What would the discovery of a new continent bring to a fantasy setting? How would you approach it for a setting featuring it?
What would the discovery of a new continent bring to a fantasy setting...
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New commodities, magic, races, and diseases exclusive to that continent
Path of Exile is pretty good with this shit.
Primitive indigenous peoples, forgotten magic, adventurers looking for shit to loot, prisoners exiled to colonize a hostile shit hole, powerful mcguffins to race the BBEG to hidden deep in the territory, an active slave trade, rampant piracy to accompany the lawlessness and wealth.
Best age to set things is the age of discovery, kings are made, empires rise/fall and people gain power, money and fame (or infamy) over night.
Also no maps and the nearest authority is literally half a world away.
What little power the old world does have here actually encourages you to be a amoral douchebag and turns a blind eye to the rape, murder and plunder of the world around you because you got to trade with someone and they want to keep their beaks wet.
This is disgustingly over simplified
Ja, it's missing slaves.
and syphilis
The thing I would put focus on would be the apocalyptic feel of having empires coming crashing down as a result of wild spread and lethal pestilences. Seeing the havoc these diseases cause causes the local population and governments to soon turn to dark and previously forbidden magic and gods to safeguard their continued existance. This, coupled with the arrival of foreign expeditions would also lead to immense public unrest which would lead to full scale civil war in many states as the different political factions wrestle with how to best keep the state and its people alive.
Cortez was pretty much a criminal on the run who due to his political skill and personal charisma managed to topple an empire. He had no lawful right to do what he did and it only became lawful as the King of Spain ratihabited his actions after the fact.
And white people.
In case you're concerned about verisimilitude or are just wondering: no plague-level diseases affected Europeans in this exchange because those require domesticated animals, and very few North American animals were good candidates for domestication. At the time, I think it was just turkeys and llamas. Sure, there should be plenty of other awful diseases that can kill Old Worlders, but if you want a plague in your setting you either need livestock or a supernatural cause.
I want to smooch cute white people!
I want them to get the fuck off my land.
Choctaw-san, that's rude!
I wish we'd genocided you redskins.
It's widely understood that new venereal diseases were brought back by Europeans from the New World.
>ywn take the scalps of pale-skinned invaders
Why even live?
It's too late white devil, the wind of death got us first.
>what is syphilis and how did it ravage continental Europe?
Time for some high-adventure swashbuckling pirating treasure-hunting native-killing gold-mining sea-sailing tail-chasing amazon-fucking disease-fighting action!
From what dump of a tribe are you?
>He had no lawful right to do what he did and it only became lawful as the King of Spain ratihabited his actions after the fact.
Remember, winners write history. There are no heroes.
Evil Spaniards decimating poor and innocent natives
>"""My land"""
Let me doubt you're 100% native American
>It's too late white devil, the wind of death got us first.
This is pretty much the only reason we went to Africa to get slaves.
Natives are too infirm.
Is not proved that syphilis wasn't already stablished in Europe before Columbus voyages
>poor and innocent natives
Innocent, maybe, but if you were poor we probably would have just left you to die from our disease while we colonized your ruins over the next few centuries.
>They were already killing each other and gutting children to their gods
Not so innocent though
>The thing I would put focus on would be the apocalyptic feel of having empires coming crashing down as a result of wild spread and lethal pestilences.
If the new continent is populated entirely by Orcs or Dwarves or some other race not found in the "old world", they wouldn't necessarily be susceptible to the foreigners' diseases.
>there's no proof something didn't happen
is this supposed to mean something?
user said syphilis came from America, no definitive proofs of that, some studies said it was already stablished in Europe previous the "first" contact.
Lel, why is there a tribe called dumb? Are you a manlet? I never met a comanche/apache taller than 1,75m.
Apache: 3,87 m
Comanche: 3,37 m
user, look at those numbers.
You fucker, you got me. Not bad for a tonto.
1/16th, but when my tribe needed me back I answered.
Fucking fight me, semen-skin. You ain't seen marksmanship till I send an arrow through your nutsack from horseback a hundred feet away.
Wouldn't the horse die if he has its back a hundred feet away?
>but when my tribe needed me back I answered.
America needs no chief but the Orange Chief in the swamp whose name is Doh Nald.
t. Crazy Talk
Because that's the aspect I find most interesting.
I'm also one of those people who don't like fantasy races in my fantasy. Human cultures are plentiful complex.
I've been running a nation-builder game that had this. All the players started on the large continent in the north.
On the fifth week of playing, a team of elite scouts penetrated the western side of the map (which is infested by werewolves) and found that there's more land out there. Here are the results:
>Players hurried to drop their wars and make peace. There's so much land available in the New World that they have no reason to fight bloody wars at home.
>No fear of strange diseases, everyone can combat plague with magic, alchemy, and the fact that the time period we're running has very powerful governments that can use crackdowns to quarantine populations very effectively.
>The New World has many powerful nations. Native genocide is limited to areas that are wild and have very small populations.
>Players vie for alliances and trade deals with the natives that are powerful.
>Some of the New World empires start sending scouts and traders back to the Old World.
>Everyone rushes for the best resources, colonizes all the river deltas, grabs the best farmland, etc.
>Some players get into arguments over colonies. Even the most peaceful players are willing to scrap over a colony even if they fear to bring war to the homeland.
>Some nations actively use magic to try and kill other colonies or sink their ships and then blame "bad weather".
It's so fun that I'm organizing the next game to be Sci-Fi where we can do even more exploring in space.
>>Guns your horse behind you.
Heh, nothing personal, kid.
Also, border gore. Vile, disgusting, border gore.
>Remember, winners write history.
I'm so tired of this meme.
Pretty much all written roman records from the period of the early roman empire were made by senators, the loser class of that period. The history of the Principate-epoch is pretty much the story of the senator-class's slow decline into obscurity.
The Old (and to some extent the New) Testament is also a great example of how wrong your meme statement is as it's basically the religious retelling of the jewish peoples failures.
The whole point of Polybius's 'The Histories' is explaining to the hellenic world why they pretty much got ROFLSTOMPED by the romans.
>The whole point of Polybius's 'The Histories' is explaining to the hellenic world why they pretty much got ROFLSTOMPED by the romans.
All of the examples you gave are of either people who eventually came out on top (judeo-christians) or cultures whose stories were allowed to persist because their conquerors thought they should.
Of course Rome would keep a story of them kicking ass and they eventually became Christian so the Old books were allowed continue to be printed.
Exactly, It's the stories you don't know, not the ones that you do.
We know very little of Carthage because Rome obliterated their civilization and called said they sacrificed babies to fire Gods.
What are you using to run this game sounds fun af
If you mean the tech we're using it's going to sound dumb, but Google Drive, Gmail, and Google hangouts. The maps are made in Photoshop. The file system of Drive makes sharing info between players easy (and we make an absolute ton of material) and hangouts are decent enough for rapid fire diplomacy while longer more drawn out diplo is handled by email.
If you mean what game system/rules, it's just something I made up myself. I'd worked on it for a few months before inviting people at my college to run a nine-man season for our first time through. The second season was opened up to the internet and we had 18 people (some dropped, but we're ending with 14 which is still a madhouse). Now we're winding down so I can start Season 3 with some CO-GMs.
Anything you want to know in particular?
Man I would just love to run a session based off of this style of play sounds interesting but don't know of any good rule books.
Only people who can reach the continent give a shit.
Send me a message and I'll tell you how the system works and link you some of my planning docs.
[email protected]
My setting has it as an empire colonizing, among other places, an archipellago. It has a new race of amphibians based on austronesians which use a lot of bamboo and grow sugarcane. They presented too much resistance to be easily destroyed so the colonization was done in better terms for the natives. The local jungles killed a lot of adventurers due to poisons and diseases that the locals knew how to handle or were immune to. Also it turns out a ship full of cannons isn't that great when the enemy can make holes in the hull and pillage the sunken wreck.
Sugar is a hell of a commodity. Carracks loaded with it are protected by war caravels while going towards the homelands. The natives are actually benefiting from the whole thing a lot too. Many of them remain hostile, but the brass-armored friendlies are well suited to fight against those.
I've been thinking of "running a colony" as a 5E dowtime activity, mixing "running a business" and "stronghold" and paying part of a ship run to the colonies as a riskier "running a business" which pays better.
I'm a brazilian fond of the portuguese age of exploration.
Dishonorable un-warrior-like conduct.
>1/64 pachinkos demand reparations and white genocide
>1/3 maya/aztec/inca dgaf
What is it about USA that makes people so whiney?
They whine in a language you know in media you access?
I'm on mobile so I can't spoiler but I might email you tomorrow because that shit is interesting as fuck. I'm not a GM but one of my hobbies is worldbuilding so I'd love to look at the world's history and specifics of how things work.
Also sounds fun as fuck to play and run.
Literally proving my point.
Could you upload the rules please? I've wanted to run a nation-builder for a long time
We still know how the peoples of that time that were not the main players of such histories and even the supposed villains of them due to the evidence they left behind. Rome burned Carthage, but we still know a lot about Carthage, far more than what the Romans wanted them to be known for. Christianity became the dominant religion in the Empire, but we still know the stories and opinions of non-Christians within the Empire as their numbers declined. We don't have as much, but the phrase is grossly oversimplifying what we do know about people from the past.
History is influenced by the victors. But at its core it's written by evidence.
1/8th Cherokee here, shut your mouth and stop hitching, our ancestors lost, admittedly it wasn't quite fair and square, but there's no use crying over spilt milk.
>user said syphilis came from America, no definitive proofs of that, some studies said it was already stablished in Europe previous the "first" contact.
Both of you are stupid fucks.
There was an "American" strain and an "European" strain. Both had "settled down" in their respective population "reservoirs" because, as Preston explains, slate wipers that kill TOO QUICKLY don't tend to stick around for long. They evolve to be less dangerous to their hosts. Because the cell are always dividing evolution is always occurring and occasional, but small, virulent outbreaks occur until the disease "reverts to mean".
Anyway, 1492 and all that, West strain meets East strain, they mingle, and - WHAM - Europe is face with an outbreak of syphilis in Italy in 1498 that kills in days. That's right, days not the years or decades seen later. The outbreak chased a victorious French army out of Naples, north across Italy, and back over the Alps.
One sixteenth? So, ONE of your sixteen great-great-grandparents was "Tonto" and now you think you are too? Tell us, was there casino money involved.
Here's another question, if one of your 16 great-great-grandparents were black can we call you a nigger? Remember, there isn't any casino money in that.
You'll find that the phrase is only parroted by idiots who don't know jack shit about history, don't know jack shit about historical studies, and/or find that history contradicts some worldview they hold dear.
In any case, those people are too stupid to grasp the concepts you're tying to teach them, and will go on shoving their fingers in their ears going "LALALALALALA! WRITTEN BY THE WINNERS" while academia moves on regardless of what they want to believe.
>I've been thinking of "running a colony" as a 5E dowtime activity, mixing "running a business" and "stronghold" and paying part of a ship run to the colonies as a riskier "running a business" which pays better.
Shit m8 that sounds like it could be a ton of fun. Any more details?
It's not your land anymore than it is my land. The "natives" came from somewhere else just like the Europeans after them and archaeology suggests that there were people before your dumb asses showed up too. So no, not your land.
Gee, it's almost as if all of civilization was built on conquest.
Not right now. It is in the list to-do for the next campaign.
Tell you what, when I have it, I'll post a thread on Veeky Forums asking for reviews on the rules.
When will this meme stop?
>Eventually came up on top.
The only people who think that jewdom have come up on top are tinfoil hat /pol/acks.
Also, the senatorial class sure as fuck didn't come up on top in the Roman Empire.
The only point you might have is that hellenism basically took over the roman state, but then that's only culturally speaking and even so it adapted itself into a roman version. Hellenic men were still seen as weak, academic, woman-like and decadent, more fit to be bought as tutors to your children than rule.
>if one of your 16 great-great-grandparents were black can we call you a nigger
>implying that's not what actually happened
that being said there's literally nothing glamorous about being black in america whereas being native american still earns you some social points.
Why these things always end in racial crap? I mean, it could degenerate in colonialism debate. It fits the subject, and could lead in interesting insights for rol ideas, and I'm spanish, I know all the shit we did, and I don't mind talking about it. But is always the same racial discussions that only interest to americans and lead to nothing.
The more multi-cultural the country, the more this shit matters, also USA has a very short history and lots of recent immis, they really don't have a definite culture.
Still, is no reason to derail almost every thread.