What a piece of junk
What a piece of junk
t.salty WAAC fag
Remember your benis wont grow if you win in this game.
Wow nu-4k stats are dogshit
What the hell is that?
Looks purty good to me.
the only problem i see is the 3+ armor and 18 wounds
would have prefered at least 20 wounds and 2+ armor but whatever
wow it's fucking nothing
>give him the 6+ feel no pain
>space marine babies get mad
>implying that DG won't have better version of that Trait
>forgetting Heretics power that gives you 5+++ or DG ones that makes you harder to be hit
>people who think models shouldn't die ever
>people who think Nurgle should be mass T and W and still get a 2+ and FnP
You dumb fucks should just go play the shithole that is 7E.
Post the rest of his stats. I'm sure his special abilities make it worth it.
The 5+++ is from a Slaanesh power, so it couldn't effect him.
>Heresy-era Mortarion: T7
>Ascended Mortarion: T7
Fucks sake GW.
But how many wounds did he have?
seven, but this was back before most characters had their wounds doubled and could hide in units, and 2w terminators were a big deal
judging by his power rating, he's going to cost roughly 475 points.
I find it hard to believe he is going to be worth taking.
Are Aggressors good?
Are Reivers good?
>Not having another broken primarch is a bad thing
This is literally just a repost of the rules from Warhammer Community.
For the lazy
Gungressors are good.
Flamegressors are good but have short range.
Bolter Reivers are okay due to their utility in deep strike, outflank, and grenades, but their killing power is pretty shit, which is the knife loadout sucks.
So Aggressors are worth the money then? A bit steep for 3 models but I like the design and are apparently mechanically solid
As for Reivers I had hoped to use them for melee but I might have to look for a different unit to do so
>worth the money
If you like the models, I suppose. Just because a unit is good doesn't necessarily mean they're worth the money. A lot of people would tell you no GW models are worth the money, after all.
True. Thanks for that
A final question if you don't mind. What are the better melee marine models in general? Looking at elites or troops before committing to buying models
That sounds insane what are people bitching about?
OP and a few others are trolling because they are used to older editions where the statline meant more than anything else.
While I won't say he is bad, I wouldn't consider it insane. He has a 475 point cost.
Guilliman, Berserkers, Eversors, Death Company.
>b-but those aren't-
>2D3 mortal wounds to everything in 7" every game turn isnt good enough
wew lad
how do you get 2d3? its 1d3
The ability is short ranged and requires a dice roll to activate that degrades as the game goes on.
Eldar do that better and for cheaper.
Because it's range is shit in an army that's slow as fuck. Might be good if melee Plague Marines work out in a Rhino Rush or something to get him backup ASAP, but at that point you're better off running World Eater Berserkers anyway.
>how do you get 2d3? its 1d3
>Start of the fight phase
host of Plagues means absolute rape for MSU near him.
looks like it's hordes, or shoot from a distance.
>play full squads
>overpriced, inefficient, assraped by battle shock
>play MSU
>assraped by Nurgle
>toughness 7
>wounds >10
>damage affects stats
Hold on... Is Mortarion a vehicle?
what is MSU??
He's a FMC
MCs are vehicles in 8E :^)
Multiple Squad Units.
Like, playing a bunch of groups of 5 Tactical Marines instead of a few squads of 10.
You're going to be raped by something. You either diversify your battlefield assets to cover your bases, or you rock-paper-scissors and hope your opponent chooses something you aren't weak to.
ahh, thanks for the explanation user
>Get the meltabomb!
>everything already dead due to the large mutant with daddy issues and rape scythe.
3/10 apply yourself