Dwarves might fit themselves into metal working type industries, and elves might make good special forces soldiers or something, but in a modern era setting, where could centaurs fit in?
Dwarves might fit themselves into metal working type industries...
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domesticated pets
They're a proxy of steppe nomads. They barely fit into modern society, and they're overly proud of the fact they owned the world at one point, have a pretty strong culture, however their countries aren't that relevant because the traits that raised them to be steppe nomads does not contribute well to modern society
Also I guess the Chinese probably carry quite a few horse like features themselves now.
Centaurs, the taxis of the modern era
fuck, now I want dwarves riding centaurs
cattle ranchers.
damn, was about to say that.
The world as we know it would be so disrupted by the introduction of a significant number of sentient mythological monsters that this question can only be answered with war.
If only so much are introduced as to not result in a global panic and societal collapse, then they would become impoverished minorities.
They'd be enough of a novelty to become professional equine sport players and fetish objects...
Which is actually a lot like what happens to some minorities already come to think of it.
Depends on their size. I'm assuming there are multiple species of centaurs. Big fuck of Clydesdale work Centaurs would be good for manual labor in places most vehicles can't operate in which would be good for ecologically minded folks.
Smaller breeds could live in towns adjusted for them like deertaur and what not so they could do most domestic tasks anyone else can do so long as the space is accomodating to them.
The idea is it's a world that already had them and reached the modern era.
I recognize that centaur.
Every job that needs bikes or horses.
I suppose a lot of them would join border patrols and smugglers.
They could be mail workers or park rangers.
It seems they would still have a variety of roles left open to them that somehow escaped me. But could majority centaur nations remain independent or would they be conquered coming into the modern era?
Explain how a single species didn't drive the others to extinction in the 10k years it would take them to go from savages to modern society.
As far as I know consensus is that the only reason neanderthals aren't roaming around with us today is because we are their descendants from banging homo sapiens, so I think it's perfectly reasonable to think if there were any other sapient species as capable as modern humans that either side driving the other to extinction might be a process that could last until the modern era if anyone thought to try it. As for the possibility of competition driving one to extinction, they could have developed in another part of the world preventing competition until later on.
They fucked them instead.
Professional athletes and police officers, assuming they are just as capable as humans in utilizing the upper body, of course.
Imagine cross-country runners, football (association or handegg flavor) and baseball players, etc. They still have the ability to use their arms and throw/bat/use whatever implement but their horse legs would make the running phase a lot more intense and enjoyable to watch.
Police officers are an obvious choice, they couldn't be soldiers due to being a large target and the massive amount of firepower on the modern battlefield (machine guns, artillery, etc) but since most criminals are armed with knives and pistols, you could layer them with enough kevlar to protect them from the kind of weapons most criminals use, also their superior running speed compared to bipeds means they would be better at chasing down perps. Also better than a human in unarmed, hand to hand fighting (or hoof to hoof as it were) which is an integral of a policeman's job. Ever been kicked by a horse? It can be fatal, now imagine the horse is specifically trying to disable you (joint strikes, neck strikes, groin shots) instead of just reacting out of instinct.
Yep. Whites and Asians are the descendants of Neanderthals, while Aborigines are the descendants of Denisovans.
That would still result in the extinction of a species.
Explains the Eurasian disposition to violence.
>they could have developed in another part of the world preventing competition until later on.
Then they would have gotten their shit pushed in come the colonial periods.
See Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Glue factory operators.
That is true. I guess being different enough, they wouldn't be able to bang though, so it would only leave competition and warfare as means to drive the other to extinction which might not happen.
Nope. See You'd just have a regional Human variant with hooves or funny ears instead of the traits carried over from other hominids.
That is only assuming that factors lead to them not being around the same level technologically when they meet. It could be that the ones in the "new world" this time are actually the superior ones technologically and while still affected by new diseases, they can better handle it than the ones coming to their shores and being exposed to diseases that developed there.
>tfw Neanderthals are thought to have been highly socially sophisticated
>tfw they had strong communities that took good care of the sick and injured
>tfw they had a tool-making society
>tfw implying implications
Neanderthals are still considered extinct you nig nog.
Yeah, they're sophisticated compared to chimps or other lesser species, not to Homo Sapiens.
It wouldn't happen mate.
It's fine if you want an excuse to create a modern fantasy setting with mostergirls you can phap to, but please don't try to argue any reason as to how it could "actually" happen.
Agriculture (no need for a plowhorse, just strap that shit to yourself), transport of goods and trade (no need for beasts of burden), messengers, not to mention the obvious military uses (all cavalry all the time).
Mail delivery, mounted police, logging, farm hand, cattle rancher. Any job where horses already have a niche a suppose
>Yeah, they're sophisticated compared to chimps or other lesser species, not to Homo Sapiens.
They were sophisticated compared to Homo Sapiens at the time, actually. Some even used more advanced tools and had more stable societies than S. Sapiens did, or so it appears.
>They were sophisticated compared to Homo Sapiens at the time, actually. Some even used more advanced tools and had more stable societies than S. Sapiens did, or so it appears.
sources nigger.
God the animation in that hentai was so bad
I could see cavalry still have place in modern military if there were centaurs. Thing is that they're basically horses, but sentient, so can be trained for variety of roles. They can also easily wield rifles and other modern weapons due to having human upper body.
Cavalry became pretty obsolete in the modern era though. Situationally it could still be useful, but otherwise it was pretty nasty for the cavalry from my understanding.
I can't be sure, but they could be useful in open areas without much infrastructure.
Budget is harsh mistress. Z-ton is so niche we can be happy there was anything at all.
>Explains the only violent history I've been taught
China and middle eastern history are really fun. When there isn't a boot on the throat of everyone in the region it turns into a real shit show.
Yes, but when you have a horse with human hands and brain it's a whole different story. One of main problems with cavalry was that horses couldn't really be trained for anything else than riding and pulling things. They also had problems of being scared of sounds of gunfire unless extensively trained and couldn't really understand concept of taking cover etc. due to limitations of their horse brains. Centaurs wouldn't have those problems.
That is a good point, but I imagine there wouldn't be much in the way of significant cover for something the size of a horse anyway, at least not without the advantage of time to put that cover there. Centaur cavalry seems more and more interesting by the second though.
Literally all your sources say is evidence suggests that Neanderthal appeared to be more advanced then previously believed, not more advanced than their human counterparts.
Do you have any evidence to support this statement:
>Some even used more advanced tools and had more stable societies than S. Sapiens did, or so it appears.
Also, the problem with centaurs being a bigger target is pretty obvious, but they're still smaller targets than vehicles in general. They would probably be most useful in enviroments where wheels fail such as jungles and would have support role of being intelligent pack animals. They could have also fighting roles of being moving heavy weapons (~.50 cal MGs and maybe recoilles rifles) platforms with weapons mounted on their back and remotely operated with their hands.
Like this.
We're talking about events that happened tens of thousands of years before S. Sapiens got to the places S. Neanderthalensis lived, and one event that shows S. Neanderthalensis independently developing new hunting and gathering strategies to compensate for a change in climate, which were thought to be techniques only S. Sapiens was capable of.
Neanderthals were more advanced in the time-frame of the earlier discoveries. When S. Sapiens finally got to Europe they were still roughly equivalent socially and technologically.
You know horses can actually duck and lie down which makes them much smaller target. Centaurs could also probably be trained to do lots of poses that normal horses can't even think of getting into.
You've all seen pictures of the british household cavalry. Now replace them with these.
user, do you know what the rest of that image set is about? Because I do.
Isn't the advantage of the horse half their mobility though? If they're laying down, they're no better or worse than human infantry. I'm not sure how much ducking will help either, but you probably have a better grasp of this than I do.
When early humans got to Europe, the Neanderthals disappeared in an evolutionary blink of an eye.
I want to see this but with Polish Winged Lancers
As far as I'm aware, Mikoyan didn't follow up on the army horse picture.
You do realize that one of the bigger issues in farm work is that horses are kinda dumb, right?
Their mobility wouldn't by much of advantage in modern warfare, but the fact that they can carry way more stuff than humans would be. They could also easily go into places where you can't go with wheels. US army is developing Big Dog robot for these purposes and centaurs would do the same job better with added bonus of being capable to shoot at enemy just like any other infantry.
Frankly, I know nothing about horses and that is probably why I'm so stumped by this. Makes sense, but when I say modern, I'm talking around WW2. It still probably would apply once that advantage is realized though.
>when I say modern, I'm talking around WW2.
Huh, I thought we were talking 16th century.
Actually the one posted earlier is alternative (more modern gear) version of this couple
No, they interbred and became Eurasians. Their genetic inheritance is still here, and you're most likely part of it.
Note that skin tone and freckling genes are a Neanderthal throwback, as well as a gene for height that reduces the risk of schizophrenia.
That .5-1.5% of coding DNA that Eurasians inherited from Neanderthals may seem small, but it appears to be quite important.
I should have specified, sorry. Still would be just as interesting to think of in how they would get to this point.
It was automatic weapons which made charging cavalry useless and that already happened in WW1. In WW2 horses were used more to carry stuff and pull things like artillery pieces. However, if you had charging cavalry who could shoot more accurate (shooting from horseback is very hard and) and could even spray gunfire when moving, it might work out better.
And it does get kind of lewd...
Every academic institution worth respecting agrees that Neanderthals are extinct. Only a small fringe group argues that they're not because Eurasians have a small amount of Neanderthal DNA.
Before you can change my mind you will need to change the minds in Yale, Harvard, Oxford, and more. Good luck.
>That is only assuming that factors lead to them not being around the same level technologically when they meet
Yes god forbid we assume the outcome so likely that others need not be considered. Both the development and spread of ideas and technology depends so fucking much on happenstance and environmental factors that it'd literally be impossible outside of "gods made the setting in the current year as is, no questions" for that to happen.
It's just an excuse to create a world that can support his monstergirl harem setting.
Much of issues mentioned there would be fixed by centaurs.
And a shitty excuse at that.
It's an idea that might be tested at least. Lots of things seemed to be trial and error.
>Actual gods did it
would be a better excuse
personally I combine that with the "gods are actually a significantly advanced alien intelligence" that just happens to have a fetish for inter-species fucking
At what point has it even been brought up that any of these species would be fucking outside their own species?
It hasn't, I was just giving an excuse that I'm currently using in an ERP game.
Multiple species exist because "gods" created them. They can all fuck and a lot can have children because some of the "gods" of lover and fertility find the idea enjoyable.
So why are people acting like it has? Also, what's so bad about the idea that natural happenstance has allowed multiple sapient species to exist into the modern era?
That's an absurd movement of the goalposts.
>troll post about Eurasian savagery countered
>ask for sources
>receive sources
>move goalposts
>receive more sources
>appeal to authority
If you're not going to argue in good faith, why argue at all?
The fact is that Hominid subspecies are being shown by modern research to be more closely related than previously thought, both in genetic compatibility and social behavior. Not only that, but some of the genes that Eurasians inherited from their ancestors seem to be incredibly beneficial, and represent the survival strategies of the Neanderthal subspecies merged with those of the "main" Sapiens line.
At this point you could open a huge can of worms about race and species or some sweeping comparison to dog breeds or whatever, but the fact is that Eurasians are a mix between S. Sapiens and S. Neanderthalensis, and Tibetans and some Pacific Islanders are a mix between those two and S. Altai (Denisovans) and regional divisions have prevented those genes from reaching Africa.
So basically, a horse-hoofed hominid subspecies is possible within the framework of modern genetics (that is, if centaurs aren't already a crossbreed between humans and some horse-like creature).
>troll post about Eurasian savagery countered
You should have stopped here you goose.
>So why are people acting like it has?
Because we all know OP just wants monster girl NPCs to fap too.
>Also, what's so bad about the idea that natural happenstance has allowed multiple sapient species to exist into the modern era?
Because no one here has the time or the qualifications to generate a reasonable proposal of what those "natural happenstances" would be, let alone defend them.
>If you're not going to argue in good faith, why argue at all?
You answered your own question mate. (((troll)))
I don't see it that way, and OP has only asked what niche they would fill in a modern world and whether they could exist independently of other species or if they would be conquered as far as I can see so how it happened isn't so important is it?
>I don't see it that way
That's great, good for you.
>so how it happened isn't so important is it?
It's extremely important if you care about that sort of thing. But this thread obviously doesn't so lets just be honest about this whole fiasco being fap-bait.
We already have people sharing lewds of cross species lesbians.
But it has nothing to do with OP's questions, so is it really OP's fault if it got hijacked?
Because for humans to be at the point they are at today there existed hundreds of linchpin moments which if they did not happen or happened when they weren't supposed to, the world would be vastly different than it is today.
Now we aren't here by pure luck (though there were certain natural disasters that could have wiped us out entirely so I guess that isn't strictly true), but we have what we have purely based on which probabilities took off for us. So many discoveries leading up to our modern understanding of the world happened purely by chance or accident.
Now you need to have all of that happen twice, at the same time or it all falls apart. Oh this one human book ended up being lost on its way to its destination? Well shit that butterfly affected humans back 300 years in terms of medical technology. Oh some documents thrown in a toilet ended up completely illegible by the time they were found by centaur special forces? Looks like their last major war continued on an extra year longer than it needed to.
This is the kind of case eastern storytelling actually shines in. Just fuck it. You want centaurs existing on the same world as humans so they're there. Don't pretend there is any more reason for it than that.
OP knew what he was doing.
You're right, but OP never asked for how it got there in the first place, only the niches they fill. Talking about this stuff is interesting though.
How it got there in the first place would greatly impact which niches are available for them to even fill, let alone which specific ones.
That is true. OP should have really just said he wanted to ignore such factors and base it purely on what we can assume of their abilities.
OP knew what he was doing.
Then its literally just a case of throwing centaurs into positions horses are normally.
Like this. Everyone knows about police horses so boom that's a centaur now. Nice easy application of "just fuck it whatever".
Horses are not as intelligent as centaurs could be, which could change how long cavalry could be useful as someone pointed out, so there is that to consider as well without delving into how they got to this point.
>Nice easy application of "just fuck it whatever".
Lazy way is sometimes the best way.
It would drastically change when true cavalry arrived.
That it might.
Centaurs are literally just horse and rider combined though. So presumably they'd just be a little more effective at anything a horse with a rider could do.
They'd much more effective because what's limiting usefulness of horses is that they're dumb and not capable of taking orders.
Being freed for the horse's lack of understanding means they can work in environments and under conditions that would scare horses senseless though, so there may be entirely new possibilities. Could work in factories hauling heavy ass shit, or maybe even in mines.
>Could work in factories hauling heavy ass shit, or maybe even in mines.
You mean like horses and mules used to?