Top kek

top kek

Notice how the article doen't mention anything about noble or bright.

Grimdark is the new "steampunk" - people will apply it meaninglessly without understanding the actual idea behind it.

Pretty sure it was Homestuck.

Everything Veeky Forums is mainstream now. Over the last fifteen years the scene has become full of nu-males, casuals and fake nerds who learn the lingo and then spread it around through normalfag channels. It was partly due to a surge in popular fantasy media like WoW, GoT, 40k vidya and LotR/Hobbit, and also a general (and paradoxical) raising of nerd profile in nerd blackface shows like BBT and Peep Show.

>a five paragraph article on Wikipedia is equivalent to being mainstream

Since fucking forever, m8

Since before you were born.

Reminds me of when a /v/irgin added a section on "casualization" (which is a thoroughly debunked myth) to the gamer page on wikipedia, and people screenshotted the history page to show he added it during an argument.

Then they went through his history and found him adding info relating to Gaia and Reddit, exposing him as a gaiafag and a redditor.

Top zozzle

>Alright guys, this campaign is going to be a dark, realistic and gritty grimdark steampunk fantasy setting
>You all start in the city of Hauptstadt, a Germanic medieval European village on the countryside
>None of you have parents because they were all raped to death by the evil, multidicked, bisexual warlord of the area
>You're also part of a gang and sometimes forced to burn innocent people to death for not paying their protection money
>Oh, and you have steam guns. They're basically revolvers but they use steam instead of gunpowder
>Oh, and after you overthrow the gang and castrate the leader (because that's a tradition, don't ask me why) you get to escape on an airship to overthrow the evil king who waters his fields in the blood of his enemies
>And now let me introduce you to the DMPC: a sexy dominatrix sorceress who uses whips as her weapons and she's totally hot and sexy and slutty but you can't touch her because she's mine and she has a spell that makes your balls explode so don't even think about it

Can my raped elf gangbanger touch her? She doesn't have balls so she's safe, right?

>grimdark fantasy has three key components: a grim and dark tone, un sens of realism
>sense of realism

Roll for vaginal circumference

>casualization is a myth
There's a hard evidence of this in Elder Scrolls and Fallout series.

Knowing /v/, it was most likely linked to some arbitrary group that they don't like. Women, or minorities, or people who actually play video games.

You're right about TES and fallout, they definitely have become more 'casual', but I don't know if it's that widespread.

Who is responsible for the destruction of fun?

Assblasted reactionary grognards?

it's not just vidya, casualization plagues every field of human activity. How many of present day "movie enthusiasts" would know how to operate VHS?

How many present-day "coffee enthusiasts" conquer South America to get their beans?

>The most successful and popular grimdark fantasy, George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire
I guess we're just throwing 'Low Fantasy' out, then.

How many movie enthusiasts can even develop 16mm film in their home laboratory? It's a fucking travesty.

For fuck's sake, I bet these damn 'artists' don't even paint cathedral roofs for the glory of God. Fucking heathen youths.

How many litterature enthusiasts can even recite the Mahabarratha, the Ramayan, the Odyssey AND the Illiad from memory without written notes ? It's litteraly worse than Hitler !

>not doing daily recitations to train memory and speech
fuggen casuals


Fucking royalists

stop right there, royalist spy

I have too many interests to learn them all down to the deepest level. I don't have to be Gordon Ramsey to cook mac'n'cheese, don't have to play the old Skyrims to enjoy the new Skyrim, be the Olympic champion to swim in my garden pool and don't need to know anything about grimdark to like the setting of dystopian tv series like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones.
Casualization is good to sample things and if you decide it's your cup of tea then you are free to drink barrels of it.

Try reading the blog post they, for some fucking reason, used as a source. It's a review of a book that the reviewer has heard someone else refer to as the antithesis of grimdark, and he therefore spends time trying to determine what grimdark is so he can determine if the book is an antithesis to it. He fails to answer both of those questions.

> On a scale of 0-3, The Goblin Emperor could be, well, almost anywhere.



>return on investment

>if you decide it's your cup of tea then you are free to drink barrels of it
I bet you don't even know how to harvest tea. Casual scum.

You enslave a group of sri lankans and force them to do it at gunpoint?

Do you not?

Oh, wow. That was a gold mine. I think my brain is bleeding in protest.

I'm not casual, I grow my own herb in the garden. But don't tell the UK that I call a tisane "tea". And that it's healthier than their colonialism relict.

You don't like the badly written article? Well, why don't you rewrite it then, fuckboy?

It's wikipedia. Any rewrites will immediately be reverted by screeching editors for touching 'their' article, then referred to their pet administrators who will ban you.

Start a wikipedia war and make it grimdark.

>not enslaving a group of americans to mine it out of the boston harbour

>Ocean-distilled tea
ah, i see you're a man of culture as well

We are one, maybe two, iterations of pic related away from that drivel being the mainstream understanding of the term grimdark. Have a nice future user.


a sense of realism, not being actually realistic.
Which in short means being cynical and pessimistic

So... you're saying you liked it before it was cool? I wonder what perjorative we can assign to you.

How many so called """""programmers""""" smelt silicon in their garage? I'm so triggered right now.

This is the nu-male generation of RPG players, Veeky Forums. This is what you asked for, this is what you supported with your laissez-faire and friendliness. A bunch of faggots who want to fuck around with no consequences, want their hands held, want the DM to suck them off. This is where fudging rolls comes from, this is where the "Three Clue Rule" comes from, this is where "you can't make puzzles because low-IQ players will get triggered" comes from, this is where "every encounter has to be tailored to the party because if the barbarian is useless in a long-range combat they will get triggered" bullshit comes from. A load of limp-dick faggot-ass players who whine about everything. If they can't even man up enough to play a goddamn RPG then what the fuck are they worth as human beings?

>a bloo bloo we TPK'd because we fought something without any thought as to whether we should
>a bloo bloo someone caught us off guard with the oldest trick in the book
>a bloo bloo the enemy used tactics and we didn't so we lost
>a bloo bloo i fell off a cliff i was fighting near that shouldn't have happened, this isn't like the nat20 greentexts i read on tumblr! wahhhhh!

Not him but it's visible in quite a few franchises. I'm an autist who likes playing autism simulators so you can understand how much HoI 4 disappointed me. HoI 3 was an autistic mess and I fully understand wanting to streamline the formula, but there's a huge difference between streamlining and gutting. HoI 3 and DH both have their upsides and downsides, so if I were in charge of HoI 4 I'd simply combine the best of both worlds (the detailed map of HoI 3 with the unit format of DH for example (meaning that rather than having all these divisions nobody uses, the smallest visible unit on the map is an army corps from which you can freely split off divisions if it's neccessary). Yet HoI 4 goes completely the different direction and creates a simple and uninteresting chassis which can be expanded upon with overpriced DLC that barely adds anything of interest.

HoI 3 is the superior game. While EU4's endless DLC constantly makes the game better, all the DLC in the world won't be enough to save HoI 4 because the chassis is so utterly flawed. To borrow an analogy from Reynold Sayne: HoI 3 is an ugly, old, rickety bridge that creaks when you walk over it but gets the job done. HoI 4 is a log tossed into a river, and every DLC is a new rope used to tie that log down for stability. No matter how many ropes you use, it's still a fucking log floating in a creek.

Elder Scrolls and Fallout have never been deep or difficult. I mean, in Fallout 1 and 2 the main tactic is "Max out agility, intelligence, and small guns to win" for fuck's sake.

This is what happens when you spend the best part of a decade explaining shit via buzzwords instead of using actual descriptive language. The only place that "Grimdark" belongs is in discussions of Warhammer 40K, the progenitor of the term. Because there, Grimdark has a clear meaning - it means the gloomy milleu of dystopian fiction cranked up to nightmarish absurdity, that characterised earlier Warhammer 40K editions. A world where everything sucked for everyone, nothing was going to get better, and everyone was doomed. A world where ceaseless, pointless, hopeless war is the status quo.

"Noblebright" is dumb buzzword bullshit that doesn't mean anything either, and is actively impeding nuanced critical discussion. You could say something was "optimistic" or "light-hearted" or "clean", or you could employ a term with no fixed meaning that any two people can agree on, and which has no works that anyone can agree embody the term.

Seriously, the term "noblebright" is fucking meaningless outside of Veeky Forums. It is not a good descriptor of anything..

I prefer comfydark

>adjectives are buzzwords

That's because you're a dirty fucking casual when it comes to the topic.

Well fuck, I've been gottened.

Comfydark is the best.

what old skyrims? arena. did you mean elder scrolls, you FUCKING NORMIE!

I wish women would stop having hobbies. It's fucking feminism. They should just stick to the goddamn kitchen. Niggers too. God I want them enslaved. A nigger with a hobby is pc run amok.

the worst part is that i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not

They do have hobbies. They're called "men".

So you're okay with the fact that Jews have turned women into BBC obsessed dyke sluts? Today they take our games, tomorrow they enslave all men

joke's on you
my great grandmother was jewish
it's too late, goy

Trump's gonna gas her a second time, only this time, it's for real

but user, trump can't get her
who do you think he answers to?

Trump has done more to fight the Jews than any man in history. He single handedly drained the swamp, built the wall and locked her up.

do you really believe one old, overweight man can take on a jewish great-grandmother

Trump is the healthiest man to ever hold the office, his doctor said so. His physique is that of an Adonis, and his glorious mane only accentuates his youthful vigor.

shit, can't argue with that
unless you know that she paid his doctor to say that

As if trump would go to a corrupt doctor. You libtards are Moran's.

And with that, you exposed yourself.
A good game nonetheless.

If you think women ruin your hobbies then maybe it's time for revenge? Ruin theirs.

>"Noblebright" is dumb buzzword bullshit that doesn't mean anything either
>he doesn't know how noble-grim bright-dark axes work
top lel

'dey aren't choppy 'nuff for me to care

Both of those are from a single producer.

"Casualization" is just /v/irgin bullshit due in part to their hatred of basically everything.

That said, the state of the gaming industry right now is depressing.

Show me any modern AAA game that has mechanical depth of Morrowind and I believe you. Remember that Morrowind was AAA and made for consoles too. It wasn't obscure nerd game, but rather targeted at casual market.

That is a poor example because VHS was a poor system to start with and it has been objectively improved upon by more modern technology, while vidya tends more towards using the modern technology at it's disposal to create games that lack the nuance of their predecessors in favour of simpler systems and flashy, cinematic gameplay.

Who gives a shit? 40k is a setting of subpar fanwank to better fictions.

WH40k < WH:F

Seriously i can't fathom how you fuckers enjoy this shit setting

Except casualisation means that the 'samples' become the actual product, which you will be charged for. Minimum effort garbage designed to appeal to morons that lacks any of the depth that the original fans enjoyed.

You wouldn't be happy if you ordered a large meal from your favourite restaurant and they gave you an entrée (because market research said that the average customer only wanted entrées), right? And then you ask the waiter if you can just have more of the food you used to enjoy because while you don't particularly mind entrées, it's not why you came. He tells you that they won't make it any more because it's not a financially sound decision.

I like the sisters of battle, Ice Maidens aren't acceptable alternative in the WH Fantasy.

"Grimdark" and "Noblebright" are shitty, vague, useless adjectives, that do more to confuse and derail discussions than to elucidate them.

If I say something is blue, or smooth, or loud, those words will communicate the same ideas to all english-speaking people. Grimdark and noblebright do not. They are bad words.

I know exactly how they work.

>No two people can agree what either axis represents
>No-one ever refers to them outside of Veeky Forums, save for a handful of anons' personal blogs that no-one ever reads

Plebs. They dumb shit down and make it a worthless time-killing activity rather than something challenging, interesting or creative. This shithead is one of them , a fucktard who has no interest in Veeky Forums-related things beyond them being something to do on the side whilst 'hanging out' with other plebs.

Tryhard strawman arguments just show you lack a legit point to make.