Aberations don't get apreciated enough. We have threads about elves and drows but no love for the intellect devourers?
Mindflayer apreciation thread
Even their failed attempt at procreation are amazing.
They even exist in setting with where from the coast arrived several Wizards and exterminated all the mindflayers.
In those settings they even have 2 heads!
Or grow wings.... Seriously what the fuck pathfinder? Are you compensating?
A good pic with all the related monsters.
What exactly is the point of vampiric illithid? What purpose does it serve to make it want to eat you for slightly different reasons.
The heck is that pillar thing?
I think they fail to get attention because people are so shit at implementing them, both in books and in actual campaigns. Fucking mindflayers in Faerun are just these psychic slave masters and that's kind of it, same with aboleths. "Woooo they're spooky! They used to have empires founded on slavery and eating brains! WOOOOoooooOOOOoooo!" Bloodborne's bosses are pretty much the gold standard for aberrations in modern media.
My players came across a small group of space-faring illithid pirate slavers recently, who were led by an ulitharid and a pair of conjoined elves-turned-mind-flayer twins. One of them was quiet and stoic while the other was oddly cheerful and upbeat. They were vicious though. Even the 'sweet' one wanted nothing more than to slurp up all of the party cleric's memories so it would gain an insight into how the gods work.
To help point out that illithids are not to try and extend their lives by unnatural means.
Aberration specific equipment is neat.
>Bloodborne's bosses
They are mostly werewolf variation, 2 lovecraftian (tentacle face and giant fungi head), 1 end boss from Half Life, 1 legion from Castelvania and a spider.
Nothing really original about them.
Does that flute go tekeli-li?
To show that becoming an undead makes them hate pants.
>similar to ropers in behaviour, predominately solitary, sedentary and stationary.
>Most remain loyal to the illithid yet some do tend to become independent and wander off on their own.
>wander off
>Urophions were just as intelligent as regular illithid
Holy shit, what a wretched existence. Sentry turret with INT 18.
Why pathfinder don't just use a mindflayer looking monster and change it name?
I'm sure WotC would love an excuse to sue Paizo.
I guess a normal Roper is too stupid to go anywhere but if you had a brain you could probably detach from the ground and drag yourself around with tentacles.
>Despite their monstrous hunger and evil natures, ropers are intelligent and insightful creatures. In the time between feedings, they learn about their surrounding underworld and contemplate philosophy.
Why the beak design was thrown out of the window?
It might be because that looks less sinister, intelligent, and unfathomable, and just looks more overtly threatening.
A large collection of illithid pr0n.
Contains some guro
I like you.
>A large collection of illithid pr0n.
Eh, too much penis along with the gore for my taste...
wait... that thing...
I like the fluff of mind flayers, but they're not good monsters mechanically. The smart thing for a mind flayer to do is just spam mind blast every round, and that's a recipe for a very quick tpk. Even if they don't manage to affect everyone before getting taken out, it makes those who are affected unable to actually play the game, and that's not fun.
And now people get D&D info from youtube.. sigh.
Still I have to give him that I only knew about half of those combinations.
What about cranium rats? Those things are the eyes and ears not just of the illithids but their god.
But they broke free of mind flyers and hate/fear them. What is the story about interaction with the god?
We know about lich illithids and vampiric illithids.
But what about lycnatropic illithids?
I don't know the new edition lore changes but it used to be that their god sees through all cranium rats in all the worlds from their crystal cave beneath the outlands.
How do they reproduce? Are they born with no upper cranium or older rats gnaw at new rats until the cranium is open?
being immobile isn't too bad when you have astral projection to see the sights, I suppose.
Player race version when?
Ropers are a spook.
They wouldn't teach him any magic. Also you can't be a good guard if you put yourself in a coma.
Vampire illithids are all feral failed experiments
What is this?
Does anyone else think the official art of intellect devourers looks stupid? They remind me of a clawed bathtub. In my imagination, their legs resemble those of pic related.
I actually played a Lawful Good Mind Flayer for a session, once.
And he was a pretty fun character.
>Bloodborne's bosses are pretty much the gold standard for aberrations in modern media.
Literally who
SO about the lycantropic mindflyers.
Who is the natural predator of cuttlefish?
>Who is the natural predator of cuttlefish?
Honestly couldn't tell you...but I feel like Lycanthropic Mindflayers should infect their victims with, not just with Lycanthropy, but several (2-4) Lycanthropic Ithillid tadpoles.
These parasites will take up residence in the brain and spinal column and and go dormant until the full moon, wherein they will wake up and begin to cereomophesise the surrounding area as the host is undergoing their lycanthropic transformation.
Naturally this results in tentacles and body horror replacing the persons abdominopectoral cavity.
if you're going this way, let them rutn into sharks
turn not rutn
can't fucking type
We need a scifi setting with mind flayers.
How do you stat something like that?