ITT: We summarize each others characters based off only their image or token
ITT: We summarize each others characters based off only their image or token
French Guts
Sean Connery from highlander but somehow more manly
Sister of battle but mideval fantasy
Basically Archer
Old school detective, probably retired but still tracking a few cases
Creepy, mysterious, probably a warlock of some kind - a spellcaster, but a different kind of spellcaster from most in the setting, with a lot of strange beliefs.
Quiet man attuned with nature, probably very frank and can come across as sassy from time to time. Fills his lantern with small knick-knacks instead of fire.
dwarven woman fucking sick of being in human society. even more sick of the "why dont you have a beard" cracks
elemental fist monk.
really into men. sensitive about his soft face and hairless body (maybe doesnt have hair on body because of fire but thats not how ki works.)
Not Sexy
user here summarized it well That-girl Paladin
Why is this a fucking PDF
forgot my character's portrait
he's a warlock
I lost the original image file, sorry.
High Noon, The Anime.
Literal fire-crotch
Slightly gay cowboy.
With every sermon he gives, he betrays his true self a little more. His own faith may be gone, but that doesn't mean he can't kindle hope in others.
One of Alexander the Great's greatest warriors, a man who know no fear.
Even the mark on his shield is said to break the moral of even the toughest soldier.
A dependable soldier, who you'd like at your side in battle.
A loose cannon, with a love for battle and (ultimately) a decent heart.
All orcs are said to be brutes who love battle, but not him. He runs from fighting and his blood, but it always catches up to him, one way or another.
Abandoned west coast enclave trooper, one the very last still loyal to the cause, bumming about the wasteland looking for another base which doesn't exist.
>Magazines are for chumps
Hit me.
Used to be a planetary govorner before the surprise Ork invasion. When the local chain of military command broke down in the opening days of the attack he suddenly became the most qualified man forleading the army.
He now works as both the planet's govorner and pdf general simultaneously and does pretty good at both.
I would.
Daddy high elf doesn't approve of me going adventuring.
Dex fighter with noble background.
Bard/Fighter multi-class
Scarily efficient bahamut pally. Does not sleep. Does not laugh. Does not forgive. Does not forget.
Epicurean wood elf that simply can't stop eating.
From a drawthread a while back
Retired/redeemed cultist picked up by the party. kind-hearted but still a bit lost on morals at times.
An aging lizard paladin who is just going through the motions of the order after completing his personal life's quest nearly 20 years ago and having nothing left in life.
Elf, probably
Smug Fucker, the favored class of elves
Has a magic eight-ball
Replace cultist with bandit and you're pretty much dead on.
Actual character's name is Ned Rivers. I'd be surprised if you guys can get a good read on his personality based on this art.
Middle dude
>Literally covered in Chaos Symbols
>Loving the Emperor
A warrior with a twisted fate. Everyone thinks he's crazy but there's a reason to it all. He sure is good at killing shit though, especially in duels.
Shadowrun/the mascarade urban fantasy clubber. Projects a relatively chill, go with the flow personality.
Moonlights as an aggressive and high energy assassin/rogue type, potential hitogre.
A womanizing pirate captain with a rebellious streak.
lewded dragon NOT loli
An officer on a boat. River boat or ocean boat, former or current, hard to pin down. But you don't get cloaks like that off the water often.
A hard bitten man. Weathered and scarred by years of the water's cruel love. Formal and distant in casual conversation, or with those he isn't familiar with; a stickler for protocol. Mildly superstitious.
If he lets you get close to him, earn his trust, or if you put enough drink down him (a rare occurrence) he loosens up and you get a little bit more of the gregarious hellion he was before time and hardship beat it out of him. Cocksure and confident, an imperious presence that drives his men to excel and bleeds through every now and then even in everyday commanding.
Don't ever talk to me or my cowboy son again
You can talk to him anytime.
pls no
pro wrestler in a campaign where he does not belong but somehow still works
Dungeon delver who might have an idea of what all his magic and enchanted items do. Maybe. Hopefully.
Diddly-fucking-ho, neighbour!
A Paladin who was wronged and arrested by the corrupt system and is plotting his rebellion from prison.
Oh, yes please.
After the villain (local or otherwise) has won, the hero was arrested and put in prison, where he must escape and rise up against the evil which incarcerated him!
A lonesome plague doctor, burdened by his(?) many memories of the dead and dying, now keeps only to the company of the crows that follow him(?).
Compensating Manlet
>A lonesome plague doctor, burdened by his(?) many memories of the dead and dying, now keeps only to the company of the crows that follow him(?).
Replacing crows with a tiny mechanical spider. But it was the loss of his memories that burdened him.
Guy sure likes agriculture. Or girl. Probably dislikes undead.
Seeking to become a champion in the world of wrestling, a beautiful manlet refuses to be turned away by a large bouncer, knowing that he could easily beat him down, he merely smiles and shuts his eyes in wonder. Very likely a successful ladies man despite his short stature. Extremely prideful, particularly about his impressive facial hair.
An alien who had decided to do away with worldly goods and possessions to become a space faring monk, seeking out exotic worlds and locations which seem especially intune with what he feels is perhaps his deity or some other monastic belief. He carries only enough money to gain food and transport for his pilgrimages through the galaxy.
Yeah I got nothing.
Flamethrower-wielding demonslayer.
He seems to be a pacifist.
What a smug guy. Noble or trying to look like one, judging by the clothes. Has some grand ambition, am I right?
This one gonna be a hard one
No a very likable guy but has some good traits about him. Get's a little over board with the whole fire attacks
I tell you what he doesn't do. Sell propane.
Landsknecht Lemmy
it's okay to burn evil people alive, right?
FEAR protagonist
Max Danger, Man of Action
Galactic Empire private eye
institutionally cryptic
sex-viking (dorf; sass mode on)
Julienne Davis in Eyes Wide Shut
no parents
lack of foresight
deffo Irish
operational operator
my sword is a tool of justice
Thunderdome Nazi
hi-ho, it's off to war we go, motherfucker
not faithful enough
Power Ranger daddy issues
dragon (female)
anthro Metal Gear REX
seduces-and-stabs, possibly plot-necessary
also daddy issues
causes three problems for every one he solves
killed Christopher Walken in Sleepy Hollow
Christopher Walken reincarnated
sex-viking (male)
operational operator v2
future realest guy in the room
probably really nice
hasn't had a day off in like years
sick of fucking getting hit on, only loves Emperor
sad he isn't as big as the other fire giants
A rogue who really doesn't want to be a rogue.
Kind of an asshole, but unlikely to betray you.
A healer secretly preying on the poor and desperate.
The first line of defense against Butane.
"Was that a short joke?"
Halfling gunslinger, ruthless desperado, has left behind almost as many rape babies as Genghis Khan.
Half demon, but surprisingly not brooding about it at all. Great flanker, does well between his swordsmanship and fire magic.
Gets around; lots of friends, lots of contact. Appreciates the finer things in life, isn't much for getting back to basics.
Lots of fun once you get to know him.
Distrusts occultists, thinks they want to study and/or try to bind him.
Vodoo witch doctor who packs heat when his hocus pocus wont' do the job done.
Napoleon syndrome.
Probably not a very nice fellow to be around, but having seen firsthand what happens when you don't write an airtight contract and then not breach it he tends to be good for his word.
Satyr druid that enjoys the simple things.
Not real big on combat - probably focuses on headbutting things really hard when he has to.
That WILL solve a lot of problems, though.
Philosophical drunk. Kind and generous with his take.
Secretely undead paladin.
Psychotic hitman.
Team mom
Prematurely old landschnekt. Experienced and deadly but grizzled and world weary, driven on by either a sense of duty or the desire to earn enough money to retire.
Grudging/unwilling leader of the gang if nobody else volunteers, will take over for incompetents. Steadfast second in command for a competent volunteer leader.
Likes his booze.
For fuck sake user you got it right except for the booze point
He just has that particular expression. The artist gets it so well.
"I was done three stairwells ago."
"No, I don't care that he insulted your ancestors, we're not following him into an unnecessary fight. We've taken enough risks as it is."
"I'm going to sleep now, you damn lovebirds. Try not to keep each other up all night, we've got a long day of walking ahead of us."
Didn't learn blindfire
Never quite worked out why the cops keep stopping her in public.