>Medieval setting
>No one dies of dysentery
Medieval setting
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Magic. Duh.
>he says whilst posting a picture of an elf
>19th century American setting
>Everyone dies of dysentery
>21st century India
Shut your fucking mouth anglo bitch we are a world superpower
Growing a bunch of rice and shitting in the middle of the street does not make you a super power user.
>Medieval setting
>Peasants aren't organized and well versed in the law, running their own courts to settle disputes
>Church doesn't promote scientific discovery
>Monks don't run brothels and make a shit ton of money from selling prayers to soldiers and kings
>Knights aren't ruthless warriors who are fine murdering civilians in the hundreds
>Women don't have rights, own businesses or have equal social standing
>Witchcraft isn't dismissed as a stupid superstition, not worthy of a good Christians time or worry (as the bible says witchcraft doesn't exist)
>Philosophers aren't seen as men of science on the equal of Isaac Newton (who practiced alchemy...)
>People actually think the world is flat
Its like people get the medieval period confused with the renaissance period (witch hunts, fear of science), or the Victorian idea of what the medieval period should be (women as nothing but humble wives, knights as heroic chivalry-coders)
This series is quite an eye opener on the medieval world:
Never seen and elf dying of the shits, huh. It's a sorry sight. They break long before their bodies do.
Don't you know that they have designated shitting streets.
>medieval setting
>whores have syphilis
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dysentry Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Take A Potion Of Cure Dsease Like Nigga Chug One Down Haha
Dysentery is not a disease though. Its viral or microbial
That would make for a shitty plot point, though.
>Not a disease
>It's viral or microbial
>Futuristic setting
>White people not only exist but are the majority even though all demographic data points to their extinction
>all demographic data points to their extinction
>Poll pls go
>female character is 20, single, childless and not in convent
If you actually believe that your race will exist in a hundred years, I have bad news for you, Hans. We're moving forward to one race at a very rapid pace, and hopefully under one goverment too.
I know this is bait but still
>Medieval setting
>Not having a form of leprosy which spreads via magic and is incurable via magic
>Guy suffering from leprosy
>Cleric decides to try cure wounds
>Doesn't work
>Cleric tries a few more spells but fails to cure him
>Apologizes and leaves
>Continues healing people in this and the next couple of villages
>Begins noticing a loss of sensitivity and lesions on his skin
>Realizing he has leprosy
>While being a carrier he spread it to every person he cast a spell on
This triggers Veeky Forums
In actuality, this is unlikely to come to pass in the way we think of race; while closely-knit populations will often share traits for both genetic and cultural reasons, the color of one's skin is affected by multiple genes (and environment) allowing for a range of shades and complexions. See the Pashtun or Brazillians for the actual result, which is wildly varied looks often within the same family. However, over a long enough time scale the trope can happen. Even without selection note , neutral genetic drift will cause alleles in the population to tend towards fixation. If the light alleles for some genes fixate, and the dark alleles for others (or the intermediate alleles for all of them, if such alleles exist) then you would have a population with a consistently heritable intermediate skin tone. Of course, it's also possible that all of either the dark or light alleles will fixate, but an intermediate result is more likely.
Hey look guys! Meat and potatoes!
>neither boiled, nor mashed, nor stuck in a stew
Using cure wounds for a disease the cleric deserves this mess.
How do you avoid overpopulation or reaching the critical mass for a society to enter into the modern era when healing is cheap and common?
Society structure. In a world of magic. Why do we module our world history off of it? Reality is if you could do so much with magic. The world would be a very different place. Hell you could cast teleport to the moon with adaption spells. and create in time a safe city upon the moon and beyond.
The fact we module our societies into a fantasy setting is often for simplicty. Reality is the world would be a very different place.
Also there is spells for that along the lines of teleporting waste into the sun and or creating food that tastes like mush. But, hey people will live. Adventure will likely die off and we would live in a mageocracy.
Also magical diseases and poisons may exist that will likely cause harm to everyday people. So you know the universe may balance its self.
Not that I don't disagree, but some of those things can be easily solved by magic and gods.
The divine right of kings is very real in most TTRPG settings—if a god hasn't ordered their followers to depose a deity, then the ruler must have the deity's approval. Therefore the peasants are subject to what they say, and monks aren't getting anywhere by selling prayers (unless of course those gods don't care).
If women are equally like to be able to cast spells as men, then your armies are disregarding half of their medics and specialists, your temples are ignoring half their clerics and healers, etc. Being able to benefit society on equal footing with men would kill sexism real fast, I think.
Same thing with witchcraft. Hard to dismiss magic if it's real, and even hard to persecute and kill people for doing it. You're right that it should be more early-Renaissance than middle ages, though. People tend to mix those up a good bit. Which is why whenever I'm stuck on something in setting-building I pull from the mid-1400s.
And maybe your world can be flat, who knows.
So in the future we'll all look like the Brazilians?
I'm OK with this.
>implying the world won't come to some low-level nuke fests when white european nations start having their own Lebanon crises and the brainwashing of the communist marxists gets broken
To this day, folks from the middle east or africa have a tough time coping with the changing seasons of Europe. They have a tough time dealing with autumn, let alone winter, only able to cope because of overly generous handouts in clothing, vitamin supplements and first world living conditions.
Should a point of societal upheaval come to pass, these newcomers many suicidal marxists and EUSSR freaks worship will find that warm houses, quality clothes and food supplies are actually REALLY scarce in the first world.
>a glorious race of mystery meat ethnicities with no historical ties to anything other than their credit scores, united under the banner of a global McCulture
A beautiful future indeed.
>one race
>one government
>on earth anytime soon
>one tribe of middle-easterners can't agree with another tribe two dunes over.
>one horde of africans don't see the other horde around the block as humans.
>all of asia fucking hates each other.
>implying that nations with white europeans won't dissolve into brutal civil war and resurgence when they realize they're at real risk of extinction and there are no niceties left.
>even the current governments under globalist regimes are a hopelessly flimsy card house where if one nation falls apart, let alone several, the whole system won't just collapse in on itself.
>one continent of people, who are currently contributing a large swathe of the technological, medical and scientific development ending up extinct somehow, and this one world government being able to cope with that drop in production and consumption
People preaching this one world government don't realize how flimsy the basis for this dystopian utopia really is.
Most deaths from dysentery in the medieval period would come in waves as a rather stain of it made the rounds. Outside of the was infants and the very large cities were it rarely stopped.
I would like to point out that those numbers are only inside the cities, not counting people inside walking distance.If it did Pairs would be about 380 to 390 k population. Nor does it count cities that had grown together but were still different nonadministrative different (think Dallas -fort Worth as a modern example) because Tours would be 2nd place on that list at 340 to 360 k population. Some of the cities at the top of that list had dysentery bad, other had good sewers systems.
If we are talking in the renaissance era dysentery becomes a bit more common because the growth of a number of cities ran a head of their ability to improve their sewer systems.
>you will live to see white people become bloodthirsty killers once again
>Church doesn't promote scientific discovery
>Witchcraft isn't dismissed as a stupid superstition, not worthy of a good Christians time or worry (as the bible says witchcraft doesn't exist)
Based o n the pricing of full plate and it being a thing I think that D&D draws heavily from the period of the western schism.
The short of that period was there was a long fight over who was Pope. The church during this period largely stop supporting public services and science because every important church leader had a shit ton of other things he needed to take care of. Belief in witchcraft also grew during this era and even started to become a thing among some of the priests.
>church originally sponsors most academic research, often times the sole preserver of ancient knowledge
>has to divert energies to stamp out superstition, witchcraft, and human sacrifice among the idiot peasants
it's a thankless job
Doesn't help when corruption is rife within the organization, with the clergy even the papacy committing what could be considered heresy, along with every other sin and vice and crime on this earth. Often times more frequently than the idiot peasants themselves.
And the traditions continue to this day.
t. martin luther
My new game Dungeons and Dysentery, will kill off at least 60% of characters during character generation.
>t. Marc W. Miller
Ah! A clever ploy to get rid of undesirable characters and snowflake backstories.
Well, Tolkien did it first, so it's okay.
>inb4 ME isn't medieval at all, I do realize that
>far more detail inside the box than outside
Think about it like this: There's all sorts of transportation magic around the place letting any random loser rape natives anywhere they want, so diseases spread across the ocean way faster than they did in the real world.
IIRC in that scene she was moving and the chest (the one with the potatoes) didn't, so it's only to be expected.
If we are talking about the western schism period then, yes the church was highly corrupt. In fact the power play inside the church before that period also caused a lot of end corrupt.
If the bishops could not trust the man in Avignon nor his papal legates why should he try to be a trustworthy man himself? Because that will not get him ahead inside the church. If parish priest can not trust their bishops then way should should he try to be a trustworthy man himself?
Not trying to be Anti-Catholic just trying to point out that the church was not well that period.
>White people control 99% of the world's resources
>White people are expending them at a unsustainable rate
>Brown people are breeding exponentially only because of aid from white people
>Rats will inherent the earth! The farmer is a fool to not breed uncontrollably!
Yeah naw. Less fit and intelligent populations reliant on the charity of others aren't 'the future'.
>Medieval setting
>there are people who can use magic, monsters, gods, and other bullshit
yeah nah
Jokes on you. My post apocalypse homebrew has dozens of diseases, the players can catch AIDS and die.
> No one dies of dysentery
What do you think keeps the elf population low, user?
>dozens of diseases
Spill, I need ideas.
Absurdly poor fertility, I suppose.
>Once played an elf in a post apocolyptic setting
>actually had a plan for saving the elven race by using humans
>human marriage would be forbidden, but breeding was ok
>by law the half elven children would only be able to breed with other elves though
>this influx of half elves breeding with other elves or each other would either produce more half elves or pure elves
>humans would just be a reinvigorating component to be used and discarded
>everyone thinks it's my magic realm and refuses to go along
Yeah, that's how I do it. Tiers of fecundity:
Top: Goblins
Orcs, humans
Halflings, wood elves
Dwarves, dark elves, dragonborn
High Elves
It helps that the high elves live a while, but still.
Thanks mate.
>Nonmedieval setting
>Everyone dies of dysentary
>this happened
This is my magic realm though
>any setting that isn't set in the modern first world
>nobody dies of malaria
Dysentery is small beans son.
The streets stank of manure, the courtyards of urine, the stairwells stank of moldering wood and rat droppings, the kitchens of spoiled cabbage and mutton fat; the unaired parlors stank of stale dust, the bedrooms of greasy sheets, damp featherbeds, and the pungently sweet aroma of chamber pots. The stench of sulfur rose from the chimneys, the stench of caustic lyes from the tanneries, and from the slaughterhouses came the stench of congealed blood. People stank of sweat and unwashed clothes; from their mouths came the stench of rotting teeth... even the king himself stank, stank like a rank lion, and the queen like an old goat, summer and winter.
>That time when the Russian ambassadors at King Louis XIV's court wrote back home of the "animalic" stench around the courtiers and the King himself.
Who said anything about D&D? OP mentioned a medieval setting...
Jesus fucking Christ, I can manage an entire weeks food budget off of one of her meals.
Why the fuck do people let themselves get to this state?
That ws the period when the French ambassador complained about the Russians bathing and visiting the sauna all the fucking time.
People still die of old age, if nothing else, and it becomes fiscally unviable to have more than a few kids when you expect them all to survive. After all, you have to feed and clothe the ungrateful bastards.
>promoting elf genocide
They'd have to be. I mean, Elves are typically portrayed as either immortal or extremely long-lived, highly-skilled combatants with great magical prowess who are all ridiculously hot. They're usually explained as not having built great wonders that would put the other races to shame because their lifespans allow them to indefinitely procrastinate, which leads them to being perpetually languorous assholes who throw the best parties to stave off boredom. Their connections to nature typically result in them having the best grapes for the best wine, and presumably the best weed.
My point is, you've got a bunch of bored, eternally young, supermodel-hot people in a state of perpetual drunken stoned revelry. This is almost guaranteed to result in constant orgies.
They should be outnumbering the goblins and kobolds by this point, and those are species who, as low-CR 'fodder' races that are typically slaughtered by the hundreds by every first-level adventurer and random housecat that ventures within a five-mile radius of their dens, pretty much rely on shaming tribbles with their fecundity in order to keep the species going.
So, either the elves' fertility is *so* bad that millennia of drunken orgies barely offset the losses from occasional elf-wine ODs and housecat-related maulings, or you go with my theory, which is that 90% of elves die screaming on the toilet because they're so tree-friendly that they refuse to start a fire to boil their drinking water. I know which I prefer.
>Paladin and Monk are immune to diseases
pagans drink from copper goblets
Xtians drink booze
that way nobody gets dysentry
>If you actually believe that your race will exist in a hundred years, I have bad news for you: Hans
Oregon Trail was a good game.