How common are human/elf pairings in fantasy? Are they actually as common as everyone complains about, or do people just see a handful of instances like pic related and blow their lid?
Human/Elf pairings
Too common, yet not common enough in most settings to be actually important. Eberron is really the exception to this.
Well, there's... three... in LotR?
Can't think of any in WHFB. I think there's one or two in IK. No idea about stuff like Warcraft.
How wide a net are you casting here? You counting vidya? Three of the love interests in BG2 were elves, but the MC isn't necessarily human.
>How wide a net are you casting here? You counting vidya?
Yup. Pretty much every IP. I just want to know if it's really as common as people say.
I know a lot of people who groan or complain every time a human takes an interest in an elf during gaming sessions. I want to know if it's actually that common or if these people are just touchy.
Well, okay then. Potentially three in BG2. Don't know if you'd count those since the MC's race is up to the player.
Probably one or two in the Dragon Age games, but again, the MC's race varies.
Parn and Deedlit in RotLW.
Jinto and Lafiel in Crest/Banner of the Stars. Though in reality Lafiel is just a genetically modified human with point ears, so I'm not sure it counts.
Eragon has one and it's one of the worst fantasy romances ever.
...I can't think of any others in modernish fantasy, but there are obviously loads of elf maiden stories in old European mythology. It's a pretty enduring concept.
Elves are fucking whores. Think about it, most of them never marry for life with other elves. They often have short fuck-based relationships and have bastard children which "are accepted with no stigma" according to the libtards who wrote 3.5. So all elves are cucks by default if they are over the age of like 13 when they meet (I'm pretty sure elves have some fucked-up pedophilic brave-new-world-tier sexual experimentation from a young age). Also elves live a long time so might fuck a ton of humans, one each 40 or 50 years of marriage. So if you meet a girl elf you don't know how many men she's had cum in her thousands of times. Most elf bitches have probably had hundreds of men. They're all about individualism and shit, too, just like modern SJW degenerates. Anyone who fucks elves is a stupid cuck, she won't be loyal to you and your relationship doesn't matter to her because she's going to outlive you anyway. The best way to do it is to meet a younger elf woman and poison her when you die so she can never fuck anyone else. That way she is yours forever.
Show me on this diagram where the pretty elf lady hurt your feelings.
Fuck off. Elves are basically liberal propaganda. They weren't like this in Lord of the Rings. They weren't fucking hippie whores.
Be a man.
Fuck a dwarf.
Be a human, fuck a human, breed more humans.
I'm not saying that Elves are easy, but there sure are a lot of half elves running around.
If you really wanna be man then you have to fuck a dragon.
That's hot.
Tell me more.
Dragons fall into the same issue with elves but maybe with less of a sex drive, still how many men has the dragon fucked in it's life.
>not fucking a tiefling
Thats the real way to be a man, god knows what sort of kinky shit tiefling girls are into.
Well it's not like there is a lot of half dwarves...
Oh please, even a donkey can do that.
Took me a second
About what? Why elves are worthless whores? They fuck each other in weird group sex I'm pretty sure, they are open and liberal as fuck about sex and nudity. Pretty sure they sleep with and fuck their cousins cause anything's game as long as they don't make mutant bastard children. Maybe that's where elves come from: a bunch of incestuous human hippies who ended up mutating into a different species.
One famous one in Warcraft (Alleria and Turalyon) but I can't think of any others off the top of my head.
Whatever kind of kinky shit it is I bet it's my kind of kinky shit.
Ronan and Veeresa are also a thing.
Those Windrunner girls like BHC
Even Slyvannas has a thing for a human ranger named Nathanos, also her first loveArthas
I bet she wants a man who will hold her close and whisper into her ear that he loves her and wants to spend the rest of their lives together raising a happy family.
That's my fetish.
Is this you?
All those half elf pcs have to come from somewhere.
I've mentioned this a while ago, but my current PC is basically grooming a lineage of his descendants to preserve the memory of his Human paramour and the family they had together. He goes to visit them occasionally to relive the good times even though they have pretty much no idea he's their ancestor. He's just "Uncle A" the Wizard who's been helping the family for ages. Sometimes he gives them helpful matchmaking advice.
He's pretty much the entire reason there are half-Elves in the region he settled in.
God that's some sick shit right there
You both are sick bastards just like I am.
Can you have a half-elf half-dwarf? Asking on Legolas and Gimli's behalf.
Half-elf PCs are never representive for the entire population. It's really hard to find some exact numbers on how many half-elves live somewhere, I tried to look it up. But remember that for any elf-human couple you hear there are thousands of human-humand and elf-elf couples whose tales are not worth mentioning.
That said half-elves did more damage to elves in general and should never have happened. I would happily erase them from existence if I could
Congratulation, very well don. No you are know where humans come from.
You are kind of right, still I don't get your bitching. So why just won't you play your elves like proper Sindar or Noldor rather than D&D spawned faggotry, instead of REEEEing on an anonymous imageboard about made up race that doesn't actually exist?
I mean, I could understand REEEing about generally bad writing and such in settings where elves are shit, but why did you made entire fictional race your enemy based on some descriptions you don't like while in your own game you can do it differently, adn there are plenty of published settings where elves aren't like that... is kind of disturbing.
>that spoiler
The very concept of elves emerged from stories of otherworldly beings taking humans for lovers, and often either giving them children or taking them away to elsewhere. Elves would barely exist without half-elves.
He's not even right about D&D stuff.
People like him don't actually read stuff, they just parrot memes from Veeky Forums and /pol/. I guarantee the kind of elves he hates basically only exist on Veeky Forums.
LOTR and Dragonlance and that's all I can think of off the top of my head while drunk.
Ackshually he is overstating that thing, but there is grain of truth in that. Pic much related.
Also most published setting do offer percentile breakdown of racial composition of various communities. Half-elves often have surprisingly large share. Many of them might be second-gen, but you would need significant amount of hybrids to begin with.
Not mentioning shitty Ed Greenwood's writings where his creepy grandpa self insert fucks elven girls by dozens. Or his elaborate articles about elven sexuality.
And many other passages where elves are portrayed as extremely sexually liberated sluts.
This is how you destroy a race, meta and in-universe.
The very concept of fantasy elves is far removed from their mythological counterparts, who also consists of dwarves and even trolls, depending on what of the many mythologies you actually decide to take inspiration from. Furthermore fantasy elves are a fictional race and the laws of the universe do not command anyone to imagine them in a certain way.
People need to get from their high horses when they mention mythology while it adds nothing to the conversation.
It makes sense that an immortal species would be fine with shorter relationships, though. Like, it's just plain logic. Nothing lasts forever, and in the span of infinity eighty years may as well be the same as several hundred years.
Your human dude dying is in many ways a much nicer ending to a relationship that you and and your elf dude slowly growing tired of one another over the ages and agreeing to move on.
Huh. Pretty sure I went to school with that dude.
I'm so sorry.
Dragonlance too. Also every manga where elves exist.
People need to get off their high horses when they mention their silly personal preferences as though it's the law of the land.
The idea that half-elves as a concept ruined elves is retarded, as they've been a part of the overall idea since forever. Even if you discount mythology and just start with Tolkien, bam, what does LotR have? It has Aragorn and Arwen, and Eldrond being the product of an elf/human relationship.
>humans manage to stay faithful for the span of their lives
>a fictional race doesn't
Great world-building, 10/10.
Humans only live for eighty years in your average fantasy setting.
Elves potentially live forever. Learning to accept loss or change and move on is one of the things that often makes elves wiser than humans.
>The very concept of fantasy elves is far removed from their mythological counterparts
It's not really that far removed. There have been lots of different ideas of what an elf is, and the term has been used to describe many region-specific spirits and the like, but it's easy to see what traits have for the most part endured into modernity as part of the stereotypical elf. It's also pretty easy to identify the stories they feature in.
>Elves potentially live forever
No, in most settings they do not. Good job.
>Learning to accept loss or change and move on
They can do that in so many other ways without getting a reputation of the fantasy-worlds sluts and endangering their species. Additionally you are making the grave mistake, a lot of writers probably as well, to assume that elves have the same psychology and view on relationships than humans, which is stupid for how different thery are. You are also making the grave mistake of making them very humanlike with this, which will lead to all sorts of other problems.
>People need to get off their high horses when they mention their silly personal preferences as though it's the law of the land.
Oh how dare I state my opinion, hidden inside a spoiler, indicating that's just s sidenote to the overall topic.
>silly personal preferences as though it's the law of the land
Aside from the fact that I just said that there is not one set way of writing elves.
>as they've been a part of the overall idea since forever
Doesn't make it good, doesn't make it a law, doesn't mean someone has to put them into every setting for no good reason.
>and just start with Tolkien
At least Tolkien has very rare elf-human couples, but his half-elves are also very different from DnD-like half-elves, since being an elf is more of a spiritual matter and a choice in his works. Also just because Tolkien did it doesn't mean everyone has to do it. Usually I would suck his dick for most the things he wrote, but his works could do well without half-elves. Many of his half-elf characters could be elves and nothing would be lost.
>No, in most settings they do not.
Potentially, as in in some settings they do. Either way, they tend to be capable of hitting multiple thousands.
>Additionally you are making the grave mistake, a lot of writers probably as well, to assume that elves have the same psychology and view on relationships than humans
Not really, I'm assuming the laws of reality are at least relatively similar. Things end. Relationships end. Considering that elves are almost always described as passionate and often monofocused, but fickle in that when they focus shifts in shifts entirely, this should apply to them in many settings even moreso than humans.
Even if they're not like this, and they're not always, it's a matter of fact that few things last for such a long time. Our lives lead us in different directions. Elves generally live relatively humanlike lives, in that they have goals and aims that change with time, and as people change so do their relationships with one another.
>You are also making the grave mistake of making them very humanlike with this
Elves have been humanlike since their inception. They are, after all, based on human ideals and responses to human fears.
>which will lead to all sorts of other problems
Like what? That you won't like something? Grow up nigga, your tastes are irrelevant.
>It has Aragorn and Arwen, and Eldrond being the product of an elf/human relationship.
There were literally five documented cases (of wich only 3 were both confirmed and produced offspring) of elf-human relationship in ME. All of them guided by fate, initially not really accepted by elven society (until they were proven to be the work of higher fate indeed), and considered something extremely unusual. All also were lifelong commitments, with either the elven partner dying together with his mortal spouse, or the human being granted right to pass to the Undying Realms.
How does it even compare to elves mating casually with humans on daily basis and spawning a entire hybrid race that usually makes about one percent of population in human lands?
>Oh how dare I state my opinion
Except you state it as fact.
>doesn't mean someone has to put them into every setting for no good reason
It's not a matter of good reason or not. There's no good reason to do anything, ultimately. There's no good reason to even have elves; you can tell the same stories with humans. If you restrict your writing to what you feel you must have in your stories you're going to end up with some real barebones shit.
The fact is, half-elves haven't ruined shit. I don't like how D&D handles them, but I can recognize that they're not some sinful concept that has come along and corrupted my precious pure elves.
>Potentially, as in in some settings they do
Certainly not the ones we tend to play here.
>I'm assuming the laws of reality are at least relatively similar
Assuming elves just see their mates withering in front of their eyes and already think of whatever human-toy they fuck next is not a law of the universe. We are dealing with a fictional race here and you are really trying hard to make them boring.
>Elves have been humanlike since their inception
It's one of their biggest problems and in my opinion a reason why people fail to write compelling elves.
>Like what?
Being accused of being humans with pointy ears, not being able to maintain their own identity, insults like what we see in this thread that they are sluts and their males are faggots for not breeding their girls enough. The only reason why you would set a fictional race up like that is to make people make fun of them. Or to empower humans.
>That you won't like something?
Oh yeah, we should stop talking about things we like and like not alltogether.
>How does it even compare to elves mating casually with humans on daily basis
Wew, care to find a source on that? I mean, Holy Hyperbole, Batman, you are exaggerating stuff like to such a degree that I think you may be having a slight episode. An elf staying with a human for the human's entire life, and then moving on after, is not the same as slutting around. Are you some retarded purityfag from /a/ or something?
>and spawning a entire hybrid race that usually makes about one percent of population in human lands
Not really essential at all to half-elves as a concept. Personally I think they should be rare if they exist, and I prefer the kids just being the mother's race but maybe with a few traits from the father's. But half-elves existing =/= elves being sluts and half-elves numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
>Assuming elves just see their mates withering in front of their eyes and already think of whatever human-toy they fuck next
Nice strawman. I never said that. Just that they might be good at dealing with such losses and moving on, because they have to live for a long ass time.
>It's one of their biggest problems
For you.
>Being accused of being humans with pointy ears
Elves are at their core essentially better, longer lived humans with pointy ears. You can add whatever you like on but that is where you're starting. Personally I prefer to play up the 'better' thing, WHFB style.
>not being able to maintain their own identity
Elves seem to have maintained a pretty consistent identity as a concept for a long, long time now.
>insults like what we see in this thread that they are sluts and their males are faggots
Which generally come from insecure faggots who would find something to insult no matter what, because the core idea of more beautiful, better people who like things they don't like hurts their fee fees. Stop giving a shit about this stuff, it's meaningless.
Forgotten Realms kind of does it fairly realistically.
In places where compatible folks live near each other interracial pairings tend to happen.
Areas with orcs and humans living near each other leads to loads of half-orcs.
Aglarond has a great deal of half-elves due to elves and humans living near each other.
>Except you state it as fact
user, if you think someone saying: "this is shit" is the same as someone saying: "this is a rock" you need mental help.
>There's no good reason to even have elves
Of cours, there is also no good reason to have half-orcs. Or half-dwarves, but these don't exist most of the time. Yes, I know about Müles So why should we not talk about why a thing is a thing and not?
>If you restrict your writing to what you feel you must have in your stories you're going to end up with some real barebones shit
The other extreme is kitchen-sink settings that just cram everything together they can think of and then have an identity-crisis. See, I can name good reasons why I would not add half-elves to muh settan, which of course are pretty subjective and you would probably disagree with many of them, but I can also not think of any good reason to have them in the first place. So why should I add them? I'm not restricting myself, I try to create a world that makes sense and elves that are interesting.
>half-elves haven't ruined shit
No, they haven't. But they also don't add anything of worth and in my opinion I have to add that or else you are accusing me of stating facts again, right? damage elves to some extend. The best elves I can think of come from settings that don't have or barely have any half-elves. If this is because of that or not, I don't know, I think it's part of the writing.
I think the idea is that 99.9% of the time they would marry another elf for life but because everyone wants to fuck an elf or play as a half-elf for stat bonuses they always try and play on the "forbidden love" angle or just ignore that elves and humans are different.
Realistically elf/human romance would be really taboo and a vast majority of elves would be in a monogamous relationship with other elves, although i imagine there would definitely be the occasional promiscuous elves that hangs around with humans.
Also, please stop browsing r/incel. It's bad for your soul
>Nice strawman
It's not a strawman, it's an exaggeration to illustrate the point that elves being in relationship with humans because their expectations on relationships is the same as humans adjusted to their lifespan is not a law of the universe and also doesn't make much sense. And also has a pretty nasty side to it.
>Elves are at their core
Any playable fantasy race is at their core humans + something. That is a problem that they all share and the writing should try to make an effort to differentiate them from humans, which I realize is really hard for a playble race. Making elves human fucktoys is certainy not helping at all.
>Personally I prefer to play up the 'better' thing, WHFB style
Good, half-elves are barely a thing here, most elves wouldn't want to touch a human.
>Which generally come from insecure faggots who would find something to insult no matter what
I think this is also something that makes people dislike them in the first place. If you show someone new to fantasy the cliche pic of the elf maiden with a human male he would not respect them or want to play as them. The exception might be the girl player wanting to self-insert as the elf girl
>Stop giving a shit about this stuff
This discussion is meaningless as well, but I will still get an (You) from you, right?
>Realistically elf/human romance would be really taboo and a vast majority of elves would be in a monogamous relationship with other elves
The most realistic thing, if we don't assume very modern understandings of morality, would be elves being highly protective of their females and trying to hide them away from other races, and most half-elves would come from male elves seeing human girls as something that you can pump and dump. Still taboo, but not as bad since she and her family has to deal with the brat.
Also, most elves would probably see humans as somewhat ugly.
Personally, if anyone's gonna be a super slut, I would imagine it'd be half elves, as they'd be infertile and never really be able to settle down anyway.
>It's not a strawman, it's an exaggeration to illustrate the point that elves being in relationship with humans because their expectations on relationships is the same as humans adjusted to their lifespan is not a law of the universe and also doesn't make much sense.
Except it doesn't demonstrate that at all, because it's such an exaggeration that it becomes something completely different. An elf deciding to stay with a human for that human's entire life, then being able to move on after, is not the same as them being turbosluts who use and discard humans. People, real people, move on after the deaths of loved ones.
>And also has a pretty nasty side to it.
Why? Because it means the elf may have multiple relationships? Protip: most people do that.
>Any playable fantasy race is at their core humans + something. That is a problem
It's not a problem, it's literally what they are. It's only a problem if you can't make the interesting in other ways, or as individual characters.
>Making elves human fucktoys is certainy not helping at all.
Some elves fucking humans doesn't make them human fucktoys, you silly billy. Stop with this retarded hyperbole, it has no weight.
>I think this is also something that makes people dislike them in the first place.
Generally, it's either an inferiority complex or a projection of someone's political views that makes them dislike elves to a great degree.
>If you show someone new to fantasy the cliche pic of the elf maiden with a human male he would not respect them or want to play as them.
...Why? Because you're oversensitive about cucking memes? The average person that sees that would think nothing of it.
Look, you're clearly coming at this from the position that somehow, any kind of relationship between a human and an elf makes the elf a tainted slut or something, and invites people to make fun of them and you for liking them. The truth is, this isn't the case at all.
>People, real people, move on after the deaths of loved ones.
Yeah, and they can do that with an elf. You missed my point. No law of the universe dictates that this fictional race would want this kind of relationship, are made for this kind of relationship, especially since they have a different lifespan. Whatever god made them that way you are describing here must be a complete retard, since his elves are doomed to go extinct.
Because these elves would rather not do what any other race in a fantasy setting would do, promote their own race, produce more kids that look like them, have pride in their race, not be self-destructive. Only someone that would want them to go extinct would approve of this. Funnily enough, I saw some elf-haters and HFY approve of the same thing you do.
>Protip: most people do that.
Well, not in your example, since the humans are faithful to their deaths, it's only the elves that do that. Also you are putting some rather modern notions into that, not saying that back in the days everyone just had one partner, but they where more monogamous than we today for reasons, and I would assume that in pre-modern fantasy lands they do the same. The elves instincts should tell them to stay with an elf, their culture should tell them to stay with an elf, maybe not for the entirety of their time, but certainly not with a human.
>Stop with this retarded hyperbole
Stop anyone else from interpreting it that way. I want you to be in every elf related thread and tell that anyone calling them sluts for this reason. It will happen, I can assure you. Meanwhile having them being in relationships with humans adds nothing to elves, it doesn't make them more interesting, it doesn't empower them in anyway. I see nothing positive about this and I want to see you try turning it into something positive for the elves.
>Generally, it's either an inferiority complex or a projection of someone's political views that makes them dislike elves to a great degree
Or the fact that they don't want to play something they think of as a slut, except when they install sex-mods.
For reasons I explained in this posts and probably in some other in this postchain. If one of the defining traits of a race is that their females get fucked a lot by other races nobody respects them. It doesn't make them interesting, not cool, not badass, not mysterious, anything.
>The truth is, this isn't the case at all.
And you can tell how? This is just what I gathered from over the years. The is an impression I got from how people talk about them. Mind you that is not what I think of them, if there would be one, I could be in another thread right now arguing against the notion that elves, on a whole, are sluts. But when there is this popular picture of a female elf in relationship with a human, half-elves everywhere and an effeminate male elf next to them it's really hard to argue against that impression. At the same time, as I stated before, there is nothing about this that really adds to the setting and the elves. There is no good reason for it being that way.
Not the user you've been talking to, but also someone that's annoyed with the typical "lel elf women are sluts (for human and/or orc cock) and elf men(female) are effimate fags" stereotype.
You remind me of "STOP WAIFUING ELDAR" user from a while back and his basic argument was essentially that it removes agency from elves, making them a less effective narrative device (for lack of a better word) and only a sexual object for neckbeard fapping.
Is that the same issue you have here?
>are made for this kind of relationship
Literally never said this. Just that there's no problem with it. You're projecting your insecurities about the fictional race you like onto my argument.
>Because these elves would rather not do what any other race in a fantasy setting would do, promote their own race, produce more kids that look like them, have pride in their race, not be self-destructive.
Read above, dude.
>Also you are putting some rather modern notions into that, not saying that back in the days everyone just had one partner, but they where more monogamous than we today for reasons
They were LESS monogamous, mate. When your spouse died in the middle ages you generally remarried for either monetary, social or political reasons.
>The elves instincts should tell them to stay with an elf, their culture should tell them to stay with an elf
Okay? Sure. I'm not promoting the idea that they should have "fuck humans" instincts. Again, stop projecting your insecurities onto what I'm saying.
>Stop anyone else from interpreting it that way.
Lol, what's wrong with you? People will interpret elves however they like. They'll interpret elves as weak and effeminate simply because elves are associated with concepts they don't like. Ignore it, they're retards.
>It will happen, I can assure you.
I could not care less what a bunch of retards think or say. Neither should you.
>Meanwhile having them being in relationships with humans adds nothing to elves
Shit nigga, of course it doesn't add to elves as a whole, that kind of thing is a story for individuals. Noting that it can happen is not the same as saying it must happen.
Your insecurity regarding cucking memes seems to be warping your perception of all this. Nobody is saying elves should instinctively seek out humans for fucking. Just that there's nothing really stupid or illogical about some elves fucking a human or two.
I might as well be the user that argued that, but I know that I'm not alone on this. Hopefully I was not too autistic, because it can get out of hand. Though I think it's a similar issue, not exactly the same, since this is about elves in general and them being constantly in relationship with humans, which is something that doesn't happen with Eldar, whereas I might have argued that the Eldars waifuversion is just different from what they are described as in the fluff.
As for what positive things an elf being in a relationship with a human could say about that elf?
It says that they care more about the spiritual and psychological than the physical. It says that they can look beyond things like race. It says that they can accept loss, accept that the person they love will die before them, and make peace with this.
All these things suggest a higher level of maturity and wisdom.
>Or the fact that they don't want to play something they think of as a slut, except when they install sex-mods.
Fuck me nigga, are you trying to make me laugh? Nobody thinks about this shit, unless they have legit insecurities in regards to it. Nobody sees a picture of an elf and a human snuggling, and thinks "ew because of that I don't want to play a badass elf knight like Aenarion". The ONLY people that think this are people who disliked the concept of elves originally.
>If one of the defining traits of a race is that their females get fucked a lot by other races nobody respects them.
That's not what's being argued holy shit, READ.
>And you can tell how?
Because being in a relationship makes not a slut, Jesus Christ.
Some people scream that normies are ruining the hobby. I just can't wait for them to take it over and purge it of every last trace of incel taint.
>looking for an ANCAP gf
>Literally never said this
You said that they like relationships in which their partner dies. Which doesn't make sense since they die not very often. Maybe whoever made them never foresaw the birth of races with short lives, in which case I can't blame him for ruining his elves.
>Just that there's no problem with it
I stated the problems.
>When your spouse died in the middle ages you generally remarried for either monetary, social or political reasons.
Jeez user, nobody calls anyone a slut for marrying again after their faithful partner died. I never argued against them marrying again after they widowed, I'm arguing against the notion that they derliberately target humans as their mates for this reason.
>People will interpret elves however they like
You might as well make it less easier than and give them less reason for assuming that.
>They'll interpret elves as weak and effeminate simply because elves are associated with concepts they don't like
Like being weak and effeminate?
>I could not care less what a bunch of retards think or say
Yeah, I sure do enjoy my elf threads when some fucktards join in and scream around how much of a slut every female elf is. That's my favorite part of talking about elves around here.
>that kind of thing is a story for individuals
Not when there are half-elves everywhere. If this happens all the time and in the same way it becomes a trope, gets reiterated and will be part of being elf as much as having pointy ears.
>Just that there's nothing really stupid or illogical about some elves fucking a human or two
Except for all the reasons I gave in-universe and in meta.
>All these things suggest a higher level of maturity and wisdom
I can see the points you are making here, though don't think that these are really the reason why these stories exist, how they are presented and how most people will see these stories. Really, as much as you try to coin this on me just having problems with cuck memes, you must realize that this is your very own and specific notion on this matter as well.
>Nobody sees a picture of an elf and a human snuggling, and thinks "ew because of that I don't want to play a badass elf knight like Aenarion".
Okay, you are right about this one. People that think this aren't interested in Aenarion in the first place and will happily dismiss concepts like him.
Nice capslock, really helps your argument. Though normal people don't really care about our quarrel here at all, so I don't see your point. I'm arguing with you and why certain representations of relationships of elves are bad for their image. Normal people sure do not give a fuck about this.
>That's not what's being argued holy shit
But that's what I'm arguing. Can you imagine someone going through a players handbook, looking at the races fluff to decide what race he will play and he sees a description of this settings elves that reads: "The elves are a dying race because their girls don't fuck their males, who are faggots of the highes order, but get dicked a lot by other races" and thinks to himself: "Oh what a compelling race! Can't decide if I want to be a fag or a whore!"
>Because being in a relationship makes not a slut
This is certainly not what's argued, of course being in a relationship doesn't make you a slut. What I argue is that there are a lot of people that think of female elves as sluts for the reasons I explained, and other reasons that are not a part of this argument.
>You said that they like relationships in which their partner dies.
No, I said it might be easier. MIGHT.
>I stated the problems.
What, people will make fun of you because of Aragorn an Arwen. Grow up.
>I'm arguing against the notion that they derliberately target humans as their mates for this reason
And I'm not arguing they do. Just that they can. Really, the crux of my argument is that to a long-lived creature short and long relationship are the same, as time is relative.
>Like being weak and effeminate?
Like philosophy, art, rational thinking, etc. Most people who don't like elves don't like sophistication.
>Yeah, I sure do enjoy my elf threads when some fucktards join in and scream around how much of a slut every female elf is.
There's a button right in front of you called 'Hide post', user...
>Not when there are half-elves everywhere.
Which isn't what I'm arguing for and isn't the case in 90% of fantasy settings. It's mostly something that exists in the heads of haters.
>Except for all the reasons I gave in-universe and in meta.
Your reasons are all variants of "it makes me feel insecure."
>I can see the points you are making here, though don't think that these are really the reason why these stories exist
They exist fora fuckton of different reasons. Early elf-wife stories were often about alleviating the fear of death, for example; it was comforting to think that sons or daughters who had disappeared had met an elf and were taken away with them to a place without illness or death.
Most stories with human/elf relationships today don't have an agenda. They're there for the reasons romance is often in fiction - people like it.
>People that think this aren't interested in Aenarion in the first place
Exactly. If the person is stupid enough to see an elf/human relationship and think this defines the concept of elves, they already hate the idea in most instances.
> Can you imagine someone going through a players handbook, looking at the races fluff to decide what race he will play and he sees a description of this settings elves that reads: "The elves are a dying race because their girls don't fuck their males, who are faggots of the highes order, but get dicked a lot by other races"
Except that's not what I'm saying, or what any material is saying. You're just taking it that way because you've let cuck memers get into your head.
user, you're full of shit. You're taking a vague passage about a few interpretations of elves and running with it. Then turning it into a vague memey political statement full of /pol/ and butthurt Veeky Forums bullshit.
They're really letting degenerates like you roam freely? Holy shit, man.
Honestly, from what it sounds like, humans would always want to pair up with elves if they can, whereas elves would always want to pair up with other elves.
Don't you mean on Gimlis and Galadriels?
well. In my fantasy version.
There was long a go a hybrid group of elves that got the best of each race, and were admire for being superior, then demons came and turn them into pieces and they scater all over the world.
While one of the main characters of the fellowship was a teenage half elf, that wasnt as lucky, and isnt as good as normal elfs doing stuff.
the father was a leader of an elf town, and the mother was a nobody that wasnt around because thouse elves prefer to not have humans around.
but outside my teenage stories, I dont remember other stories.
To be fair, Paizo was a mistake, even as far back as 1999.
Not for random political maymays, but just for being shit writers.
It's basically the nerd guy and any other girl. Nerd guys want a girl but even a nerd girl doesn't want a nerd guy.
But that's a gun.
Ronan is a half-everything awful author insert, isn't he?
Also Prince Kael'thas had a thing for Jaina
>reddit spacing
No wonder you brought up /r/incel. If you were actually from this website you would have said /r9k/, although I use neither board. And no elves do not marry for life 99.9% of the time, if you read 3.5 fluff and probably 5e fluff as well considering that 5e is entirely libcuck propoganda so they want to promote anti-slut-shaming with elves having dozens of partners throughout their lives to normalize the divorce process (which is supported by the jews who run wizards because divorce profits jewish lawyers). Elves basically have open relationships with the entire rest of the community. Incest and orgies are common, this is both implicit in D&D lore and explicit in other lore. Elves are fucking whores. Deal with it.
Elves are literally cucking themselves out of existence by fucking humans and producing bastard half-elf children. A marriage between an elf and a human can never be legitimate, just like a marriage between a white man and a black woman can never be legitimate. Any elf who fucks a human should be labeled a sexual traitor and outcast from their community.
>user you're full of shit
>le /pol/ boogeyman
Okay. Nice argument.
>muh seekrit club
one promiscuous elf has lots of time to produce offspring. or maybe elves are huge adulterous
are you okay user?
Human/Elf pairings will save the galaxy.
which pill is this?
I think he's had enough pills
Or hasn't taken them yet.