What would the world be like if you could buy a robot-assassin at the store for 20$?

What would the world be like if you could buy a robot-assassin at the store for 20$?

>robocop or shadowrun: who did it better

You mean

Who wore it best?

Human population drops 80% in a fortnight


Read this.

Everyone having a backup in the cloud. Murder is literally just a prank, bro.

Dunno. Are they anatomically correct?

you seem to not realize just how much $20 US is around the world, as well as access to such potential goods. 80% of the population couldn't afford it, and the remaining 20% doesn't want to kill the other 80% maybe 50% at most.
itt 80%+ dies in the developed world, or bad program instructions result in 100% human fatalities

You ever seen pokemon?
Robot assassin Pokemon where the losers die.


Is that what they're calling them now?

It would take a generation or two for the effects to truly be felt, but yes, the birth rate would fall dramatically.

>What would the world be like if you could buy a firearm at the store for 20$?
There'd be a bunch of restrictions on their use, so probably not much.

>Okay smartass, suppose it's legal to murder people
I feel like the murderbots are a relatively small part of the question at this point, but not as much as you'd think.

There's this common idea that if you legalize something illegal, it'll become rampant, eg legalizing murder results in Mad Max. This is no doubt true to an extent, but it tends to get overblown especially for dick moves: Usually you'll get SOME assclowns doing it all day, but usually because it makes them money, they find it funny, or they've got a particular axe to grind. To get back to the gun example, if it was perfectly legal to kill people you, personally, still probably wouldn't do so, whether out of morality, cowardice, social pressures, not having any legitimate reason to want to, or something else. It's always nebulous Other People who are going to do the thing.

That said, for what murdering does occur, most likely people inclined to worry about it would probably keep assassin-bots around for the express purpose of assassinating hostile assassin-bots. Wealthy and powerful people will tend to protect themselves, legally, materially, or otherwise, while poorer people will bitch about it being unfair but still get bumped off by drug abuse and car crashes more than they murder each other. The end result would probably involve far fewer assassin robot fights than you'd hope, just like the modern world features far fewer people being scammed than you might think. It happens, and it's a common annoyance, but it's hardly a crippling epidemic.

>What would the world be like if you could buy a robot-assassin at the store for 20$?


Not much would change.
You can get a robot assassin today for less than 500 dollars.

I want her to bury Dick.
If you know what I mean...

you sound like my autistic cousin trying to make small talk in the car

Scud th-
fuck, beaten

Came in here to post this.


A lot of robots would be assassinated.

>you seem to not realize just how much $20 US is around the world, as well as access to such potential goods. 80% of the population couldn't afford it, and the remaining 20% doesn't want to kill the other 80% maybe 50% at most.
>itt 80%+ dies in the developed world, or bad program instructions result in 100% human fatalities
Except that in the developed world everyone can afford dozens of robot bodyguards.

Not to mention, if a robot assassin only costs $20 then you are, presumably, postulating a post-scarcity setting.

To add to that - the societal impact of dirt cheap robots in general is going to be greater than the impact of cheap assassin bots specifically.

yeah, eventually a killer robot would stumble past a mirror, see that once he completed the job, he would die, decide he didn't WANT to die, and put the target in a life support pod, and then go around killing people to keep paying the medical bills on the initial target...

DAMNIT! beat me to it...

You seem not to realise that there are going to be some people who will buy dozens of them and just let them completely off the chain. It only takes one /pol/fag to buy up a hundred of the things and let them loose in Africa to have one of the most horrifying slaughters history has ever seen.

Shit, at $20 each I buy a few and tell them to murder people who don't silence their phone in movie theatres.