If the old ones returned to life in 40k how would they change the setting? All other races BTFO?
If the old ones returned to life in 40k how would they change the setting? All other races BTFO?
>Implying they could beat Space Marines
Well, as a matter of fact they kind of could.
Fortunately there's Primaris Marines to save the day.
Are you implying primaris marines are become OP?
Doesn't matter.
Chaos is older and better, and more eternal, and therefore would still win.
The amount of bait in this post is what's eternal.
I genuinely hope this is bait.
>one old one wakes up
>He decides that Girlyman is a cool dude and just follows him around giving advice Merlin style
Not him but it's not bait. WHFB End Times lore states that Chaos was vastly older than the Old ones. The Old Ones stole the power of gods by attempting to harness the magics of the Realm of Chaos. This enraged the gods of Chaos and they lashed out at the Old Ones. Shortly the Old Ones disappeared and never heard from again.
In 40K, the Old Ones falsely imprisoned trillions of Chaos daemons inside Daemon Cages which also pissed off the Chaos Gods.
>WHFB End Times lore
That's where I stopped reading.
Inb4 be'lakor and armless wanking.
Posts like that are obviously just people butthurt about Chaos.
And here's the reason for said butthurt Hi Carnac.
You can stop reading but it's canon now. Chaos is much greater than the Old Ones.
>This is where it all began, before history was recorded. A forest raised from sacred ground by the gods themselves, seeded by the Great Powers that shaped the world. Beneath jade and golden boughs, the elves were taught how to manipulate the energies that permeated the world and its surrounds: they learned magic.
>A matriarch ruled over them, and in time she became known as the Everqueen, her immortal spirit reborn into her offspring with each passing generation. These were times of accord, of peaceful bliss and innocent harmony.
>Let us be honest and call it what it was: grave naivety.
>There were other powers, far older and greater than the tutors of the elves. They had been wronged, their domains trespassed upon, their authority stolen by upstarts. In their anger they laid low the Old Ones and staked their claim to the world.
>Mighty was their anger and terrible were the hosts they poured forth to conquer the lands crafted by the usurpers. The pure magic of the timeless aeons was broken, split into the Eight Winds, and the gods of the elves were laid low, exposed as powerless figments. One power ruled, and one power alone: Chaos.
-Curse of Khaine
Why do you get triggered by people citing the fluff?
Continuing. The Old Ones are thieves and kidnappers. By what right did they imprison the servants of Chaos?
>The secret that the Black Legion sought, and that the Adeptus Mechanicus were racing them to seize, lay deep beneath the surface of Amethal. It was ancient – unspeakably, unimaginably so. It was a device the size of a world, forged by godlike beings before Terra had even spawned its first single-celled organisms. It was a cage for the infernal creatures of the Warp, a weapon to dwarf the Damnation Cache that had slipped through Abaddon’s fingers on Pandorax. And, according to the divinations of Lord Xorphas and his followers, it was full to the brim. It required only the correct ritual to be broken open, at which point the sudden release of so many Warp entities would tear a gaping wound in reality itself…
-Traitor's Hate
I think there's fluff that indicates the warp also includes benign entities, and also that there are demons whose goals go beyond "murderfuck everything" but I could be mistake. In any case, the warp was _definitely_ less volatile when the Old Ones were running around, which would be fitting justification to have the Old Ones shocked, horrified, and overwhelmed by the modern warp.... or to have them say "wow this shit has really gotten out of hand, time to start pruning again." I'd prefer the latter but I see either as viable.
But more importantly, they're gone and they should stay dead. One of the great things in 40k is that the clash of titans happened and the good guys lost--everyone who remains is trying to pick up the pieces and mount a half decent defense before their enemies rally first and achieve final victory. Using villain of the week comic book writing to bring back ancient architects of the disasters of the modern era would suck, would be hack writing, and would be the kind of serial escalation that led to Age of Sigmar. Rowboat waking up and being horrified at the decayed state of the formerly glorious empire is more effective narratively than having a bunch of dead frog wizards wake up and wave their wands.
Don't worry user, I'm sure Rubinek, Primarch of the Iron Hearts will solve it, since absolutely everything that has been published is true.
IN the 'fiction', yes. They're the golden boys - they swoop in and save the day
No, it's Carnac.
>Get btfo by orks
>In any case, the warp was _definitely_ less volatile when the Old Ones were running around
It really wasn't. See . The Old Ones were combating the forces of Chaos inside the Warp and containing them. The War in Heaven allowed Chaos to get loose.
>What is unreliable narrator
>What is decades of contradictory fluff
>IN the 'fiction', yes. They're the golden boys - they swoop in and save the day
No, they are not. The Alpha Legion beat them twice.
Is there any reason to think the old ones thought they were catching monsters? Like, did they think they were caging malevolent warp entities or were they, hypothetically, harnessing warp energy to power their cars?
It's not unreliable narrator. It's the omniscient narrator. People clinging to the Oldcron lore as if it wasn't wholesale retconned are bothersome.
is bitter sarcasm.
onwards is Carnac.
>The War in Heaven allowed Chaos to get loose.
You mean, the massive galaxy spanning event that riled up the warp? Or, the fall of the eldar, which made it even worse?
You are a literal retard. Or have no reading comprehension; remained to be seen.
The War of Heaven happened 60 million years ago.
The construction of the Daemon Cages happened before life appeared on earth putting 3 billion years ago. Sorry but the Warp was a hellish even before the first shot of the War in Heaven.
>implying some dynasties don't act pretty much like oldcrons
Oh good, that'll really get him going now.
>The First Captain, initially angry at the Magos’ imperious summons, had become serious and engaged as Ivasnophon revealed the nature of the technology that he sought upon Amethal. It was an ancient prize, something made by those who ruled the galaxy long before the first Terran life forms emerged from the primordial ooze. Other examples of its sort had been found across the galaxy from time to time, hints at an incredibly potent weapon against the powers of Chaos. Ivasnophon specialised in the location, excavation and imitation of such archeotechnological treasures. For centuries he had been following a tenuous trail of clues towards this, his greatest find. Amethal was not a planet, he explained, but rather a skin of rock and biosphere stretched as camouflage over an ancient cage. Vast beyond belief, wreathed in arcane wards and dark technologies, it was a prison-eternal for daemonic entities. It was the Magos Dominus’ belief that the Amethal Cage contained hellish beings beyond count, trapped for millennia behind warded bars. Why the ancients had sought to isolate these creatures from the Warp was a mystery lost to the mists of time, but the Magos was certain they had succeeded. Captain Karlaen was horrified at this revelation, for if that were true, then the empyric inmates of this world represented a dreadful danger to the defences around the Cadian Gate. At the same time, he was not slow to grasp Ivasnophon’s purpose on this world. Building upon his countless decades of study and experimentation, the Magos Dominus was at last nearly able to replicate the technologies of the Daemon cage. He was weeks, months at most, from creating – and then mass producing-devices that could cage Daemons on a vast scale. Though not a permanent solution to the daemonic threat, such devices might end daemonic incursions as soon as they began, and thus turn the tide in the war for the Cadian Gate.
-Angel's Blade
Again, what I said was
>>In any case, the warp was _definitely_ less volatile when the Old Ones were running around
As it turns out, "less volatile" means "not as bad as it is now but also not implying it was a pretty psychic garden of unimaginable delight". The warp has actively gotten worse since the Old Ones were meddling in it due to both the War in Heaven and the Fall of the Eldar, and probably due to the ascent of humanity as well.
So do you not know how to read, or are you actively ignoring sentences that don't support what you want to think?
Now ask yourself why would the Old Ones make weapons against Chaos If Chaos wasn't a problem back then?
Name some.
It wasn't any less volatile, dumbass. The Old Ones just constructed defences to keep the daemonic forces from invading reality. The Warp was as much a churning hell as it was before and after. The Walls of reality were stronger back then and the ancient races kept Chaos out.
Understand the setting before you accuse people of ignoring stuff. You are simply wrong!
It's almost as though they were highly psychic and could see the future or something.
Also, the Maynarkh Dynasty.
>It's almost as though they were highly psychic and could see the future or something.
They had no foresight since they did not see the rise of the Necrontyr and then the Necrons.
>Also, the Maynarkh Dynasty.
No, the Maynarkh dynasty is strictly newcron material. They invited the sector governor to their court and told him their terms and demands. They broadcast their warnings and praises for their queen across all channels.
They practice diplomacy with other races as shown in the flavour text of their ally matrix.
>They had no foresight since they did not see the rise of the Necrontyr and then the Necrons.
Not that guy, but missing something huge in your psychic reading of the future doesn't mean you can't perform the psychic reading, it means that for one reason or another you did a bad job
Also they are bloody wacky as the rest. Their chief cryptek got obsessed with time and wanted to destroy it. As punishment they had him tortured and had his eyes put out before installing a mind control scarab in his head.
Why did he want to destroy time? How can you torture a supposedly unfeeling machine? Fucking Newcrons.
>In 40K, the Old Ones falsely imprisoned trillions of Chaos daemons inside Daemon Cages
Yeah those violent rampaging torturing evil daemonic entities were falsely imprisoned JUST to stop them killing at random? Old Ones facist scum
>arguing with Carnac
Nigga a literal god was born who ate the souls of the most widespread and psychically active race around at the time, and also left a gaping asshole torn through reality and connecting it to the warp.
Yes, the situation has deteriorated. How fucking dense are you?
Seers miss the odd detail in their visions. The micro details. They do not miss the macro picture.
The Old Ones were blind for the galactic wars that laid them a low. This is amble proof that their foresight was non-existent. The Eldar seers in 40K have foretold the major wars in 40K. These children. The Old Ones have no excuse.
Because the walls of reality that kept Chaos out was shattered during the War in Heaven and the Necron Pylons are the only things keeping it contained. The Pylon network eroded through the passage time allowing Chaos to seep in.
Remember that Slaanesh always existed in the Warp and that he orchestrated its own birth. Due note that the Eldar call Slaanesh the parent and child of their species.
>The visions became a blur of a passing age, but then stopped, a single vignette of war and devastation, of fires burning the sky and a plain of skulls torn asunder by the fury of battle. A goddess-god, ancient and young, beautiful and terrible, caught up in the flames, dragged into the abyss to share the doom unleashed upon its parent-children.
-"Jain Zar"
I dunno, I think missing the ascent of a race of tools to star entities frequently described as anathema to the warp would make sense.
I don't know exactly how reading the future works in 40k, but the Eldar are usually described as picking out various possibilities and trying to make the ideal future happen. Seeing as how the Old Ones were the big kids in the galaxy, I think it would make sense for them to read a future of powerful necrons and laugh it off as a statistical impossibility--especially if, say, the necrons rose to power with the help of the aforementioned star gods that the Old Ones couldn't see.
The Old Ones are what the Tyranids are running from.
>Like the Dark Gods they serve, the Daemons are generous with their gifts, whether the recipient wishes to receive them or no. Nurgle’s minions spread plague not to bring suffering and despair, but because they are driven to do so by the dark spark of divine essence within them. They cannot conceive of why their diseases should cause such dismay amongst their victims, for a Daemon of Nurgle finds nothing more joyous than to be afflicted by pox or pestilence. Daemons of Slaanesh revel in excess, and the torment they bring is — as far as they are concerned — the most philanthropic of blessings. Similarly, Tzeentch’s Daemons subvert and mutate the natural order not out of cruelty, but are motivated by a combination of their own easily provoked boredom and the assumption that their victims must similarly be driven to ennui by their static and staid existences — something instantly cured by the mutating gift of change. Only Daemons of Khorne are truly selfish, ever seeking to claim skulls for the Skull Throne and so rise to higher status in their dread master’s eyes.
>In this way, Daemons are akin to malicious children who possess a box of fascinating toys that are fragile by nature but unlimited in number. After all, in its own way, the mortal world is as resilient as the Realm of Chaos. A city humbled by plague or broken by war will inevitably recover; a mortal army torn to bloody ruin by fang, blade and claw or blasted apart by sorcery will soon be replenished or replaced. This may take hundreds of years and cost untold thousands of lives along the way, but Daemons don’t reckon time as mortals do, and inevitably find something else to draw their interest in the meantime. If the Daemons even comprehend the harm they are causing, they most certainly do not care.
Daemons, except Khornates types, mean no harm to you or me.
The birth of Slaanesh too place at a particular moment in time; that doesn't prevent it from retroactively applying to the warp. As in, on the day of Fuck You Space Elves, this powerful entity was created; the warp was changed so that it always was there but if you'd gone looking a week prior you'd get nothing besides maybe some psychic feedback traveling backwards in time
No, Drach'nyen once born reached out across time touching the minds of all humans that lived, live, and will live. Every single human being in the entirety of history had his mind touched by its evil. Slaanesh could have easily done that too.
Its text says that in the Warp there is no before or after only now and now forever. You are trying to shoehorn logic where there is no logic.
Yes, except that the bugfuck rules of the warp apply to the warp, and the Old Ones and eldar and humans using their psychic power outside of the warp and in reality don't have the same time schenanigans going on.
The laws of reality apply on to those who live in reality.
Mortal races and their psykers can only see the upper most layer of the Warp. Mortal eyes are blind to the depths of the Warp and have no idea what's going on down there and what's hiding there.
there were evil gods on both sides, both sides i tell you
We will return
Forgive me user for I have sinned.
Chaos Gods weren't created until Dark Ages earth (about 800 years ago from irl date). Chaos, in general, predates that, you're right, but saying "the chaos gods" did something at that time is inaccurate.
>Chaos Gods weren't created until Dark Ages earth (about 800 years ago from irl date).
Old lore that has been retconned.
>Chaos, in general, predates that, you're right, but saying "the chaos gods" did something at that time is inaccurate.
They created Be'lakor millions of years ago before the Fall or humanity existed.
>Old ones
+Many others
+Cool aztek motive
+Cool and mysterious
+More 3d personalities than cuck gods even with less material to work with
-Fucked off
>Cuck gods
-Bel'acuck the eternally stoned
-Arsecunt the evervirgin
-Failbadon the armless
-Horus the perma delet'd
+Deliciously easy to collect cuck gods follower bitch tears
You forgot
-Carnac of the bleeding sandy vagina