Song of Swords: Byzantine Adventure!

Last time on Song of Swords:
Spear discussion
Historical Longswords
Obscure WWII calibers

Song of Swords is a a tabletop RPG centered around realistic medieval fightan' with a ludicrous variety of weapons and fighting styles, centered around a dice pool system. It's currently in beta, and can be used for both fantasy and historical games. The Kickstarter was nearly 300% funded, and we're on the fast track to kicking ass baby.

Call of the Void: Ballad of the Laser Whales is a pulpy sci-fi tabletop RPG about fighting space-nazis and hunting giant whales with harpoons made out of the moon. Its combat system is more modern, based in the early 20th century, but can probably handle combat up to the present day.

MEGA folder containing current version of the game and all supplementary materials.
Note that the latest version of the game is v1.9.9 but with additional supplements.!S89jTT7J!ozFi9GvzaFGHfBa59Ik2-Q

Here's a wiki detailing SoS's fantasy setting, getting filled up bit by bit as Jimmy reveals more details:

There's also a roll20 room where new players are encouraged to try the rules, test new rules, and find game breaking issues:
If you're looking to learn, post here in the thread.

We also play Guy Windsor's card game Audatia in the room, but now we have a much better way to play Audatia: Tabletop Simulator! The (official!) mod for Audatia is now up and running!

The Legend will last 1000 years

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't bother making a thread until you fix the game, Jimmy.

First for aztec princess slaves.

What needs fixing now?
I thought they just did a huge fix?

First for Gizka hug pillow.

Not a joke.

You actually fucking did it.

Clean your fucking carpet, jesus christ.

We're all tucked in for the night.

Where's the hole for your dick?

Gizka is to good for that.. I'm just going to cum all over her face instead.

Tell her a story about SoS.
Also tell us.

But what's on the other side of the pillow?

Love to see everyone's guesses

Well once upon a time there was a mean old man named King..

you absolute madman.

You have my respect, as a degenerate bastard.

when was last thread? i haven't been here since the hurricane hit. i feel like i missed something with the pillow

Too long I guess?

A couple days ago.

Don't fuck with Paladins
Gents. This is a survey on the state of Arc system present in the game right now. Any feedback is appreciated.

Arc kinda sucks.

That's a pretty sweet comic.

I like Arc.

Are we really letting it die under 25 posts?

The goblins killed me. Avenge us.


I'd be posting but it's Labor Day weekend, I always go and drink with my coworkers the night before.

Jimmy, RAW TN 7 means you must roll a 8, 9 or 10 to succeed. You let a pretty big error through QC

We have been playing Song of Swords wrong FOR THREE YEARS.

Good Lord, how many people have picked up SoS and learned it wrong?

I believe some promises were made.

Sofia Magda is best girl.

Who the FUCK is that

>you must roll a 8, 9 or 10
Jimmy doesn't know TN is the lowest number you must roll to succeed?

He knows it, he just wrote it wrong