We hear here many "That Guy" Stories, but have you some about a "This Guy" as well?
We hear here many "That Guy" Stories, but have you some about a "This Guy" as well?
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What does that imply?
He means good guy game stories. The cool players.
is it 2011?
Oh yeah, me.
Good players will fade from memory while bad players are remembered for generations. This is why I go out of my way to power-game in every game I've ever been in.
When you're a good player, people always have this expectation that you'll always be great and the stress of trying to live up to other people's expectations will burn you out, and people will shit on you for not bringing your A-game every single fucking day.
However, if I'm a shitty player who does everything in their power to ruin everything for everyone else, every time the group remembers a game, they'll always remember how I murdered a plot important NPC and derailed three months worth of plot hooks in one lucky string of above average rolls.
Nothing quite as satisfying, much better than actually playing the game.
Are you a sociopath?
No, I'm just smart enough to know that living up to an unattainable standard is pointless in the long run and human beings tend to remember bad memories a lot more vividly than good ones.
I bet you never even thanked your players for being good players or thanked your GM for not being a cock and delivering a decent narrative/setting/NPC's for you to interact with.
However, if you've played with shit players/GM's, you'll always be willing to bring them up, increasing their notoriety and fame among your small circle of friends and granting them the attention they so desperately crave.
It's actually pretty funny, the worst someone is, the more people want to talk about them, but if you do everything right, you just fade into the background until you fuck up, causing you to be seen as the worst even if you've done everything right up until that particular point.
In the end, you create your own THAT GUYS/GM and you aren't even aware of it.
Allow me a minute to understand your logic here, because people will remember your actions more vividly if you are terrible, you go out of your way to be a terrible player and ruin the fun for everyone else?
Of course.
I mean, there's a reason we have 15 THAT GUY/GM threads per good guy/gm thread. People love to deal with assholes just because they get a new story that they can tell.
Being the person actively making other people have a bad time is genuinely and unironically a more entertaining experience than wheneveryone is having a good time.
You realize that roleplaying is meant to be fun, right? Not just a way to turn your misery into free (You)s?
Fun is purely fairy tail nonsense because what I think is fun is radically different from what you think is fun, and trying to mix our fun together will just make things unfun for us in the long run.
Besides, you're saying that you've never taken enjoyment from the expense of others? You're telling me that you've never felt pleasure from the suffering of someone you really despised?
Because serial killers are always the people who don't appear to have a bad bone in their body and I'd rather game with THAT GUY than this guy who always go for agreeableness until he...doesn't.
I have two players that I'd put forward for this. One is the single best role player I've met, far and away better than the next best and has exactly zero of the arrogance. The other is literally the incarnation of punctuality, he's been late literally never and has only missed one game night in years. He also lives over an hour away, several times more than everyone else.
>reaching this hard to justify being a cunt
On top of that, have you ever seen a table of people who legitimately get along and enjoy the game? They're always so... cringey. Feels more like a circle jerk than a game night. Ruining their game is probably the most exciting thing to happen to them that week.
I guess, I have one?
I had a new player for a Shadowrun game who had never gamed before. He ended up playing the most perfect example of a paranoid merc I've ever seen. He played like he knew the score and would do things that were ugly because they needed to be done.
Kirk, you're awesome buddy.
>One is the single best role player I've met, far and away better than the next best and has exactly zero of the arrogance.
So he's a pushover with low-esteem.
>The other is literally the incarnation of punctuality, he's been late literally never and has only missed one game night in years.
So he's doing the bare minimum required when committing to a group event.
I mean, good on you I guess but that's not exactly reaching the high shelve if you know what I mean.
This is a put on, yeah?
You're not actually this dead inside, right?
>Not enjoying a rousing soggy biscuit is the same as being emotionally dead inside.
There is nothing worse than a group where everyone agrees with one another because the moment you say "I disagree because..." they'll look at you like you just stabbed their dog and come up with more and more "justifiable reasons" to boot you.
It's almost creepy in a way, because the moment they encounter someone like me who throws a monkey wrench in their good time, they'll go BALLISTIC and freak the fuck out because you ruined their good time, which to them means that you are an enemy that needs to be destroyed, rather than a person who just sees things from a different point of view.
Wow you've sure committed to ruining this thread, haven't you?
How memorable you'll be!
Wingman Bro was the most fun player I ever played with.
>Pretty Dragongirl same color as me, we are rare race, speggi everwhere.
>Wingbro pops up. You must of heard of user "Hes the Ice champion of the hero winds", "He single handed stopped a lava golem using only his wits and a iron shield. Saving me and a bunch of children at the same time"
>Never asks for reason other players are doing shady stuff. "I trust you"
>Pull backstories out of thin air for magical items. +1 chainmail made from vines "This was a gift from a forest goddess. Two lovers met in the woods, but her father forbade it, he sent archers to kill him and this mail formed around him at the last moment to save their true love"
I wrote a massive green text story about how he stopped gaming with us in another tread. But my writing skills made it unreadable
Yeah I see another fish biting the shit out of that hook right above you
If I can ruin a thread just for having a differing opinion then you're probably one of those creepy fucks that I mentioned in the first place.
Also, people like virtualoptim still get mentioned from time to time, and his trip got autob& a long ass time ago.
You type out a lot but you don't say anything beyond "I'm I cunt because [weak sauce reasons]".
You're either making shit up, a 12 year old edgelord, or a sad sociopath.
Go make some friends, user.
Maybe you should get a trip too so we can also remember you.
Also, you're ruining it not by virtue of disagreeing, but because this is a thread specifically about the opposite of what you are. So really you're just being off-topic.
Why even bother responding if you're just going to decide that I'm a "cunt" without even reading the post?
You just sound like you're butthurt because I called out your circlejerk for what it is.
Don't worry junior, you'll learn eventually.
If you want to be technical, talking about anything besides tabletop games in general is technically going off topic if NAZImod is to be believed.
Shouldn't really be throwing stones inside glass houses y'know.
This is the sort of can-do contrarianism that makes Veeky Forums strong. So, in keeping with Veeky Forums's contrarian spirit and inability to form proper arguments, I'm contractually obliged to say this:
Fuck off back to or whatever shithole you came from, fuck yourself with a cactus, and post a video of it. I want to see you suffer too. Circle of life, motherfucker.
>itt: anons fall for painfully obvious bait
Ah. 12 year old it is, then. Thanks for confirming.
>Act like an asshole.
>Get kicked from every game.
I can only hope the day comes soon when I can grow out of this terrible "enjoying things with good friends" period of my life and finally learn to make other people miserable on purpose
>"enjoying things with good friends"
Real talk, is there anything more embarrassing than a grown-ass adult that still has "friends"?
>Play online
>Get kicked
Not really that much of a setback desu, the only people who play online are spergs who have no choice BUT to play online.
OOOOOPS!!! The huge amount of generals might have confused you a bit, but reddit is the other way.
Anyone over the age of twenty that still thinks friendship is a real thing watches too much anime and never mentally left high school
The "friends" you make in middle school and High School are never quite as good as the friends you make in college.
Think about it, in middle/high school, everyone's confused and horny, so the people who call you a friend one day might end up becoming your enemies another day if booze/money/women get added to the equation.
In college though, everyone has had at least a decade to work out all the hormonal crap and are better equipped to handle the rigors of adulthood, especially if they're people who went to college later in life and have a good grip on how to be a decent person.
Generally speaking you tend to keep your college friends after college a lot more than you keep your high school friends after high school, so there's probably truth to that. I still like to have a good time when I hang out with my college friends, especially when playing mutually tabletop games, and we certainly have no interest in deliberately making each other mad instead of just enjoying our elfgames together
Oh, fuck off.
He's right desu.
If you just putter along with the intended plot on the DM's rails then nothing interesting will ever happen. Throwing a wrench in the plans and forcing improv is what makes sessions interesting.
Damn fucking straight man. You dont win arguments on Veeky Forums by calling them 12 year olds. You need to come up with the most creative way of showing to them that they are, in fact, a gigantic douche-canoe so large theyre kept in the plane area of the smithsonian.
Are you retarded?
>Playing online
Found the problem.
cmon, post it pretty pleeeaase?
Are you?
People who display no negative traits are usually people who have a history of low self-esteem brought on by some traumatic event where displaying any sort of personality flaw led to them getting shat on by someone they cared about, so they overcompensate by making sure that they carefully display only the traits that they know is acceptable to the group, which in turn makes them appear great among people who value compliance over individuality.
So, "Yes Men."
Also, if you're committing yourself to a group activity which requires you to be somewhere at a certain time, it's expected that you're punctual so that the rest of the group isn't waiting on your arrival before they can begin. Showing up on time is not something that should be rewarded, it's the bare minimum that's expected of you in any group activity.
I mean, if these are good qualities then I have to say, there's no shame in reaching for the bottom shelf from time to time.
What problem is that? I'm probably the most exciting thing to happen to most of those people on roll20.
You sound like an overanalyzing faggot, desu. But go ahead and armchair philosopher that user's game buddies I guess. More power to you.
>What's the problem
Playing online.
If it wasn't true then you wouldn't have responded.
Also, how is showing up on time not a general expectation?
And what's the problem?
>Playing with female dwarf doctor/chef who's whole goal in life was to make sure everyone was healed and fed 24/7
>Get revived
>And a muffin
Feels good man.
>this fucking thread
Anons pls this is either
>Trolling, wherein poster will get gratification from attention
>Some dude who thinks of people as morally obligated to give him attention and remember him while getting little pleasure from anything else
> So the same damn thing
There's no winning, let it go.
Being online.
Sure man, but I should of wrote it all out and spell checked it first.
what type of muffin
Man, that sounds really fun. What a great character.
>There is nothing worse than a group where everyone agrees with one another because the moment you say "I disagree because..." they'll look at you like you just stabbed their dog and come up with more and more "justifiable reasons" to boot you.
That's fine except that's not something that happens. Characters in the gaming groups I've been in have IC disagreements all the time. Yet they always work something out and no-one gets booted.
>It's almost creepy in a way, because the moment they encounter someone like me who throws a monkey wrench in their good time, they'll go BALLISTIC and freak the fuck out because you ruined their good time, which to them means that you are an enemy that needs to be destroyed, rather than a person who just sees things from a different point of view.
Bruh, destroying their fun is your "point of view". They are not making you into an enemy, you have already made them your enemies from the start.
But yeah, there's really no point in replying to you. Well, congratulations, I got myself caught.
I remember a guy from a non-serious 1-shot of Shadowrun. We'll call him "Stonerbro."
>be group
>group decides to do a 1-shot of shadowrun
>dm goes crazy and opens up possibilities for the players
>you wanna be burnout addicted to smelling concrete? go for it
>stonerbro makes a crazed war vet who lives in a van down by the river
>he's burnout addicted to many things, shrooms, acid, etc
>but there's one burnout addiction that stands out
>kicking people in the dick
>just the dick, no balls need to be kicked
>fastforward, group gets to a meetup with Wanye East
>the fucking weeaboo has a katana, while all his guards carry guns
>stonerbro goes forward
>"So, you got the goods?"
>stonerbro's gaze is immediately directed to Wanye's crotch
>it's been too long
>his pupils dilate
>"Nice dick you got there... you, uh... can you let me uh..."
>Wanye is taken aback by stonerbro's fixiation, but tries to resume negotiations
>stonerbro then loses control, his leg winds forward and kicks Wanye East squarely in the dick
>combat is begun, stonerbro yells "THIS REMINDS ME OF THE WAR!"
>empties his assault rifle into Wanye East's chest
And what is the problem?
I like to think I was being "This Guy" when I gave a guy a ride home so another player could get some sleep for their early shift in the morning.
>That's fine except that's not something that happens.
Go up to your average liberal college student and tell them that Trump isn't the worst thing ever. You'll be lucky if you walk away without being accused of bigotry, rape, or both.
>Characters in the gaming groups I've been in have IC disagreements all the time.
Not even the same thing.
>They are not making you into an enemy, you have already made them your enemies from the start.
They should learn how to not take their games that seriously and they wouldn't have any enemies at all.
>> They should learn how to not take their games that seriously and they wouldn't have any enemies at all
> I'm a shitty person, and when my shittiness makes people not want to be around me, I say the problem is that they're just too sensetive.
Well I mean, I've never thrown a punch at someone for playing a game "wrong" or anything.
Maybe tabletop players are just inherently immature people.
>Go up to your average liberal college student and tell them that Trump isn't the worst thing ever.
Sure. Hold on.
You poor thing. You think you can fool people into this bait when in truth it is you who is being used by the bait
That implies that people care what you do.
In reality bad players aren't majestic beasts to tell stories about, they are nuances. That take up peoples time and we do our best to forget about them. If they are really bad they get kicked, or if we sort of like them outside of the game we let the game peter out and start a new game without them.
People aren't looking up to a good player as the hero of the game, they're just happy to have someone around who makes the game more immersive and engaging. When he does cool stuff that's great, when he doesn't no one cares and when he fucks up people give him some slack because he's usually cool anyway.
irl I don't have a talk a lot about bad players, most people I'v played with don't care enough to remember them. However, we do like to talk about all the great shit that's happened in past games.
People just like to bitch online and Veeky Forums is bitch central. If this is the only place you get to interact with other gamers it makes sense that you'd have a wildly schewed idea of what people care about in games.
>Go up to your average liberal college student and tell them that Trump isn't the worst thing ever. You'll be lucky if you walk away without being accused of bigotry, rape, or both.
I'm not from the US, thankfully. And I don't see how people not liking you for intentionally trying to ruin their fun is the same thing as people not liking you for your political choices.
>Not even the same thing.
And in what way, pray tell? One will want to kill the mark, the other will wish to drop the quest. They'll argue their sides to convince others. In the end, the group will work out a solution. I don't see how that reflects your statement that everybody in the fun-having group agrees on everything.
>They should learn how to not take their games that seriously and they wouldn't have any enemies at all.
You purposefully fucking up a campaign people worked for (this is especially unfair toward the gm) and got invested in is not their mistake, but yours. If you don't like cooperative, team-based games, go play Munchkin or something and leave people who like them to play them in peace. You're the immature one in the whole deal. It's sad that you can't have fun without trying to ruin your friends' fun.
Works for BvS
True immaturity is not accepting that other people have fun in different ways and grouping and claiming everyone else is immature for not taking a game of pretend as seriously as you do.
Not my story, but personally, I find it really heartwarming.
>That implies that people care what you do.
Which are you more likely to remember, the time someone loaned you $5 or the time you lost $5 when you wanted to buy something from the store?
>That take up peoples time and we do our best to forget about them.
And purposefully trying to forget something will inevitably force you to remember what it is you're trying to forget. Also, if you truly forget about them, wouldn't that mean that they'd eventually be invited back?
>However, we do like to talk about all the great shit that's happened in past games.
Every gaming group I've been in has talked shit about shitty players/gm's that they've dealt with and we all usually share a laugh at how inept those people are. We also talk about times people have done something clever or campaigns that went over well in the past.
This is so cute :3
True immaturity is finding a group that finds fun in one way and insisting on a "way to have fun" that ruins theirs. I've told you, you don't need to play rpgs. Go play Munchkin, the way you like to "have fun" is expected behaviour there.
Its a shame user ruined this post like he dose with so many games.
It worse that some many fell for the bait
I hope you realize that you sound like a comic book villain
If they weren't immature then I wouldn't have been able to "ruin their fun" so easily.
Your frekn right
>So many people taking this bait
I hope you two realize the irony of immortalizing my post with a voice recording when the point I was making was how people like me get remembered much easier than good players.
>unattainable standard
You can't be good forever user.
Seriously? That's your answer? If you're relaxing by having a beer with your friends and I come and start insulting you and acting as irritating and cancerous as I can be, you're immature for getting irritated? If I go and delete all the saves on your favourite game, you're immature for getting angry? If you're teaching a class and one of the students starts deliberately disrupting the class, you're the asshole for sending that student to the principal's office? What, you expect people to stoically put up with whatever shit you pull specifically to spite them? And then go calling them immature? Are you twelve?
Veeky Forums falls for obvious b8 again.
>If you're relaxing by having a beer with your friends and I come and start insulting you and acting as irritating and cancerous as I can be, you're immature for getting irritated?
I'd honestly be more confused than angry if some 400 lb. autist ran up to me and my group and started calling us faggots for no reason. I might ask security to escort you off the property but that's about it.
> If I go and delete all the saves on your favourite game, you're immature for getting angry?
If it was my favorite game, I would've either already beaten it as least once or it's a rogue-like where losing a save file doesn't really affect my progress overall.
>If you're teaching a class and one of the students starts deliberately disrupting the class, you're the asshole for sending that student to the principal's office?
Nope, the school doesn't give me a right to discipline students, so a disruptive student is under the purview of the (vice) principal, not me.
>Are you 12?
Are you?
It's funny how fa/tg/uys shit on /v/ for being shit while falling for the most obvious bait in existence.
I almost feel sorry for them...almost.
this is too good to be true but, the point of fiction is to show us hope for a better kind of world..... thank you....
There is just someone in this thread desperatly trying to get Yous for some reason. Possibly OP ?
Thank you guys for contributing to the OP.
I remember good players ^^
>Six posts
>Out of 90+ posts
Yeah, totally remembered.
Yepo. But it only lasts 24 hours and it was fun to mock you.
Really in a few days I would of forget about you as another troll on Veeky Forums. Your not really rare.
I used to have a really dick player in my group. He got kicked out and died later that year. I only remember a few bits of what he did in our games. I remember the other fun stuff alot more.
>helicopter half orc dick
>magical gloves for a one armed wizard
>falling into a pit trap because another player bated me. (It was really funny at the time and I knew OCC)
>Apple on the head. "I dont think this is a good idea" "I know you can do it. I trust you" "Ermmmmhmm"
Im grinning about it now.
Now there was STUFF that guy did. But im really sitting hear thinking hard to pull it up. I just remember him sulking alot and putting his dice back in his bag when it gos the wrong way.
The reason you see THAT GUY thread so much is people like to vent.
The best times stay. The worse fade away.
So, why did you call security or the principal? You shouldn't really mind, it's not like you're an immature man who would consider that disruptive.
>If it was my favorite game, I would've either already beaten it as least once or it's a rogue-like where losing a save file doesn't really affect my progress overall.
Ah, yes, of course. The scenario is clearly impossible, which allows you to not answer the question whether you'd be immature for being angry at someone ruining something you're invested in purely out of spite. Brilliant tactic. I mean, the same thing applies to your other answers. You've focused on the individual examples rather than addressing the underlying implication. What're doing is pure sophistry, and I don't feel like wasting any more time on it.
Well. Here is some more about wingbro then.
Playing shadow run
>Wingman bro is playing a monk
>We are chasing a truck in two sports cars. Im driving the one with a orge minigunner. Wingbro is driving one with street sami in the other.
>"Get ahead of them sami" says wingbro
>Gm im going to jump off the back of the car and go throw the windscreen and punch the guys
>orge im going to shoot out the back of the truck while they are going to slow them down.
>wingbro fumbles while orge lets loose all of his rounds.
>wingbro bounces off the truck, flips in the air.
>I make a roll to catch him in the car.
>orge bullets catch the gas tank as hes falling.
>Wingbro looks up. Stars in his fucking eyes.
>"I kicked it so hard it exploded. The guys at the temple will be giving a me new belt after this"
Playing pokemon tabletop.
>Player wants to catch some flying pokemon
>Spots a nearby tree climbs it.
>Gm looks at his stats
>You dont need to roll you can just do it.
>asks to get closer.
>They will see you unless you make a stealth check
>No points in stealth
>can I use somthing to make them come to me
>sure, use charm
>im going to roll intimidate
>I can't even remember what he rolled.
>He just yells at them
>The pidgeys get spooked and fly away.
>The player looks at us and says "...oh"
>climbs down tree
>Artist at table penic moves like mad