Do you fucks find time to play tabletop rpg's and create worlds and stuff?
share please.
Do you fucks find time to play tabletop rpg's and create worlds and stuff?
share please.
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying Veeky Forums isn't actually about roleplaying being poleplayers
Make a spreadsheet of all things you do in a week, look at it and think what you can give up for playing RPGs.
>wealthy gentlemen of leisure
>in work but foreveralone
>employed in Veeky Forums-related industry
>liars who don't even play
Veeky Forums
>implying Veeky Forums isn't actually about roleplaying being poleplayers
heh, that's me
One second at a time; we spend our free time, between fretting over our unsustainable employments and desperate struggle not to end it all, in the vague hope we can bring you some enjoyment, that we aren't total wastes.
Some of us internalize our self loathing, some deny it, but we all use it to some extent.
Or we just like making fun stuff even if it cuts into our spare time, idk.
You know those things: video games, social media, mangas, movies, all the stuff you do in your free time? I don't do it, or when I do, it's homebrewing related. It's an obssession, choosing movies and books based on the estimated amount of inspiration it can provide. Plus I've spent the last half dozen vacations reading and writing. This worldbuilding has been going for some years now. I almost forgot the never-to-be-recovered sleep. The family also gets fed up with my isolation sometimes.
According to Veeky Forums, the result is:
>Wait are you the guy who was talking about his setting in the "caves can't be deeper than 3000m"? Good to see you're still working on your setting
>I wish I had a player who contributed like that
>Saw you in the deep sea thread. Neat ideas man. Would play. Would read novel.
>Fucking cool.
>That sounds really cool. I'm not even into that kind of setting normally, but that sounds captivating to play in. I usually play low fantasy because I'm just not knowledgeable enough about fantasy and technology to develop a setting like yours. Keep it up!
Those opinions warm my beard, they really do.
Ot's a hobby, nigger. You do it in your spare time. Or while slacking off at work, if you have a job where you can do that.
I keep a fairly detailed journal. Just write ideas and plot lines as they spring to mind.
I'm stealing free time from your life. It sucks for you but at least it's making somebody happy.
I don't have social media, only play games on fri-sat, and only watch tv when I'm having a bad day.
I manage
But it is a very time consuming hobby. Maybe this is why tabletop rpgs are dying... because our society becomes more and more busy.
Also since videogames and other forms of entertainment are 'cheap' and quick. Tabletop RPGs always require people, while videogames can require them in only the loosest sense, or not at all.
>liars who don't even play
Literally me.
>>employed in Veeky Forums-related industry
Reporting in.
It's two parts tf when no gf, one part making up most of my GMing on the spot, and one part planning GM things while I'm supposed to be doing work at work
OP, get the fuck out. If you don't have time to play RPGs, that is 100% your fault. All of it. Unless you had your parents die and had to commit to providing for your siblings since the age of 16, you have no excuse. YOU chose your life. This is America, you choose your fucking life, faggot, but that means you have no one to blame but yourself. Stop being a pussified liberal and blaming others for your problems. No, we don't owe you a 15 dollar minimum wage so you can support the children YOU chose to have. No, we don't owe you healthcare for the morbid obesity YOU chose to develop. It's the same with RPGs. What, you have a job where you work 60 hours a week? YOU chose that career path, YOU failed to do adequate research, YOU chose to put work before everything else, don't fucking bitch that you don't have time to play RPGs when YOU chose a career that eats your fucking life. Any of these "woe is me" retard niggers who whine about how much they have to work, QUIT YOUR FUCKING JOB. Or just look for a goddamn new one while still working there. It doesn't take that long to fill out applications. I've done it, WHILE working a lot. Oh, what other excuses do you have? You have kids? YOU chose to have kids. YOU chose to have sex without a condom. YOU chose not to abort the fucking thing. YOU chose not to take a bus ticket to goddamn Alaska. YOU chose to squirt out 1 or more little shitspawns you have to wipe ass and feed from a bottle, and later drive to day care and later pay for a limo so she can go to prom get coked up and fuck some chad and get a sexually transmitted disease. YOU chose that life you fucking cocksucker, and every time I hear some cunt whining about how they don't have time for X and Y while they juggle a family and career, and then whine because "well you're just a child, life isn't fulfilling without children because I'm a dumb boring cunt whose only creative potential involves my genitalia" then whine more about how they don't have time, FUCK OFF.
My job is failing and my home life is falling apart.
Bitch, bitch, bitch
But user, what's the fucking setting?
Take notes. Lots of them. If you never write anything down every time you stop to think about it you'll re-tread old ground.
That said, the best thing to do is design a world with a theme: not a message, just a theme. For example, for my bronze age fantasy game Im playing the running theme is that nothing is new, and that things which are novel are simply rediscovered. That informs a lot of decisions and makes shit move a lot faster.
Also I have a lab job, which means I have tons of time during the day when only about half my attention is needed.
I went found a part time job that pays enough to cover rent and expenses. The rest of my time is writing, vidya and tabletop.
I have a sleep disorder and what I find helps the most is thinking about stuff and world build when I try to sleep.
This is fresh innit
I work 8-10 hours a day, that's plenty of thinkin time
>Self employed software dev doing easy consulting work
>"work" from home aka work a couple hours, play games, do some house chores, prepare my d&d campaign
>when I actually do work (aka billable hours) my rate is stupid high so I can afford this lifestyle
>easy to justify my retardedly high $/hr billing because I do really complex niche stuff
>my d&d prep is mostly just daydreaming about stuff, some notes barely organised
>not writing a 500 pages novel for my campaign because players are impossible to predict
>prepare encounters, storyline I just wing it with my mess of notes
>My job is failing
Aww poor you. Find a new one.
>my home life is falling apart.
Either you still live with mommy, or you married a bitch and she's ruining your life. Both are your fault.
>I went found a part time job that pays enough to cover rent and expenses.
What job?
I take public transit and keep a notebook on my person to take campaign notes while I'm riding the line.
Then I just make shit up at the table.
Client service at a company that does websites and online advertising stuff.
I live in Australia tho so I don't know how hard it would be to find something similar in the US.
>This is America
no, it literally isn't.
>blaming others for your problems
I don't.
is this copy pasta?
you seem angry that people call you a manchild. Or fear that people think of you like that. Don't worry, buddy, just tell them that YOU choose that unfulfilling autistic childish lifestyle and that YOU don't care about other aspects of life like learning, or building a passionate career path. The only thing your boring autistic life revolves around is video games and rpgs. So much better than someone wanting to start a family.
OP, if the maladjusted swarm haven't driven you off, I would just like to say, jot down your ideas when you get them. Spare time can come at you unexpectedly, it's good to be ready to seize it. As for playing, this is more about befriending one obsessed person and playing in his games, since you are clearly not that person yourself.
I still play, but I'm more selective about it, so it doesn't happen as often anymore.
>not working 90 hours a week means you chose an unfulfilling career
>not having chidlren means you are having an "unfulfilling autistic childish lifestyle"
>not having a 90 hour a week job means you don't learn anything
>playing RPGs and minding your own business is worse than people who create shitspawn to live in a world that will be uninhabitable by 2090
You're the exact kind of person I am talking about. I truly, genuinely hope you die soon. I would look you in the eye and wish you get cancer. You fucking piece of shit.
You sound like someone who sniffs his own smegma.
Those orcs make no sense.
1. They have fur so they'd struggle in very hot conditions. They also don't look like they have the legs for walking long distances. In a long forced march they'd suck.
2. Their hands aren't good for manipulating stuff. So they can't use weapons well. They'd also be easily picked off by people shooting or throwing stuff at them from a long distance.
3. Spikes on their shoulder plates doesn't make sense. They'd catch weapons on them and not deflect them off.
>in work but foreveralone
It's a good life, I swear...
Veeky Forums, everyone.
Both ad hominem non-arguments. You are yet to provide a single fucking reason why your lack of time for Veeky Forums hobbies is anyone's fault but yours. Because there isn't one. because it is all your fault. Deal with it. I work 35 hours a week support myself just fine and I have tons of time for Veeky Forums hobbies because I don't have to come home and wipe shitspawn or give attention to some insecure whore. You thirsty fucks are so pussy whipped you'll let some bitch control your life because you can't get sex otherwise. Pathetic. One of my friends quit our RPG group because a woman recently. She's fat, too. If you date a fat woman you and her should both be put in a gas chamber. I see it all the time at my FLGS. You give up your life to become a sackless little pussy, don't come making a thread on Veeky Forums whining about why you don't have time to play. YOU chose the job. YOU chose the woman. YOU chose the kids. YOU chose everything. YOU have no one to blame but yourself. Get over it.
>goes from ad hominem fallacy to 'gas the fat women'
>Do you fucks find time to play tabletop rpg's and create worlds and stuff?
It's easy to have plenty of time to do anything you want.
It's all about time management.
I'll show you what I mean.
Let's call the amount of time you'd like to spend on Veeky Forums pursuits "G".
Let's call the amount of time you spend having sex "X".
And let's call the amount of time you spend doing other, strictly non-essential, activities besides sex or Veeky Forums pursuits "O".
To determine how much time you have available for Veeky Forums, let's compare O versus X by dividing O by X.
So: G = O/X
And there you go.
>spend 2 hours on sex
>spend 20 hours watching initial d meme compilations
20/2 = 10 hours left for tg
thanks for the maths.
Holy shit, and I thought r/insels was bad. How do other people tolerate you?
>why tabletop rpgs are dying... because our society becomes more and more busy.
I work in IT, and you can't swing a dead cat around
>I work in IT, and you can't swing a dead cat around
*Around the office without hitting a roleplayer
[this is what I get for phoneposting at 3am]
Well, I need to sleep about 8 hours per day. Attend / prepare for university 5-6 hours per day on average (a bit less in the weekend).
A bit under two hours per day goes to unproductive stuff like eating, cleaning, working out etc.
I'll play video games with my friends/the girlfriend a couple of hours each day, and do something else with friends/the girlfriend every other day (on average).
I don't have a job.
This leaves me plenty of time to gather ideas in the small gaps every day, and sit down and write down stuff on open days. This is pretty much all the preparation I need for worldbuilding / gming.
My warhammer stuff is back in my hometown, where my old friends meet on vacations to play.
NEET and parasite reporting in.
Is there any good ways to improve my creative writing skills? Obviously other than practice, I'm just wondering if there's any important books I should read and take tips from.
I'd like to write more compelling stories for my players, I get told my stories and storytelling is weak, but my encounters and dungeonmaking is pretty good.
Good Stories come from good characters.
How do you get good characters?
Good Characterization.
How do you get good characterization?
The Complete Book of Villains.
It is the single greatest characterization tool I have ever seen.
It really helps you design a campaign, too.
The advice works for any system.
I will never stop shilling this thing.