2-3x incoming in the next 5 days

2-3x incoming in the next 5 days

Went in with 3 BTC at 15k sats. Let's see

up 50% thanks to sonm and dcorp today my blockfolio lookin green as fuck

Yep, i got in at 15k as well, not as much as you though :( but still 50% of my portfolio!

i think its about to blow again

Blow out or blow up?

up to at least 18.5k within the hour, there's almost no sell side pressure and bitcoin is dropping

its gonna go down. look at 1 day chart.

damn, you know your shit.

I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

>trading a relatively new coin on bittrex with the 1day chart when they're releasing the protocol in january

By all means miss out on these epic gains

Enigma is gonna be big regardless of how it performs in the short term. Honestly can't believe this isn't shilled here more

Soon we moon

Good long hold. It's gonna be a comfy 2018.

i shilled it an hour before the first insane pump and barely anyone posted on my shit and i post another one and almost no one posts either

they're all retards chasing chink pumps and niggercoins

Right? People don't understand the fact that organic growth takes time.

Bitcoin didn't reach 16k a pop in one year.

yep, im just trying to help my fellow neets get out of their shitty situations, oh well. I'll shill it here and there but fuck letting them know about sick pumps this coins easy to read

How high will we go. Tell us, senpai.

This coin could easily compete with ETH/XMR in the future. Take that as you wish, but I could see this coin 100x next year. I could easily see it 5x per month if they release something huge.

by the way, moon time.

Just a reminder that along with a 200 million dollar marketcap, ENG only has a total of 150 million tokens with only half of them circulating. As a comparison ETH has 96 million tokens and a 73 billion dollar marketcap. Now run the specs alongside its other competitors and think of all the room for growth it has. Enigma, at the very least, should be worth at least 100 dollars by 2019.

did you guys get in? i hope you did. You'll have another chance but itll be at 17k

Don't buy at the top guys, it probably won't break 40000 gwei

Yeah, don't buy now. Miss another entry point.

we're going to see a rising step pattern, try to get in before it jumps up another step. There is basically no sell side resistance on this coin, btw. It'll reach 100k sats next month.

Very cool. These are definitely some epic gains

oh shit nvm its flying now

Been shilling this for a few days here, this shit has phenomenal potential.

3.00 is BARGAIN BIN.

This is Ethereum level quality project, they have a new website coming out next month.


Read the whitepapers for fucks sake. How many shitcoins in the top 50 have pseudocode in their whitepapers?

> This isn't a shitcoin.

Yep. If it keeps going at this rate it'll reach 200k sats by the end of next month. From there, it might go viral as fuck and then who knows what else. I'm seriously considering going all in. It's already 50% of my shit.

Good idea, but it's way overpriced right now. I got out after 150% gains.

I think you'd be wise to cost average on the way down this slope. This coin will blow the fuck up and you'll hate yourself.

Meh, I got my eyes on other underbought coins right now. I already got my profits. True Moon missions are rare and this isn't it.

This will be be the best performing coin of 2018, screencap this.

Well, good luck then, i'm sure you'll be back lol

How does 0x (ZRX) compare, do you guys think 0x got as much potential to grow as Enigma?

No. Not as early in the year at least. ZRX will probably be worth a good amount in 2019 tho