WIP Warhammer 40k Fantasy Reaper Minis of all Sorts

WIP Thread: Paint it and They Shall Come Edition

Previous Thread: >Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Reinforcements are en route

9th Age Miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy:


Other urls found in this thread:


First for green washes and Poppip + his crew

Well normally I have primed all my mini's black up to this point, but I decided to man up, and try a different tact. I went for a lighter grey primer. These models are resin as well, as I have only painted plastic before, I"m sort of jumping into the deep end.. Hope they come out well.

For resin, do the same basic painting rules apply? water mixture, layering and brush placement etc?

These knights btw are from Tabletop Miniature Solutions...3rd party provider that sort of stepped up to the plate since GW's killing of Fantasy. They have some really good shit. Link is at the bottom of the OP.

I'm terribly sorry

You spelled knave right this time. Good job.

To give you a bit more fodder, check out this pic as well

I hope to put the first few colors on them by next week. Going over color schemes tomorrow.. I was thinking of doing one sort of common color scheme, and just have each knight have variants in design, using that scheme on his barding and flags

Drats. In looking at this pic, I noticed, I missed some flash.... Preparing resin is a lot more work than plastic...

Just finished my baneblade, the main artillery piece of the Armageddon 230th, the Emperor's COBRAs

I'm doing all my commanders as various members of GI JOE's COBRA.

I had to freehand the logo since a stencil failed disastrously. What do you think?

Ehh the quality of the logo is good, but the way it's painted on the tank...looks more like vandalism, rather the name of the squad/unit



here's Commissar Destro too, I finished him the other day.

I also have the kit to make Callidus Storm Shadow.


Beautiful work user! Keep us updated

I don't know...not so sure about this theme... Maybe cause I"m not a GI JOE fan..but just comes off of a necron in commissar garb

destro was a dude with a metal mask.

>This is the third batch that's gone bad, hate wasting money on it but I don't use it often enough to use it all.
Damn, yeah, that's rather a lot of money. Alumilite sells similar quality stuff for slightly cheaper, but it doesn't last quite as long.

>Do you mean pour it out from the canister into a bag, or just stick the cans it came in into a bag? If the former, what's the reasoning?
Just stick the cans in (separate) bags. I mean, you >could< pour them into bags and then "smoosh"-mix them for fewer air bubbles but the odds of one of the bags rupturing are.. not what I'd want to risk cleaning up after. All you're doing by bagging the cans is adding an extra layer of air-tightness and avoiding getting the shit on your food.

We are amused. Now you just need one of those Titty Commissars to be the Baroness. Put her with your Whiteshields for maximum ara-ara action.

Didnt realize how huge these guys were until I assembled them

These are the kromlech ones rite?

Yeah, and they are monsters. I want to see if I might have some bit to cover up their eye, these kromlech orks have these sad looking eyes I'm not too keen on.

Yvraine WIP
Need to touch stuff up and decide on what to do with the base and the Grynx.

Finally pulled my finger out and finished (ish) this plasma gunner. Going to batch paint the next three, hopefully will be more productive with a house move looming.

Need to take a better pic mate.

Bloody Gorgeous, I have very strong feelings regarding these lads.

Superb, user. I especially loved the weathering, oil paints?


Yes. Not entirely happy with the weathering on the plasma gunner. The colours change slightly as it dries, yellows slightly, so just going to leave it a couple of days to let the spirit leech out fully then maybe add a little more.

These are stupid good, stop over achieving user >.

god, I love the way this looks! especially the flesh,its so vivid!

done with these guys. just swapped things around, but I like it better.

also begun some work on making each and every one of my Poxwalkers look unique And removal of all those silly horns

Thanks boys.

I like these, I'm of the same mind when it comes to repeated minis, but I'm not sure I could extend the effort it takes to chaff like the poxwalkers. They look cool without the horns though, an improvement definitely.

thanks! yeah, I've removed pretty much all the horns from all of them, and it improves their look 100%. They become more reminiscent of Plaguebearers, imo.
and to be fair, most of the conversions are basically face/arm-swaps with other Poxwalkers, just snipped off and re-fitted with glue. its very simple!

GK stormraven proxy is finally done



Very smooth brushwork on those lenses.
Amazing clean / crisp work everywhere else mate.

Very noice friendo. Anything I'd change would just be nitpicky,

Those little tentacle arms

bun bun!

Just finished this monster last night. Two solid seeks work but worth it 100%. Learned a lot painting it that would speed up a future bloat drone. Ie: don't attach the guns before painting and then decide to cut them off halfway through. Or paint all the pipes simultaneously to save remixing the flesh tones.

100% ordering a 2nd, monstrous in game too. Those two d6 auto hits at s6

Reposting these guys from the last thread —got some really interesting models on the way for this warband. Need to get some new arms for the bloodletter bodied orc.

Managed to find a pic online of the arms it used to have, used to love that pointing finger.

It was a simple conversion I made years back…finding the model again in an old box is what rekindled my interest in miniatures, no idea what happened to the rest of the stuff though!

I'd love to get the same pointing arm back —not so fussed about the demonic blade — weirdly the demonic blade arm is available on its own on ebay, and not the pointing hand. Go figure!

Any suggestions for this guy to bare to arms much appreciated.

anyone know where i can find this model? I've been looking around stores for 3 hours now

Nice to see you finally finished it user
Also there any good guides on how to make your bases not look like hot trash

No idea user. I am interested in the Mamon himself (the DP which came in the kit) so if you find something tell me please

It's OOP
Forge world, Nurgle Demon Prince and Herald

Adding some Chads to my Minotaurs, surprised at how much more fun they are to paint because of the additional armour plates.

they're not available anymore, are they?

Nope. Only from China (maybe)

Tech Baron done, I think. I might touch up the freehand on the combi-bolter, or just repaint it to standard hazard stripes, not sure. Opinions?

now i'm interested

I have ordered some infinity stuff. They are metal, right? I am used to work with resin and plastic. What do I need to asemble/paint them?

This guy is amazing. I like the freehand the way it is

Send me one etherum

Leave it like that.

You could paint an aquila tattoo on his forehead


I was contemplating a barcode earlier.

Did you already have a stormraven and/or got sick of the kit/design or did you just really like the corvus? I've been considering going the opposite way because I like the interior detailing stuff that the corvus lacks.

as a dark eldar man, I dont know how you space marine guys handle those garish flying bricks

They look alot better without the horns, nice one.

I personally prefer the slightly less garish flying space marine bricks (image related).
But Eldar aircraft are rather sexy, true.

I envy Imperium players for the sheer amount of variety available to them.

>I envy Imperium players for the sheer amount of variety available to them.
true, the sheer number of models available is staggering.
But there is something to be said for a smaller, but highly cohesive line of aesthetically pleasing models.

You know it, I run a list that is mostly Kabalite Trueborn and Kabalite Warriors, I bought a bunch of Extra raider crew so all the venom gunners could be wearing Warrior armor, having a visually cohesive force feels really good.

Bit of a long post, I'm afraid...

I'm getting back into the hobby, and this chap is the first of many to come. I'm pretty happy, all things considered. I dared do some OSL and I think I didn't go overboard with the battle damage of the rifle, and on top of that, I'm liking how the cold white is coming along.

The next thing would be stipling some dirt & damage onto the armour, then using pure white on a few edges & bullet impacts, and then on to the base.

I've got a few questions:
1) I don't know whether to try freehanding a black I symbol on the helmet, or some writing onto the backpack. This would have to be done now, before battle damage& dirt. I got rid of all the ominous imperial imagery, as the background for this inquisitorial warband is more of a low profile operation that tries to blend in with the crowds of the hives. So that would be contradictory... on the other hand, I think it'd look pretty nice. Any ideas? Perhaps some kind of rune instead? I'll be adding abhumans (beastmen) if that's of any help.

2) Once the base is done I'll add snow on both the base and the trooper, so I'm going for a generally cold palette. Should I paint the ground dark brown, or blueish grey, similar to Astrogranite?

3)the black is essentially the old GW Black Ink over the grey/white primer, then some blueish highlights. Should I paint this properly instead? I kinda like it, but the black doesn't feel very deep. I'm also hoping that the ink's shininess disappears once varnished.

Thanks to anyone who bothers to read through all of that.

Absolutely brilliant, you have my respect for that tiny shoulder glass. I'd leave it as is.

thin yer paints

They are actually extremely thin (except, perhaps, on the lenses), all those imeprfections are from the minaitures's metal.

The bits on the feet are liquid greenstuff that will later be painted as dirt.

maybe a bit is the metal but if you bought it from gw, it shouldn't look that thicc, even with metal
so i guess it would be then: clean your mini more before painting
thin more

Anyone have a good guide for sculpting some fire? Need to make a flaming skull

Spent hour and a half cleaning each of them, except for some mold lines on top of the backpack, they are virtually non existent. The only thing left would be to file the whole kasrkin.

The mini may be a recast, for all I know. It's been in my hoard for years.

Wow, that looks really good, but it's like...straight off of the assembly line good. Are you going to weather it and apply some damage?

1) Maybe use a transfer? Either way I think adding something to the shoulder would be a good idea to bring a little colour to the figure. You could use the same motif on one of his knees too.

2) If you're going for a cold tone then some brown with grey or white mixed in. I really think a warm tone to the base and dirt would look cooler though, think Stormtroopers on Tatooine.

3) Definitely get a regular black.

Armies on Parade WIP, I call it Battle for Skull Gorge, might think of making a fully fledged table after this... suggestions on some good ruins terrain?im not sure wether to get the sigmar ruins or is there more value in the osgiliath ruins 3 pack? C&C welcome

Decided to swap out a head and beef up one of them to be the boss nob

what are transfer sheets? are they reusable?

Incredible work but I feel the left lense of his sunglasses is a bit flat.

Mmm I have to think about it, part of me likes the clean look of not having anything. The shoulder is an option I hadn't considered.
On the other hand, if I'm going to have abhumans, psykers, sentinels and rough riders, the toned down look might not make much sense.

And as for the warm tone... pic related :P someone madman did it a while ago, and although it looks very nice, I'm really want to set it on a cold world.

These guys should have something and cheaper than GW. But if you really want GW, Osgiliath all the way, I remeber you can assemble quite a lot of different stuff combining the pieces.

For example: eurobitz.com/img/p/3-17-large.jpg
They are not reusable, to the best of my knowledge. GW packs them with quite a few of their products, a quick way of getting a motiv on a miniature without having to freehand. Personally I never managed to get them to look good, but plenty of people do.

Looking good.

That looks fucking awesome, really cool, you better win

I might at some point, but I first got a lot of other stuff I need to paint and it's fine as is. I've not done any battle damage before either and I didn't want to risk it.

Yes, they're just painted black. My idea is to pick them out with a gloss varnish.

I just really liked the design of the corvus and imagined it'd be perfect for GK as soon as I saw the text panels.

As you mention though, it's a shame the corvus doesn't have any interior (yet the rear hatch is modelled on the inside, as if they scrapped the interior later in development and left the hatch as is)

Thinking of converting a vindicare assasin, any idea on how I should go about it? I haven't converted anything 40k, just a few simple jobs for sigmar

Gotcha, I was eyeing both as a command transport of sorts and the added hassle of covering or scraping inquisitorial symbols was enough to deter me. Super weird they didn't do an interior for a transport, real bummer as it would be neat to see what the inside looked like for one of the less brick-like vehicles in the imperial range.

I don't believe that will look good, have you considered doing the pearl effect but with blacks, grays and whites?

What is the right scale for tank accessories to apply to 40k guards tanks?

New to 40k here, is this really how the battles play out? It looks a bit... cramped. I thought that with things like 16" movements you'd have a lot more table to work with.

Ayup lads, it's me again. Been a while, hope you're all doing wonderful.
Finally found my Flagellants bodies again!
Since Sergeant Harker and Colonel Straken both got Kairic Acolyte heads, I figured they could use some extra bodies as backup. I'll have to add a Chaos icon and sculpt some extra clothing onto the rags so that it fits with the Neophyte Hybrids arms, otherwise this is pretty much ready to go!

The problem with the pearl effect is that the sunglasses become mostly greyish. I might resort to it though if the gloss varnish doesn't give the effect I desire.

It's just a display table. Games are usually played on at least six boards of that size.

That's a diarama piece, just look up winter seo, and skip a bit into a video to see how armies are usually spaced out along the board, normal boards are much bigger as well.

I like these, simple but effective kitbash. I might remove the elbow paddings and shoulder armour from the arms though.

Oh, that's much closer to what I was expecting, thanks.

These really look amazing.

You are one of my absolute favourite posters here in /wip/.You have a distinct artstyle and superb sense of colour. Keep up the excellent work.

God nurgle is so fucking boring, please paint something else

its looking very good!

>here's Commissar Destro too, I finished him the other day.

What kind of wargear does he have?

Enforcer for my Renegade Guard

we're starting a skirmish campaign soon so i'm working on some ungor raiders, i just primed them and they are ready for paint.