Is bringing snacks/buying beer/paying for the pizza part of the GM's duty as host (assuming GMs are normally the hosts) or is it the players' duty to pay for the GM's hard work?
Is bringing snacks/buying beer/paying for the pizza part of the GM's duty as host (assuming GMs are normally the hosts)...
Only if there's a (gay?) orgy right after.
You guys aren't actually suggesting a game without food, are you?
How about everyone brings snacks and then you share it around like normal fucking friends?
Today user was sensible
>normal fucking friends
So, is it?
This should have been first post as it is clearly best post.
How fat do you have to be to not be able to go six hours without stuffing food in your face?
Wouldn't everyone bring shared snacks, BYOB and then everyone pay for their own pizza be the civilised way to go?
You should lose some weight fatty.
Gaming is a social occasion. Only a savage lets a social occasion proceed without food.
Host provides the space. Guests bring the snacks. Everyone brings their own alcohol. Pizza is bought as a group.
That's probably the fattest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Edit to add that the host's space needs to be clean and usable, including bathrooms, or he/she isn't holding up the bargain.
Sessions should be have the entertainment of a small party, so why would you not have snacks/food at a party. Im not saying to have a full meal at it, but chips, dips, pizza, and oven stuff like pizza rolls are good snacking type foods to enjoy while playing. Also, food other than chips, in my opinion should be reserved for sessions that last 4-5 hours plus and are likely not weekly sessions.
Eating distracts from the game, tends to create a mess, and is generally a waste of money and time.
Now, going out to eat before or after or hosting a meal after the game is perfectly acceptable. Drinks at the gaming table are acceptable as long as you use a fucking coaster don't make a mess.
But user, I'm considered severely underweight due to a hormonal imbalance burning through everything I eat within hours. I'm exempt from any direction not to eat.
On the flipside I can't sleep and am prone to overheating if the weather's hot. I'm also supposed to sweat a lot but curiously this doesn't happen.
Sounds like you're a dehydrated fatass that needs to be culled from the gene pool.
I have a coworker who's the other way around. She had some childhood illness that shriveled up one of her glands so bad it had to be removed, so she's ridiculously fat despite eating almost nothing and spending an hour at the gym every day.
>severely underweight
I'm not sure the word means what you think it means.
You can also be exempt from my table. I don't give a shit about your shortcomings.
Calories in, calories out bub. Gland disorders cannot defy the laws of thermodynamics. The majority of the calories she intakes are used to simply keep her alive. If she is overweight it's because she's eating more than she needs. Which is no one's fault but her own.
Arguable opinions with food being distracting and messy. It's only as messy as the people eating. And most people will go for food when they are not at turn or involved in RP, so it's no more distracting than other things. I get the feeling that the sessions you enjoy are rigid structure where you aren't allowed to talk unless your turn, in RP, or group discussion, meaning it's not a social occasion but almost job like.
The majority of people make a mess when they're eating and playing a game at the same time. Especially if they get excited because of a crit or some twist in the plot.
Just having food nearby is enough to increase the amount of spit accidentally being sprayed onto my mats and sheets. Not to mention grease stains on every fucking thing they touch because god forbid they use a utensil.
I'm sorry you need to eat to get around your social anxiety, but most people don't and are perfectly happy eating before or after a session. Hell, even the fattest fucking landwhales at the LARP I go to can weight until after the session is over to make a burger or pizza run.
Oh I see, you're underage. You need to be at least 18 years old to browse this website.
Depends on your culture and how much prestige you want to display.
>Gland disorders cannot defy the laws of thermodynamics
The secret is bodily functions. People aren't robots which keep all the food they eat in a pouch then empty it when they shit. Some of the food is used to fuel various bodily functions, and that's where people with glandular disorders get thinner or fatter from. They burn more food for the same functions (meaning the portion that would otherwise become fat for later use is smaller), or they use less (with more turning into fat), which in turn requires them to eat more for the same result. Partially, that's why they use the toilet more/less than people with glandular issues.
"Calories in/calories out" is a nice slogan to hang on the wall of your gym but it's a laughably inaccurate description of how the human digestive system (or body, for that matter) works.
>I have no argument so I'm just going to call you a child
Low effort user.
Fucking kill yourself you inbred savage
Larp is no where near the same as a table top game. One is out at a camp site, another is in a home. So good try using that as an example here.
Napkins apparently are not common with your friends then, and people must be open mouth chewers to coat your mats and must touch other people's stuff that much. It's on players if they want to keep their stuff perfectly clean and should try to clean hands before touchingnothers stuff. Don't judge all people based on some messy people you know, not everyone is a slob
Unfortunately, I'm about to leave for a trip so I gotta let your original bait back into the water for someone else to bite.
If she is still fat it's because she's been eating to maintain that weight.
This isn't difficult people.
>The secret is bodily functions. People aren't robots which keep all the food they eat in a pouch then empty it when they shit
Actually, would be wrong even if people WERE robots, since by the same laws of thermodynamics he smugly quotes out of context, a bit of energy is lost as heat whenever it changes form due to entropy. Which funnily enough, is a good metaphor for what happens here.
>One is out at a camp site
Nice assumption.
Do you honestly believe every WoD LARP is in the woods?
Or her body struggles to produce the hormones that would allow her to break down the fat. Which appears to be the case and isn't unknown. It's not as common as some fat people would like it to be, but it's not rare to the point of nonexistence.
Not before you choke on your lard, tubbo.
Don't worry user, you're not fat, gravity just hates you.
My group also just orders pizza together.
Your mistake was thinking we're even arguing. You claim that the people you play with have the manners of children, so you are most likely a child yourself. Coupled with your inability to believe anyone else in the world could possibly have an experience that differs from your own and your entitlement such that you believe you can accurately judge people for consuming food during a gaming session give me a strong impression you're underage. I don't need to provide arguments or refute your claims because they are self-evidently misleading, fabricated, anecdotal, or any combination of the three.
Just because she loses weight at a slower pace doesn't mean she can't diet and get rid of mass.
Hormones aside, she's still eating more than she needs to, which is her own fucking fault.
I'd just talk it out with GM.
One of GMs I've been playing with was super rich guy and always provided everything, and told us to not bring anything for session.
Atm, my group makes loot-share table, and everyone have to bring something for that evening.
Only the lowliest of Jews would invite guests home and not have any snacks and drinks ready for them. You don't play with Jews, and you wouldn't want your friends to play with Jews.
Again going away from initial discussion.
Sure, not all LARPs will be out in the woods,(ignoring that not all camp sites are deep in the woods) but even if it's in a bar, people won't want to spend money all the time to get food compared to being at a house where there is food readily available (assuming GM has provided the chips)
Brilliant insight there, Sherlock.
Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me you've never hosted a game at your LFGS only to have to force a prospective player to leave their greasy chips in their bag during play? Or have someone knock over a soda while reaching for dice, ruining character sheets or notes?
It's not difficult to believe I wouldn't want those same mistakes to be made at my house. The difference is, my players are mature enough to go "Yeah, that's reasonable. We can always go grab a bite afterwords."
That's definitely a possibility, I don't know the woman and I don't know how accurate user's description of her is (i.e. exactly how fat she is, exactly how much she eats, exactly how much she exercises, etc.). All I'm saying is that it IS possible for someone to remain fat (especially a woman, who by Veeky Forums standards is considered "fat" if she weighs more kilograms than her age) despite eating little and training a lot compared to the average person solely due to medical issues, especially one as severe as user is describing (most people who talk about glandular issues refer to underfunctioning thyroid glands. This woman looks like she doesn't have one at all, which is a case I've only encountered once and requires daily hormone supplements which I suspect she is either forgoing or not taking enough of).
How about they eat before they get there then? Or wait to eat until after the game is over? Or they go find a group that's okay with them eating during play? This isn't hard people.
Aren't Jews actually supposed to be famously generous hosts?
Yes, user is just trying to /pol/post.
Wait, if that's true, is still right. If Jews are supposed to be gracious hosts, then it follows that only LOWLY Jews, bad at Jewing, would not have snacks for the guests.
Dieting will at least get them to the point of being skinny fat no matter how severe their disorder is. Which is orders of magnitude better than being overweight.
not that user, not even thinking you're a child necessarily. Your first post really seemed like you and your friends are those mouth breathing, grease staining, open mouth chewing pieces of neet shit. People can eat and be proper, it's not a disgusting event where I live.
Yes, but his last sentence:
>You don't play with Jews, and you wouldn't want your friends to play with Jews.
would apply to even the most gracious of Jews.
They also be proper and eat before or after, which is what my players agreed to. I'm even generous enough to usually cook for all six of them at least once a month, and beer is always free at my house, as long as you don't spill and use a coaster.
I never said all groups have to eat during session, and eating chips during a session is no different from eating chips during a football game with friends, playing video games, it affects you, not other people (unless someone is obnoxious with their crunching/chewing, then it's just on that person for their quirks.) Also, like I said earlier, food other than chips is reserved for longer sessions that last towards 5 hours, which is roughly the time between meals for most people.
If they are as you claim, why not include a meal for immersion purposes? Or does your sessions take like 2h or something? I'm used to playing for 8h+ and during that time some nourishment is a must have.
>no matter how severe their disorder is
I strongly suspect that, for someone without a thyroid gland AT ALL, any diet/exercise regimen that would make them less than "chubby" would be disruptive to leading a normal life and possibly outright dangerous to their health. This is assuming they take hormone supplements, which should also be used in moderation. You can fuck yourself up like you wouldn't believe by taking hormones artificially, especially if you have an existing endocrine condition. Doctors tend to err on the side of caution in these situations. Better someone stay "chubby" and not risk cancer.
>I'm used to playing for 8h+ and during that time some nourishment is a must have.
Then take a break in the middle and have everyone wash before returning to the gaming table.
Depends. Basic hospitality demands whomever hosts provide refreshments for their guests. So there's that.
But at the same time, if the DM is hosting they may not have the time to set up a proper meal and arrange drinks. So a Pot-Luck from the visiting players is not unacceptable. Sharing the financial and personal costs of providing for the group can be a good bonding experience.
I'm lucky. My Fiance is the DM and I love to cook, so it generally falls to me to whip up a meal for the rest of the players.
It becomes an issue if you refuse to respect the rules set by the group you're trying to be a part of, or the rules of your host.
They're at an increased risk of cancer by staying "chubby". And heart disease. Whole list of things really. At the very least they can make an effort to lose 1lbs every 3 months. If that's disruptive or dangerous, then I'm honestly surprised they're alive.
That's not what this was about, it was never about trying to eat if a group agreed to not eat. This was about the idea of just eating at a session in general, whether chips or full on food.
And I'm giving my opinion and reasoning for while eating while playing tg's is not acceptable at my table. You don't have to agree with that unless you're playing at my table.
Stop assuming that every random user is trying to force their opinion on you.
My appartement is to small to host people, if it were bigger I'd make a big group meal at least once a month, something like a gratins dauphinois, sausage with wine sauce or a chorizo pie.
Only if the players are good people and not late of course I'm nous pushover
Not having five meals a day. Do you want the gain goblin to steal your gains? Do you even lift, bro?
>He doesn't schedule his games for when he's micro-cutting
They should strap people with glandular disorders to power grids then and give them 1 granola bar a day since clearly they've broken thermodynamics.
Shit does get wonky when the endocrine system is wonky but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of cases of people with thyroid problems maintaining healthy weights.
Your free to bring snacks but don't come hungry.
You're not seriously suggesting that people can't simply pay for their own food, are you?
Closest thing to this I know was one chick I went to school with (until I switched major) who deliberately fattened herself up (as in, she used to be thin and took a special diet to achieve a level of fatness) because she had boobs too big for her frame. I shit you not. Turns out that outside of anime there's a point where huge boobs stop looking like boobs and start looking like a pair of dangling tumors. I saw pictures of her from when she was thin, it was actually disgusting. She might not have looked like a movie star fat but at least she didn't look like a marionette with a pair of beanbags tied to its chest.
And only a shitty guest wouldn't bring a winebottle or equivalent to show their appreciation for the host.
Growing up the situation was classically that everybody split the bill but also covered the GM's share because the GM inevitably bought more books (or the only books) which everybody used.
This should be discussed with the group in advance. I see no obligation for the DM or the host to feed everyone - but if they don't, people should be informed so they can bring snacks and drinks, or enough cash for eating out. I, for example, enjoy cooking and will prepare dinner if I'm the host.
Normally it's the duty of the host to provide for the guests. But if it's a weekly gathering, well... the GM is already putting the most effort into the campaign, he probably has all of the books, extra dice, paper and pencils/whatever you need at the table AND he has to make sure everything is clean enough before the players arrive. So it's only fair that the players take care of the food.
She just never hung out with the right company it seems
Do you guys seriously not offer hot baths and a guest bed to all your players, so they can relax after a game?
>if you're going to offer people Doritos and soda you might as well just hand them over your wife and children and move away
>implying there's a size past which big breasts are unattractive
What are you, gay?
Underrated post
>they're at increased risk of cancer by staying "chubby"
Compared to someone who isn't, not compared to someone who takes hormone treatments extreme enough to render them not-chubby. Nobody said endocrine disease is fun.
>at the least they can make an effort to lose 1 lbs every 3 months
Did you miss this part? Or are we still trying to convince people that hormonal disorders violate the laws of physics?
If a disease has completely rendered someone incapable of loosing weight without killing themselves, and no cure or treatment is in sight, we should at the least sterilize them as a mercy for future generations.
Thankfully no such disease exists.
Technically what user described before wasn't a disease, it was presumably surgical removal of the thyroid gland.
how about everyone brings a little something?
I'm not sure you understand the laws of physics, since you keep using that "argument". Do you understand that there are a variety of physiological factors which can massively affect how efficiently a body can create and/or destroy fat? Nobody is saying the fat comes from the void, they're saying that a larger percentage of what our theoretical fatass eats becomes fat and a smaller percentage is burned away when they exercise compared to a regular person.
I'm saying that the majority of calories are used just to live, not during exercise, you illiterate turd. Exercise can only create a calorie deficiency if you don't eat enough to offset the increased energy usage. If you don't eat enough to begin with, it just creates a larger deficiency. Either way, you get weight loss. Calories in, calories out.
If you need 1500 calories to simply live and sit in a bed or chair all day, and only eat 1400 a day, you will lose both muscle and fat, and thus, lose weight.
That's a rare and extreme case. Sorry for the chick but even if she's personally unable to lose weight/lose weight healthily, MOST people who claim this for medical reasons do have all their glands in place.
The only right answer is the one YOUR group agrees on.
>not keeping mutagenic substances in your refrigerator
Do you even mad science?
>using mutegenic miracle chemicals to become a tub of worthless lard with no redeeming qualities
If you knew it was going to work, it wouldn't be science.
People like that generally don't reproduce anyway.
The one person I treated who had no thyroid gland (birth defect, not surgical removal) was pudgy at best, not obese. That was as thin as we could allow him to become without endangering his health. Yeah, it sucks not being able to look like a model, but sometimes that's just the hand you're dealt.
And you're taking steps to ensure they don't pass on their defects to the next generation, right?
When I was learning how to cook better, I would always make food for my players. Unfortunately, once they got used to "game night = being fed by user" they were really resistant to pitching in if we ever got take out, or to bringing chips or anything like that.
I don't want to fall into the same trap with my new group, I've got enough on my plate as GM as it is.
No, because that's not our job. Even if it was, though, given the low chance of this happening and the fact that the person was an extraordinarily talented HR director, highly intelligent and nice to be around, I'd say there are worse people out there whose procreation we can worry about.
Not all birth defects are genetic. Sometimes it's caused if the mother is exposed to something harmful.
Google "gigantomastia".
Just make them give you money for the food you cook