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Character Art Thread
Can I get some kind looking/good guy wizards?
closest I have
Can I get some lich/undead wizard art?
> Frank, you're one hell of a librarian, they said
> The Great Library needs you, they said
> We'll give you an office with a view if you become a Baelnorn, they said
Why does this guy have coins all over his book? did someone throw money at him?
he's doing his skeletaxes
posted this before i saw your request
Bump, looking for any rough on the edges knights that could be used as a sort of special forces guard/police unit, aka a medieval judge dredd.
Modern-Day PCs would be great, ESPECIALLY if they're super heroes/vigilantes
>posted this before i saw your request
I need pictures! Pictures of Crane Clan men!
Roped into DM'ing Ironclaw and need some Animal People. The more unusual the race the better. Chicken people, Bat people, Giraffe people and etc.
Requesting scorpion centaurs.
Posting some X-Com 2 pics I've taken, with all the mods it's good for modern/ near future looking stuff.
Got any people or monsters with multiple arms?
Super rad
Since they're arachnids wouldn't it be a scorpion Drider?
Would like male characters of any class. Large pictures are preferred,
bump from page 9 need all fish people you got
Looking for ginger haired rogues
Could I have some Evil Monks?
Male, female, halfling, orc, whatever, anything works.
Holy shit, I have this photo in a frame.
I've noticed a weird thing: I have more pics of female knights than male, and those males have their faces hidden by their helmets. I'd like to have more male paladins.
Need a handful of similarly shady looking wizards/cultists/ritualists to use in conjunction with pic related, please.
This thread was great, tthanks ameriguys
A large portion of it is actually a Russian guy from Donetsk posting :3
Can I get gleeful, bravado-filled barbarians? Preferably women.