Where were you when magic died?
Where were you when magic died?
Back in 2011? At highschool, I guess.
Selling cards when eldrazi ruined Zendikar the first time around
You give these people an inch or in the case of my pic related a consulting job, they will take the whole damn thing.
After Ravnica, there were no good ideas. I was in high school at the time and had taken a break from my to focus on my studies in anticipation of college.
Why does Wizards listen to Tumblr that much and bend over so much for them? They must know that's not their main target group?
Complaining on the Internet =/= buying packs.
Their main demographic is stil white nerds, they must know that, right?
And Antifa is mostly frail white men in their 20s.
Most magic players are left leaning or to pussy to speak thier mind.
>"Why aren't minrities in gatewatch?"
What's minority for these fuckers?
It's actually really funny and good to make fat nerds who cry about black people online mad via putting more black people in the card game. More people should bully you and remind you that you'll never get laid.
Black women.
How am I supposed to know? I can't see the future.
>We asked advice to a Black woman to make an Egyptian inspired setting
If I were Egyptian I'd be mad, srly, this is so racist
Gideon is a tan Greek guy, the kind you'd see on steamy romance novel covers.
To be fair, the fact that everyone in the Gatewatch is white does show that WotC virtue signalling is done in the most safe and insipid manner possible. Look at all these black side characters. And nowwww... introducing the main cast, the actual important characters, five whites and a lion!
You see this everywhere. It's in the new SW films too. Hey guys, look, an asian! A black person! Now watch them stand aside for the main characters, who all white!
If you're gonna commit to having non-whites have the fucking balls to put them in primary roles, rather than essentially having them fill out the back bench while patting yourself on the back for being progressive.
>a minority
They make up over half the world's population, dude.
What is it about Magic that attracts /pol/ to make a bunch of shitty bait threads for it?
Liliana is Arab, dude, it's a minority here last time I checked. So again, what counts as minority for these people?
Actually, by latest population estimates men are the minority. It's like 50.5% vs 49.5% but there you have it.
>White, or even human
>White, or even human
Their main demographic is whoever they can grab. Now that nerd shit is more acceptable, working to appeal to general audiences - which are more left than right - is now pretty profitable for them.
And it's not like neeeeerds aren't mostly left leaning anyway. Most people groan at tumblr when they hear this shit but it's not enough to make them quit the game.
Are you just willingly retarded?
Wizards is a big company with lots of target groups. If adding women and minorities makes women and minorities more likely to buy cards, they'll do it. White male nerds don't tend to care about race, and women aren't a problem for them either as long as they're attractive.
The whitest mofo you'll ever see
>White male nerds don't tend to care about race
Explain all these mtg threads for the past 3 or so years.
Are you? Liliana is Arab...oh, wait, you're one of those who think everybody who lives in Africa and Middle East is Black
Liliana isn't fucking Arab (that said, 'Arabs' can be a lot of things, but she's clearly not the type of brown Arab you're thinking of), what are you on about? She's virtually translucent in most of her art.
Gideon is basically a white dude with a tan. He's Fantasy Greek.
Nissa is a white elf.
Ajani is a lion, and doesn't really count. In fact, his presence is more damming, because it means a fucking lion got in before a non-white.
That was never actually true. The Creative Team clarified that Maro had been operating under false assumptions.
>not white
He was literally shunned by much of his tribe for having white fur. It was seen as a bad omen.
You mean they're the majority now?
Jesus China, stop skewing this shit.
>be far right racist
>love mtg since 2002
>love dinosaurs
>finally get dinosaurs in the midst of magics most anti white year
>dont give a fuck because dinosaurs dont have a "race" and can't be exploited for tumblr points
Many many liberals and SJW don't treat mediterraneans as white (at least when it fits their agenda). /pol/ doesn't either.
Retconned, Liliana is not Arabic, though I think she was mediterranean, anymore
>most anti white year
What does that even mean?
It's popular, is growing in popularity, and last year gave exceedingly easy targets.
One of the best things about Ixalan so far is that there isn't a single, easily-targeted thing to shitpost so far that gets spammed every single damn thread about the set, so they're resorting to older stuff or general things.
The people who ride the dinosaurs can be exploited for tumblr posts, and so far seem to be set up to be. Unless a new spoiler says otherwise, not a single native has been shown dead, dying, or in any kind of serious danger so far.
>white fur
So this guy is white? he has white hair, therefore white I guess
>SJWs and /pol/ do this retarded thing
Doesn't mean everyone else has to.
Both those groups have something in common - they're complete fucking morons. Why would you want to act like them?
I'm glad everything you love continues to be ruined in your eyes.
Are you the same guy who every once in a while throws a creepy shitfit about women in magic cards not being put in danger enough?
>virgin shaming
Yet another reminder that women, liberals, and niggers are little more than animals who care only about status and sex.
>Oh jeez, somebody called me out on my bullshit!
>I know what'll stop 'im, I'll call them insecure!
you sure got him, user.
But the person asking in is a SJW
>Main characters are all white
>two dragons, and a golem made of silver are white
I'm glad that leftists continue to justify the hatred and disdain that's levied at them.
Ugin, Bolas and Karn are not the main characters of Magic. Karn hasn't even shown up for 6 years.
If you don't realize the Gatewatch are Magic's main characters, you are being willfully obtuse.
Besides Sorin might be white by complexion, but he's Romanian by heritage.
I'll translate for you guys:
Why are there no minorities (translators note: BLACKS, full Congolese blacks or at least Tupac level of Blacks) in the gatewatch??? I know multiple people who will not get into magic because they know that you are only branding white people (translator's note: Anyone who isn't full Congolese Black or at least Tupac level) as the main characters of magic, and it really bums all of us out (translator's note: SJW and Libcucks). It trully gives the gatewatch a white savior complex (Translator's note: Keikaku means plan) and is something that many people fells strongly about (Translator's note: SJW, libcuks, /pol/, my mom, etc)
>niggers and other brownies are too incompetent to make their own card game featuring shitskins, so they have to guilt whites into doing it for them
Like pottery
I was going to say at least you tried to be funny, but I'm not sure about that.
...so Gideon doesn't count? neither does Saheeli? neither Chandra? she's a redhead, that shit is even more minority and were generally oppresed than Blacks. I remember Liliana being Middle Eastern, even devs said she was. I don't get this shit anymore.
>Where were you when Veeky Forums died?
Pic related.
Well... I'm kinda stating the opposite. Despite wizards best efforts, they can't enforce gender or race bullshit onto my dinosaurs.
Gideon is more Mediterranean, but even with all the shit that's gone on with his character design he's never looked non-white. Saheeli isn't a member of the Gatewatch, though she may be one day. Chandra isn't non-white, which in the case of the original poster on Maro's blog is what's important, though I'm sure they'd be happy to get into oppression olympics with you on who is "more oppressed" and other stupid shit like that. Liliana being Arabic was a mistake on Maro's part that they corrected.
That pic doesn't say anything, other than there being some female PWs of color. I don't know how that translates to "anti white," unless in your mind minorities can only exist to the exclusion of white characters, even though that is clearly not the case.
>called out on bullshit
You mean just called people virgins?
Thats all it takes to win an argument for you eh?
Wait, Saheeli didn't join Gatewatch? mmm, I must have read something wrong.
She was invited to join by Chandra, but she declined because she felt she was needed on Kaladesh.
>you virgin lmao
It's literally "muh dik" tier
>I don't know how that translates to "anti white," unless in your mind minorities can only exist to the exclusion of white characters, even though that is clearly not the case.
There is ultimately a finite number of characters at any point in Magic.
Just as every white character means one less potential colored character, so to does the reverse.
Gideon's white, dude.
Saheeli isn't a main character.
So how does that translate to "anti white"? What about having limited design space (which isn't true, since Magic characters are not limited to just the ones that are named) makes it confrontational?
>Yelling tards, dinosaur riders and back-alley-shankers are """"planeswalkers""" now
Why are there even characters in Magic? Back in my day, we had lands, monsters, and spells. And we liked it!
>Mediterraneans (aka Latins) are now white
Ok, people, I can't keep up with you, you keep changing this shit every damn 5 minutes
Legends was in 1994 grandpa.
The reason a lot of people think Liliana is Persian is because Maro said she was one time. I got the impression he was misremembering or misspoke or something because she does not appear to be, even during Origins where they could have made her Dominaria lands personalized didn't appear to be inspired by that time and place. Even Arabs can be quite fair skinned but she doesn't have any the correct facial features.
Post yfw you realize that the whole normalization of the idea that the majority of ancient Egyptians were actually black is to make the public think less of the Semitic people (particuarly arabs) so that the West can continue their violence and discrimination against them
Mediterraneans are considered a subtype of white Caucasians. Because they have white skin and Caucasoid features. They're fucking white.
I haven't changed my stance once in this thread. You're just an idiot.
>ny the correct facial features.
She has long nose and angular face
>More people should bully you and remind you that you'll never get laid.
I've never understood this mentality.
Should we also bully cripples to remind them they'll never be able to walk on two feet or something?
Just like people who can't walk have physical disability, people who can't get laid have social disability. You people treat it like it's something to be shamed for when in reality it's something to cure the person in question from.
And while in case of physical disability, said treatment is also physical (surgery, prosthetics and shit - I dunno, you name it), in case of social disability the treatment is - you guessed it - social.
Whenever you make fun of an awkward person instead of educating them on what is it exactly that they are doing wrong and helping them overcome their insecurities, you're perpetuating the problem.
And the funny thing - the society knows this. They gladly talk about how LGBTOMGBBQ community has to be eased into the normal society and thus we have to be tolerant with them.
But when you replace the african immigrant or transgender person in question with an awkward virgin dude and/or the synonymous "herbivore male" - suddenly, nobody gives a fuck and everyone bullies them.
It's so fucking retarded, to be honest - to see that there is a problem and then doing the absolute fucking opposite of solving it, making things worse and perpetuating the problem.
Hell, I was an awkward weirdo for the longest time when I was a teenager (and, yeah, I've attracted my fair share of bullying), and, in hindsight, very few people I've met actually understood that being socially awkward can't be solved with a simple "just try harder", as if these words were somehow magical.
Being socially awkward is a condition, and it needs solutions, not mockery.
Because they know white nerds will still buy it anyway, they are hooked on the game.
In the block with Saheeli, we also got Chandra, Tezzeret, Nissa, and a vedalken.
In the block with Samut, we also got Gideon, Liliana, another Nissa, and an elder dragon.
Huatli's coming with Jace and Vraska, and it's unknown what two are in the second set (Ajani is likely).
Kaya is from a supplemental set, and wasn't even the only walker in that set (though the other was a goblin)
Don't forget about Angrath, who is probably a white dude.
Sorry, does this read like a persian to you?
Romanians aren't white?
>ancient egyptians
>purely Semitic
They had significant Mediterranean and Balkan admixture as well.
>Should we also bully cripples to remind them they'll never be able to walk on two feet or something?
Being born with fucked up legs isn't your own fault.
Being a buttmad little shithead gets his ass tangled into a white hot mess whenever he sees black people is your own fault.
>Being a buttmad little shithead gets his ass tangled into a white hot mess whenever he sees black people is your own fault.
What is "social conditioning" for 200$, Alex?
Angrath is a complete unknown, other than 'male', 'angry', and 'on Ixalan'
He might be a white dude. He might be an orc. He might be a minotaur. He might be a black FtM kitsune that sexually identifies as an attack helicopter. We have no fucking clue what he is, other than those three things.
Actually is most likely an Orc or a Minotaur
And what of non racist liberals who can't get laid? Fuck off with your virgin shaming. Stop lumping us in with racist asshats!
Does this?
>getting mad at your country being destroyed from within by barbaric savages and their masochistic enablers is being a shithead
Slavery was wrong only for the fact that we have to deal with nigger bullshit now.
>But when you replace the african immigrant or transgender person in question with an awkward virgin dude and/or the synonymous "herbivore male" - suddenly, nobody gives a fuck and everyone bullies them.
We have tons of films and TV about awkward virgin dudes being the sympathetic main characters and turning out to be great people.
I agree that social anxiety and shit aren't just things you slam your head against until they go away, but we're hardly unsympathetic as a society. The reality is you faced these problems as a kid among other kids, and kids are cruel, fucked up people in the full swing of sheep mentality.
>in case of social disability the treatment is - you guessed it - social.
Honestly it should come naturally to you as you self actualize.
>Whenever you make fun of an awkward person instead of educating them on what is it exactly that they are doing wrong and helping them overcome their insecurities, you're perpetuating the problem
Making fun of them is how society educates them and makes them understand how unacceptable it is.
Its similar to how we punish criminals, even though in a deterministic sense its not really their fault. They just need the deterance and/or conditioning.
You certainly aren't wrong. The ancient Egyptians were more cosmopolitan than most people give them credit for. That being said, last I checked the very phenotypically Semitic people that currently inhabit Egypt share a vary large genetic percentage with ancient Egyptians.
Why is it that whenever white people make ~thing~ for white people, nogs butt in and want it too?
Make your own shit. Make your own country (that isn't a third world shithole), make your own card game, write your own stories. The fact that you need to insert yourself into the cultures of others shows how parasitic your mindset is.
Sure, could be. However, she wasn't a character someone made up and could mold to look like the thing they want to call her if their purpose is to help people of that ethnic group identify with her.
Other western nations don't have these problems with their native blacks. Which means it's not a black problem, it's an American problem. You're just too much of dumb racist to admit it.
>beta male orbiter acting like he's better than "racist asshats"
At least they actually belive something, as opposed to just parroting shot around Chad and his Stacy harem hoping hell get some sympathy pussy for being a nice guy.
MtG wasn't made for white people. It was made for people.
There were already plenty of blacks in America when MtG was created.
That's white
Koth in the gatewatch when?
>Other western nations don't have these problems with their native blacks.
You're too much of a dumb nog to realize that there are far more blacks in USA than any other first world country.
BTW, recent studies have shown that racists have higher IQs than non-racists. I guess it's not surprising that people who can't recognize basic patterns are deficient.
...you're joking right?
Even if you didn't know the exact race I think you could safely guess she wasn't what people think of typically as "white".
He is better. You can believe something without your beliefs being racist twaddle.
And you can interact with people without interacting with a bunch of caricatures created by frustrated losers like yourself. Normal people don't come in one of two flavors, you retard.
Mtg was made for people who play card games, IE nerds, also known as having a significant white male majority, especially at the time MTG was made.
As white as pic related
It's the truth. America is the only western nation where blacks demonstrate such incredibly disproportionate crime rates.
>You're too much of a dumb nog to realize that there are far more blacks in USA than any other first world country.
You're too much of a delusional asshat to realize that the size of populations doesn't matter when you're measuring their proportional share in something.
>BTW, recent studies have shown that racists have higher IQs than non-racists.
Lel, sure.