/STG/ - Star Trek General

"Remember when the Ferengi were threatening?" Edition

Previous Thread: A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.

Possible topics include Star Trek Adventures - the new rpg being produced by Modiphius - and WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures game, as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and Star Trek in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures, Modiphius’ 2d20 RPG
-Official Modiphius Page/Living Campaign rescources
Playtest Materials (via Biff Tannen)
>mediafire.com/folder/36m6c22co6y5m/Modiphius Star Trek Adventures
Reverse Engineered Character Creation.

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing Miniatures Game
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

GF9games Star Trek: Ascendancy Board Game
-Official Page

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content

Other urls found in this thread:


The link to the Modi Living Campaign was absurdly long so I went and made a new link for it. Problem is that Veeky Forums doesn't seem to like tinyurl, probably with good reason, so I can't actually post it.
Suffice it to say that you can get to the Living Campaign sign up page through the Modi ST:A homepage.

I've been rewatching TNG and I'm surprised to find how bad iseason 7 is. Besides Pegasus, Lower Decks, Preemptive Strike and AGT it's all garbage.

Combination of them running out of good ideas, closing off story pitches from outside sources, and most of the staff moving to either work on DS9 or start hashing out Voyager.

>Worf's time travelling son.
Yeah, season 7 was pretty much a write-off. A couple of the ideas were novel but not enough to carry a full episode generally.

>"Remember when the Ferengi were threatening?"
Except Ferengi were never threatening. Little fucks never went anywhere. They managed to threaten single ships through sciFi gadgets of the week, but nothing anyone couldn't deal with if they put their mind to it. (And pull their stick out of their asses first. Looking at you, Federation)

Which is why DS9 is a god send for them. Here they stopped being 3rd rate villains you got out when your Klingon/Romulan/Borg quota was full.

>Mirror universe TNG comic from previous thread

I'm actually quite impressed with this. The mirror universe stuff usually gets caught up with full ham, cartoon baddies stuff. This somehow makes Picard and company seem like they can actually do stuff. Sure thee's a pointless assassination attempt but outside of that it's people communicating and technical solutions still.

A lot of that can be put down to Jeri Taylor. To quote memory alpha:
>"While Michael Piller continued to be credited as Executive Producer, he chose to focus on DS9 more, and so Jeri Taylor took over as showrunner for the final season of the series. One of her first decisions was to put an end to the open-submission process that Piller had put in place for scripts, and focus the writing around a core team of regular staff, with freelancers occasionally invited to make submissions."

With the writing team depleted and worn down by having to work on TNG, split for TNG, prepping for Generations, the finale, Voyager looming, they needed those fresh ideas from outside their bubble more than ever.

What if it wasn't an assassination attempt and rather just part of Picards own training regime to keep himself ready for everything?

The first instalment was even better, tbqhwyf - it felt more like the planning of a heist than anything else.

As someone who has read the next comic i can say, you are going to be surprised.

Agreed. The Ferengi didn't fit well as a principle bad guy, even when they were trying to push that concept.

>Mirror universe TNG comic from previous thread
I thought the Alliance had already whipped the Terran Empire by that time frame?

By DS9 time frame, yes, but this is pre-TNG with Picard still on the Stargazer; if I remember the first bit correctly it's pretty much the TE's Last Stand

Well, post that shit then.

Your dubs are compelling, but i feel lazy...
Shit, i cant decide.
I would have to first grab the whole thing and then post it here...
Anyone else wanna see the next chapter?

I do. just do it fgt whenever you feel like.

Well fuck it then, gonna grab the pages now.
Will be posting in foreseeable future.

Alright here it comes.

Do mind that i don't have a Veeky Forums pass, so this is going to take a while to post.
Oh well, at least you have time to read and appreciate the art.

Well shit, didn't know MU had dress uniforms.

"Trooper, where are your sleeves?"
"Nevermind, to the agony booth with you!"


Fun fact, in MU, Wesley is a low-functioning autist wishing he was home posting on asian imageboards.

Forever a optimist, eh, Wesley?

I assume that Picard fucks it up for everyone because hubris.

I mean, that'd be the fitting twist.

Time to take this ship to the stars.

Im betting it's going to end in either Worf blowing up Enterprise, Data grabbing it and handing it over to the borg in exchange of becoming a real boy or Viking Riker takes it over and sails it to the nearest poon planet.

Wait, they have this sorta giant transporters on their ships in ST?
Always thought they were using that one machine that could teleport 7 people at a time.

And nobody was even transported inside a bulkhead or a shuttle! Man, everyone got luck points like mad!

Don't you just love it how a brand new prototype warship has no guards whatsoever?

You would think a guy who has a decree in matter-antimatter reactions would know better than to argue with a disgruntled guy with a gun.


Shit guys, this story time is getting too spooky for me!

This has to be some sorta record as worlds shortest captaincy.




Oh fuck, they built the 3 nacelle + spinal lance version.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Damn, Wesley really is a 24th century user.

Wonder if they have been dragging him across the hallways all this time?

So, does this count as being tossed overboard?

Nah man, they put him in the brig until Picard was ready to throw him out the airlock.

And that was that.
Have fun reading through those.

As a sidenote, i really love those gold markings on MU ships.

Huh, and here i thought they had been cleaning up the corridors with the worlds fanciest mop.

Well at least a Goa'uld didn't get him.

I feel like the Ferengi would have worked better as an outlet for Federation villains-amoral black market merchants willing to supply planetary governors hoping for independence with a side of genocide, or as information brokers for rogue Romulans who have decidedly Federation-unfriendly plans...

>I am still discovering that for myself, Commander Riker. Test me, and we will both find out together.
God DAMN I'm loving evil Data. He's right in that uncanny valley of Not Quite Human But Trying, but in a cold alien sense rather than an idealistic Pinocchio sense.

>Oh fuck, they built the 3 nacelle + spinal lance version.
Oh shit, I missed that. They're ready to shank some fools alright.

Ferengi stopped being threatening right around "Guardian of Forever" where they chose to portray them as whip-wielding midgets high on caffeine. Shame, they could have been something.

>Mirror universe Wesley

Alright guys, I gotta ask:

How bad is Wesley, really?

Because whenever I'm watching him, I fucking hate him. But most of my hate comes from seeing the transparent self-insert let's-have-him-doubt-himself-so-everyone-else-can-jack-him-off bullshit. But that's because I've heard people explain it to me; I went in knowing what and why he was.

So to somebody who didn't get the background info, who was just watching the show and here's this character in with the other characters: How bad is he? At least as terrible because there's no way not to figure the above out for yourself? Bland or awkward but not terrible? Bad but they can't all be winners?

Imagine if you rewrote half of TOS so that some teen boy saved the day instead of the actual main characters and he also had some transhuman destiny surrounding him and you have the worst Wesley episodes.

Anybody giving BSG Deadlock a look in? It's mechanics line up pretty well with Attack Wing (turn based, weapon arcs, maneuver arcs) and it's pretty good.

Even going in completely blind, Wesley is incredibly insufferable for meta reasons. He's an untrained high schooler who, while a prodigy, has zero formal education past grade school and has zero real-world experience, on a ship that's supposed to be captained and crewed by the absolute best and brightest of Starfleet. In spite of this, Wesley is often shown being smarter than the main characters, with multiple episodes written so that the main characters act stupider than they should in order to give Wesley an excuse to save the day. And on top of that the show tries giving Wesley moments where he comes up short on his dreams in a transparent attempt to generate sympathy, which is rendered irrelevant when you realize he's still a major character and he's still presented as a transhuman kid genius. Like who gives a shit that Wesley didn't get into Starfleet on his first try when he's still PILOTING THE FLAGSHIP OF STARFLEET, which a metric shit-ton of junior command officers would kill to do.

The only good Wesley episode was The First Duty because it's nothing but Wesley fucking up and getting yelled at by Picard, which was such sweet catharsis. Then they fucked it up with his last episdoe.

This bridge lacks sufficient comfy and aesthetic.

As someone who was never really on board the hate train, having been too young for season 1 to make an impression, I'd rate him above Troi on average.

His general arc from season 2 onward is mostly just young officer learning how shit works in order to give parts of the audience an 'in' character, one who hasn't seen anywhere near the amount of shit others have. Most of the time he's just there. Sometimes he teams up with Geordie and Data and they do Science! which is fine. Occasionally he saves the ship but then everyone and their dog does at some point so that's not special. Some times he fucks up or learns a thing. There was that great time where he really fucked up and killed a guy at the academy. But really most of the time he's just there. Once they got him in a uniform he was fine.

His end though is fucking shite and Ron Moore is solely to blame for that; dude was just prototyping an older Jake Sisko on the wrong character, and brought back the shitty Traveller character which was rightly almost entirely ignored since the introduction. Grabbed the ball and ran it right into the wrong goal.

As an addendum; I think Harry Kim is the Wesley of Voyager, except that he was never fixed. He started out older which dodged a lot of wonder child accusations, but had all the same shit that people complain about Wesley having, yet more so.

At least it had a perfect ending episode though.

I only have a problem with him in first season.

So he fits in fine because I have a problem with almost everyone at some point in first season TNG.

Personally I'd add Eye of the Beholder to that list. But yeah, you've basically pinpointed the worthwhile episodes of season 7

I've been assuming that the worst of the Wesley episodes are really historical-fiction holo-novels. The adventures of the Enterprise-D really happened *without* him.

I've been thinking about it and replacing Wesley with Kim would've actually been perfect. Fresh out of the Academy, perfect test scores, zero practical experience, perfectly reasonable that he'd have the opportunity to shine by thinking of a solution to a problem that his superiors didn't, but still plenty of room for character growth. And TNG's writing from seasons 3-6 were leagues beyond Voyager so he wouldn't get lost in the shuffle like Harry actually did.

>mirror data chatting shit
I fucking love it.

Whoops, meant to reply to

Mirror LaForge and Brahms a cute. Cute!

Would Kim not have grated against LaForge? Geordi was certainly a more mature officer with a greater breadth of experience, but the 2 can be compared pretty closely through their obvious social awkwardness and starting position within the crew as the young and inexperienced officer without a clear vocation.

You know, seeing as the last episode of Enterprise ended up somehow being about Riker and Troi, I really wish they had just taken the plunge and just shown them on the Titan. Obviously I'd much rather that the episode had rounded out the positive character developments of season 4, but faced with what we actually got, I feel like the minor change of setting would have been inconsequential to a production standpoint while also potentially benefiting the episode hugely.


What did he mean by this?

I'm not big into ST but I really loved these. Can you post more?

I like that little nod to Total Recall.

It has clearly been too long since I watched that movie.

So do they explain Data's constant upgrades, or are we supposed to just assume about it?

Either way, it's awesome. I can see being right about
>Data grabbing it and handing it over to the borg in exchange of becoming a real boy
Mmmm. A fully-assimilated Galaxy-X with a mirror Locutus taking orders from Borg Data. I could deal with that REAL well.

And that entire battlegroup lasts all of twelve seconds under the guns of my Avenger.


Another user posted earlier issue in last thread (you can get there via link to previous thread).
And before that one someone else storytimed the first issue.
Hell if i know which thread it was, but it has been done already.
Also, we are now on a point where the comic itself is, so nothing new till next issue comes out at some point.

In first issue it was established that Data had a bunch of borg tech he liked to play around with at times.

You know, in STO you could get yourself an assimilated ship by grinding a reputation system called Omega force and then buy borg ship items form the store it would open.

The galaxy-X however can be found either as a tier 5 ship that costs you 25 Dollars or equivalent or as a tier 6 ship called Yamato class, for the humble price of 30.

Gonna post more pics of borgified ships.



Sisko is a war criminal. The reason they never show him in the mirror universe is really that if he existed there, he would have been a successful man of peace, thus eliminating any plots in the mirror universe though diplomacy.

Dug through the past three threads, couldn't find Issue 1. I'm assuming we could find this "ReadComicOnline" that's watermarked on several of the images, but I'm lazy.

I haven't bothered to grind Omega yet. I played through the summer event to get the carrier, but haven't fired it up since then. Again with the lazy.

He was in the first mirror episode, as a pirate captain. He gets killed off between that episode and the next, and mirror O'Brien kidnaps prime Sisko to make him pretend to be mirror Sisko so that the Terran Resistance can capture mirror DS9.

Not only is that literally not how the MU works, they did show Mirror Sisko, and he definitely wasn't a peacenik.

Issue 1 is available for free, part of Free Comic Day.

Poisoning terra nullius isn't a war crime.

I'm suprised STO hasn't made the mirror universe yet, it's a gold mine for micro-transactions and most of the content already exists. They just need to retexture a few things and write new dialogue for the existing missions, and Admiral Warkryme can go genocide for the Terran Empire.

Actually, they kinda have.
We have at least one mission where we go to Mirror Bajor (which looks like some sorta space bordello or something).
As for MU ships, they have been around since first lockboxes.
In earlier lockboxes MU ships (both for Feddies and klinks) which would come with alternate hull materials, naming insignia (I.S.S. in stead of the U.S.S.) and alternate bridge layout (Mirror star cruiser having the outwards look of a Prime universe Assault cruiser and the internals of a Prime universe Star cruiser).
They never did add a mirror galaxy class, or akira, or Excelssior though.
And at one point they went and re-designed the MU ships to be white hull coloration (similar to later tier 5 and tier 6 ships in prime universe) but with red squigglies thrown on top of it as insignia.
This was explained off (not really but this is all we got) with mirror Leeta fucking around with the timeline and becoming a fleet commander, so it's likely that the new red marked ships are from her personal fleet.

Or wait, you meant as in an alternate Feddie faction?
Mea culpa.

Yeah, whole new faction and storyline. If they wanted to half-ass it they could just copy the existing content and re-write it to be darker and edgier. People would still lap up that shit.

Or they could make my main canon.
You know, by having a system similar to the TOS characters where first five or so missions and map are the mirror universe ones and then due to Mirror Leeta doing her temporal gymnastics, you end up becoming a renegade on the grounds of not being deleted from timeline and then Section 31 or something comes around, whisks you away and inserts you in the Federation as a "operative who knows how it's done" and that in exchange for helping the Section 31 do what is necessary for Federations survival (thus also giving a reason for all the war crimes we commit), they will do their best to give us a chance at avenging our deleted comrades and our exile from the empire.




[Tense theme plays]




Saw this in another thread, thought it was a cute take on the illustrated episode (the one where LaForge and Ro get phase-shifted out of reality).

Here's my rough idea for a Bajoran built warship, using parts from the Impulse ship and fighter. Still have to make some changes but wanted to nail down an overall shape.

The body is the same size in both, just looking at different size nacelles. In terms of weapons it would have a few phaser cannons in the front and a number of phaser emitters scattered around the ship.

Suggestions? Should I try for a more blocky look like their triangle ships instead?

Nah, that looks pretty good actually. Reminder that the triangle freighter is a generic civilian vessel in the area, not explicitly a Bajoran design.

tfw Mirror Bajor will never be a social hub

>Worf doesn't look different/animu at all