Cersei could've had the gold cloaks murder Ned at any time.
What the fuck was the plan?
1. Fuck Sansa
2. ?????
3. King of Everything?
This has been true since season 1.
What would've been his tax policy?
underrated post
Human Spy NPC with 20 CHA
But he has Expertise in Persuasion, Deception, Insight
Ally, Lord
Neutral Character (Unique)
Cost 5
Strength 4, Intrigue and Power icon
+1 Gold
When you marshal Littlefinger, draw two cards
It's still entertaining despite its many flaws
My store is They also fucking cheered LOUDER when Jon and Danny fucked, which was literally right after they fucking announced that they're related.
If you want to see a real clever villain watch The Three Kingdoms (2010)
It's not like they were in a modern courtroom, user. There's only so much expectation when it comes to evident. Plus, it's not easy to convince the judge to spare you when she's also the prosecutor and chief witness.
Can you blame them? Who doesn't want to fuck their hot aunt?
STR 10
DEX 15
CON 12
INT 17
WIS 12
Sansa was there when he threw Lysa over the moon door
But the bullshit with Eddard? Poisoning Jon Arryn? Giving the knife to Joffrey?
All of it rest on the word of a autist cripple that has been talking creepy shit ever since he came back from the wall
I saw game of thrones with a gaggle of nerdy college girls and a collection of roommates who were an equal mix of ugly, neurotic, and somehow both uncomfortably quiet and uncomfortably loud.
Never again.
Chaotic Neutral
Str: 8
Dex: 8
Con: 8
Cha: 12
Int: 20
Skills: Deception +6,
Special abilities:
Teleportation: Lord Baelish
Tumor: Due to a degenerative brain tumor, Lord Baelish loses 2 intelligence every season.
Jaime's arc was okay. Theon too. They're lhe only ones I look forward to seeing anymore.
Bard 10/Rogue 10
My biggest problem with the "Trial" wasn't the silence of the lords. They had shown that everyone in that room hated him. My problem was that Littlefinger randomly confessed when accused of killing Lysa. "It was to protect you".
That gave everyone in the room justification to go forward without a trial. That sort of mistake was really uncharacteristic of Littlefinger
>CHA: He doesn't get to being friends.
Not CIA? Really weaksauce, man.
Shown that everyone in the room hated him,
after showing just one episode ago that he was successfully conspiring with both vale and northern lords to increase Sansa's claim to the throne of the North. It's blatantly another scenario where the characters in the show are reacting to information that the *viewers* have.
They rushed through that entire story arc so they could nail Littlefinger to the cross for the finale.
>born poor (for a noble son of a sellsword) from the most insignificant house ruling the smallest region of the Fingers.
>raised among people who looked down on him
>given a mean-spirited nickname
>raped twice as a boy by Lysa while drunk
>believes that he took Cat's virginity [it was Lysa raping him] challenges Brandon Stark to a duel over her.
> publicly humiliated in a duel with Brandon Stark over Catelyn
>Openly rejected by Cat, the girl he loved
>raped again by Lysa while filled with painkiller drugs
>likely got blamed by her father for getting her pregnant too, bitch
>rejected by everyone he'd grown up with, and sent back to his tiny, dreary home where he now barely knew anyone.
>entire lifetime believes of chivalry and romantic stories crushed.
>for what
>they kill the man who was helping they get in power
>somehow becomes the most powerful lord in all of westeros because lysa wanted to rape him some more
I saw the Red Wedding episode in a packed university lecture hall as one of the only bookfags present. I almost wish I'd filmed their reaction.
Liu Bei isn't clever.
As a bookfag I already knew it was coming but It still stung a bit. I had really liked the guy who portrayed Robb and the death of his wife and unborn child unlike in the books was just an extra kick in the balls
reference to an old greentext in which Dabid and Dabid immortalize their sudden bursts of genius via idea crayons
fuck if i know. closest translation is probably "create social media buzz, i.e. free publicity"
Strength: 8
Dex: 10
Con: 9
Int: 16
Wis: 14
Cha: 18
Chosen enemy: shity writers
John is too pure these last few seasons, and hence is the only thing good in them [Spoiler]even if no one should trust him with anything at all[/Spoiler]
The only ending I'd have accepted is he gets the throne right before the others knock down the wall
Oh shit i just got it. Well memed my dude.
Wouldn't they be cousins? Rhaegar was Aerys's brother, wasn't he?
In the end it was always the bitch
Belay that, I'm apparently can't into read so very good.
His jury was his lords convinence them and you can't touch him... Well that would be true if the show was still written well at least
Littlefinger is more of gambler and an opportunist. The closest to a long-term strategy was him toying with the finances of the kingdom planting an economic bomb.
Small guy.
Wtf im reading that book right now. Is it a meme or just popular?
The his debt plan would succeed no matter what as everyone who would stop it was dead or out of the picture
This means that even if he dies the 7 kingdoms will fall apart
>Is it a meme or just popular?
It's a bit of both (but historian memes are shitty).
Honestly, it's not bad, but if you stop there... you are getting a very limited, very 2D picture. And that's fine and all, but you can't go and claim "I wrote a realistic book about how a car engine works" after watching
>burble: to speak in an unintelligible or silly way, typically at unnecessary length.
usually has connotations of babies or children
the implication being that the show is targeted at braindead normies that fuck instead of the 250 IQ Veeky Forums poster masterminds
which, outside of the box standard Veeky Forums superiority complex jerkoff, isn't entirely inaccurate
anyways there's your vocab word of the day
I think he honestly just slipped.
Littlefinger doesn't think well on his feet. Remember when Cersei had him against the wall and all he could do was gawk? If you give him time to plan, he's good - DAMN good.
But if you catch him off-balance he's as human as the next man.
Littlefinger deserved better. I can deal with the Starks turning on him, that was inevitable. But he should have been beaten at his own game, not through having Bran the Magic Cripple snitching on him.
So what was his ultimate goal in the show anyway?
Women can't rape men
Get Catelyn's pussy.
Not with that attitude. Women can do anything a man can do.
>Whenever you are Hellbent, become the Monarch.
>Discard a card, (t): Create a 1/1 White Knight creature token.
Constantly checking if you're hellbent is a bit iffy, ruleswise. I would have the ability be;
Discard a card, T: Create a 1/1 White Knight creature token, become the monarch.
Whenever an opponent loses the Monarch, draw a card.
Did Baelish even know that Ramsay was so deranged before giving Sansa to him? I feel like he was being truthful about not knowing that at least.
The fucking banner is a flayed man.
Maybe he overstimated Ramsey's sanity.