Warhammer 40k /40kg/

Warhammer 40k /40kg/

Farsight Enclaves edition
>Last Thread
>New Codexes after Death Guard and Ad Mech are confirmed: Tyranids, Craftworld Eldar and Imperial Guard
>Also Chapter approved and Necromunda stuff

>Death Guard stuff from White Dwarf

>Konor Campaign, final planet and Chaos are getting obliterated

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Anyone playing NOVA?

>Star Wars Legion is actually cheaper than 40ks starter
Uhh 40k babs?


I cant wait for Xwing fags to buy into that game only to realize they have to assemble/paint the models

What are you working on today?

I'm going to paint up my Dark Lance Scourges and decide on a paint scheme for my Primaris.

>Anyone who likes things different than me is worse than me because I am threatened by competition

nice digits, I think I'll try my hand at painting today and maybe finally getting around to stripping those models that have been sitting in superclean for the last 6 months. What kind of scheme were you thinking about m8?

I posted my purchases in the last thread, i think I'mma start with the baneblade for konor, then work my way up to magnus.

Working on improving my recasting skills so I can finally finish my Harlequins and Dark Lance Scourges.

Just got done with the Dawn of War 3 campaign. Don't know why the game is getting so much hate; it was really enjoyable.

So what are the worst units so far in 8th? Not the mediocre units in your favourite armies, or the mediocre units in borderline OP armies. But straight up bad across the entire game.

I want to try running some wyches but I don't really care for their models, If I used Black Ark Corsairs instead and gave them other Dark Eldar bitz do you think anyone would really care?

>What kind of scheme were you thinking about m8?

Destroyers, Revilers and OC snowflakes are the contenders

got 13 kasrkins for 30 bucks
i now own 100 assorted scions
feels good

Sniper Drones are up there. A sniper rifle that can't do mortal wounds and has a BS of 5+
For 18 ppm!

Building Stealth Suits.

I hope they get a buff.

if you're playing at a GW store, yes.

Go with OC snowflakes. Your Dudes > regurgitating canon armies.

There was a lot of belly aching about how it was too different from other installments. I swear 40k fans are a lot like Longbeards sometimes.

Terrible job at selling it, the MOBA stigma really hurt it.
That and 40k has too many factions of which many are popular. No Chaos at all.

Nah, I kind of avoid that place like the plague.

I've made so much progress this month that I am actually in danger of running out of backlog to paint. That's never happened to me before.

Just buy more regular guardsmen, that'll keep you busy for a while. Also, are you the guy who regularly posts the all camo'd Knight and Steel Legion guard army?

>Your Dudes > regurgitating canon armies.

I dunno, I like using minor factions/Chapters, they're a fun balance between official mentions in the fluff and having a enough space to be creative with characters and stuff.

It's abandonware.

Hey now, sometimes a canon army has a nice color scheme and sometimes that's really all you need.

Destroyers look awesome but I kinda agree with the other guy, maybe go snowflake

sheeit, I love those models. I came back to the hobby hyping them only to find out they were OOP

You the user going stacked stealthsuits? How are they coming along? Any tips/strats you find cool?

Yes, that's me. And I have already painted an additional 50 guardsmen this past month...I have 108 lasrifle guys, plus 40 some-odd heavy weapons teams and another 40 or so special weapons and sergeants. I can field 14 infantry squads right now and still have platforms leftover for heavy weapons teams.

Fair enough. I just get tired of seeing the same schemes over and over and over again, and something different, if done well, is a nice change of pace.

I mean there's probably going to be a Necron dlc at somepoint, and maybe they'll make them free to attract more players.

same feels
i hope they get nerfed a bit with the codex release
they are really strong

>No Chaos at all.
You say this like it's a bad thing user.

Not the same guy, just starting. Love Stealth Suits.

>tfw bought 4 boxes of kasrkin when they first came out, but left them in a closet until now
>repainted all of them, they are now some of my best models

I hope chapter approved has the rules for the other farsight units, I want a broadside HQ damn it

I'm not upset about it, just pointing out it is a big group of people lacking a faction.

I wanted to see Tau and Necrons cause they weren't in DoW2

No, there won't.
The game's been out for a while and they haven't even announced plans for DLC.
They just handed out 50% off coupons to every person who owns a previous DOW game but not 3.
Its a cynical plot to squeeze the last bit of money they can from the game before moving on to their next project, which HAS been announced. (aoe4)

I now own 19 storm troopers, 21 kasirkins and like 60 tempestus scions out of the 3 i prefer the storm troopers of old though

I think I have almost 3 squads of them, too, and while the models are pretty good there just aren't enough poses for them imo. You are talking about the visored helmet guys, right?

Probably won't
Will need the codex. Huh, thinking about it, will the HQs just correspond to specific loadouts cause they don't have distinct models

these guys

They did before so it would make sense

Any one of those could be the "visored helmet guys" he's talking about. In hindsight, that's not a good descriptor for stormtroopers.

lol ye

What is better for SM infantry buffing, a librarian or two lieutenants?

I suppose I should ask "what would be a better overall HQ unit?" I know the librarian also brings some chance to fight off smite spam.

It depends but 9/10 times a librarian will be more useful

Lieutenants, by far.

okay but do you have any of the real stormtroopers?

I hate the berets so much Thats the only reason why i dont own them

Thank you for the replies.

Would you care to elaborate?

I plan to use a primaris librarian with pedro kantor, and probably slap the armor indomitus on him. Aside from pedro and a company ancient I have little to no CC units.

Lieutenants provide an aura. It will do more to buff you army. SM Librarian powers aren't the greatest. Null Zone is the strongest power, but it's tricky to use unless you give your Libby a bike or jump pack. In terms of buffing you're talking Veil of Time which, while it's hard to directly compare, I think is more limited than the wounds roll aura provided by Lieutenants.

There's reason to consider the Librarian when you consider everything he does, especially with mobility, but for pure buffing the Lieutenant will be stronger and more reliable.

Was told to use might of heros.

I have a tac squad, sniper scout squad, devcent squad LC/ML, and a sternguard squad for my gunline.

I want to maximize their effectiveness while giving enemies something to fear charging against.

>"Send forth your commander! I challenge him to honorable combat! Do none of you cowardly xenos know true honor?!"
>marine explodes
>camera zooms over a mountain range 2 miles into the distance
>Giant XV88 gives a thumbs up

I honestly didn't even know Dawn of War 3 was out.

I saw people shitting on it in these threads for weeks, and then, people got caught up in 8th frenzy and nothing.

>Anyone who likes things different than me is worse than me because I am threatened by competition
no I just hate magic, Xwing, and 40k players

Sounds like ME:A

>t. hipster

I don't think Might of Heroes is all that good. YMMV.

>I hate the only three franchises keeping the stores that support my hobby afloat

Yeah, but the difference here is that DoW tried to do something different in the series. ME:A plays like a "best of" clip of ME in general with half the character and even less originality.

I haven't been able to play 8th yet, so I am trying to gather info on what to do.

If I take the two prim lieutennants, I can give on e a power sword and armor indomitus, and the other the long range bolt rifle and stick him with my vets.

If you're planning to give them your Relic I'd just take the Librarian.

Enclaves would be the group to engage in a close range slap fight

Like you I tend to prefer Obscure canon chapters. That said I think there's something to be said for choosing an OC chapter so you can freely swap CTs.

What else could I put it on? The apothecary seems a waste, and the ancient doesn't seem as strong as the other choices.

Can someone give me a brief version of what the red scorpions are good at army wise?

I have a hard on (hah) for EC and am not a filthy traitor, trying to pick a legion to play in 40k

How viable would a genestealer cult made up of baneblades be?

And whats the going rate on recast baneblades?

I really like the idea of genestealer cult but want to run as few models as possible so I could transport it easily around the country for tournament play


>how can I be a bigger faggot than I already am?

Congratulations. You may just be the biggest faggot to ever visit this Mongolian ferret breeding forum....

Thanks for the (you)

>Mongolian ferret


>projecting this hard on an Australian throat singing board

Ferrets can't breed dummy

I've had mine for five months and they do nothing

The banner relic for the ancient is quite strong. Absolutely better than a tougher lieutenant.

I'd never considered that one.

Think I should still stick with two lieutenants then?

So you're planning to take three superheavies with the LoW Detachement alongside a couple hundred points of GSC? Seems pretty garbage to be honest.

That's what I'd do. It will help you punch back a bit more when charged too.

This is gonna be a long shot, but could the graphic design user who cleaned up my Kabal logo from the last thread please respond. I'd like to see if we could work something out to create a symbol for my buds chapter. We could communicate through throwaway gmail accts or something.

Did you put on some Barry White?

It's b8 m8.

>LoC/Kairos are not Lords of War

Fucking bullshit.

I'm not into Warhammer, but I fucking love painting the minis. I'm pretty good at this point. The youngbloods at the card shop are enthusiastic about my work, and others want to buy my models or commission me. It's hella not good money, but painting models without paying for them is nice.

Some of the lore kind of blows my mind when I hear about it, but I'm not into reading fiction. I feel like a fraud at the card/hobby shop. Is there a term for people like me? Am I frowned on or considered a casual ant am too dense to realize it? Should I just STFU and learn how to play? What drove you to start playing in the first place?

>Is there a term for people like me?


Flyrant or ground turant, which is better?

And what is the best overall HQ choice for tyranids?

This is what I am looking at currently
+++ pedro vanguard (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [84 PL, 1499pts] +++

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [84 PL, 1499pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

**Chapter Selection**: Crimson Fists

+ HQ +

Pedro Kantor [9 PL, 170pts]

Primaris Lieutenants [10 PL, 149pts]
. Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle
. Primaris Lieutenant: Power sword

+ Troops +

Scout Squad [6 PL, 90pts]: 5x Camo cloak
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle
. 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 127pts]
. 5x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-melta
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Meltagun

+ Elites +

Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]

Primaris Ancient [4 PL, 69pts]: Standard of the Emperor Ascendant

Sternguard Veteran Squad [14 PL, 180pts]
. Space Marine Veteran: Special issue boltgunx9
. Veteran Sergeant: Special issue boltgun

+ Heavy Support +

Centurion Devastator Squad [19 PL, 465pts]
. Centurion: Centurion missile launcher, Two Lascannons x 2
. Centurion Sergeant: Centurion missile launcher, Two Lascannons

+ Dedicated Transport +

Land Speeder Storm [5 PL, 92pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy flamer

Razorback [5 PL, 102pts]: Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon

You're just a painter. They exist. Nothing wrong with it.

I really like the idea of a genestealer cult taking over an entire IG regiment. They infiltrated it, took all the hardware and now they're running it.

I really like the old guard camo scheme of red and green with white edging. It would look great done purple and that's genestealer cult colours.

>Everything I don't like it bait

Not a fraud unless you try to run your mouth about lore without knowing it. You're just a dude who likes to paint but maybe play a demo or two with the local kids and see if it clicks, and if you want to give the lore a shot maybe some of the other guys here can recommend some of the more down to earth books for ya. either way, you do you

>best overall hq
Tervigon is always the best hq

Are bloodthirsters/that named 'thirster?

Applying paint to craftworlds/corsairs. Overall happy with the results so far, but more touch-ups required on some parts (non-seer bikes just have the white trim done, scorpion needs crew paint)

Holy fuck! That ignorance is painful.
for one an experienced painter spends a couple hours on a single infantry model if you don't want it to look like shit.
plus that's not a bad thing. There's two sides to this hobby and they are both enjoyable.
secondly, no way xwing is a bigger game? I have no numbers to back that up, but I just don't see it having the same footprint as 40k.
He talks about a 50 tournament like it's massive, yeah its big but there's frequent 40 tourneys that are bigger.
at the end of the day it doesn't matter. Someone playing another tt wargame doesn't affect me or anyone else playing 40k.
I just don't get these doomsayers, what are they trying to achieve? I have no problem with people driving other cars when I drive a Honda. I don't get upset that my wife plays Xbox when I prefer the PC. Fucking hell.

Malanthrope is best HQ, Flyrant is better than Tyrants, Swarmlord is better than either but costs much more and is almost required to have Tyrant Guard with it.

But it looks like shit

No problem with that. Just don't burn your AM detachment on Lords or War or that's the only AM stuff you can take. Just take a battalion or whatever.

I have Tyrant guard I've been wanting to put together and paint. I own several Hive Tyrant kits the so it's not a big deal.

I will add the Malanthrope 2 list of things to buy next.

>secondly, no way xwing is a bigger game?
It unfortunately is, or was. Between 8e and how terrible X-wing has become though I imagine 40k will regain its post.

Warmachine committing hara-kiri on its own also helps.