Was Battlefleet Gothic a good game?
Did it do well?
Are you look forward to the inevitable relaunch?
Was Battlefleet Gothic a good game?
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The models were god-tier. The gameplay was okay, but then I only ever got to play a couple of times on account of player scarcity.
Another question.
Will the continuing success of Star Wars Armada help or hinder the coming relaunch?
>star wars armada popular
Thought it was the red headed stepchild of the two FFG systems.
Maybe, I'm out of my depth here.
It can be a lot of fun. Its not really well set up for competitive style play, more for campaigns with your friends. Imp and chaos fleets are the most well thought out, things getting a bit more borked from there but the rules updates help a lot and fix attack craft spam.
Models are fucking dope. No idea if it did well, it got canned with the other specialist games and didn't see much play at the gw store when it came out, but it got a few newer video games and interest seems to have picked back up.
DropFleet Commander is the real competitor, given that it was written by Andy Chambers as a chance to fix the problems with bfg.
But if they can give me big tough ships instead of modern tinfoil ones, decent rules, and beautiful models, I'm in.
Great concept, beautiful minis. The main thing I remember is that the dev team seemed to fucking *love* that game. There were always little articles in WD about it, even when it had waned in popularity as far as I can tell. I really liked the advice on fighting out a campaign mixing 40k and BFG, with each victory or defeat affecting what happens in the next game.
I've been trying to digitally recreate BFG ships; not really serious about it but I'm not a detail-obsessed autist so they're simple enough for 3D printing
>Will the continuing success of Star Wars Armada help or hinder the coming relaunch?
I would say Star Wars and Warhammer 30,000 are different enough that it wouldn't matter.
Sci-fi/space opera games are not interchangeable with each other.
Yea it was pretty awesome. It was never that popular but when you think about it the majority of the wars fought are decided in space. Can't get those marines planet side without transport ;)
DFC is a totally different game though. DFC is all about close range combat and dropping troops. BFG is more naval combat in space.
The rules ultimately devolved into shit, but the community BFG-XR rules are pretty good now.
>Are you look forward to the inevitable relaunch?
I am. but less so now that its been revealed to be another horus heresy humans vs humans borefest setting.
I'll still play with my imperial fleet but I was really hoping to get my hivefleet back on the table.
If they do relaunch it, I hope they use a bigger scale. Capital ships around 6" would be the sweet spot.
is it possible for you to make the models for the 4 expansion races for "forbidden stars" ? people made amazing cards for them and all they miss is like 3 tiny shitty models for each race.
i have been waiting for someone to do those for so long
>small flag AND big flag
>chaos has two walkers
concept team needs to be fired desu
>all races play differently.
yeah fuck those designers.
I was literally only referring to the visual design. should have worded that better I guess.
I'll give it 99.99 % odds the first box will be Imperial Navy vs Chaos, but hopefully they would eventually release Xenos fleets as well.
I wouldn't go far as red headed stepchild.
It's really popular for big communities/organized ones. The game simply isn't suited for pick up games as much as X wing.
But for what you're getting out of the game, it's gonna be pretty similar isn't it? I never played either game, so maybe they're totally different...But to me both games at their core are sci fi space battles, and no matter how different the setting, I feel most players will only have the "need" for one sci fi space battle mini game, same reason most of the TT battle game that try to compete with 40k don't do well, only this time it'll work against gw since armada is the "entrenched" game instead of 40k.
(note, I don't think skirmish tabletop games try to compete with 40k, so don't yell at me and use like infinity or warmachine as an example of a tt game that's doing well despite 40k)
Got a measurement on that Gargant? Thinking about picking some up to use as tinboyz.
even as both scifi gsmea BFG will liwkely be different enough to still be of interest. while it does the same "space is an ocean" thing most space games do. BFG is rooted in age of sail style warfare with lines of battle and broadsiding. Othergames like SW armada are closer to more modern naval tactics.
I want to play Armada but I want them to release more fucking era's. I want old republic ships damn it. I want my hammerheads.
wow man thats some nice work
Yeah i did much of the same - but only with freighters, q-ships and thunderhawk bases.
Just printed them on the office 3D printer!
And bonus orbital defence platforms made from Tau drones...
And another
God i miss playing BFG. Those rulesbooks...
>I want my hammerheads.
Big game with loads of system traffic...
How the Q-ships/freighters work
But is it a whole side or just one unit?
ANNND finally - orders for my Chaos/Imperial admirals. Each pack had different objectives and bonus cards that neither side knew about.
Im spent.
Just a unit. But they are there.
That's awesome. But one ship type does not make a fleet. I don't really like any of the rebel or imperial designs. Grey triangles and squares and white ovals and bulbs aren't really my thing.
DropFleet Commander is a great game, and Andy Chambers mentioned he intended to solve a lot of problems he learned in BFG.
Namely, BFG had two big issues: #1 was that only Chaos v Imperials (and Space Marines) was really balanced, Orks were garbage, Necrons were OP, Eldar either auto-win or auto-lose depending on matchup, Tyranids literally play themselves (poorly), and no other faction got enough support to matter.
Second issue is that the special orders in BFG really didn't work. Anything that halved your firepower was nearly unusable except Brace, which was key.
While BFG is 'age of sail in space', Dropfleet is 'WW2 Guadalcanal naval campaign in space' when lethality goes way up.
>I really liked the advice on fighting out a campaign mixing 40k and BFG, with each victory or defeat affecting what happens in the next game.
That sounds awesome, and is exactly what you'd want to do with an extended campaign
It gets even better now if you factor in Zone Mortalis (and possibly things like Planetstrike and having Strategic Assets or whatever that represent a ship in orbit) - while admittedly most of these are for 7th, the fact that NuBFG is Heresy-era means you can run HH versions of these games just fine.
So did we all, then it turned out to be the #3 best selling collectible miniatures game, just behind 40k and X-Wing.
It doesn't stop FFG from TREATING it like their red-headed Stepchild though.
I swear Armada was literally just meant to be one guy's vanity project that since FFG were making so much money off X-Wing they just greenlit regardless of whether it would be successful or not.
Then it turned out that starship battles in the Star Wars universe is a big seller. Whod'a thunk?
>I really liked the advice on fighting out a campaign mixing 40k and BFG, with each victory or defeat affecting what happens in the next game.
Yeah, that would be fun. My only disappointment there is purely fluff related, that as a SOB player I'd likely end up playing generic Imperial Navy as the SOB don't have a naval presence due the Decree Passive. Not remotely an argument against the game idea itself though, just not being able to quite interact with it in the same way that say a Marine or Eldar player could.
My merchant marine was just a pauldron for the prow, flamer(s) for the stern, and either modules for weaponry or cut-up dowels for cargo...
Imperial Navy vs Chaos does make a lot of sense. Both of them play with all the rules of the game/most basic weapon types. Trying to get Necron reactionless drives or Eldar Solar Sails in the core box could be a little confusing for new players.
Though I do wonder if they'd actually do necrons like the old BFG as they've changed a lot as a faction since then.
I loved BFG. But the rules havn't aged well at all... Still got my chaos fleet on my shelf :)
Well the Sisters go on crusade occasionally, no?
Probably wouldn't get much, but you've got to be able to bring the light of the Emperor to new worlds.
Also the sisters had drop pods at one point, so there's got to be some way of deploying them.
As a plus side, any ships with sisters, be it a semi-civilian pilgrimage barque or the convent's strike cruiser, will be really hard to capture - Sisters are incredibly well armed for ZM battles
It will be 30k game and I'm not big on Spess Marines in identical fleets. And I doubt they manage to fix any of the problems with other factions...
The only thing putting me off giving DFC a try is only sorta liking the UCM and PHR miniatures, and not really enough to buy both to demo with friends.
>half-assed Blood Bowl, literally sold idiots copy-pasted rules piecemeal
>currently looking like they'll fuck up Necromunda
>Epic to be turned into 8mm Heresy-wank with mirror factions
Not looking forward to it
If SOB got anything, I'd image they'd be either 'Capable of self defence' transports (Aka: terrifying boarding ships with very light weapons for class), Rogue Traders they'd contracted or Q-Ships. Stuff that falls JUST within the Decree Passive, as they are not warships, they are transports and self defence options.
If I had to design them I'd go 'Tough and fast but lacking the terrifying broadsides of the imperial navy, making up for it with fantastic morale and boarding'. A single SOB can't match up with a single marine in a fight but much like how Eldar Ghostships suck at boarding because they don't have many dudes, the SOB can bring a LOT of Heavy Flamers and Multimeltas to make even terminator boarding teams worry.
In fairness, barely changing the Blood Bowl rules was one of the best decisions GW made. There was a lot of consternation that they'd ruin the rules and split the community. Instead, the community has had a massive boost, interest has surged and very nice plastic kits and accessories are coming out. Despite the multiple expensive books, the Blood Bowl re-release has been overwhelmingly positive.
Also nu-MVP is a good rule
>currently looking like they'll fuck up Necromunda
>Epic to be turned into 8mm Heresy-wank with mirror factions
Can't really argue there, things are not looking amazing I suppose we'll have to wait for release. In honesty, I'll be ecstatic to get affordable plastic BFG minis even if the rules are sub-par. Good rules would be icing on the cake.
>You will never be able to find someone to even play bfg with
>Let alone a huge game with a whole bunch of ships
Kill me now
Just say the Shrine World of their order is also the "Captial" world of the local Sector. Its Battlefleet is defacto the Orders Battlefleet if not officially.
Yeah, that's likely the best way to do it.
I know those feels.
I have 7 Battleships and I'd love to field them all in a massive game.
BFG inquisition fleets (Mixed imperial navy, specialist crews and upgrades and marines if you want them).
Well, Vassal does have a bfg module and its surpringly decent. Its no Megamek but it'l definetly do
>8mm Epic
I'd be more bothered about the scale change for epic if the 3rd party people that make epic models nowadays actually sold the bloody things without you having to jump through a dozen hoops. But they're all like MUH SEKRIT CLUB, so fuck 'em. If you're not actually going to sell your stuff to the majority of people, you don't get to whine that GW are ruining your sales by changing the scale.
>Are you look forward to the inevitable relaunch?
Not after seeing "Necromunda".
pick up ?
the base game is 80 bucks
Shit, I had entirely forgotten those. Thank you so very much.
I can do alot better then that
Community balancing effort. I've enjoyed it quite alot and an ork player I know absolutely loves it
Enjoy your endless supply of SoB melta torpedoes, Emperor knows nobody else will
Its a glorious and awful game in equal measure
Most fluffy GW game, the elves are massive douchbags, orcs are orky, cathedrals made of skulls flying through space trying to hit each other with swords.
Great models, especially the plastics
Small elite community
OK rules
Totally unbalanced
Campaign can lead to nigh unwinnable games with horrific consequences
Totally unbalanced
Did I mention it was a bit unbalanced
I love/hate it and I love/hate this ship
Cheers Mate! May the emperor watch over your travels!
Jesus those torpedos look nasty as fuck.
Yea, dropping firecrits instead of damage is nasty, especially with how Inquisition fleets have a lot more ways of inflicting hit&runs compared to standard IN
Yeah, that's basically how I'd do it - even the big ships wouldn't be much offence-wise, though I'd imagine something built to take huge numbers on a massive pilgrimage would be pretty solid, but you'd have impeccable morale and horrifying boarding (or anti-boarding at least).
Add a couple of defensive cutters for anti-pirate duty and you've got your fleet - maybe no match for a battlefleet, but good for raid missions, and excellent allies for other imperials (esp. the inquision, who have nice weapons but are always low on numbers)
That said, the current idea for the BFG reboot is HH-era, so it'd have to be homebrew anyway
So a mix of the Rogue trader lists recommisioned freighters and Inquisition fleet? Entirely doable and even legal.
Would be interesting to see how that fleet would look
>That said, the current idea for the BFG reboot is HH-era
That seems pretty dumb, because it means you wouldn't even have Imperium vs Chaos (who in the original BFG used largely the same mechanics but were still distinct in having different mix of defence, speed, and range), you'd effectively have Imperium vs Imperium as the traitors and loyalists should be using the same ship classes (which would actually be a combination of BFG Imperial and Chaos fleets).
they fixed the ordnance issue with one of the earlier erratas, adding a limit to how much ordnance can be on the table.
yeah agreed.
HH fluff is interesting, but its a poor setting for wargame. At least compared to 40k in terms of variation and distinctiveness of forces.
Chaos and Imperials having such different ships never made much sense - outside exceptions like Abaddon's ship and a few abandoned classes, most chaos shit was looted from the imperium in the first place.
This will presumably take the HH ethos of using your standard baseline and then sub-factioning the shit out of it, then adding whole factions as you go.
What it does mean is that both of the big sides get more ships, and you also get fun shit like the Glorianas (all of which were slightly different, being that they were personal flagships)
Yeah, basically, and if it's legal all the better.
As far as fleet composition, I'd say there's 3 elements, but the ratios between them would be variable: The Escorts, The Meatshields/Centre (well, pilgrim transports, but dying for the Emperor is a fine way to go), and the Elite core of Inquisitor/Rogue Trader Flagship
>Chaos and Imperials having such different ships never made much sense - outside exceptions like Abaddon's ship and a few abandoned classes, most chaos shit was looted from the imperium in the first place.
they kinda dealt with that in older BFG fluff. Not to long after the heresy there was a shift in combat doctrine, that lead to a shift in ship design and outfiting. So the "modern" imperial navy ended ip different to the old heresy era traitors that make up the bulk of the chaos forces. Grand cruisers were a transitional design and that's why they're frequently present in both sides.
Though there were rules for running the current IN patterns in chaos fleets as more recent traitors and old mothballed "chaos" patterns in imperial reserve fleets.
personally I found a couple of Carnages made good flanking support for my mainline Lunars, Tyrants and Gothics
Yepp, yepp and yepp.
I'd say the Carrack (Big, slow, ponderous but decently armored and with escort-grade broadsides that are dangerously short ranged, but cost about as much as an escort
and the Merchantman (Light carrier that does Fighters and boarding pods, bombers are for the Navy proper) are both fantastic fits for that theme.
Here are those books if SoB user is still around and likes the idea
I actually got an imperial fleet off a guy for free, so if the game ever comes back I wouldn't mind giving it a go.
When they killed specialist games I picked up a couple of fleets off ebay for an okay price.
Those fleets and the two I already had have sat in boxes ever since.
Makes me a little sad even if the game had it's problems.
I remember reading the WD's as it developed into a full blown game. Andy Chambers basically made the whole thing up during his lunch breaks and made everyone around him play test it.
It started out with minor articles to fill page space, then rules followed by cardboard tokens, and then finally a full release.
Mid 90's GW was truly the Golden Age of Man
Great game. Really enjoyed my time playing a multi player campaign on Vassel.
Sadly life gets in the way and I stopped.
Boyz is best!
oh? How'd it work/go?
>Good game
Well I enjoyed it but only got to play a dozen or so games at 500-1000 points
>Did it do well?
I remember it being popular for a couple months then it all kind of petered out, kind of like all the specialist games really.
yeah why not, more of the modular plastic kits would be nice or just plastic kits in general would be neat. But I don't know if it would be worth it for GW
Yeah, I had heard that, though it still works better IMO to have them more standardised and open to both sides, letting players decide what doctrines are "in"
Grand Cruisers are always cool though
Nice, yeah, seems like it fits down to the ground, and thanks for sharing.
DFC is neat, I like the orbit layer gimmick, but the limited scope of the game (landing ops only) makes it boring, much like limited weapon types. I do appreciate the simplicity of movement though, many games struggle with it. I still think launch assets are garbage, but it's always a sore point for any space game- in FT they were either garbage in small amounts or doomsday weapon in spam quantities, and Firestorm armada had an interesting take on them, being "tethered" to carriers, but still made them clumsy to work, requiring separate phase.
You lucky bastard!
Aren't they relaunching it as a Heresy-era game? Because nu-GW has given up on releasing anything but Space Marines.
I haven't checked in a long while, what happened with Armada? Is the game still alive?
Have something from long ago in the meantime.
No idea. For some reason ever since the patch with Tau came, I've been unable to play. Something about my graphic card suddenly being incompatible.
They added a skull shaped asteroid for a 40k steam sale promo.
other than that, fucking nothing
>It will be 30k game
So does that mean we'll see the funky 1st edition Imperial ship designs again?
Launch assets aren't bad in dfc. Especially fighters. PHR bombers are rape and pain all while Chad mocks you on the broad band too.
More dead than SoB plastic update
Devs left it unbalanced and broken.
Are there any wh40k books that heavily feature space combat?
>tfw no steamworkshop support
Do any of GW games have mod support? I know DoW has mods, but is not something they encourage.
total warhammer and DoW3 has it, the latter probably from desparation
It was an amazing game with some brilliant mechanics. I'm a huge fan.
don't remind me
Are you that retard that whined in /awg/? Because if so, you are dumber than a bag of hammers. Forumware Casters don't give a shit about sales and actual third party manifacturers have webstores. With pictures. Where you can order stuff. It's hardly a secret club, you can just go and order not-Nids, not-Sisters or not-Tau right now.
user, they brought back Necromunda with unique minis. BFG's resurrection just increased in likelihood.
I created a small sector and fluffed it that lots of factions had control of groups planets.
Each player got resources for refits and reinforcements each turn plus fought another player each turn. It was a cross between 2 home-brewed rules sets and the official campaign rules. I think it worked really well. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
My finest moment was drowning a eldar cruiser in mines from my mine laying kroozer.
Had some people drop out early but about 6 stuck with it. I had to go quickly about 6 weeks in and feel shitty that I left so suddenly but that is life.
I haven't played in over a year bit still love the game. Now I have BT to been playing as well some I'm a happy user for TT gaming
They're still fairly awkward and the whole phase is (imo) needlessly split up. I just don't like it.
I don't think ANY game does carrier strikes well... because they're either too finicky, or too abstracted, particularly when said games place the glory in capital ship gunnery duels.
BFG (with eratta/revision) was OK, though some ordinance didn't work as intended (torps come to mind)
DFC just abstracts it as time-to-target attacks.
Firestorm had awful ways of implementing it that were mostly useless.
Armada is 'all or nothing' units, which isn't very fighter-like or fun.