Holy shit, did you see the squat rules in 8th edition? there so broken!
ITT we pretend Squats weren't removed around 3rd edition
Sales have been dropping, so GW is giving them a bit of a buff to boost demand.
Really, the only people I know who still run them do so just to make their Marinelets look bigger.
Whatever, you just group them up in a blob and win. 5th edition is where it's at!
They weren't removed, they're in the fluff for 8e regardless lol.
C-c-combo breaker
I mean yeah, I hate the new models, way tok detailed, too much going on
Squats are basically back in Age of Sigmar, GW got lazy.
this is really far beyond "steampunk" anymore
You know, just once I'd like to see dwarf models without fucking beards on their helmets and belt buckles. It's like every iteration gets more inbred from drawing from fewer sources until it devolves into a disgusting pile of wank.
Sigmarines and primaris are guilty of this too. Combine that with the the focus on details rather than design, and every new range they make is just revolting.
Are those cannons, in his fucking mustache?
>That last stand against Hivefleet leviathan\
Imperial Armory when?
So Chaos Dwarfs?
>user complains about too many dwarf beards
>Here's more dwarf beards
Post your favorite squat moment
>War for Armageddon where Squates aided the Steel Legion with orbital bombardment
pure kino
I remember years ago being in a conversation when a redshirt who interrupted a game conversation about Squats with the proclomation Squats were shit and nobody could ever make them work. He then challenged us to show how they could work as he KNEW they were lame and never would. I stated that Steampunk Dwarves with Zeppelins, guns steampunk behemoth machines might work. Too which redshirt scoffingly laughed and stated "That concept wouldn't even work in Warhammer, just face it Squats are stupid".
Few years later and GW selling exactly what I pitched (for AOS but still).
Agree with the detail over design, the new minis GW are releasing are just the shits.
>the revenge raids on hive fleet leviathan
>complete with squat made tyranid designed mechs
>the visages of vengeance
Stormcasts could have been better, though are made much better with muted paint schemes
Primaris marines are a bit detail heavy but I like the proportions
Heat Axe or Gravity Hammer?
>power armored space dwarf-centaurs
How does GW do it?
Grave Hammer
Lets not forget about the Imperium comming in at the last second on the last homeworld saving them. its a shame that they had to rejoin the imperium after declaring independence, but what where they supposed to do, really.
Found this small squat army on e-bay. Does it look like a good deal?
those dont look like squats.
>t.Manlet player
Not cannons, pistols.
Newfag squat band wagon players GTFO. i was playing them since 5th.
You know, just once I'd like to see Elf models without fucking points on their ears and bows. It's like every iteration gets more inbred from drawing from fewer sources until it devolves into a disgusting pile of wank.
Sylvanneth and Ynnari are guilty of this too. Combine that with the the focus on details rather than design, and every new range they make is just revolting.
Missing the joke this hard
>them showing up during fall of cadia
>completely blindsiding abaddon
Shame they couldn't help turn the tide but taking out a ton of demons was pretty badass.
Isn't that basically the first time we've seen Squats v Chaos in like 3 editions?
I mean it makes SENSE, their worlds are over near MaCragge so they pretty much only deal with nids and tau in the fluff (also orks and eldar but EVERYONE deals with orks and eldar), but it's pleasing to see some of the more unconventional matchups.
The bit with a bloodthirster getting blown into chunks by the Ordinatus Engine was nice.
Honestly they need to expand on their relationship more, is there even any fluff on chaos squats? Maybe forge world should add them as new modes for the renegades and heretics.
Yeah, but I wish GW would chill on the rebranding of factions. Squats has such a better ring to it than Demiurg.