What 40k army does he play, Veeky Forums?

What 40k army does he play, Veeky Forums?

Making the galaxy great again

Since he's a manly alpha male who takes no shit from betas, Space Marines.

The most American faction of 40K, the tau.

Custards, he loves the gold

Tau because he's Russia's bitch

His own custom army because he is a rich capitalist.

Like all successful politicians, he plays Genestealer Cults, because his success is only the result of a psyop on the electorate.

Loyalist siege of terra force, since he's the defender of humanity.

Yup, asexual space eunuchs are the only choice for an alpha male.

The rest of his Government are easier. Mattis definitely plays Guard. Pence likes AdMech, because of the shock weapons

What would Pruitt play, nids?

We will build a big beautiful Wall around the Eye of Terror!

>he plays recasted tallarn ironically

>God Emperor

>an old guy backed by a Chaos god



full Imperial Knights

Most likely. Sessions plays Deathwatch so he can purge the xenos.

Necrons because you must be asexual and heartless to not properly fuck your own flesh and blood. Daughter haters don't love their kids like pic related.

Alpha Legion, because no one can tell if he's actually secretly loyal/muh 4D chess or just another traitor. Either that or Custodes because of all the GOLD and roleplaying as the Emperor.

Pence obviously plays Sisters of Battle, being the militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy after all. Jeff Sessions plays Imperial Agents (Inquisitorial forces, Arbites, etc). Mattis plays Guard. Steve Bannon plays Squats.

Ultramarines, with Guilliman front and center. Making the galaxy great again.

>really old guy who used chaos' powers to get his goals
That's the God Emperor, son.


>implying that dead fuck on the golden throne never accepted gifts from the gods

This is the only true answer.
Hell, GW even made a miniature of him.

I don't think he'd like the grimderpness of 40k.

Buys whatever the new hotness codex is in bulk, doesn't paint or assemble many of them, mostly shitposts on Veeky Forums about whatever memes he saw on reddit.

the reawakened god-emperor, literally a one model army. bring your shit.

What the fucking fuck?