Did you know that all pirate captains in the Ixalan set are female?
WotC should really stop pandering as hard as they are.
Did you know that all pirate captains in the Ixalan set are female?
WotC should really stop pandering as hard as they are.
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Did you just assume their gender, shitlord?
Yeah, suspension of disbelief can only take you so far.
In Wind Waker, the idea of a little girl being a pirate captain was cute and silly, and ultimately more believable just given the kind of guys the pirates were.
Actual fucking pirates in gritty grimdark fantasy land? Fuck off. She'd be mutinied and raped to death as soon as the boat was well away from any passing patrol ships.
They are objects to be used up in a game. Not exactly feminist no matter what they do. :p
who even cares the pirates suck
All legendary ones are female.
Dubs confirms.
>All legendary ones are female.
Looks like we're getting a male Planeswalker Pirate though.
Captain Angrath, who for some reason can't leave the plane.
>All legendary ones are female.
We've seen two legendary ones this far, right? The mono red and the granny. There is gonna be at least one more. Also Jace is on the pirate side and male.
No, just the vast majority (for now as they only showed a few cards) of cards have more females in the foreground than males
> tfw no LeChuck
Is going to be a minotaur, mark my words
>Minotaur Pirate Captain Planeswalker
Links please, I'll do a count of males vs. female.
Not him but mythicspoiler.com
OP posts answer in image threads are getting pretty good.
Count of character in foreground by sex for cards featuring pirates.
>Jace, Cunning Castaway
1 Male
>Rowdy Crew
3 Males, 2 Females
>Boneyard Parley
1 Male
>Revel in Riches
1 Female
>Captain lannery Storm
1 Female
>Deadeye Tracker
1 Male
>Fathom Fleet Captain
2 Males
>Angarth's Marauders
1 Female
>Arcane Adaptation
1 Male
>Ruin Raider
1 Male
>Vraska;s Contempt
1 Female
>Daring Saboteur
1 Female
>Unfriendly Fire
2 Males
>Walk the Plank
1 Male
>Prosperous Pirates
1 Male, 1 Female
>Deadeye Tormentor
1 Male
>Marauding Looter
1 Male, 1 Female
>Dire Fleet Captain
3 Male
>Admiral Beckett Brass
1 Female
>Hostage Tacker
1 Female
19 Males, 11 Females
Sadly, I'm pretty sure everyone would be less mad if we made them all female or all male.
There'd also be more porn.
>11 females
No one can leave the plane
Some random non-legendary dude that looks more like a cabin boy than a captain doesn't disprove this. All the important pirates in Ixalan are women.
>They were talking about pirate captains
Ok fair, then it's 2 and 2. Both the non legendary captains are male.
>you even posted vampire and sun empire cards
Which were the vampire and sun empire cards from my list? I discluded all the vampires and sun empire. If I missed any I'll take them off and adjust the count.
The twist will be that all the captains are transexuals.
thats why the plane will be destroy with a meteorite
>19 males
This is pretty problematic
>pirates and dinosaurs
Who even fucking cares, its like a 12 years old redditor made this set. All it needs is ninjas to be 100% totes randum lol xd
>deleted even though he's right
What did the janitors mean by this?
Shipwreck plane.
>Unfriendly Fire
>2 males
the one with a hat looks female
>Marauding looter
>1 male, 1 female
One is a vampire, not a pirate though
>Not posting sorcerous spyglass
You know, I didn't used to enjoy the tears of fat nerds but now I am starting to develop a taste for them. Thanks Veeky Forums!
The grixis one is a fat white man
>Make all females Amish prudes, even in a desert setting
>Make Jace a sexy shirtless Twinkboy for no reason at all.
What did they mean by that? Sexism much?
The grixis one is a grandma. That's the point. She's like Dola meets Queen Victoria.
>sorcerous spyglass
Missed that one.
Adjusted Count
17 Males, 13 Females
So four more men than woman, or 43.3% Female, 56.6% Male.
I am wrong again, I forgot "Ogre Hand Ravager", who is shirtless so assumed male.
18 Male, 13 Female for 58% Male, 42% Female.
I can't stop being wrong, Dreamcaller Siren is a pirate and male.
19 Male, 13 Female for 59.3% Male and 40.7% Female.
>Ogre Hand Ravager
I can't see shit in the card, do you have a better quality one?
What the shit?
Also, strange, vampires are more diverse, 4vs4 so far
Neither the facial features, clothing, nor figure look male. I was confused as well.
This is the best I have, but I can see he is shirtless and has a beard.
I love this. Someone is taking the original idea, disproving it, with a simple study and all the /pol - tards come out like "Oh yeah? Well what did Obama ever do that was so great?" Fuckin kek
It's great, in a previous thread a dude posted all the human cards in Amonkhet to prove that the majority were black and not Arab looking. The same was done with Theros to prove the majority were black and not mediterranean looking.
But I think we have to wait till they release all cards from Ixalan.
There are a handful of famous female pirates in real life anyway. I don't mind.
Not saying you're wrong, but just because you're shirtless doesn't mean you're male
Link thread, please. I can't find it anywhere in the past few months on plebs. I'm curious.
How do you know xe isn't a shitlady, shitxer?
Don't presume that anybody working at Wizards has any taste.
Like, think about their literature intake that was necessary for Theros (Greek mythology) and Kaladesh (India and Dwarfs and Steampunk). Do you think any of them did any deep rooted research into any of those topics? They just stole Gandhi's name (Gonti), it's just the most worthless and lowest-common-denominator wink at an audience that is equally retarded.
We are in the Mayan dinosaur pirate block now. How much of that shit do you think is going to be an interesting take on those themes? Because it's looking to be feathered armor, big lizards, and eyepatches, bandanas, and treasure stereotypes all the way through.
the pirates in Ixalan are what remains of a civilization escaping from vampire Spaniards
in such cases one would imagine those guys have equals chances of harboring cookie baking grandmas as cuthroat murderers and entreprenurial corsairs
I thought it was just PWs?
Though to be fair they are the only ones who could easily leave anyways
But Angrath specifically being mentioned that he can't leave makes you wonder if he would normally have the ability to do so..
If your civilization is on the brink of destruction for many generations, nobody surviving probably even remembers what a cookie is.
It isn't many generations, their societal collapse happened within Granny's lifetime.
Not in the archive anymore it seems
This. Fuck pirates and dinosaurs.
That's interesting, because a cursory look over the 71 human cards of Theros makes me think that there's only 6 cards with the human subtype which can definitely be considered black in that entire block. How interesting.
Therere more cards than just creatures, user.
>a dude posted all the human cards in Amonkhet to prove that the majority were black and not Arab looking. The same was done with Theros
>all the human cards
Are you moving the goal posts?
>Agent of the fates
>Soldier of the pantheon
>Meletis charlatan
>Curse of the swine
>Chained to the rocks
>Ordeal of nylea
>Phalanx leader
>Tormented hero
>Arena athlete
And I'm not even in the first half of the first expansion
Yeah, wrong use of adjective, cards with humans.
Pic related is probably the most successful pirate lord to have existed in real life.
A quarter of those look Mediterranean rather than black to me. I can't see any negroid features in them at all.
>I can't see any negroid features in them at all.
Whitest dude you'll ever see
Srly, he reflects 100% of light
Dont you fucking dare to say anything against the dinos
I mean, I almost thought she was norse
>and dinosaurs
He could play Johnny Storm in a new 4F movie
I am clearly referring to the quarter of them which look Mediterranean to me rather than black. Study some reading comprehension, it's good for you.
But sure, keep going. Let's gather a list of all of the cards in the Theros black that you, with your standards of whiteness, consider black. Then we can compare that to all of the other cards that feature humans.
Let's do this.
Well if the entire plane is greece themed wouldn't people closer to the equator be black and greek?
Spain is even closer to the ecuator and they aren't black
That guy actually looks Greek.
Just looking at the Art of MtG page for Theros, I can immediately see that there's more whites. Stop being a baby.
The greekest
Ever heard of moors?
Keep going. Let's see all of the blacks you can identify, then we'll see how many cards feature humans that aren't black and compare the numbers.
Moors are from morocco you imbecile
North African people that aren't Black? yeah, I heard of them. Also they weren't from Spain
The religions of the Sun Empire and Legion of Dusk are pretyy well developed culturally
The head writer has a masters in Theology and used to be a pastor
As a person in academia, I no longer blindly take educational credentials as evidence of being creative or interesting.
The proof will be in the pudding so we shall see.
Greeks weren't black and neither were Egyptians you donut.
I wouldn't give a shit if they were but you should get your facts straight.
Modern Egyptians share even more of there genome with Africans than ancient Egyptians and they don't look black either.
This was proven with the first successful genome test on an ancient mummies and they came back being closest to other middle eastern races NOT Africans.
Karametra's Acolyte
Favored Hoplite
Sip of Hemlock
Traveling Philosopher
Scholar of Athreos
Setessan Battle Priest
Wingsteed Rider
And these just in the first expansion, way more than those 6 you mentioned in the whole set
But the Fathom Fleet Captain is a dude?
Wait, I forgot about this girl. Clearly Greek
Not after im done with him
She looks Greek to me.
Jace is with the Merfolk
>literally on a boat
>"he's with the merfolk"
what did he mean by this?
Imagine having a life so devoid of meaning or excitement that you have to get upset at the depictions of people from a fictional plane of existence in a children's card game
I'll never understand why a real world theme needs to be paired with the skin colors in that real world place. If skin color breaks your immersion in magic that bad then you're a fucking autist
I don't watch porn with black guys because of muh immersion
If we get an african theme set we will complain about it having to much black people on it?
the dreadlocks are what bother me the most
aren't greeks all about that swarthy and curly hair
His planeswalker deck's cards.
>if we get
We already got that, you're too young to remember
There is a merfolk card in the PW deck that synergizes with a jace planeswalker, I personally don't think that's enough proof but it's likely he could float between the blue factions of pirates and merfolk in the story.
Has anywhere mentioned the pirate leaders are all working together even?
>where my rhodesia at
>why don't they have apartheid
No, since they fucking belong there. People will probably complain about there being too many women in positions of power though
Also, Mirage block doesn't exist
In Kamigawa nobody complained about the lack of white people. Though SJW complain about the lack of black people everytime you bring the lack of whiteness in kamigawa
/pol/ will but I wont, I will complain if you make a set in an alternate egypt and make all of the people black because a bogus study half a decade ago guessed they might be (which has since been proven wrong).
Would you be mad if they made an African plane completely white and made no comments on the fact of why everyone is white? I mean there are white Africans user.
Jamuraa was fucking sweet, and I would complain about any new african set because the modern magic team literally cannot make something as good as it.
I don't think a set released in 1996 is a very good argument for representation today. Also there were white people in mirage