How would you port Bretonia into 40k?
Space Bretonia
So a feudal army whose culture is highly influenced by elves?
Can't think of much...
White Scars but instead of Mongols they're useless faggots misled by the Eldar.
Bretonia was too noblebright and flawless* to be in 40K, or even Age of Sigmar. They ascended to become the Deus Vult meme. Now they can crusade forever.
* Reminder to disregard peasant posters and hide peasant posts
Knight house.
For army comp on the tabletop, you ally IG and Knights. Have one or two knights as your, well, knights, kitbash up some peasants and use penal legion rules, toss in some rough riders, and make a custom psycher woman to be your damsel.
No big guns or tanks though, because chivalry.
I'd go with a Knight House with strong ties to the Adepta Sororitas rather than the usual Mechanicus links (Likely in the same system as a shrine world) due to a dark time when the heirs to the house was lost and the Cannoness of the Order helped find a true heir that was unknown until now. While independent of them, the two groups have fought together so often that they are rather close to a single united force.
Put the SOB in the Lady of the Lake role and lets the SOB actually do something with that whole 'They keep careful track of noble lines/help guide them' non-combat aspect that often gets forgotten.
Their household benefit gives them a superheavy-scale Shield of Faith (They get to apply their 5++ vs melee as well as shooting, can deny a power like a psyker) and the SOB Order ability gives them +1 Shield of Faith saves when within 6 of a Questor Imperialis unit.
Son, if you can't spell Bretonnia correctly, maybe you shouldn't be porting them across to 40k?
just expand some practically independent knight house that also deploys smaller walkers and jetbikes
Non imperial human faction. This is the most important step. CANNOT just be a part of the imperium.
Has its own warp-god that chooses it's ruler?
Noble families are genetically modified. Knights are terminator-equivalent.
Psykers are kidnapped at birth by an eldar faction and trained to use their powers safely.
Maybe a unique "pilot-ejection" mechanic, where noblemen (ie character) knights start the game in large vehicles but continue to fight in terminator-esque armor if their tank/walker is destroyed. Less wealthy knights have just a term/kan/dread equivalent and only one "life".
What part of space would they inhabit? Halo Stars? Somewhere in Ultramar?
Not space marines.
40k already has it's version of chivalry and badassary. If you just wanna make it more obvious, give a Knight world a benevolent world-soul that they worship as the Lady or do like other anons suggested and have them worship an unusually powerful and active living saint whose name has been lost to time.
Space marines.
Just, like your image, do some head swaps - if that. Space marines were the 40k knights, just look at black Templars.
Alternatively pimp some guardsmen. I have seen an user over on /wip/ who has made fuedal guardsmen who had individual arms as well as helmets
OP here, have I post on mobile because I'm at a convention but I have an idea for how space Bretonnia could form. Anyone interested?
If we're building from the ground-up then they *are* ultramar. An independent realm that is almost as powerful as the imperium, and mostly has it's back. Neighbors with a huge border. They might have different opinions on Xenos, psykers, and religion, but are unified against the ruinous powers and tyrannids.
Of course, in some centuries the High Lords and the Noble Kings are at each others' throats. There's no chance of real unification.
If we have to slot them into the existing galaxy, then they're out at the edge beyond imperial space.
With the big gash in the Imperium I feel like Ultramar becoming Bretonnia while the western side of the Imperial stagnates might become a possibility. But of course GW might fuck it somehow.
Dark Angels and Knights
>Put the SOB in the Lady of the Lake role and lets the SOB actually do something with that whole 'They keep careful track of noble lines/help guide them' non-combat aspect that often gets forgotten.
I mean, people forget that the sororitas has a group of sisters who do just that. Maybe they involve themself in the Knight House after the original patrons started getting to interested in Eldar shit.
Again, I said I have an idea for how things might work out with the advice given so far.
Do a big force of Ravenwing with copious Bretonnia bitz, use guardsmen kit bashed with men at arms for the peasant flavor of Bretonnia, Feel free to take some Sisters as damsels and shit and Tada! you have a slightly eccentric Dark Angels successor who uses their recruitment planets PDF as cannon fodder who are allied with an Order of Battle Sisters.