>humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and goblins all live in the same kingdom with no laws against miscegenation
>It's not overrun with mutts and half-breeds
Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and goblins all live in the same kingdom with no laws against miscegenation
Maybe they are distinct species? That's the way I like to play it.
This. In our setting each race is a separate species and are incapable of interbreeding, though all descend from a common ancestor. DM hates halfbreeds and probably started that to stop players making "snowflake" characters.
Same, except humans and elves, and I kind of regret leaving that one in.
Also most people find other races sexually unattractive.
>half-elves and hobbits everywhere
>orcs and goblins kill you before you can whip it out, so rape is the only option
What are you looking for?
>mutts are infertile
there, race mixing is a possibility but it doesn't propagate down the line
Humans are the ones who fuck everything and anything, the other races are much more strict
>not slutting it up with anything that has existence as a predicate
>Also most people find other races sexually unattractive.
This is what I do in my game, and the guy playing a Triton is sad that almost no one wants to fuck a fish.
elves are sluts
does that mean that people stereotype halfbreeds as prostitutes?
Every human/half-elf child is also a half-elf.
Humanity is finished.
Just make sure that by default the races are not sexually attracted to one another, because that would result in a loss of reproductive fitness and thus be less likely to be passed on.
Unless gods made your races, I guess.
all elves are sluts
>Unless gods made your races, I guess.
Well we are talking about fantasy races
Or do the elder scrolls "children are the mother's race"
>Also most people find other races sexually unattractive.
See that's the issue. Standard fantasy races aren't really distinct enough from humans for that sort of thing to kick in.
Unless you're going for a hyper /pol/ world where a slightly different ear length/skin color is a huge turn off.
What no one likes fish sticks in your setting?
But we're also talking about matters of biological races and fertility. I wasn't sure where we were drawing the realism/fantasy line.
Except there are mutts and half-breeds in my setting. There's even a whole catch-all 'race' of mutts who have so many different bloods there's no telling what they're half of any more.
Look at modern day America and Western Europe. Despite all the "diversity" exogamy rates are quite low. The grand majority of the population prefers to date within their own race.
The threat to Western homogeneity is not race mixing, it's race replacement brought about through sheer differences in fertility rates.
We can presume fantasy worlds would not be too different. Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and goblins would all concentrate into their own communities. Race replacement wouldn't be as big of an issue considering most fantasy settings are monarchies. In democracies it's a problem because it implies a massive shift of power from one race to the other.
>Also most people find other races sexually unattractive.
Speak for yourself senpai
>biological races
They just said races, homie. Our rules of biology has got nothing the moment you throw magic in a world.
I kind of like the idea that if that if you have love that transcends the usual divide of fantasy race, which is already widely regarded as degenerate by both sides, then you wind up getting either nothing or better yet, some kind of offspring with limited or no viability. It would basically imply a death in the bloodlines of both parents and adds an element of sacrifice to love-that-transcends kinds of relationships. So much the better when one or both parents outlives their nonfunctional, monstrous spawn.
I like halfbreeds as culturally, if not aesthetically revolting. So, you'd pretty much have to be from fantasy Veeky Forums in order to find one attractive.
They interbreed all the time. Children always take the race of one of the parents instead of being a mix.
While there are no laws against mixed race pairings, it's often culturally frowned upon, with the (rare) resulting offspring often being outcast or shunned by both communities.
Further, not all races are compatible. Elves can breed with humans, and humans can breed with orcs, for example, but elves and orcs can't successfully breed with each other.
Offspring that do arise from mixed race pairings are often infertile, in addition to being social pariahs. Those that are able to have children are most likely to be able to do so with other half-breeds of the same type, followed by members of either parent race, followed by half-breeds with one common ancestor and then almost zero chance with anyone with no common genetic heritage.
Of those, only humans can breed with any of the others, orc and elf, and half-orcs and half-elves ARE running around everywhere.
>Rule 63 Gamagori