So can anyone definitively prove the existence of the Alpha Legion?
So can anyone definitively prove the existence of the Alpha Legion?
Not anymore.
>what happened to the raven guard
>night of thousand rebellions
>rowboat and dorn claim to have fought them
The alpha legion is scary, if you actually see a marine you are screwed
Well there is one standing right there.
If anyone does find some evidence, please disclose your address so we can come over and see it, because we're certain that we can be of assistance.
Many hands make light work, after all.
That's just an Inquisitor, user. Now go about your business.
I was watching an episode of Tour of Duty the other day and the following dialogue was shared on a patrol through the Nam, circa 1968...
Civilian - "I thought I heard something"
GI - "Don't worry. It wasn't the Zips. Charlie doesn't make a sound, so if you heard something, it wasn't them."
And it made me realize that the Alpha Legion would be that brilliant phantom shadow. Only appearing to battle when they decide.
The same thing is true for the Grey Knights though.
Nah, they are just a myth.
I thought I saw an alpha legionnaire once but it turned out to be an ultramarine covered in tau blood.
I wouldn't worry about it
"I got the results from the test back. I definitely have post-hypnotic suggestive trigger words."
The difference between seeing a member of the grey knights or an alpha legionnaure is
>grey knights *blam*
>alpha legionnaire: you have secretly been an alpha legion sleeper agent the whole time.
>wait a minute, I'm the Alpha legion
>alpha legionnaire: you have secretly been an alpha legion sleeper agent the whole time.
>implying im not an Omega Legionnaire double agent
>Dorn killed Alpharius in a room full of Alphariuses
>That Alpharius was convinced he was Alpharius, having been someone else earlier that day
>Another Alpharius was triggered by the death decided to be Alpharius as a result
The Hydra has three heads, user.
Can any of us truly say that we aren't Alpharius?
I'm not Alpharius.
I love the Alpha Legion but my friend an Iron Warrior player says we're mary sure and everything always goes our way. Is he right? Or just a jealous trench digger?
It's impossible to fail when you are on both sides. Also an Iron Warriors player salty about others winning is hilarious it really fits the legion.
I can now all you who think theyre Alpharius but arent Alpharuis go back to your regular duties.
simple, for you see
no matter who you see as god
no matter what codex you play
no matter what models you buy
you play alpha legion
>Trench digger
It's impossible to be a Mary Sue if you work for it. The alpha legion just puts in overtime.
For other chapters to do things they have to unite, the alpha legion is based on modular groups. This means that they can accomplish many things really effectively, even more if the groups work together.
They are also efficient planers, the clone sabotage of the raven guard had plan A and B fail, but plan C worked.
Think mystical space CIA with all the knowledge rather than space princess who always gets her way.
There is no Alpharius
What if the Emperor put Alpharius on the golden throne, then pretended to be Alpharius, and then pretended to die multiple times while always coming back as Alpharius?
>Ordinary marines are capable of fighting a Primarch on even terms if they *think* they're Alpharius
Wew lad.
I can.
But it wasn't even terms, Dorn won.
I re-read that chapter... with Hulk Hogan's Real American playing over my headphones. Was epic. Then Dorn went to WCW, announced he was Alpharius, and joined the NWO with Horus and Fulgrim.
>alpharius points a finger at you
>you're already dead
I am Alpharius