I wanna make a campaign from this craziness
How would you do it
I wanna make a campaign from this craziness
How would you do it
I'd imagine it would basically be Delta Green by way of The Men Who Stare at Goats
Players are Ascended Masters playing their various reincarnations throughout history dealing with psychic spiritual bullshit and improving humanity.
I'd totally play it if someone wrote up Thoth n' Pals: The RPG.
>Thoth and pals
Sounds awesome
Okay, thread's gotten me intrigued. What exactly is this?
Oh god I remember believing parts of this
is that buddy christ from dogma?
What the actual fuck am I watching?
>Hebrews are from the future
>Martians are from the past
>Pole shifts
>Every time he mentions Thoth
Does somebody have that unrelated video about how the earth is actually a cosmic fetus alongside and how we perceive the world upside down based on the trees?
Big if true
and now there are alien greys
It gets better just wait
is this the extra credits people that do mediocre disertations on game design?
Nope, just some doofus who believes some extremely silly things and who really liked Extra Credits's presentation style
>40 minutes in he says "Keep an open mind for this, because there is very little proof for what I'm about to say"
Oh, just NOW?
Well back in the day we had a thread discussing this as the setting for an Adeptus Evangelion game, but it got removed from 1d4chan...
i know, right?
by the weay,
in le olde Veeky Forums days, we had "Future Hebrews and Christ Spaceships", which is still on 1d4chan.
this was our first go at a Spirit Science^tm RPG.
The best part in this hour long adventure is when he casually says "if you want to verify any of this, simply astral project into the pyramids and read the emerald tablets of Thoth" as if thats a perfectly acceptable way to verify his craziness.
wow, beat me by 2 minutes.
i yield the floor, good sir!
>reading that link
they deleted that gem because they thought it was mental illness and garbage? on whose part? who the fuck runs 1d4chan and...
...wait. they are the death of fun types, right?
Well I finished that. I have so many questions. I feel both more confused and yet like I understand everything. Neither is a particularly pleasant feeling now. This rambling nonsense sure as fuck WOULD make for an interesting setting though. God help anyone who wants to try and put it into practice though.
I can believe people haven't seen this madness.
This was like my first trip onto the internet
I wonder, how does it connect with esoteric Kekism?
but, i know a way to get this perma-channed instead of deleted off the reference wiki....
I know they are different people, but I like to believe partly that they are the same person...
Somehow that makes both of them a lot more funny, for different reasons.
Anyway, OP, the way I would do it is to stay awake listening to these videos, starting from their first episode and up to the present, in a single sitting. As the madness and delusion of severe exhaustion set in, I would have a Henderson stroke of psychotic brilliance and birth wholesale, from my shattered psyche, the roleplaying game that would end history.
Then I'd pass out, wake up, and edit it into something that made a sort of sense.
>That face
No fucking way.
Wait. Dawg. Go back to the part where you're on speaking terms with Thoth. What? Fuck the solar system, tell me more about that.
That the power level of spirit science: they believe in ALL of it. I can't think of a single bullshit they don't somehow integrate into their craziness at some point.
Do it like "In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas", except that it's not angels vs demons (sorta) but Spirit Science VS Jack Chick.
>Wait. Dawg. Go back to the part where you're on speaking terms with Thoth. What? Fuck the solar system, tell me more about that.
We decided that Thoth is just a bro like that.
Who are they again? Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Is this the guy that thinks Jews come from space and the sphinx is a hidden spacecraft?
Yea it's pretty great.
Crazy but makes for an interesting setting.
I'm thinking about stating up all the states and their heights in gurps
>the sphinx is a hidden spacecraft
No, the sphinx is the entrance to tunnels blocked by a magic light wall leading to an underground city, or building it's not clear, from where you can get to the hidden micron thick spaceship that protect the planet against alien threats like the grey using the consciousness grid of Earth built by Thoth when piloted by a human that had reached Christ consciousness.
I'm not making that up!
So if I have Hebrew ancestors I'm a space man?
But you're also here because you failed to reached a higher level of consciousness in the past and are taking a species wide remedial lesson while the rest of humanity is on it's first try.
>The best part in this hour long adventure is when he casually says "if you want to verify any of this, simply astral project into the pyramids and read the emerald tablets of Thoth" as if thats a perfectly acceptable way to verify his craziness.
What's so weird about that? Anyone could do it if they had the time.
The tablets don't say what he claims. He's lying to protect you from the truth.
Thoth is like the weirdest thing in this.
And everyone is forgetting about the fact that the Egyptians where 30 feet tall
> Depend on level of consciousness.
This whole thing has a very Mage: the Ascension vibe to it.
>The Melaninists were right
>Melanin allows you to reach higher conciousness
>Yakub was a prophet of higher consciousness and was deposed by the Space Jews [who were white] who cavorted with Kek
>Kek was sealed away under the pyramids till the stars were right and super-psychic children from china depolarized the magnetosphere to get Donald Trump elected president in order to release Kek from his prison
>Nation of Kekistan is founded and subsequently drives out normies and flood the markets with memes
This is fascinating. Total bullshit, but really cool.
What would be the races?
>humans(ranks of ascendency)
>Thoth n' pals
>ancient tablets/Mayan records show clearly...
>insert one small page of indecipherable pictographs with no connection to what is "shown"
Love this modern masterpiece of new-age quackery
Any way, artificial Merkabah is OP, any disconnected consciousness can just "make" a Merkabah at will? Come on!
That's why it's a great setting.
No, the Jews aren't from outer space, they're from the future. They couldn't pass the test needed to ascend to a higher plane, because they were collectively the emotional equivalent of little girls, so were sent back in time to retake the class.
How do i get New Age Healer mode?
Guy's an absolute sick cunt
where does the Finno-Korean Hyper war fit into this?
As great as this is I kind of want to mix in some stuff from Richard Shaver
to make this into an RPG setting, you would have to have some really odd time/space powerlevels as kind of a standard...immortality and stuff like that.
i am trying to think how you'd stat out the sheet.
We need some no-limits anime system for this.
The growing loss of our endangered internet would be a major plot point
Turned this into a drinking game. I forget the rules but one of us almost died.
holy fucking shit
nice as rice.
so, about them hebrews....
Spirit Science, he is pretty much a lunatic hippie who believes in healing crystals and that the Martians caused the collapse of Atlantis who invited both the Martians and the Jews among other stupid things.
Wow extra credits really let himself go amiright!
Fuck you you ruined my joke
On suptg gents.
Probably the best thread I have ever been in.