Say Veeky Forums, does anyone have that one greentext about the party traveling the setting...

Say Veeky Forums, does anyone have that one greentext about the party traveling the setting, learning cooking of a specific type from each master of that type? In the meantime, Greentext thread.











Nice trips Khorne`







Reminds me of a story my buddy was telling today, about a no-longer-friend who was a petty That Guy of a DM, and a very incompetent one.

Case in point, when He invited both my friends for a game and it was just the three of them:
>"This is a revenge game, isn't it?"
>"We're fucking with him, aren't we?"

They make two identical fighters, and make him rage-quit his pathetic attempt at revenge from a previous game by level 3.

Tower Shields and Repeating Heavy Crossbows. The tower shields are spiked, on the bottom. First round of every combat:
>"I attack the ground!"
Shield braced, they hose enemies down and have D&D Batman's utility belt in alchemical concoctions for any of the other BS things he can send at them.

>D&D Batman's utility belt

I gotchu senpai.

And the bonus sequel hook.

Thank you sir!

I just like the idea of that first guy showing up out of nowhere, mistaking the party for the assholes that killed his master, and all the others keep showing up for revenge for that first guy.

Just a string of Kung Fu Hustle styled retired cooks that happen to also be terrifying warriors in their own right, and the party keeps stumbling over them.

I've got a dumb greentext

>Be DM
>D&D 5e with a bit of homebrew stuff like classes and a few weapons if they make sense
>party of 4
>One player makes a "bard"
>Is really some crazy homebrew race that can turn into a mega lich later on, can create his own lich bodyguards and summon undead
>Has a spiritual lute that appears in his hand at will, costs movement to summon
>Sings his necromancy spells when he animates the dead
>Everyone still believes he's a bard even though he's clearly some kind of singing necromancer

>Later in campaign he starts a cult after bringing back a kid's recently dead mother to life, which is seen as a miracle
>Kid is branded with PC's "mark" and spreads word of his deeds
>Campaign progresses normally for a while
>Return to town reveals that the cult has taken up shop at a previous gang hideout the party cleared out
>Has grown quite large, set up a feast when the man himself returns
>They seem really shady, but the rest of the party ignores it and sees it as a plus
>Two party members decide "fuck it" and pledge their lives to the bard/cult, not really understanding what they're doing
>They get cult perks so they don't care about shady shit as much

>Bard is straight evil at this point, has killed many kids and tortured enemies, still doing the singing and shit
>Wasn't too edgelord-y as all of his actions had purpose, made sense for his character and what was happening at the time
>Turns out Bard's mother is alive, been dropping hints to it all campaign
>Mother ends up being BBEG, her intentions are to kill her evil son and keep him from coming back to life again
>Turns out Bard has died a few times before but uses lich magic to come back every time
>Encounter Mother in final cave area, deep underground
>Pretty long fight, two PC's who pledged their lives to the bard died during
>Bard kills mother, also revealing his origin and stops his "bard" act immediately
>Bard leaves the last character trapped in the cave as he collapses it, escapes with the bodies of the pledgers

>Next campaign takes place decades later around the same area
>Everyone has a new character
>Something about a cult seizing power of government, must be stopped
>Cult has grown to massive size, now has a few castles and towns in the BBEG's pocket
>Has his own army of undead, and two lich bodyguards, spies everywhere
>Eventually revealed that the bard from last campaign is the BBEG this time
>Two lich bodyguards were the player characters from last campaign who pledged their lives
>Party gets to final dungeon, Bard player reveals his new character as a sort of vessel of BBEG
>Was feeding info to mega-lich bard whole campaign
>Player shifts over to my side of the table and plays as BBEG during final battle

anyone have the screencap of the three stages of lawful good thing?