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Hunter 2e soon, hunterfriends.
>Bad Crossovers.png
Pic related, its you.
Changeling Supremacy
What kind of development hell is Geist in? It's been progressing through the dev stages, basically unremarked, and DaveB has occasionally mentioned a few tidbits of what is and isn't going to be in core, expansions, etc. But there's been absolutely no preview material. By this stage of Changeling 2e we had enough that you probably could have just run a Changeling in another game with the material available.
Getting increasingly nervous since I made a "mortal" character in a multi-splat who is the most narratively foreshadowed fuck in all existence to become a Sin Eater at some point and after like 6 months of play we've just started on an underworld arc. I'm not sure I can avoid gaining a major template for much longer, so far I've been subsisting by being literally too oblivious to be made a vampire by the Daeva I got a job working for.
World and chronicle of darkness are dead. A shame.
ssshhhhhh, it's bedtime. the magefags are asleep.
MYSTERY CULTS? Mystery cults!
I think The Night Shift from 1d4chan works well as a mystery cult - random night shift workers being inducted after part of the Weird wanders into their stores. Libraries in storage lockers around the city, late afternoon meetings-cum-support group.
I like using hunters in my Mage games as means and fuel for mage proxy-wars. Every Order has it's own pet cells for harrassing enemies, Banishers and Scelesti love to subvert cells and turn them into their own little cults, and Seers grow a whole conspiracies to target enemies of the Throne. Average hunter can be surprisingly dangerous if he is buffed with non-obvious Shielding spells and given the right Conditions.
I hope the rest of the book is like this. That's a great representation of what I'd want a Goblin Market-cum-Freehold to be.
>gay changeling shit
>be a mage
>find a Daeva
>repeatedly feed them your blood, thus creating a second degree Vinculum (while using a cup for the blood as to not be bound in return)
>the Daeva is now your agent
>infiltrates the Vampire society
>repeat x times
>gradually subvert and reduce vampiric influence to nil
Vampires may be a vermin and thus hard to exterminate directly, but God Almighty that lives in Aether works in mysterious ways and I am His servant.
>undermining vampires
>not outright obliterating them
And God said: thou shall not suffer a leech to live. But he also bids us to be good to our fellow man. Given how deep has the vampiric influence penetrated into our society, it is safer for human beings who could be caught in the crossfire, if vampiric influence is first eroded from the inside and they are subsequently removed from power, replaced by loyal servants of the Awakened.
Than we can burn them.
>>repeatedly feed them your blood, thus creating a second degree Vinculum (while using a cup for the blood as to not be bound in return)
Wait...given that your blood will give the Leech Mage Sight and make them experience the Supernal Realm you Awakened too...wouldn't you need to wait for them to come down between doses?
Also given that you mentioned the Aether I figure the Daeva will have horrible depression because he was met by the Angels and found wanting.
Congratulations you just broke your mole and made them unusable!
>wouldn't you need to wait for them to come down between doses?
Which would probably be a few minutes. Mage Sight can only be kept active for a number of minutes equal to the Mage's Gnosis. You also don't see Supernal entities when using Mage Sight. Well, maybe in Focused Mage Sight, but I forget.
Tel Aviv and Jerusalem should be given as detailed sample cities for more games than just Demon
So does Mind 3's Universal Language let you write/speak those languages, or just comprehend?
So this where Leeches tripping out would get screwy.
Do you base the time the Leech spends in the trip on your Gnosis or their Gnosis equivalent?
Your Gnosis, because outside of mechanics their "Gnosis equivalent" is no such thing.
Thanks for clearing that up.
for vtes stuff
Well, I finished Awakening 2e. Neat stuff, sounds like a really fun time provided you wind up with a decent group and a creative ST. What should I read next? I'm thinking Forsaken, but what about the regular core? How essential is that?
just comprehending would be knowing, since its weaving i would say it also allows you to write/speak them, it says you can translate spoken,written, blah blah so to be able to do that you need to work with both languages.
Mummy, see how a really good concept got fucked by stupid writing.
I already tried reading Mummy. It caused me pain on a physical level. I could only make sense of like, 1 in every 10 pages.
If it's Weaving then you're altering the capabilities of your own mind, so I would say you get total understanding, fluent speech, writing and all. As the other user said, just comprehending and understanding would be Knowing.
>tfw the Septemi were probably created as a result of some poor leech drinking blood of a high Gnosis Obrimos (just look at Abjurism, disrupting supernatural effects, as Prime does, and aspiring to your Virtues would rather fit that narrative)
Although I don't know how their "Virtues" fit into 2E. Maybe they *do* have them (and Vices too). That would be neat.
On that note, what would be the Bloodlines inspired by other Paths?
It's not crucial. Go ahead and read Forsaken.
>Although I don't know how their "Virtues" fit into 2E. Maybe they *do* have them (and Vices too). That would be neat.
In 2e the Virtue and Vice of the Kindred are called the Mask and Dirge.
Only the blood of vampires creates Vinculum...
You're a retard
Demon in the Vatican under Alexander VI (aka Rodrigo Borgia)
Great idea or awesome idea ?
So this would mean the Septimi try to make their Masks the Truth of their Being.
...Which Clan did they originate from in 1E?
>You're a retard
No he just chose Mental as his third block for chargen.
>You're a retard
No, I just know the effects of the Daeva bane, that's why I chose them and not another clan as an example. Read the goddamn book. Retard.
I know, but I was under the impression that Mask and Dirge were somewhat removed from humanity and therefore not the same as Virtue and Vice. Dave even mentioned how mages are quintessentially human and so get to keep Virtue and Vice, just like regular mortals do.
>...Which Clan did they originate from in 1E?
>I know, but I was under the impression that Mask and Dirge were somewhat removed from humanity and therefore not the same as Virtue and Vice.
Clearly this is why experiencing the Supernal after drinking Mage Blood is horrible for Vampires.
It's why the Angels find you wanting, it's why the Demons of Pandemonium have such an interest in's why Arcadia gives you so much shit. All because you aren't really human any more
Are the OPP forums taking a shit or something?
You don't really get how Mage Sight works, do you? To get the attention of the Supernal, you would need Focused Mage Sight. Which would be impossible for a vampire to use period, let alone while tripping balls.
Is this even a thing in 2e, drinking mage blood = tripping balls?
Wasnt it only in masq, was it even in 1e (other than that shit "the blood" book?
>You don't really get how Mage Sight works, do you?
Not really.
I thought drinking Mage Blood gave Mage Sight though.
Maybe I was thinking of Peripheral Mage Sight.
Clearly you don't know shit about Vinculum and the Daeva clan bane. It causes the persistent condition Dependent, not a Vinculum.
It also specifically says that it only applies to mortals. Mages are not mortals, they are a separate splat, and thus do not create dependence for Daevas.
You're a double-retard.
I haven't come across it yet. Still, sounds neat.
>inb4 muh lawnchair
You could wing it with the 1e rules and just update it when 2e finally comes out. It's sort of what I'm doing with imbued items in my mage game.
Its the only place in any VtR material where it suggests what happens when you drink blood of other supernaturals in any detail, in 2e they talk vaguely about blood contamination affecting you but give no guidelines. So unless we get a sidebar in a DE book or future vampire one it is all we really have to work with in any specificity.
Not this again.
Lookup what mortal means.
Mages are mortal.
DaveB has even said so.
Read this and choke on it.
Well 2e uses that differentiation all the time and it's not mentioned in the errata, so yeah. Fix it, Dave.
Mage uses sleeper to distinguish between mortals and mages, because both are mortals.
If other 2e books say mortal, it includes mages.
Mages and non mages even.
Awakening 2e uses "mortal" to differentiate Sleepers and Mages multiple times.
"Since Alexander, the Arrow has ensconced itself within
Sleeper societies. Rather than celebrating them or manipulating
them, the Arrow allowed its members to choose to fight for mortal
ideals and causes."
"Nameless mages embraced Fallen fashions
and technology as praxes, and were deeply
entrenched in mortal culture and fundamentally opposed to the
attitudes of the Diamond."
"Occasionally, objects from various portions of the Temenos
become visible in LA. Everyone can see these manifestations,
and they do not cause Quiescence. Mortals can remember them
as clearly as mages."
"If the being exists as a god or legend, it’s irrelevant, because it
has no noticeable effect on daily life, and no voice, mortal or
Awakened, can influence it in any way."
Those are just the obvious ones found by searching the document for "mortal".
Using mortal interchangeably to mean sleeper or mage is fine, whats your fucking point?
Your just butthurt you were wrong.
>whats your fucking point?
That the book uses mortal to differentiate between Mages and Sleepers multiple times.
>Your just butthurt you were wrong.
"You're". And wrong about what? I never claimed Mages weren't mortal. I'm a different user.
Last resort of somebody who got owned. Nitpick grammar.
Owned how?
Nice edgy black background Reddit snowflake
Mages who claim to be human are otherkin. Humankin to be precise.
Can Mages kill servants?
Don't remember the anime power levels too well, but iirc Mages would be Casters while the Magi would be hedge wizards.
Scooby-Doo as a mystery cult.
"The Mystery Crew"
Purpose: Solve mundane mysteries masquerading as paranormal activities
Relic: A van that always seems to break down by a "haunted" locale
Doctrine: Copious consumption of cannabinoids, running from people in halloween costumes, etc.
Rank• (Greyhound merit; exceptional success on 3 on chase rolls)
Rank••(Eye for the Strange merit)
Rank••• (A dot in Investigation)
Rank••••(Omen sensitivity)
Can a dedicated tool be anything?
A dedicated tool can be potentially anything. However if you want to use it for other purposes it needs to resonate with the supernal symbology.
So if a Free Council Moros could use a yo-yo to get -2 to the paradox pool but not much else.
But a Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow could use a hunting knife as potentially 3 yantras (dedicated tool, Path tool, Order tool)
Yes..even if all you have as a Hammer, two screwdrivers and a set of pliers.
Yes, this is an obvious reference to GaoGaiGar, no I don't really care if anyone complains.
Okay, and if I take the Professional Training merit, do I take two dots of Contacts from one source, or do I take it twice with each one a different source relating to the profession?
>But a Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow could use a hunting knife as potentially 3 yantras (dedicated tool, Path tool, Order tool)
Now this is knife!
I take it you could get an additional Yantra with Dedicated Tool if the knife was part of your personal Legacy as well?
What's the most yantras you can have? 5 right?
"take it twice with each one a different source relating to the profession"
That one. Remember you only need 1 dot in contacts to gain access to a group. Additional dots only represent other groups you can use for intel.
There's a cap on how many you can incorporate into a spell (based on Gnosis) and you can never get above a +5 bonus using them. I think you can have as many as you like, although only one can be a Dedicated Tool.
6 with gnosis 9-10
Cool, thanks.
I think so...but then I'm one of those people who has no clue how the heckie Yantras even work, so i could be talking out my arse.
But yeah, 5 is probably it.
Now I'm just imagining a Thyrsus Arrow from the Ghurka...which is probably a terrible concept but what the heck do I know?
Meant for
For anyone interested I am running a Vampire Dark Ages game set in Rome 1080 AD.
The party is mostly noble and well intentioned so let that guide your character concepts.
Here is the link to the roll20:
You can have as many yantras as you like. You can only use as many per that spell as your gnosis allows.
Gnosis 1-2 (2 yantras)
Gnosis 3-4 (3 yantras)
Gnosis 5-6 (4 yantras)
Gnosis 7-8 (5 yantras)
Gnosis 9-10 (6 yantras)
Its max +5 after penalties.
You could have 5 yantras giving +9 and have a -4 penalty from spell factors.
Ok so using that Thrysus adamantine as an example you can get the plus 2 from high speech
Just a little more info, games are at 19:00 GMT+2
Sure why not. However there are other yantras that will give you a lot more bang for you buck.
Using potentially 4 yantras for +3 dice -2 paradox dice isn't always optimal.
Sure. Remember when instant casting you may only use 1 yantra per turn reflexively. And you can't use High Speech for a spell you cast the same turn you use it.
Mudras from rotes being the biggest bang for your buck. Pick a decent skill, start with 4 and try to align order specialised skill for another +5 and bingo a +5 yantra.
Never actually played Aw 2e
How bad does paradox fuck you up if you use magic in the presence of sleepers ?
Do they have to actually see you use obvious magic, or just be around ?
Can paradox hit you by proxy (if sleepers see video footage of magic use, for example) ?
Paradox has been completely neutered.
The biggest source of paradox would be over reaching at early levels but even than you can usually just contain the paradox
Don't forget that each yantra after the first still takes an additional turn to employ, even if it's the same object.
That's why I use homerules for it. As it is now, Paradox isn't even worth spending time on it.
That's retarded
No its not, magic in front of sleepers will escalate fast, esp since it'll start at 1 (with 8-9-rote actions) depending on number of sleepers, then +1 per spell.
Pretty certain people saying paradox is neutered have never used it in 2e.
So, what does it actually do ?
What do you risk in the worst cases ?
It;s time to show time what time it is!
They have to see obvious magic
Not by proxy no. But sleepers can end your spell early if its obvious and they hang around long enough.
You guys know of any site where you can play CWoD? There's not enough people around me to play.
To not make your spell go wild and target the wrong people, or whatever you are going to have to eat it and maybe take some resistant damage.
If you get enough paradox dice and dont eat them as potential damage then the ST gets to fuck with your spell, give you conditions and even summon abyss spirits.
using magic away from sleepers and using rotes etc is pretty paradox free, once the shit hits the fan and you start casting in front of them, without rotes and shit, it can hit the fan pretty quickly.
I'm feeling as creatively bankrupt as a Call of Duty scriptwriter, /wodg/. Give me an interesting gimmick for my D:tD city, like how Seattle has the alternate timelines and NYC reshapes itself.
Which city are you using?
google roll20
That seems pretty tame
>How bad does paradox fuck you up if you use magic in the presence of sleepers ?
Adds a die and qualities like Rote, 9-again or 8-again, depending on how many Sleepers witness it. A Mage can spend Mana to mitigate the Paradox pool, but still can't spend more Mana in a turn than his Gnosis limit. Using a Dedicated Tool as a Yantra takes 2 off the pool. You can contain Paradox by rolling your Wisdom against it, and every success on your Wisdom roll counters a success on the Paradox roll. Each countered success hits you with 1 resistant bashing damage, and if you take more than your Stamina in bashing damage you get the Beaten Down tilt, which means you have to spend one Willpower each to perform any action that could qualify as hostile, or otherwise fighting back. Uncountered successes can give you a Paradox Condition, which can mean things like you have to roll Paradox for every spell, or you're unable to contain it, or whatever your ST wants. Spending more than your free Reach on a spell adds your Gnosis to the pool for every Reach the limit. So for a Gnosis 1 Mage this might mean two extra Reach just adds 2, while for a Gnosis 3 Mage it would be 6.
What are your homerules? What would make Paradox ideal for you?