Hey, question about the girdle of femininity/masculinity in D&D. If the character gets pregnant while a female, then changes sex, where does the baby go? If the genitalia changes, the uterus would be gone, but does that include the baby?
Hey, question about the girdle of femininity/masculinity in D&D. If the character gets pregnant while a female...
Other urls found in this thread:
Iron Heart Surge!
I would just say the curse fails to activate in that situation to be tactful.
The soul of the baby is transported immediately to 'The Coathangus Plane', a territory of negative energy that torments the feeble mind of the baby for eternity.
Entering the plane requires a Knowledge(Planes) check as it is one of the lesser known ones.
Is she giving birth on the battlefield? Was she hit with some sort of instant pregnancy spell? Why is she fighting while that pregnant?
I have so many questions that need answering.
Now unless OP reads a book, we are truly lost.
i don't care where this thread goes unless you all please post more pregnant art
i need to get my rocks off
she's holding a curiously shaped clay bowl
possibly it has her lunch in it
Cool book, but doesn't answer my question
I guess the biggest thing to consider is if the fetus is just part of the uterus, or it's own being. If it were to remain in the body, it would end up decaying from lack of nutrients. Or would it be like one of those weird tumor babies that occur when a twin absorbs the other one.
The baby is gone, but the character feels bloated and pregnant and will continue to feel so until they have the baby.
Um, what?
Man some of the stuff in this book is pretty strange.
You're on the wrong board for that shit
>not compatible
B-but my last character married a genasi and retired from adventuring.
You can smite someone to completion.
To there you shall go.
Or if that is to your taste.
I would say it either fails, the fetus is re-absorbed in the case of it being early, or birthed / aborted on the spot as the womb is pushed down to reform into whatever part male genitalia a womb turns into.
This may or may not sterilize the character in the process.
Like Rumiko Takahashi once said
"I don't think about that, and neither should you"
I sometimes wonder how she feels about the legacy of her work. Is she satisfied by it, or is she as bitter about modern otaku culture as Miyazaki?
What happens if you stab the person in that situation with the Womb Dagger?
Now in convenient meme form.
You're alright, user. Don't go to Furinkan high school tomorrow.
tomorrow is Saturday
>If the character gets pregnant while a female, then changes sex, where does the baby go?
in a flesh cocoon, right next to them.
what could go wrong?
>If the character gets pregnant while a female, then changes sex, where does the baby go?
Nasal cavity, actually. There are a few documented non-nasal cases, including one famous and thoroughly bizarre incident in which the baby wound up in its former mother's right foot, but it's almost always the nasal cavity. Nobody really knows why.
Needless to say, the girdle of femininity/masculinity is one of the many magical items which one should not use while one is pregnant. (Some sages say that it's best to avoid magic altogether, but that seems a bit extreme.)
>coathangus plane
top kek
"I don't think about that, and neither should you."
-Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma 1/2 creator)
So what you're saying is that Furinkan is the one place you're guaranteed not to be tomorrow. Got it.
The baby is displaced into a pocket dimension without the girdle. When a pregnant woman puts on a girdle of masculinity, the baby goes into the girdle until it is taken off. When a man is impregnated while wearing a girdle of femininity then takes it off, the baby goes into the girdle and is inserted into the next man to wear it.
>"Each character having sex must make DC 15 Constitution saving throw for each act of sex in an hour after the first; on a failure, the character gains a level of exhaustion."
>You can fuck someone literally to death
>Kink table
>Consensual sex between a married man and woman in missionary position for procreation, holding hands
>Floor tiles
The man is one of us, lads
>>Floor tiles
heh heh heh
I certainly hope not.
Miyazaki deserves to be bitter; Takahashi doesn't, regardless of my dislike of Inuyasha.
Can you explain that a bit? I'm not sure what you mean.
Basically just saying that I think that, while Miyazaki's studio does incredible animation work, I think he's an asshole. If he's unhappy with where anime has gone, that's fine by me. Takahashi, I have no such gripes about.
I think his disagreement is pretty reasonable though. His gripe wasn't that things were bad, it was that people got too isolated from each other and from the real world that they could only produce derivative works (artistically).
It wasn't so much about the behavior of fans or the themes people used but about animators not knowing how to do character studies and the inability for some anime directors to write people who aren't like them.
I wonder if she realizes just how many repressed trannies Ranma was a gateway drug for
Honestly I'd feel pretty good about that even if it wasn't her intention at all
OPs post disagrees with you.
I think she made a passing mention to fan mail she gets to that effect.
That's really a poor mechanic, you need to 1) expend points from lay on hands - AND 2) keep track of how many times you've used this ability.
They already addressed this issue. Any male who gets pregnant stays pregnant while wearing it.
Any female who is pregnant is immune to it's effects
Most of the mechanics are weird and unbalanced, but that one just seemed really funny to me.
>Cursed item: imperial clothing
I might go ahead and throw this in my own campaign.
>Tfw you accidentally brought your epic level fighter character sheet to an erp game
Japan has school on Saturdays as I recall.
While debilitating to low level NPCs and adventurers, the penalties for being pregnant are negligible for mid and high level adventurers
>All of these buffs
Holy hell my player's characters would just fuck all the time.
I also like how you can tie up non-jews with the chastity belt.
Pregnancy prevents the girdle from changing people according to the PDF.
Maybe she got hit with a Haste spell that was too strong.
>Saxaphone of seduction
Ah well, there's always magic.
Shouldn't penalties from pregnancy be percentage based rather than a flat modifier?
You just need to make one of them into warlock - any warlock, even one related to celestials, so yeah you could just pray for a bit and angel will give a helping hand
>my hips are moving on their own!
Dang it I just read that manga but forgot to get the picture that would fit here
>Japan has school on Saturdays as I recall.
Not since the early 90s. They got rid of that a long, long time ago.
>I put on my mail and my great helm...
It's a cursed magic item, it's safe to reason that the bearer of the curse is simply infertile.
And in those times everyone did that
Not 'murrica.
But usually Saturday was was for special classes, such as liturgy or Marxism-Leninism.
Yeah, they teach that from Monday-Friday now.
That's mostly low-key neo-Marxism, I'm talking the classics.
Back in my day, we had to liberate the proletariat uphill, in the snow, both ways!
This. I don't get why people shit on him when all he does is openly state what most oldschool directors or studio owners say more politely.
>That one screencap of the director going "We are forced to do this because otaku only buy this shit" and the otaku animator saying "I liek drawing cute girls :DD"
>Seduction DC 17
That sexy son of a something-or-other.
Even Horrors need lovin'. It's arms are even designed for tender embraces.
>The man is one of us, lads
Back in the day, Veeky Forums used to make lots of pdfs.
I bet it fucks like a semi. I'd let it smash.
>sexual fetsh
>floor tiles
tell you what my friend, looked atr the seduction DCs and realised my currenct charactercould easily seduce a Dracolich. Amongst everythign else in there.. then I wondered why ANYONE would want to bang a Dracolich?!
And honestly, the DC to get pregnant is way to easy. Like every second time you band the woman gets pregnant.., what??
Also it makes me very happy that seduction, same as bluffing or diplomacy is based on Roleplay in my Group not some dicerolles...
Just have the baby, placenta, and umbilical cord survive.
Only instead of being attached to the inside of the uterus, it's attached to the inside of the mans abdominal cavity.
So nothing changes, except that there's no way "out" for the baby, short of magic/C section.
That and the fact that the dude's nips might get sore and start leaking.
By default, the belt doesn't specify, so DM fiat.
In my 5e Guide to Sex, the Belt specifically can't change the gender of someone who's pregnant; and if someone gets pregnant while wearing the belt, then removing the belt won't undo the curse until the pregnancy ends (either by birth, miscarriage, or abortion, and the circumstances dictate).
Oh, hey, yeah, that's the guide I'm talking about! Someone posted it OTHER than me! That's the true mark of fame.
I'm gonna be happy all day now.
"Back in the day"? I made this all of, like, 5 months ago max. Gradually working on a Monster Manual section, too.
As opposed to some of the stuff in vanilla D&D, which is as normal as white bread.
I mean, the table is just a suggestion. This is hardly official. For the most part, I think elemental blood is relatively "inert". It doesn't mix well with a lot of things.
That was my favorite ability to make, even if it is a bit poor purely in the abstract for reasons outlined here, .
Hey, if it can happen to French Presidents, it can happen to adventurers.
I couldn't resist. Admittedly, I didn't try to.
Yeah, a few things in this are actually reasonably decent on their own as normal cursed items.
>Holy hell my player's characters would just fuck all the time.
That was kind of the intention. I was making this thing and realized that there wasn't really a benefit to fucking; the system was very compartmentalized. I felt there needed to be a concrete REASON to fuck from a mechanical perspective, beyond just a bonus or penalty to social checks.
It was totally intentional thereafter, then, that a party of adventurers would receive a pretty sweet set of bonuses if they just engage in intra-party orgies on a regular basis. I fully encourage implementing this into the general lore of the setting - that is, there's a common rumor that all members of an adventuring party are always banging one another, and that becoming an adventurer is really just about the sex kinks.
Actually this was the tune I usually had in my head:
Although I was also inspired by Timmy, the saxophonist for a number of Tina Turner songs. Pic related.
I'm not proud of that optional rule, but I felt it needed to be addressed.
To be continued...
(Captcha: select the woodpecker. Captcha knows what's up)
>the DC to get pregnant is way to easy.
It's balanced around the idea that a human Commoner (CON 10), or really anyone with a CON 10, will have a 50% chance of getting pregnant or impregnating someone (as relevant to gender). This is actually much LOWER than it should be - a real-world, healthy, 20ish-year-old woman actually has a 90% chance at conception, assuming you have sex while she's ovulating. Although, of those conceptions, roughly one-quarter fail within the first week or so just due to the vagaries of the human body, meaning that a woman might not ever realize that she was pregnant.
In any event, there are plenty of ways in the document to reduce or even outright remove the chance at conception. I wanted the base chance to be a real one, not something that can be trivialized.
Sex has consequences.
(I suppose I also could have had an STD section, but I didn't want to. So I didn't)
>then I wondered why ANYONE would want to bang a Dracolich?!
Oh you sweet summer child. If it exists, someone wants to bang it.
>and realised my currenct charactercould easily seduce a Dracolich.
What is your current character's class, level, and Charisma modifier? Because a DC 31 check is not easy to hit. A +11 to Deception/Persuade (+6 proficiency, +5 ability) would only hit it on a natural 20. Even with Expertise boosting that to +17, you'd still need to roll a 14 or better.
>assuming you have sex while she's ovulating
But that's the thing: your system doesn't have any way of accounting for estrus cycles. It takes a very male centric approach to the whole affair desu.
>Baker street
5e's overall theme has been "simplify, simplify, simplify". I didn't account for estrus cycles because that would, in my opinion, needlessly complicate things. It's easier to just write off a failed pregnancy check as being a result of the woman not ovulating.
Given the typical efficiency of the Soviet system, I can believe this.