Stat me Veeky Forums
Stat me Veeky Forums
Dubs fte
Handling: +2
Acceleration: 60/240
Speed: 1200
Pilot: 1
Body: 20
Armor: 8
Sensor: 3
Availability: 26F
Cost: 121800000¥
Thanks. Here's a pic for you.
I half expected the Planes and Mercs RPG to have stats for this but even they have taste.
character sheet was drawn up but never used in any game and eventually the paper got crumpled up and thrown out.
>The F-35 Lightning II is a 5th Generation fighter, combining advanced stealth with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment.
Name a more advanced aircraft, with similar capabilities.
What's that? You cant
Forgot pic
What does fully fused sensor information even do?
"oh no a wire blew out of ALL MY SENSORS"?
something something 140 billion over budget and 7 years late and still climbing.
We would have been better off contracting Lego to build us a plane.
Means the information is displayed in a combined format and transmitted to other locations as a full data stream (aka you are getting info from yours and your wingman' sensors, but it's all on one display for readability)
t. Human Factors Engineer
You do realize we actually used an aircraft that was so flawed it leaked fuel.
The f-35 aircraft doesn't leak and actually works as intended.
>that greentext
>what a bunch of buzzwords
it is:
-Fast Moving
-Stealth to Radar
(not stealth to IR unless LTOL type, IR engine exhaust)
-All sensors work with one screen interface
-It can access 'the internet' in flight
Advanced Sustainment is simply a buzzword. there are better military terms to descibe any other thing this shit-gay-military nu-term could mean.
t.Air Force dude
was designed to leak fuel as part of it's operations. i seriously shit you not.
A miracle in engineering.
A failure of defense acquisition.
The GM had plans to stat it up but put it off too long, and it came up in game before he had proper stats for it. He just winged it and it turned out about the same as if he had stats anyways.
It's true. Feature, not a bug.
What reason could justify this? What was their goal?
the plane had loose fitting plates on the ground, since the entire plane would expand a whole foot in flight, closing all the gaps
no sealant existed at the time that was sufficient
they would take off with bare minimum fuel, then get a mid-air refuel before going full-speed
The heat generated from the flight caused the parts of the plane to expand, meaning the the plane had to be build so that the parts would fit during flight, so all the parts where too small while on land to leave room for them to expand.
I read Sled Driver and apparently the low fuel load for take off was due to the fact when fully fueled the Blackbird had a hideously long takeoff roll that most runways didn't accommodate. Taking off from Edwards it wasn't an issue to go up with full tanks.