What problems might arise if the ruler of the country is (almost) immortal?
What problems might arise if the ruler of the country is (almost) immortal?
Depends on his tax policies
and the setting
He goes insane and starts creating esoteric drawings that make him laugh like the madman he is.
Accrues more enemies and the country has to live with faults forever, but at the same time he gains more experience. In the long run, assuming he's not an idiot or insane, the land prospers.
The cubes have become gross and green, user. Time for find a new guy.
>That picture
Is that Dragon flattered or offended?
Complete inability to deal with long term social and cultural changes in the area they rule?
Over a long enough time span, everything from religious dogma to sexual mores to acceptable types of food is going to change on them in ways that are impossible to accurately anticipate.
Obviously a lot of immortals are able to deal with it, they adapt and review in order to be a person of the times they are living in now, but it's also very easy to imagine a calcified, unchanging relic of philosophies, social hierarchies, and obsolete ideas about the very nature of the world who is literally just getting in the way of the country they're supposed to be guiding.
Depends on how well he praises it.
T H E C U B E S never become gross!
Arrest him!
Bottom text
We gonna make them pay for the walls!
That's one way to explain near technological stagnation. If you're near immortal and already in the absolute king, then any further scientific or technological advancements could easily be seen as threats to you power and would be heavily restricted or outlawed.
Assuming the ruler is fertile all their years, probably a huge extended family which over time occupies every key position in the state, and regularly feuds.
this is a problem with immortal or long lived races in general I think, a lot of growth in both scientific theories and even societal norms comes from old generations dying off.
Specifically to an immortal leader, assuming this is a monarchy or something similar, is I can only imagine how many fucking kids that mother fucker has. He's not going to be able to get to know all of them, and if he tries, in the process will probably be neglecting children he spent time with before, so I can only imagine a bunch of bullshit in the family dynamic, especially if his children are immortal too.
Immortal leader mortal sons.
Also "The final empire" have an emperor ruling for over 1000 years. Check it out
Thanks user, I'll check that out. I've been considering the ramifications of immortal races and dynasties in my own setting and what that would mean.
>immortal leader
>mortal sons
That shit seems depressing for the leader as hell. Can you imagine the clusterfuck were her to die, if he has multiple sons who are first borns to multiple wives?
An immortal ruler can still be incompetent
Dragon's Dogma did it well, where Duke Edmund was both an incompetent ruler with no grasp on his land and was completely incapable of opposing the Dragon.
Is their (almost) immortality the only thing special about them? I'd tend to assume that anyone sticking around long enough is either a turbogenius or some kind of god, which probably affects just how they're going to rule. I know I'd be pretty on board with my undying god-king's eternal autocracy if they also have divine levels of getting shit done
It depends on who, why and what.
Who is the Immortal? Why are they immortal?
Who are they governing? Why are they the Ruler? What are their Goals?
I mean, there are so many different Scenarios that its hard to come up with anything concrete.
An ancient red Dragon who conquered a Country by force 50 years ago will have different problems then a Celestial who uplifted a small Tribe half a millennium ago.
Really, it depends on the person and the age they're physically and mentally locked at.
>talks in a mishmash of idioms accumulated over the last 150 years
>frequently makes bigoted remarks that stopped being acceptable a few generations back
>keeps complaining about newfangled technology because he's honed his own (utterly obsolete) system for the last 400 years and it works just fine thank you
>interior decor gets overhauled maybe every thirty years or so, but he always hangs on to a few things he likes, so the palace has come to resemble a very elaborate flea market
>keeps comparing contemporary people to guys that died well before anyone who is now alive was born, and have been more or less forgotten
>gives incredibly shitty directions based primarily on landmarks that disappeared ages ago
(You know the kind I mean. "Go down the road that was called Turnip Lane before they expanded it and hang a right at the place where the Hardee's used to be...")
A good immortal may realize that they can't keep up with ever changing mortal politics and progress after awhile and make themselves a figure head with veto powers and chase other pursuits or try and solve long term problems that no one else is even considering yet, like what to do when the local star starts dying or fighting off entropy in general.
>Dude, he might be hairy at the heel but as long as that hater doesn't dab back Bob's your uncle
He goes full Hitler and actually finishes the job. Then commits suicide realising things he had done were in vain.
Over the centuries first the kingdom's population, then livestock, then wild animals turn half-dragon?
I was thinkig a long span, centuries maybe
The immortal ruler would feel a massive disconnect between himself and his mortal subjects. He would just see the country as his personal enterprise and resource-providing machine and not give two shits about the quality of life there.
He beat the murderous bitch
cuz' he eats his spinach!
He's Trumpie the sailor man!
Toot toot.
instead of being too conservative and calcified, he might just become incredibly fucking bored and start to destabilize the country
What if he's not some stupid bitch nigga and understands that quality of life ~ resources
I think in that case it would work out pretty well as long as:
1)The Rulers authority is well established
2)Succession is taking care of
A Ruler who is known to be long-lived and has a proven track record could oversee infrastructure projects well outside the scope of what is possible in a human lifetime. As there isn't a change in administration he could realise projects in 50 years that would take a hundred if the rule where less stable
They'd enjoy institutional stablility unmatched by any other nation.
A country full of educated wizards might be a power-house enterprise but they would overthrow a mere dragon in an instant.
The dragon needs to maintain a balance of output and control over the country.
Language would change too. Imagine speaking Latin and then experiencing all the lezircon and phonological changes that create French.
and water is wet
An deep and complex society of people who become bored of everlasting life, and search for a reason to exist through darker, more "cult-like" ways. Think the deepweb, or an ancient clan of Vampires.