The moonlight shines upon your bounty, he stands upright looking wistfully into the midnight sky...

The moonlight shines upon your bounty, he stands upright looking wistfully into the midnight sky. After what seems like an eternity of silence, he speaks.
"Well you finally found me...I gave you a good hunt didn't I? I didn't think an amateur like yourself would actually find me in all honesty. Look, I've been caught in the open like this more times than I care to count, heres how this is gonna go. You're gonna put your weapon down, and I'm gonna walk to my camp, it's a hideout for what's left of my crew. Three guys, easy money."
How does your PC respond?

Sorry, I've got a rep to uphold. En garde!

I would have stabbed him long ago. The fuck are you standing there gaping at your bounty for an eternity of silence for.

>"Well you finally found me."
I'd already be charging at the fucker by this line


'Since when were you under the impression that you had any measure of control over your fate?'

Signal the rest of the party in for a non-lethal takedown, then collect on the contract.

Try not to laugh at him for talking to an illusion, then I shoot him in the dick.

>"The moonlight shines upon your bounty, he stands upright looking wistfully into the midnight sky. After what seems like an eternity of silence, he-"
>"I shoot him"
>"What? You don't want to hear what he has to say?"
>"If you listen to him you might change your mind"
>"Exactly, that's why I'm shooting him"

>>"If you listen to him you might change your mind"
>>"Exactly, that's why I'm shooting him"

See OP, you thought you were being cool and mysterious but you're just being a near-edgelord chuuni.

If you really want to railroad that hard, your precious snowflake is going to have to stammer and scream his proposal out while dodging your party's attacks and attempts to kill/capture him.

This. If you want someone to stop and think "should I really kill this guy?", don't make them all thinky and somber and mysterious. Don't make them belt out a fucking speech, that makes your players want to kill them more for being such a cocky and pretentious fucker. Make them afraid, make them vulnerable, make them HUMAN, and you'll get your players to have second thoughts

Actually I was just going to the bathroom, stranger
... I'll go over here

Does someone saying "here's what you're going to do" usually get you to do that thing, user?
It makes me want to fight them.

I stab that fucker and take his Humanity

"Pacta sunt servanda.
Also, I'm not as young and dumb as I look. Let's get this done." My first PC would then wait for him to speak before engaging.

"You know, that might just work out. Come on, let's talk it over a warm fire, eh?" The second PC would sheath his weapon and talk it out before deciding to either join the crew or shank the guy depending on how things play out.

Either way, I like playing old mercenaries who aren't quite as perceptive as they used to be but can still fight like hell and have stayed alive because they know how to talk their way through things. My first PC is just so tired that he wouldn't care anymore. After dying so many times, experiencing undeath, going through two different hells, and the apocalypse he's not in a mood to talk.
The second guy is far less honorable but more likely to talk since he's way less powerful and has less experience.


The light shines upon your bounty, he stands upright, a tense auro fills the air around him. He looks at you before drawing his weapon and says
"Well you finally found me huh fucker? I didn't think an amateur like yourself would actually chase me. Look kid, I've been like this more times than I care to count, heres how this is gonna go. You're gonna put your weapon down if you want to live, them you and me are gonna walk to my camp where you'll join up with my crew or you die. Decide now."

I like the cut of this guy's jib.


mixed results on this one. Players are weird. when you make someone meant to be an evil fuck, they like him for some reason, but when you try to make a character with any sympathetic value at ALL they suddenly want to see them dead. Probably just my group though desu.

I'm glad you enjoy it.

>"If you listen to him you might change your mind"
>"Exactly, that's why I'm shooting him"
I like this guy.

Beat his blade, hook the leg

One of the hardest kills my players ever made was when they were just ambushing a cultist. I went into detail as I described him whistling a jaunty tune while rummaging through his wine cellar and the pleased look on his face when he finally found the bottle he wanted.

They talked themselves into killing him despite misgivings, and upon looting the corpse found a locket with a picture of a girl in, half a sandwich in a brown paper bag, a small cult holy book, a pencil, and a crumpled notepad with some very bad poetry written and crossed out multiple times.

They asked me if I was making them feel guilty just to be a dick

I kind of was

Not braking eye contact her hands move over the necklace of a small embroiled hammer.
"See this?" she says "This is a symbol of honour, of the pride I have as a warrior and a servant of my great lord. If you like all those who I have hunted before wish to be free of me then you will draw that sword of yours and show me the mantle of a warrior deserves to be free of me. Else you will join all those that have come before you and return to the earth from whence you came." She draws each of her great swords from their sheaths and stands firm and unwavering.