What would 40k be like if it were made in Japan?

What would 40k be like if it were made in Japan?

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Inb4 Slaanesh jokes.

Inb4 Tau jokes.

Everyone would be girls except a single Guardsman who is the reincarnation of the Emperor/soulmate of the Empress or some shit.

Whoever made that deserves death

Some female major characters.

t. someone with literally no experience of Japanese media

Did he hurt your feelings user?

>N-not all anime degenerates into haremshit
Nah 40k would be all the primarchs are girls except for Horus.
>Dorn is a generic kuudere
>Fulgrim is a perfectionist and has a one-sided rivalry with Guilliman and Sanguinius
>Guilliman is the student council president
>Sanguinius is the first girl, and in order to further cement her inevitable victory is made tsundere

Not huge into 40k but here's the basics I know converted into my idea,
>The God-Emperor
Becomes The Heaven-Blessed Xeno-Repelling Generalissimo of the Pure Celestial Clan of Humanity (Heavenly Shogun of Humanity for short)
While still blood-thirsty, his honorable side is more highlighted and turned into a Noble Samurai guy who desires to push humanity to their absolute worst to see their true strength. Potrayed as a Masked-Demon Samurai
Becomes some strange Buddhist monk like figure? Knows the path of the future because it is already set out. Portrayed as some kind of Blind Buddhist monk ascetic.
Still the whole idea of mutations but strongly emphasized on the give and take of them. All things must be traded away to become more powerful. I like the idea of him being a mix of a fat Otaku combined with the stereotypical portrayal of the Dutch Traders of Dejima.
Tentacle-Hentai monster. Because why not. It's expected.
Mixture of the Ainu and Pacific islanders like Samoans? All painted over with some kind of bright light Tokyo Cyberpunk aesthetic like from Akira.
That's all I got for now. It's more like 40K given a Japanese aesthetic but whatever.

Did someone say primarchs as high school girls?

why is that in cyrllic? is there more?

If it was a joint collaboration between Ikuhara and Anno, it would be the most homoerotic thing ever.

If it was written by Nasu and directed by Takeuchi, then every Primarch would be a Saberface.

If it was written by Urobuchi, the series would be even more grimderp.

If it was written by Tomino, then the Primarchs would secretly be gundams.

>My dream.
Futuristic Berserk's Black Swordman arcs.

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If they didn't have the legion logos and colors on their clothes, how many of these could be matched with their legions? Magnus, Ferris Manus, Vulcan, and Sanguinius. Maybe Mortarion? Possibly Fulgrim? Absolute shit

Everything about this is awful.

Was there for that Thread, user. But thanks. Like the idea of a Asian-esque 40k.

Every faction has Mechs.


>Beserk 40k

It the lore would have copious amounts of references to Japanese history and Space Marines would be modeled after Samurai.

I would expect Horus Heresy would be more fleshed out, since the conflicts between those loyal to the Emperor and those loyal to the Shogun did exist in Japanese history, so they would have easier time with that.

I presume that the setting wouldn't be so Grimdark and Chaos wouldn't be so horrifyingly evil.

I'd imagine Chaos would be more generic Anime villain where the Gods want to push humanity to their limit/breaking point to see their true power or have them evolve beyond their current limit. Some kind of noble villainy.

I know it is.

...Khan and Corax?

>If it was written by Nasu and directed by Takeuchi, then every Primarch would be a Saberface.
Nah, even they wouldn't make every Primarch Sabah, but Sabah would definitely be the Once and Future Spiritual Liege!

>Every faction has Mechs.
Every faction already HAS Mechs or Daikaiju...

So the rest of the primarchs would each be a different waifu?

>Black Swordsman arcs
>Not Golden Age arc
Shit taste DESU senpai. Golden age is perfect for 40k, everyone is a huge guy with a scary title wearing huge armour.
>That's Bazuso, also known as the Grey Knight, also known as the 30 man slayer, also known as the bear slaughterer
>That's Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters, also known as the Red Angel, also known as Lord of the Red Sands,

It would be better

>So the rest of the primarchs would each be a different waifu?
Almost certainly!

Would the Primarchs be Magic Girls or just cute girls?

So who would Konrad be, then? Enma Ai, maybe?

Are you on the Discord?

Is there a difference?

>Captcha: find the cars
>Poster has a car on it
I'm not sure...

Guilliman would obviously be a Saberface.

Sanguinus would be an Emiya clone.

Fulgrim would be a Sakuraface.

Leman would be a Rinface.

Horus would be Gil.

Magnus would be Caster.

Angron would be Berserker.


It'd still be like it was in the Rogue Trader days.


Wrong one.

Bishi men

Women are either little moei's or giant tit monsters

more tentacles

1 on 1 fights emphasized over large scale battles

If you're going to post WHH at least post the color version.

Man, this is making me want to finish my 40k fanfics.

I had one that was a Warhammer High fluffy wish-fulfillment one about a Pariah boy whose mom was an Inquisitor and his siblings were expies of the official assassin types. The other one was a continuation of Love Can Bloom's lesser-known sequel about Taldeer trying to find LIIVI after he'd been kidnapped by a radical inquisitor.

>Leman would be a Rinface.
I don't know man, Rin can be crass, but not Leman Russ levels of crass...

But what happens when THEY get older and have kids (successors)?

would be some sort of fox demon guy
Look like this.

Sleek, form-fitting power armor that makes space marine looks more eldar than eldar.

Meanwhile actual eldar will be wearing something that makes death-cult assassin & repentia look modest by comparison.

No retcons, just 1000+ episodes that you need to watch in chronological order to get what is happening


if the character designs were in the style of HnK it might be neat

Tetsuo Hara's Necromunda when

Why do autists all seem to have the same art style? Is there like a school for autistic artists?

We're all talking about lore. What would the gameplay, production, PR, and consumer cost be like?
I don't know shit about 40k outside of peripheral lore, but it's just something think about.

100% more waifus is a big one.
Even less grasp on a concept of scale.
Big eyes, small mouth syndrome on everything.
Eldar possibly become all female.

>Eldar all become traps

That's just Dark Eldar.....and Harlequins.

Especially Harlequins.

look at gunpla I guess.

Do you mean Japan NOW or Japan back when 40k was actually made? Because there's about thirty-odd years of difference and economic and social demographic changes between the two, especially in the entertainment sector which has experienced some really staggering changes as an industry in Japan since the bubble burst.

Depends on if the creator was a westaboo or not. See Soulsborne and Dragon's Dogma for examples.

>sadistic dominant traps


>look at gunpla I guess.
Holy hell would that be awesome...

This. 40k made as an anime back when Legend of Galactic Heroes and Gundam were a thing would be god-tier.

40k made as an anime in the age of haremshit wouldn't be worth a bucket of dog shit.

It would be TBZ?

Extremely over the top navy vs tyranids action

I like it

Less inspired by 2000AD and Dune, more inspired by the hyper violence science fiction media 80's japan was putting out.

SoB would have decent models.

There would be more waifus. That's probably about it.

Slaanesh wouldn't be sidelined for one, with all the rape that would bring.
Also Japanese tend to really like the no hope card, there would be a metric fuck ton more despair / worthlessness of human life, like most Marines would be Marines Malevolent levels of screw civilians. Xenos would win a lot more as well, and the stories would be a lot less Imperium centric. SoB would actually be worth a damn, and Dreads would be less the box, though they may have a sarcophagus on them. Tau wouldn't be tiny. There would be female Marines, and if not then Marines might be borderline not human looking.
And dear god would blood flow when it went to killing time, like Hellsing levels of just fuck everything up now. Lot more crazyfaces to.
Also it would probably have a Anime. Or multiple.

Fucking brutal


>even in death, I'm still cute

This probably

I did not expect that crossover.

is it out?

Midori Days was one weird ride

i'd watch it

It'd be isekai, atheist 40k player goes to his FLGS and gets so distracted by huge poster of newly released SoB plastic army he doesn't notice the truck of reincarnation. He wakes up in a japanese style hive world and forgets that there are things he isn't supposed to know. His knowledge of forbidden lore attracts the attention of yandere cultists of Nurgle that loves how smelly and out of shape the guy is, and tsundere inquisitor who doesn't torture him because she likes it, heretic! Maybe with some genki deredere AdMech girl, oppai Sister of Battle that can't fit into her boobplated powerarmor and Schola Progenium loli too pure for lewds.

Cute men doing cute things like LOGH

>Corax hangs out with chaos failures rather than being a lonely loser
>Vulkan isn't coal black and bald

It's more to do with that they get the very basics from school but due to the retardation their art caps out at age 9.

>almost every fucking name ends in an a
Lazy as shit

Those aren't the Primarchs. Those are their daughters.

>tfw SoB by ShidoL or Fatal Pulse

There would be at least one Chaos Lord voiced by Wakamoto.

>Bes is the only living person left on the Solo ship by the time Ideon goes boom
Why is Bes so Best?

Old 40k fluff would mostly be like it was back then with more Oriental flavor and less heavy metal
Nu 40k full would be some weeb kawi bullshit with a but ton of interspecies couples
In both the Imperial gaurd exists but constantly gets shat on by the fluff and they don't have an army list out of maybe some support units in the space Marine line up

The primarchs didnt believe in the power of friendship because E was a bad dad. A big storyline is about a group of imperial guard that try to start a friendship with eldar so they can fight choas together

Golden age arc is 30k, becoming an apostle is pretty much horus style betrayal. So making 40k dark swordsman is logical

Adeptus Puella Magia
Felinids finally get some lore and are revealed to be a race of cute catgirls.

patrician taste

user... really.

small kek

>depicts slaanesh as tentacle monster instead of something like the snow-women or Futakuchi-onna

Well that'd certainly be a thing...not one I'm 100% sure I'd be able to read/fap to, but...


>What would 40k be like if it were made in Japan?

It would be less British.

I can dig this

>Lorgar is Kotomine
It fits perfectly.

There would be males, but they are never depicted ever. Only fleetingly referenced

Weak, effeminate trash, like all things made in Japan.

>Black Swordsman 40k
Mein neger

What exactly happened that turned anime into autistic wish fulfillment and pedoshit? I mean everything before the 2000s was just so manly and epic, it's like if someone came and injected 6 metric cunes of estrogen to the entire industry.

Not entirely true. Haremshit was invented in 90s and there was lolicon boom in 80s, but the latter was pretty much limited to OVA and manga. Still, it's pretty strange that haremshit and moeshit got so popular in early 2000s.

Weebs happen. Animation is expensive, and you gotta get them returns. There's tons of great anime, but when you can get ten times the viewers with onii-chan pandering, lolicon fanservice, painfully generic harem protagonists and overplayed fantasy worlds, why bother?

Those were always here actually.
Before the 2000s and widespread internet, anime/manga were rather difficult to obtain, most, if not all, of the the anime you were going to watch were mainstream stuff.
Also Japan tolerance to gore went down through the years, the last truly gory anime I watched were Psycho Pass and Blood-C.

Moe is from the 70s

It's not that easy: Eromanga Sensei was trash and still sold like hotcakes.
Tenshi no 3P is better but is bombing hard.
But you're right about the animation part: Toei has a lot of good animator but they don't give a fuck anymore since it's expensive.