Why is he the only good GM online consistently giving good advice?
Why is he the only good GM online consistently giving good advice?
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Who is this cunt?
Pleb detected
Mark Hammill? Chewie? Michael J. Fox werewolf?
fine I don't even care. fuck off.
Zack Gallamafuckus or whatever from that Hangover bullshit?
shill detected
I don't think that Colville is "the only good GM online consistently giving good advice" so much as he does it in a video format and is organized (sort of), fun to watch, and has high production value. I've run into many other channels and then ditched them because the content creator has a bad mic, has absolutely zero cohesion, has no editing, or has two friends who keep talking over each other. Colville is great because he actually puts a ton of effort into his work.
Colville + Web DM is all I'm watching on youtube these days
Also Colville will often express both sides of an issue, even if he focuses on the one that works for him. So even when he is giving advice that doesn't really work for you, he has at least pointing out an alternative that might.
Doesn't produce videos often enough in my opinion.
Jonah hill plays tabletop?
His cuts annoy the absolute shit out of me. It's like sentence. Cut. Sentence. Cut. Sentence.
Why does Richard Karn's mugshot have a lamp in the background?
>Not listening to weekly 40 minutes of sort of insightful roundabout speechifications in response to the questions that can be more to the point answered in 5 minutes.
It's like you don't want to be straight ally or something
Man, that's one of the things I love about him. "Am I conveying information here? No? Might as well just cut it out then and jump straight from useful thing to useful thing."
On the bright side, you've given me a working theory as to why so many other people talk so. Fucking. Sloooooooooowly. I got places to be, but I guess some people like a more chillaxed vibe?
>Zack Gallamafuckus or whatever from that Hangover bullshit?
He's great in Below, if you want to see people die in the ocean.
Adam Koebel is proof that stereotypes exist for a reason.
And here i watch Colville at 1.5x speed, and other people at 2x with subtitles.
That's what happens when you don't make any money off your videos and have to work full time doing something else.
I love web dm! Although I wish they would do more stuff from ad&d
>And here i watch Colville at 1.5x speed, and other people at 2x with subtitles.
How the hell is that possible? I normally listen to everything at 1.5x but he's the only one I have to listen at normal speed. His normal speed is almost at 1.5x.
What do you think he's selling?
He's not. He's one of the more well known ones because he is active in the online community and got a shoutout on critical role. But he's just a dude. He even said before he streamed himself running a game, that people wouldn't be that impressed, cause he's just a normal GM. And he was.
That's just Youtube man.
Not that guy, but I just got used to it. I watch everything in 2x unless an accent makes it hard.
I'm DMing since 90-s, and one thing I noticed in Colville's videos is that I can't disagree with most of his assessments even when I try to. Even when he makes mistakes (like killing off that character in the prison cell instead of just cutting to the dorf who's going to try to save them), he explains how it could've been done better. His channel is also a really great introduction to DnD and DMing in general for new people. All around great guy.
I just gotta say this is a good video. It explains something I don't really understand (filmography principles) very clearly and concisely. Not only that but this guy does a really good job of framing his points.
Honestly as a DM of 16 years nothing Colville says is revolutionary or eye-opening for people with experience DMing.
However I think he does a good job eloquently explaining, through rhetoric and examples, important core concepts far better than DMGs have for the last 4 editions (which is as far back as I've played). I'm sure his videos are very valuable to new and new-ish DMs.
Personally I find his videos about 4e interesting because I skipped that edition, especially about working bits and bobs into 5e.
I also purchased his two books. Worse than Malazan Book of the Fallen, better than Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth.
>unironically thinks all settings must have state-mandated interracial breeding grounds
>good GM
I've met Koebel a couple of times at cons and the like, and he seems like a super nice dude, but he's an agenda-pushing GM with a high opinion of his own abilities - plus
>>unironically thinks all settings must have state-mandated interracial breeding grounds
Yeah. His channel is a little bit scattered on topics, but when he talks about film, he's golden. Watch his take on Suicide Squad.
>Worse than Malazan Book of the Fallen, better than Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth.
That sounds like pretty high praise to me.
It's bait, obviously.
Angry DM is the best guy online, Matt is more a psychologist saying things from players perspective and analising them. If he wernt such a libtard from california he would make a fine shitposter.
Colville taught me that 4e is really fun with the right DM. I kinda ignored it for a while because of how video-gamey it all looked, but now my group is playing a 4e campaign, and we're having a blast. Our DM knows his shit, and all the races, classes, and abilities are piss-easy to reskin for any setting.
Well, he does shill for his books at the end of his videos a little bit but I have no problem with that.
>Honestly as a DM of 16 years nothing Colville says is revolutionary or eye-opening for people with experience DMing.
Most of his videos are geared towards people who are learning to DM though so I think that's fine.
I agree he does a good job of explaining the fundamentals, which I think is useful even for people who aren't learning anything new
4e is a lot of fun once you "get" it, it's just kind of a weird game.It's mechanically delicious for tacticians and rituals are good for out of combat magic IMO.
I like Colville but the man rambles so much. He truly has great advice and you can get some wisdom from him even when you disagree with his opinions, but fuck do you need to take 20 minutes on a "short" video? The fact he talks so fast too yet still struggles to stay on topic makes me wonder if he's ever had an uninterrupted stream of thought in his life.
WoT is shit tho
It must be painful for you to listen to people irl
>Worse than Malazan Book of the Fallen, better than Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth.
So it's somewhere between Shite(2)and good(8)?
Some days, the contrarianism on Veeky Forums bugs me. I need another beer.
It's filled with way too much of the author's own baggage and his inability to write a cast of friends that seem like the actually like each other bogs it down even further.
Wheel of Time just isn't a good series. Search your heart, you know this to be true.
he isnt. first, he's a 'DM' and secondly his advice is middling-tier, at best.
yeah and it's not him.
Also his habitual actions that all the female characters share.
If they don't sniff, they tug their braids. If they don't do that, they talk down to the male characters. If they don't do that, they drive the male characters away so they can pine after them in their absence. If they don't do that, they smugly regard whoever they're talking to because "I'm too GROWN to be dealing with this."
I lump that in with "the author's own baggage"
I prefer Counter Monkey.
The only video of his I've seen is the one where he uses The Hobbit and LotR to illustrate snadbox and railroad, and the bias was real.
youtuber ramble to stretch things out. you can get more subscribers by pushing weekly 20 min videos rather than publishing concise 2 min videos. peoplke are ultimately bored and look for something that keeps them entertained for a while, so they rather click the 20 min video in hopes of it being good after all rather than a 2 min brief which might be on point but is followed by 18 mins of boredom.
Also, 10 minute ad revenue.
sounds like women in general to me
Can anybody explain why all these youtubers constantly go on about how rules suck, fuck crunch, just homebrew it or play rules-lite shit yet I've literally net people that like this in real life? everybody I've played with gets annoyed when you deviate from the rules.
Thats a funny way to spell John Four
Are you sure it isn't a Mearls situation where he's required to go on about how cool 5e is and then plays a game that resembles 3.5e because he ported so many rules from previous editions to his 5e game?
Do you think Colville secretly plays Shadowrun?
The rules are just a suggestion, you're supposed to make your own at the table to suit your group's needs. If one feels cumbersome or is in the way of Fun it should be discarded.
Colville not so secretly plays 4e and calls it 5e to get players to touch it.
He said he played Shadowrun in one of his videos.
Every time I've tried this it actually makes me realize why the rule was made the way it was, I totally didn't realize how gamebreaking grappling was so when I simplified the rules and make them actually usable one of my players quickly learnt to love whips.
You must game with either lawyers or autists.
There are a lot of gradations between "rules-lite shit" and playing by the book, and there's a lot of ways to apply the rule of cool to both. It all comes down to talking to your DM like a rational person.
I mean, I asked my DM if I could fluff a two-handed axe as one-handed spear with a shield (with no bonuses) in 4e, and he allowed it. Hell, you're applying same bonuses and penalties to your powers, why not make it look cool?
>famous youtube GMs
Oh come on, you've never had your GM let a rule slide for expediency's sake so he didn't have to stop the game to look it up?
He advocated for players not being in the diversity of their characters and suggested an entity like the Roman Empire having a policy of spreading different ethnicities about in order to cement civic nationalism.
The GM might, but that one chucklefuck at the end of the table sure won't, and he'll be sure to let all of you know about it.
His videos have clear topics and only last as long as they have to. He also has great cadence and flow in his speech which helps a lot.
You're right that it's nothing revolutionary, but presenting the basics clearly and easily understood is way better than a lot d&d material.
Cutting out both the absolute shite, and the top end, is still information. If he was a professional level novel author he'd probably be too busy doing that to work with games and make videos, I'm just glad to read that they are not complete drivel.
Wait, wasn't the game studio he worked at located in one of the whitest liberal states in America?
>he suggested an entity like the Roman Empire
no, he suggested to have a "center of the world city" from where players can easily travel to whatever medieval setting they like the most, so that if your chinese friend does not give a shit about your not king arthur and want to met your not cao cao, he can do so
>untrain my players
GMimg isn't a psychological experiment, it's presiding over a game. If the player is a sperg, then kick him out, problem solved.
All the numale speak aside, I think he means things like not asking the DM to roll perception in every new room or not considering all combats winnable even if you're against overwhelming odds or something. In my experience most beginners don't even realize that running away is a viable option.
Funny enough, Colville made a video on this with an interesting conclusion
I think you can make the flavor of your game pretty clear in session zero too - if you say: "We're gonna play a gritty campaign, think Game Of Thrones blah blah.", they're fucking retarded if they assume the game's going to be fair with them.
I never subscribed to the idea that there is a "Default D&D".
People's assumptions are a hell to deal with. If you don't do that explicitly and beforehand like you described chances are they'll bitch about it.
Oh and also, I mean this kind of shit is also super dependent on the system you're playing - if you're doing Call Of Cthulhu and there's some 20m high Eldritch Abomination rising from the earth and you have zero idea what's going on and how to deal with it, if you don't run, you didn't fully understand what game you were getting into.
Jon, Tyrion, etc get away with crazy heroics in the face of insurmountable odds all time. Your warning will not stop them, it may even encourage them.
It'd be nice if his advice wasn't so D&D specific.
Yeah fine, then they're retarded and deserve to die unless they're incredibly lucky. Reminds me of that one time in a WOD game, where a Vampire character pretty much without need went into a hideout of Werewolves, and he knew beforehand that those were dangerous as heck, as in even a single one is a threat serious enough to kill 2-3 characters, and shrugged off about 5 warnings of the GM, ranging from: "They have noticed you. They seem cautious however, expecting a trap." to "The circle of experienced Ahroun in war form around you has almost closed. This would be the last chance to try and run."
And then he died. No dice rolling, no big scene, because he was just being a dumbass. It was the setting equivalent to "I land my shuttle on the sun. Yes, really GM. What could happen? I disable the safety noises blaring about failing shields and hull melting, they annoy me.".
He's clearly the guy that started playing DnD as a kid and never strayed from it once in his decades of playing. A lot of the old grognards are like that.
He talks about having played several non-D&D games in his videos. His stuff on politics in games for example talks about L5R and Diplomacy
Because he gives beginner advice and you haven't found any other online GMs yet.
Try Counter Monkey, Geek & Sundry GM Tips, Chris Perkins old D&D columns, and How to be a Great GM/Player.
I see a lot of GMs online who start everything that Colville even briefly mentions. It's like if he farted and said that it smelled like beef jerky, they'd all just buy beef jerky without a second thought.
In order to become a better GM, you have to try new things and figure things out. Online GMs don't always have the answer, and their answer might not work for you. They have answers because they tried a lot of different things and if one thing didn't work out, they'd try another. The more you stray from the basics, the more you have to wade through uncertainty in order to discover new things.
And screw players who want me to say 'How do you wanna do this' like Mercer does. It's his thing, not mine. I got my own style to create, not a slap-dash wanna-be style taken from experienced GMs. I don't hate the GM, I hate the wave of sheep that follow them.
What, the flying fuck, is that?
nah, he's clever and realizes that talking about D&D nets him the biggest revenue on youtube. other rpgs dont generate as many subscribers.
your average pbtafag ;)
What's an PBTA?
I love Counter Monkey, although I'll admit it's more Spoony talking about his previous gaming experiences, even if he sometimes ties it in to gaming advice.
Wish he'd start doing more again, though, instead of just doing gaming livestreams.
Spoony's basically on the verge of suicide and homelessness at the moment so don't count on it.
Those are written stories. They are meant to win because it seems heroic when they're not supposed to. Games can be balanced in a way that a monster seems tough but still beatable, and players get conditioned with the thought that they can beat anything they come across.
Warn them that not every encounter is beatable and that running is always an option and both you and the monster has a chance to run away. Whatever happens, happens and it's not your fault if they TPK because they've been warned.
Powered by the Apocalypse. Dungeon World and so on.
That's not quite correct. He suggested that DMs don't really have an 'excuse' for a super-white eurocentric setting, which is true.
Fuck off with this numales.
Nothing shows how shit other people are at DMing, as hard when they gush over other DMs advice.
Mr. Colville is a good DM. Fuck he's in my youtube subscribe, he's got plenty of good ideas. But he's hardly the greatest thing to grace this earth.
That's not the Angry DM.
>Nothing shows how shitty of a boxxer that you are. At gushing over Mike Tyson.
>Nothing shows you how stupid you are. At gushing over Steven Hawkin.
>Nothing shows you how shitty of a game designer you are. At gushing over Shigeru Miyamoto.
>Nothing shows you how much a failoure that is your youtube channel you have. About gushing over Markiplier.
Is this that dude that takes fucking forever to explain simple shit or am I thinking of some other guy.
yup its him
Well yeah he lives in socal and is in the gaming industry. He's an sjw.
I love when he gushes over his writing in mediocre games.
>Counter Monkey
>Geek & Sundry GM Tips
Are you trolling?
Personally I think he has some good advice, but he is annoying, is too DND centric, and really likes certain things too much over things that aren't really that cool. Also he seems like a DM who is too afraid to kill PCs and may be a little bit of a beta bitch.
Too much that aren't really that cool*
Liking him is the biggest red flag for a redditor you can find in Veeky Forums. That and reddit spacing.
>reddit spacing
Just stay there please