>This btfo's those spaceship charts Veeky Forums always posts
Disney really has lost it haven't they
>This btfo's those spaceship charts Veeky Forums always posts
Disney really has lost it haven't they
Other urls found in this thread:
>sole Mega-class
>ship isn't named 'Mega,' but Supremacy
They call that big? That's smaller then the shits I take.
i know.
pure penis compensation.
It's the biggest sci-fi ship I know of that isn't some sort of space station or floating city.
The last contender was the 30km-long Covenant Supercarrier
Anyone got the screencap about the Executor and people taking hours to just send a cleaning crew?
The Death Star was a ship even though they called it a space station.
It could move and even enter hyperspace.
So could the Halo Arrays but no one calls them a ship.
Difference there is they were produced by an ancient extinct society.
The Death Star was produced by recent Imperial industrial might.
abrams isnt attached to star wars anymore
Is the Star Killer a ship?
It traveled from star to star.
Shhh, you'll disrupt his fragile meme-based cognitive ability and then he'll be leaking big guys all over the thread for you even though it wasn't part of his plan.
That's pretty great, thanks.
Could have sworn I've seen a version comparing silhouette sizes, though.
>Has disney lost it?
No, they're making money. And faggots like you are crying about it.
From the /m/ thread, I believe I've found it
>"guys we're worried the First Order won't be as popular as the Empire because they're just a shallow retread"
>"just make their shit retard huge to compensate"
I see Starkiller Base wasn't a one-off disappointment
How the fuck does a fringe military junta find enough skilled crew to operate this thing?
I'm guessing that the 'Mega' probably collapsed in on itself. Or it landed. Either way, that leaves the 'Supremacy' as the only one.
Some naval traditions would then rename the entire class to Supremacy, like what happened with the Thresher.
In their defense, they're led by an insane Sith Lord. Sith Lords are fucking masters at getting shit done.
HMS Hood was the only Admiral class battlecruiser
I don't see how the Empire was ever a threat, if some way smaller group can make a planet into a weapon more powerful than the deathstar, and can build a 60km wide space ship that shits on anything the empire ever had
>Spending tremendous amounts of resources on Wunderwaffe instead of practical replaceable and repairable ships
First Order is Star Wars Zeon
They havent dropped a colony on Australia yet.
They need to step their game up.
Australia probably doesn't exist yet and they probably can't even reach the milky way.
I think destroying the current capital of the New Republic counts as stepping their game up
I doubt they will justify it like this, but if you wanted it to work you could explain it away. Say that some of the better scientists and military minds escaped away with the plans to space Argentina. Starkiller is bigger because they've had a full generation to size up the weapon. The groundbreaking work was finished with the first Deathstar.
As for resources, the Empire was in it for the long haul. They only collapsed because of a freak strike that took out their leadership all at once. The First Order is fighting with their backs against the wall. Everything they have is going into kicking ass and expanding.
I prefer a simpler explanation: You need a Sith to create this shit. Not because they're magic or anything, but because Sith are essentially ambition elementals. Any normal person is going to look at the plans for a planet that destroys other planets and ask what possible fucking use this could have, why you would ever spend this much fucking money on something to destroy your ability to extract money from something else, while also being horrifically and obviously evil. Anyone mad enough to okay such a project is probably too lunatic and fringe to have the resources to actually go through with it.
But when you've got an evil space wizard at the helm, this starts to seem like a fantastic and plausible idea, because he's willing and able to do whatever it takes to get ALL the power.
Oh, that's a large ship you have there. It would truly be a shame if ship massively smaller than it had a way of destroying it. Say, maybe a black hole in the middle of it? Would that do the trick?
>current capital of the New Republic
Not just the capital, they straight-up wiped out all five planets in the Hosian system when they fired it.
Seriously though, the Supremacy feels like something ripped out of 40k just because of how ECKBAWKSHUEG it is.
I said something similar when I saw Force Awakens, I can't imagine how something that big wouldn't just crush itself back into a sphere. The only way I could suspend disbelief was to say "A space wizard did it". Because seriously, I can't see even star-wars level mundane engineering holding that thing in place.
>biggest sci-fi ship
You're posting on the 40k board, you know
hilariously, it's right in line with most Star Wars stuff. Star Wars has been dwarfing 40k ships for decades, no joke.
Oh no, a large ship. That just makes it less resistant to swarm tactics.
Seriously you find out how small the ship required to fit a ftl drive and then crap the out of every factory.
The Culture has 2000 year old obsolete ships that dwarf it.
So, lemme see here: 60 km long ship.
Eyeballing the pic, I'd say about 300 km wide
and about 10 km 'tall'.
So, compared to, say, an Ohio-class sub (nearest real-world equivalent) this thing would have about 10 trillion tonnes and 90 billion crewmembers.
Nice boat.
inb4 pulling numbers out of my ass:
Each Ohio is 170 m long, 13 m wide, and (about)
14 m tall, with about 17000 tonnes and 155 crew.
Feel free to pull out your calculatory, and find out how many of 'em fit into this monstrosity - and then divide by 10 (like I did).
Not really. In fact, the opposite is kinda true. Size means you can pack bigger shields, more weapons, etc. You need REALLY good fighters in order to counter a ship that massive.
It's mislabeled. Wingspan is 60 km, not "length."
Still fucking absurd, just not "Death Star can wear it as a hat" huge.
As long as I can deal damage I can win. I very much doubt that a big gun can hit a fighter.
If all that fails it's ramming speed
Shields, m8. That thing is going to have some damn strong shields. Plus weapons that could blanket the area around it with firepower.
Dahak-class Planetoid Battlefleet when?
All you need is some antimatter.
And in Star Wars physical objects go through shields.
The 40K big stuff is around 10km long for the super rare Mechanicus Arks.
The necrons have a complete and utter lack of subtlety I bet they have some big ones.
Unless, of course, you could do something like accelerate at light speed, going so fast that you actually go through shields - Even ones of an interplanetary size that are indestructible by conventional fleets.
Then, you could just arm some old fighters with massive amounts of detonate-able material, send them at light speed controlled by droids, and have them come out just in time to impact into the ship at massive speeds with insane amounts of kaboom.
But it's not like such a maneuver is possible or could be repeated in any way.
Yet another case of something being created by someone who has no fucking clue about what their talking about.
But then the person who created it was probably the directors 8 year old son or something so we shouldn't be to surprised at the nonsensical naming. Who'd call their ship Mega anyway.
It is possible if you can have disposable ftl and ai that can think faster than light.
At that point it would just be like a missile box that launches selfguided missiles
>Big stuff is supposedly only 10km long
>Average Gloriana-class Battleship (y'know, the stuff the Primarchs like to ride around in) ranges from 20-30km in length
You wot m8.
In legends maybe. Canon lore? Not so much.
Not counting stuff like the Death Star or Craftworlds, which are less like ships and more like huge space stations that are also capable of moving, most SW ships tend to be tiny compared to 40k ones. The Imperial-class star destroyer, which is one of the biggest mass-produced ships in SW, dwarfing anything the Rebellion had and being notably bigger than any previous star destroyer class, is about the size of a 40k frigate. However, SW has some specific ships that are bigger than 40k ones; the Executor-class super star destroyer was almost twice as long as a 40k battleship (but might be less massive since it's extremely thin compared to its length), while the Eclipse-class SSD was shorter than Executor but more massive.
This really needs to be a picture of that Aliens guy. I'll see if I can find one.
stop questioning it goy, it says star wars on the tin so you know it's good!
Backside and shit here too.
That relentlessly stupid.
Ah, they changed it again.
The last time I looked at a 40K ship chart was five years ago.
Have a comparison chart.
It's basically all the new movies are good for.
Seriously wish the Starkiller had actually been *two* planets, with a giant gun bigger than either planet sticking out from just above them.
this is just such a stupid design. SSDs were already pushing the limit of what was believable and logical for a spaceship size, and they just say:"fuck it, this is three times bigger."
why does it all need to be so fuck hueg?
>MAGA-class star destroyer
Because hurr durr penis size's.
If Snoke's origin story turns out to be that he was a property developer on Coruscant, I'm going to sell my soul to Kek.
What are they doing?
>And in Star Wars physical objects go through shields.
No. In star wars shields are selectively permeable.
We see asteroid strikes to shields.
So if I'm reading this right, the space calzone would almost fill the whole fucking chart top to bottom
Rakata Prime appears in official nu-trilogy map for some reason. I bet they're using Star Forge to produce this shit. Wouldn't make sense otherwise.
Han Solo flew through one going lightspeed.
That means if I just have engines and air that ram I just win. F=M*V and V is equal to(or way higher than) 3.00*10^8 m/s
ai not air
Sheilds negate sheilds?
Then why did anakin walk through the shield in the cgi-clone wars movie.
Reminder that that movie is canon
Larger by a small % actually.
>60km long
>flying wing design
So we're looking at 200-250km width, and who knows how much in depth? You could probably house the entire population of Canada or Australia in that one ship.
>not a floating city
user, it's a floating city
Star Wars universe runs on narrative energy?
That's fucking absurd.
Apparently it's a 60 km wingspan.
I hope.
and then
Holy shit m8.
Ignoring all the other retarded things about this monument to government waste/middle finger to physics.
>360 degree view
>city-like structures
>right on top
>in the center
Did the Empire learn NOTHING from watching all the Executor's spaghetti fall out of its pockets when it ate that A-Wing over Endor? PUT THE BRIDGE IN THE CENTER OF THE SHIP, with 60 KILOMETERS OF ARMOR AROUND IT
Mechanicus ark class dwarf Glorinia name class which were like 20 km long
Arks don't have a standard size
It's 60km wide
Jupiter's innermost moon (Metis) is only 60km square IRL.
And the Super Star Destroyer Executor is supposed to be 19 Kilometers long and also had a city on it.
So if given the choice between stupidly large ships and super special small ships like the sun crusher, what would you pick?
Original designs that fit into the existing lore are not an option
And yet it's still not as huge as your moms fat ass
A profound reminder of how the extended universe was endless shit and just a bunch of nerds trying to one up each other.
Stupidly large ships because fundamentally they just work like any other space bound super structure
Why would anyone need to visually see anything in space? Much less on a ship that big?
Just turn your brain off and give the mouse money goy
If real life naval technology was following the same progression as Star Wars the most powerful warship on Earth right now would be a 10km long battleship, which fired shells as big as WW2 battleships.
Reminder that JJ has a size fetish and also made the Enterprise unnecessarily large in his Star Trek movies.
It will be a sweet sweet feeling when we see a plucky Rebel pilot shoot down its engines and weapon systems one by one.
That sounds like the most fun timeliness ever
Not naval, but...
Look man, common sense is hard for a company that just wants to sell toys.
And would get sunk by concentrated fire and tiny planes just as easily as did the Yamato.
These days they would just use ASMs, the Russians have ones now that could probably torch aircraft carriers if it weren't for suppression of air defenses.
The Yanks have never actually had to DO that, but everyone knows it's going to come up someday so their Navy pours billions into it.
The AA defences are several hundred 3000mm cannon which fire once every four hours.
>enormous retarded war machine
>cockblocked by little tiny ones
Where have I heard this story before? Guarantee it'll be some fucking letter-wing that blows this shit up, and then the next movie will focus on the Ultra-Class Star Asploder, which is 500km in length and has an even more expensive Lego kit.
JJ doesn't know shit about space other than "hurrr, bigger = cooler"
Shit like the 60 second trip from Earth to the Klingon homeworld and Starkiller's plasmejaculation being visible across the entire fucking SW galaxy are a pretty clear indication that the guy doesn't give a single shit about a sense of scale in his work.
I'm pretty sure that monstrosity will get blown up in the climactic battle of Episode 9.
Don't ask me why, just a hunch.