What is best for a villainous seductress to wear?

What is best for a villainous seductress to wear?

A fursuit.

Whatever the person she wants to seduce most wants to see her in.

Are you implying she's the kind of gormless pleb to only have one outfit, or a single theme? A proper seductresses wardrobe is furnished for every occasion.


i had a statue of this guy when i was ten, holy shit


Flattering but conservative clothes, like an understated long skirt + blouse combo. It's all in the subtlety user!

Something loose and flowing, its silken folds draping over the delicate curve of her figure and constantly threatening to slip aside and reveal all of her to you. When she gets close you can feel it brush against your skin and the slight touch seems to pull all the air from your lungs before you realize that you've just become so focused on her that you're forgetting to breathe.




come on, that is a villainous look.

For a modern/near-futuristic setting I'm a fan of dress suits. Though admittedly it doesn't work for a temptress per se, but more so a powerful villainess with some sex appeal. Think of the CEO of a highly questionable megacorporation that may or may not have half the world's governments on her payroll and actively flirts with one of the PCs just to emphasize how powerless he is to stop her.

As for pure temptresses, something like this would probably get the job done. It's pretty difficult to dance on that sexy line between elegant and slutty, and many would-be temptresses tend to fall deep into the slutty side. A temptress is supposed to look desirable, not like a cheap whore you bang for a buck.

so long as it's something, opening your presents matters


>Think of the CEO of a highly questionable megacorporation that may or may not have half the world's governments on her payroll and actively flirts with one of the PCs just to emphasize how powerless he is to stop her.
I'm legitimately horrified.


Don't worry, near future = Asian Century. Asian women don't age.

Stuble but flattering outfit.

Reminder that the devil is in the details

Best comment

As little as possible, covered in some heavy but flowing garment. Basically a chainmain bikini wrapped in a robe.

No. Something covering yet tight enough to show off curvature.

Precisely the helmet you posted

Uh, up to a point.

Whatever is most flattering to her build and complexion


My last villainous seductress was a master of disguise and had a tendency to steal clothing items from her conquests or people she particularly liked whenever she wasn't undercover. She tended towards practical armor for a warmage, leather pants, and her lover's shirts when combat was happening. I based her hair on roman ladies' updos, and it was a plot point because she was taken to be educated by her father's half elf family in ebberon after her lower class mother died and everyone at the school where she was educated had straight, soft, flowing hair that rarely tangled and only required washing with herb soap daily and she had tight ringlets- her hair was a visual symbol of her class and species anxiety.