Dumping what I got and taking requests. Requesting more fantasy myself.





>taking requests
Got any stuff that's more open concept? I'm looking for landscapes as my players are going to be breaking open some old druidic seals and I want one each for elemental earth/air/fire/water.

yeah, I got landscapes







got any modern stuff?

not too much bc my shadowrun group flaked on me before the game could even start

but here's what I got


Thanks guys, any chance you could point to where I can find like, an assets library to make my own maps? I've got Photoshop handy

That's a lot of bones. Thanks for sharing!

ahh that 3D effect is delightful!

These are really nice, what are you using/where did you find them?

first two look like the Doorkickers map editor

any cave maps?

I'm personally looking for thieves guild/criminal organization maps. They can be warehouses, sewers, bases, anything really.

Made this a while back, just photoshopping some images i found on google