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Halt! You are no longer Free Peoples!
*block your path*
I've collected Bretonnians since WFB 3rd Edition in the early 1990s. Thanks for fucking us with Age of Sigmar GW you greedy cunts.
Should have bought GW minis instead of perry. Maybe then you'd still exist
Why are the proportions so fucked up?
>GW keep increasing prices for old miniatures and selling them as "Premium product"
>geee I wonder why people buying from the guys who designed them, but for cheaper prises
Pleb-tier colour choice
It's a dwarf in disguise.
Noble sir, the King would be honoured if you would join his crusade to take Page 1 in the name of Gilles.
GW should have made new models.
I own literally everything they've ever made for Bretonnia.
I am the guardian of page 10, fool knight. Ye shall not pass.
I will stand with the king.
Fool knight, ye shall not pass.
Shall not pass!
>doesn't buy shit
>GW increases prices to try to make up for lost sales because lolKirby
>doesn't buy even harder
Oh look, knights. How quaint!
Prove yourself worthy and I may let you pass!
>sales are declining
>raise prices to compensate
>sales continue declining
>raise prices to compensate
>notice that people are still playing the game and buying ancillary products, but the minis seen at cons are competitors' products that offer similar or greater quality for lower price
>ban non-GW in any shape or form, raise prices
>imperials think they can shoot their way through the protection of the lady
just kiss already
>thread gets stickied
That's not very chivalrous
not so fast shitbird
You should never have crawled from the Sea of Claws and fouled the fair shores of Bretonnia.
how does that fellow knight distinguish the peasants from the spawn? they look almost the same
Kill them all, Shallya will know her own.
>sales are declining
Do you honestly think he'd give a fuck? I mean really honestly?
muh taxpayers
Christ man, you're like a battered housewife blaming yourself for your husband breaking his fist by hitting you too hard.
I'm sure he loves you really, and he only hits you because you didn't give him a choice.
That's because they are the same, the peasants have always been revolting.
I fucking hate how much I like archer sigmarines.
I would hate having shit taste too
So you're on a crusade and this guy slaps your damsel's ass, what do?
Btw he's on Deathclaw and has Summoned the Elector Counts
Ask him why if we're so backwards and "primitive", why is it then that our navy is the most advanced in the world and would whoop his bitch-ass excuse for a fleet.
What now?
Sigmarines are just a little too thicc.
I don't think the designs themselves are bad, and they actually look pretty nice with some of the different colour schemes, but I feel like they'd look far better with slightly leaner torsos and legs.
>bretonnians think they can charge through estalian pikes.
*spooks your path*
I never realized how criminally underused gigantic khopeshes are before just now.
From a serious standpoint, would it be worth it to go on ebay and buy some old Bretonnians? I really like their lore, not much a fantasy or sigmar player, but I'd love a small army of them.
Look up Norba miniatures and Tabletop miniature solutions before you do.
Knights are knights.
You can play knights with other company's miniatures using other company's rules.Though buying old army codexes will get you pretty pictures and fluff.
Or find some WHFRP books and play knights in a medium where you get to really enjoy the setting instead of just smashing mans together on a 4'x8' table.
Stop right their dues vaulting scum!
faggots actually believe this
Bretonnia is simply a case of bad marketing. After playing Total War and learning more about them, it's a damn shame they're gone.
Honestly same thing can be said about Warhammer Fantasy in general, I mean they are releasing it's biggest games and marketing AFTER they killed it
Eeeehehehe! I'm high on mushrooms!
Stop right there!
>Finally get your shit in order enough to make some progress against the greenskins/chaos/vampire cunts
>surprise beastman stack spawns in the safest area of your realm and razes 3 important towns before reaching them with one of your 2 armies (that you barely can afford)
>position one army as defense
>the offensive army gets dogpiled by 2-3 whole stacks of chaos/greenskins/norscan jerks
It's like they made the game as tedious as possible.
Can we like pool some funds together and create our own replacement for WHF?
Play the vidya like a good goy.
Have you checked out the Ninth Age?
You have your knights mixed up. These guys crusade FOR THE LADY.
Holy fuck the art quality dropped like a stone.
>sigmar is a girl
It's shame they squire person isn't a woman.
>ywn be a knight-errant wandering the earth and hunting monsters with your loyal waifu squire
Pick one.
Instructions unclear. I picked both.
That's a wizard. And fuck you for making me remember that atrocity of a movie.
What movie? I literally just googled "cute female knight" and picked the first non-animu image.
Dungeon Siege
>jason statham
>john rhys davies
How can this not be great?
>sigmar is a girl
Wait, what?
So GW still protects and liscenses-out the WHFB universe, and they still sell the old books and endtimes novels. What would stop them from making a new standalone boxed game?
Something like "Warhammer End Times: The fall of Bretonnia", and it could include brets and either nurgle or skaven.
It has nothing to do with Dungeon Siege 1, 2, or 3
And none of the Dungeon Siege games have anything to do with each other anyway
What a disjointed mess of a series
I just wanted a new Bretonnian Men-at-arms box set the last ones suck.
>What would stop them from making a new standalone boxed game?
Having to actually make miniatures fo a dead faction for the stand alone game, two heroes, troops and special options, but it wouldn't be so bad to have new Knights of the realm, men at arms, plastic questing Knights, two plastic heroes and a plastic trebuchet.
It's a twofer: File off anything that could get them sued for copyright violation *and* virtue signal your SJW credentials!
If you had a navy, you'd still have Marienburg. It's OK, though, I'm sure all you money-worshipping, honourless, jumped-up 'nobles' were fine with losing that fat cow. After all, all your rivers still empty out there, so you can pay your taxes to the Directorate, and go visit the sites of all the battles you lost trying to take it back.
It's a terrible idea because bronze swords snap as soon as you look at them, so making them bigger and heavier only exacerbates the problem. looking though
>muh navy
Don't forget Ray Liotta and Matthew Lillard as villains, and Burt Reynolds as the king. In the Name of the King is a classic example of how you can have all the star power in the world, but a garbage director will still produce a bloated, incoherent mess of a movie.
And also an example of how people are retarded, because they let him make two more.
It's funny because that image demonstrates how much the Empire needs a functional navy. Surtha Ek keeps coming back every few turns with a new band of Norscans to fuck shit up, meaning you need to dedicate a substantial amount of resources to an army that wanders up and down Nordland and Ostland, fighting off him and every other warlord who wants a piece. It's the same problem the Empire has in the regular universe - they're too pathetic to build boats and go deal with Norsca head on, so they trust they can bite the pillow long enough for the Emperor to come save them.
>The fall of Bretonnia
user, you know what happened in End Times right? Bretonnia had the "shock reveal" that The Lady was some elf and then had a tantrum about it. Took their ball and went home, and then laid down and died without much of anything else. Of all the factions to get shit on in ET, Brets got it the hardest.
I dunno, Beastmen still got it pretty bad. They allegedly did some cool things off to the side, but they never really got the camera focused on them and got stomped on also off-screen, to make space for yet more Chaos Warriors/Daemon wank.
I dunno, it could have been worse. GW could have revealed that someone like the Red Duke was the rightful king of Bretonnia all along and that everyone else who took the throne had basically cheated.
>"Shock Reveal"
Did she even bother to hide the ears anymore after 3rd edition?
The dumbest part of this was that, really, if I was a Bret, this would have made zero difference to me.
Elf or not, Lileath is an actual goddess, and she's been incredibly good to Bretonnia. No other deity has given their blessings to freely to those that pray to them, not even the Ruinous Powers. Her intentions were good and she genuinely seemed to like Leoncoeur.
So, you find out your god is an elf god. Who the fuck cares? She's still literally the most caring and active deity in the setting.
>So, you find out your god is an elf god.
You can't say much considering we don't live with other races like dwarfs or elves in our setting. To you, discovering your god is just an Elven god makes no difference. To pompous and chivalric Knights who think this is the epitome of humanity and why humans are better than elves or dwarfs, it's a huge let down.
I mean, LOUEN'S knights gave up, yeah, but bretonnia was ravaged by civil war, nurgle's plagues, the skavenblight itself, and later dark elf raiders. They could use any of these.
Alternatively: Bretonnia is so great it stole another race's nicest deity.
Bretonnians have never really been about human supremacy anyway. High Elves are more chivalrous in their eyes than the Empire or Estalia or Araby by a long shot.
so she is some elf that fell so hard onto Leoncoeur's D that she decided to help humans instead of give blessings to elf exclusively
a little bit masochistic but isn't it only further proving human supremacy?
myrmidia is a better Lady than lileath bretcuck.
>most caring and active deity
>implying any faggot grail knight is capable of withstanding luthor fucking Huss and his hammer.
Make them out of something else.
Damascus, maybe. The real damascus steel or the fantasy version, whataver.
>Bretonnia has no fucking industry to speak of
>Somehow has the bestest fleet in the old world
Lmaoing at bretonnians thinking they are good at anything. They exist so that Karl can expand his domain without upsetting fellow elector counts.
At first I saw Bretonnians and was all "ho hum, my penis demands leadbelchers", but then I saw the Grail Reliquae and looked into the fluff.
I thoroughly enjoy Bretonnians as much as Ogre Kingdoms.
>Grail Knight is worshipped as a manifestation of the Lady by illiterate serfs and/or peasants
>Grail Knight inevitably dies
>His body and horse's body are made into a mobile reliquary and carried into battle by the aforementioned serfs and/or peasants
Something about it is so basic, so simple, and yet so damned good.
>Post about virtue signalling
Don't you get tired of doing this, user?
>Think your goddess is a manifestation of your people and the values of your country
>Willing to put up with the fucking nobles because this is what She asks of you
>Find out the whole time it was an elf, who set up this caste system so she could separate out all the gross human chaff and isolate humans she seems worthy enough
>Implying this wouldn't make someone a little mad
>Trying to find the Grail while having a waifu that isn't the Lady
It's like you're trying to die a failure.