Is anyone into Force of WIll here? I just got back from the Ancient Nights pre-release and had a blast. Have you guys done well at yours?
Force of Will
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Not going to a pre-release for this set but I'm hyped as hell for the launch.
Did you use any of the basic rulers or did you get one in the packs?
I did. I used the Mermaid basic ruler with the filtering ability. The prelease kit came with all five of the basic rulers, so most people used them. I think that the only exception I saw was a guy who pulled Letoliel AND Frayla, who just ran Frayla through the whole event. Rain was of course handy, and the filtering was essential as I was running darkness to help with control.
Nice, I wanted to go to the pre-release but my boss asked if I wanted extra shifts this weekend since I've been strapped for cash recently.
I'm kind of interested in playing it semi-casually, mostly because it seems cheaper than Magic or YGO and is a little less autistic than Weiss Schwartz (even though I'm an unrepentant weeb).
My only issue with it is that it seems like the older Rulers without Energize are made largely obsolete by the Rulers that have it.
With the basic rulers, I am hoping that the store holds more FoW limited events at least. It did play pretty good, especially with the sort of tribal focused and the basic rulers supporting a lot of the main mechanics in the set. I didn't nab the playmat or second place prize sadly, as I tied a guy for second place, only to lose in a second deciding match after I drew myself out using Bloodspray. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring it in a format where you only have twenty cards in a deck.
The game is much much better than Weiss Schwartz IMO. Getting into it semi-casually is easy. This is due to the starters being pretty coherent with some good staples, and the singles market being really cheap thanks to a lot of the good cards being common in the first place, and the game not being massively popular. Some older rulers without energize have abilities that make up for it, though it is not always a sure thing.
As someone who plays this as his main TCG (But his second or third game) and doesn't like spending money, FoW works out for me very well as there isn't too much of an investment in buying cards or leaning wholly new mechanics. Some things like priorities have tripped me up, but as someone who used to play MTG it is very easy to grasp.
How are Cthulhus?
I see a lot of the resonators going around, but I don't think that the rulers are played often.
I used to be into it during the Alice cluster and around those. Game died for me because no one played tho, and the US tournament organizer for the game runs one of my flgs.
If you live in an area where people will play it go for it, cards are relatively cheap and you'll see the meta dictate most good decks you play. There was a couple tournaments I went to where some of the regional players from Houston participated and they all used the same deck.
Only issue I had was how limited the meta was, with each new set there will only be one or two rulers that are really worth playing if you wanna be competitive, but again it kind of all depends on the player base in your area.
Great game if you only wanna spend 2-3 hundred dollars on boxes with each new release. That will get you more than half the current blocks rulers and god packs are so common it's unreal
Thanks for the pointers user. Half the reason I play it, is because people in the are actually play it in the area. I probably wouldn't care too much otherwise. I will probably just stick to singles for now as they are pretty cheap.
No probs man, one thing I loved was the three levels of rarity made it crazy easy to get a hold of powerful cards
Weeb cards with anime art and tiny unreadable text will never not make me mad.
What are you talking about? The cards are anime as fuck as it is a Japanese game, but the text is perfectly legible. This isn't YuGiOh we are looking at.
Long elf is looooooong.
The proportions in some of the art is pretty crazy.
Dead locals and I personally dropped out around when Lapis cluster dropped.
I'm tempted to buy the black and blue starter decks for shits n giggles like I did the fire and wind for Lapis. They're cheap enough but I'm busy buying other shit for the 30 dollars it'll cost.
Eh. Tried getting into it with a few friends when it first came stateside, but the color balance was completely fucked. We got the monocolor starter decks, one white, one green and one blue, and green shat all over everyone every game and blue was just awful.
Do you mean balance across the starter decks, or the meta as a whole?
I used to be into it, but it is flat-out dead in my area. 6 months of the combined onslaught of "R/R or go home" and product shortages killed the game around here. No store will touch it.
I'll be honest, I'll defend the R/R format.
Because most of the R/R decks play very differently. R/R was the ruler for aggro, ramp, combo, some control, and some midrange. So I never understood it when people groaned about yet another R/R deck topped. What are these decks supposed to use? I vividly remember some revamped original deck won and everyone was bitching because it was "just another R/R deck" Most of the other rulers are extremely limited to one particular design. Like Pricia 1.0 can really only be used for the four sacred beasts. Machina 1.0 can only be used for machine OTK. So on and so forth. So unless you want your deck to be limited to your ruler's style, R/R was the only option.
I think the real problem is that the first generic ruler was fucking bonkers and they should have had made more.
Force of will is seriously more degenerate than Pathfinder. You should both be kicked off the board. Please leave and never come back.
Generally I disappro e of these statements, but FoW is one of those things that comes off a low grade hentai.
Looking to get back into this game after a hiatus.
Rulers I have:
>Rezzard 1.0
>Liberator of Wind
>Lumia 1.0
>Vlad Tepes
>Nyarlathotep 1.0
>Melgis 1.0
I mainly played Dark/x reanimator decks. What are some interesting (and cheap to build) recent rulers?
Did they unfuck the font?
Explain. If you meant with card names, look at OP
There's shit far more shamelessly pornographic than FoW out there. It may be a little more sexy than Magic but it's ultimately still pretty tame.
It may just be that your most significant exposure to anime artstyle is jacking off to Bible Black or something so you associate anime with porn.
So what's the reason people say the game is low grade hentai? Every card game has those few examples of questionable art, but FoW seems to get the most flak. Why is that? Is it because you people don't like anime or something?
It's the most ignorant thing to say about the game.
Most of the Magic fans at the LGS in town say that we should embargo against Japan, and that anime fans should be publicly lynched.
>go to store when I hear of the pre release hoping to see what it's like
>buy a starter pack and read up on all the rules
>go to the release day
>sign up so my games can be recorded at the store and go to meet my first opponent
>get the release card any way cause the judge was a bro and we played some edh with this cool little kid
Had fun any way when I got another starter pack and went to my mates. We tried to draft but had no idea what to do when my mate didn't pull a j-resonator
One of My packs though was filled with nothing but SR foils. Whats the deal with that? Is that just something that can happen?
Also pulled this cutie.
Community calls those god packs, which is like 1 or 2 per case. They come in a few variants.
Some are just nothing but SRs
Some are full art SRs
and some are all 5 J-rulers with their 5 matching special magic stones.
It all depends on what the set contains.
>that flavor text
Lewd af
Stella! I got full art SR's
Me and my mates face melted when I opened it and saw that the first card was this crazy looking foil SR.
And then every other card in the pack was like that and i lost my mind.
Also got this in one of the packs.
Whats the best side to look at and observe cards as well as their synergies and prices?
To look over every card, that would be
As for a centralized site for deck lists, there isn't much out there. You could maybe try Tapped out. Otherwise you might need to look at reddit or sites like GrinningRemnant or J-Ruler. I make my own decks so sorry
bless yah
Are any sets worth buying a box of? I'm considering buying a box of Legacy Lost, since everything in there is appealing to me.
Echoes of the New World has some pretty useful cards. The rulers are pretty bad though.
Pretty sure everything you have is rotated.
The prerelease sets come with basic rulers who you are supposed to use for drafting.
I generally look at TCGplayer for prices.
It's a meme.
I know. The only LGS that does FoW plays Wanderer format.
Like what?
I don't agree with it, but the art is pretty spotty. I don't give a shit about anime tiddies, I personally think people should just grow up and deal with it if they have a problem with that. I'm talking about the art quality as a whole. Most cards are passable at worst, but then you get things like these pieces of shit.
That artist in general is just bad, I don't know why they kept using them
That skirt is inappropriately short.
It's more like a belt than a skirt at that point.
Its got staples like Severing Winds, Excalibur, Dawn of the Earth, Sylvia and others. It depends on what you want to make but its probably the best set to have in terms of staple cards that can do in any deck.
>People playing Wanderer format
Seriously? I thought that New Frontiers was the only played format sue to Wanderer being too crazy.
I'm not an experienced FoW player but Wanderer seems way less crazy than Vintage/Legacy does and has a much less steep barrier to entry (read: price point), while New Frontiers has some of the exact same problems Standard has (though, again, it's cheaper).
I really like how this game plays but it's not played by anyone where I live.
I like how I can jack off to the cards
You can always buy a bunch of starter decks and invite your friends over to play with them.
I am lucky enough to have a regular crowd of dudes who are into the game near me. It is the deciding factor, as I can reliably get a decent amount of games in a week. Otherwise I would just be playing the starters with friends.
creepy art aside I enjoyed the few games of weeb magic I've played. I like the energy deck and ruler mechanics.
>creepy art
t. triggered roastie.
Just ordered the Children of Darkness. Friend of mind ordered the Green deck from that set, dunno what it's called. Got into it after trying it out on the simulator and I think it's pretty fun.
Too bad no one really plays it. I might buy a few starter decks for my other friends to play and see if I can shill it to them.
Yeah, none of my lfgs seems to carry it.
Which is weird. I find a lot more girls prefer FoW to Magic.
Women like cute, sexy women. They want to see characters that are ideal and aesthetically pleasing.
Still playing the same Sylvia deck I've been working with since TTW. I love the game, honestly.
Good luck ever finding that card.
Behold, everyone. A card from the Valhalla cluster, a cluster so bad that the company doesn't acknowledge its existence, stores don't supply it, distributors don't make it, and there is no format that allows you to use any of the cards.
I have a full set. It's not BAD, it's just... well, the first set.
If you compare them to ACN cards, they are god awful.
There are a few cards I actually quite enjoyed from the set, my favorite being Forbidden Fruit.
There's nothing worth using at all? Most card games have a few busted cards in their first set.
TL;DR Every draw effect draws one more.
I played during Alice cluster and attended tournaments.
For anyone who doesnt know, that entire cluster was nothing but an infinite source of asshurt from the playerbase.
I played during Alice cluster and attended tournaments.
For anyone who doesnt know, that entire cluster was nothing but an infinite source of asshurt from the playerbase.
You can thank regalia and R/R for that
I'd say I'd miss Laevateinn, but I'm not a monster.
Mill-bounce control?
So i was thinking of dropping a small amount of cash on this game since i like it but there's very few people that play at my LGS
What's a good starter deck to start? I saw the new ones are pretty dope but i heard people say that Lapis starters are the best way to start. What do?
Some Lapis decks are good but most of them are only useful for the staples. The green one is the one that stands out the most in that regard. That being said they do have current support that you can upgrade them with.
The new ones are probably better as a whole and they should be getting consistent support with the new sets coming out. Red is the best out of the box but with extra cards from the new set any of the five are fine, it depends on what you want to play.
I was thinking about either the red or the black one, i also thought about picking up both since the red cards that make the ruler untap might turn useful in the black one too
Its not a bad idea as Reiya has some good payoffs for mystery counters but no real way of getting them. The black deck does have a lot of bad cards despite having a few great ones so you'll need to look either into the new set or Lapis cluster to fill it out if that is the way you want to go.
Haven't played since it became impossible to get hold of it in the UK. It was around the time that Reflect was actually the only ruler in the entire game.
Is there a simulator I could play this in? I'm interested in giving it a shot but I dont want to buy the cards if I dont like it and I dont want to make myy friend dont he same.
Same with Asians for that matter.
I play it with Lackey online.