Okay my fellow fa/tg/uys, I need your help.
I won't go into specifics, but my D&D 5e group wants to know if they can gene splice using magic.
My question is, should I let them? And in what capacity?
Okay my fellow fa/tg/uys, I need your help
No you fucking faggot, what do you think dnd is fag?
>implying genome exists in DnD settings
Let me guess, you also think that the scientific principles of our world apply in DnD settings too?
Why are you even considering this?
You want to get owlbears? This is how you get owlbears.
Because they keep asking about it, so i'm humoring them and asking Veeky Forums
I doubt DNA even exists in a world where half-dragons can be a thing.
Depends is it official 5e?
Official with Homebrew classes and races
Tell them they can try but it's dangerous and takes a long time. Kill anything they use it on.
If you have homebrew races and such, I see no reason to have ahomebrew mechanics aswell, sounds interesting.
Because these are the same guys who are currently arguing over whether or not gunpowder is required for guns
Dont call it science, make it a ritual and call it a day, fag
Technically speaking, it's not.
In my campaign, one player is a result of someone mixing the essence of one race into another using a forbidden ritual. I believe they should be able to do the same as well.
"Beholdertouched are humans injected with Beholder gens trough a forbidden ritual to give them superintelligence. Because of this, they inherit many Beholder traits."
Am I right in assuming they also want to start the industrial revolution using knowledge they gained from Wikipedia?
Not wrong, ever heard of rock salt guns?
This is one of the things Pathfinder actually prevails and dabbles in.
Take a look at Pathfinder's interpretation of "Fleshwarping"
This thread is gay and so are you.
Have a random meme
Allow it but the end product should look like this
Stupid fucking nigger say no
I genuinely hate people like you, you fucking stupid faggot fuck. PLAY THE GAME HOW IT'S MEANT TO BE PLAYED YOU STUPD FUCKING NIGGER
This is gay
No, and I suspect that they intend to use it for magical realm purposes if you let them use it at all. Also, D&D doesn't strike me as the right setting or system to try and have such a concept.
All of that said, if you want to let them use it against your better judgement, at least have ways to mess with them should it look like it's going to turn into some fetish shit. Tell them that since it is magic, they can do more "impossible" things with it than what is permitted by reality's genetic modification principles, technology and techniques, but it also has higher risks of failure and unexpected effects. Spell failure will be a thing, make them find weird reagents to use for their experiments, make it a new field of study with lots of trial and error, and make something weird and terrible happen when they do fuck it up.
Create a monstrosity? Townsfolk discover it and their craft comes under immense criticism and distrust, or it escapes the lab and grows stronger in the wild, and becomes something they must hunt down and kill lest it destroy towns or return to attack them. Alter their own genes for various reasons? Cancers, unexpected production of various magical compounds, strange side effect mutations, etc.
They can have it, but make then wonder if they made the right call by wanting to play God.
Actually, you see, we usually play yolo swag with no regrets. If it comes out bad, we'd most likely either let it out or slaughter it on the spot. But for this situation, we have an angel friend who uses humanoid vessels (like Angels from Supernatural) and were thinking of mixing DNA to make the perfect vessel for him as he can leave the one he has and go into another with permission from them.
You're friend is a fag and supernatural is fucking trash
Yeah, i are may be but you've also caught the fag for commenting on this thread
When you're too much of a mong to comprehend english. Neck yourself retard
Do they realize that polymorph spells are way more powerful than anything they could achieve through gene splicing?
When they basically say 'you are friend' and I respond with 'I are may' but the homosexual basement weeb joins the conversation with a dbz pic. kys normie
Lel look at this guy, fucking homo
"Hurr durr, Look at me calling people a normie and telling people to kys hurr hurr", get the fuck off my board you fucking cunt
spoiler alert: Dragon Ball is gay af too
Kill yourself nigger
"Lel look at this guy, fucking homo"
You get the fuck off my board, you fucking cunt
Can you help me please? Idk how daddy
Fuck outthere you dicksucking queen
Namefags continue to ruin the website, fucking homo, go to another board if you don't have anything to add fuckface
One more time plz sir
I'm trying to figure out who
Roll initiative!
Tfw I was adding on to my GM's thread until it turned into a meme.
"gO tO aNoThEr BoArD iF yOu DoN't HaVe AnYtHiNg To AdD fUcKfAcE"
How about you fucking cutyourself you fucking /faggot/
>Crit 1
>Proceed to get dick stuck in purgatory
Oh wait, i didn't dump enough levels into Fighter to get a dick. F
All hail megumin
Do their characters even know what genes are?
Can you show me please? I wanna get it right so I can be cool and edgy just like you
>this thread
One character has previous knowledge thanks to his old cool great grand pappy who so happened to be a bit crazy. Does that count----
Thats what I'm arguing. I told them to go get a phd in gene engineering and then get back too me.
Well did they, if they do, you're kinda obligated too
>this thread
ITT: OP and Namefag are the same person trying to bump this retarded fucking thread, fucking niggers
Nah. The OP is the betafag GM and I'm the fagbeta Namefag. But I'm doing my best to add as much niggertry as possible to this thread.
Fuck niggers
omae wa mou shindeiru
Dammit, I have an actual background in molecular biology and this thread looked like fun, but no! It is shit.
Would it work
If I post berserk does that mean I have /quality/ too?
Ignore the shitposting, my friend just discovered Veeky Forums. Would it work?
>inb4 i knew it already
Just decided to wonder why you were so gay and I realized the truth.
It'd mean I'd rape your retrded nigger ass
plz do. Treat me like the dirty nigger slave I ammmmmmm
What the fuck happened over night? I thought I went to /b/ by accident.
Why are you fags this hostile?
>this thread
Fuck off niggerfaggot you fucking failed abortion
Im going to shove my cock down your throat, and you'll choke on my cum
What are you gay?
When op abandons thread
well if the cany do the following:
Find a organism with compatible genes with the thing you want to splice
Splace the genese into a bacteria and multiply it
Find a vector that can carry the genes into the organism they want spliced
Make shure the vector will not be destroyed by the immunal system of the cell
Make shure the cell will express the gene
Than yes, but seeing that advanced biology and chemistry is not something well known in the DnD system i'd say no.
What they could do is abuse the fact that in DnD aperently most things can shag with other things and have offspirings that are fertile and do some selective breeding to get what they want
Im gonna kill myself
Only if they can use nunchucks like this
Just play GURPS and be free to do whatever you want.
Your players want to
I see people shitting on you but the only question you have to ask yourself is whether you find this idea as cool and exiting as you players do. If you are not playing in an official setting with players who expect to play by the book then it's your fucking game. I am a bio/physics major and I used to enjoy coming up how the nature worked in my fantasy games and my STEMfags players who played more cerebral characters enjoyed figuring out those law. Also GURPS Biotech has some advice about integrating different biological paradigms into your setting and silly spells like "Extract DNA", "Sequence DNA" and "Cause Miscarriage".
Guys, guys, I just had a diabolical idea!!
What if, and listen to this, what if genes are specifically made to code proteins, in the shape of magical runes??
The DNA contains information, it is conceivable that spells can be written on it. Whenever a genetic sequence is codified, the resulting protein could count as the spell being read, thus allowing magic at the cellullar level!!!
So, on a homebrew setting you can have an ancient race of magical whatevers, that through genetic engineering and magic and shut created the perfect race of warlocks. So magic even their very cells are magic! So magic their true name is their genes!! SO MAGIC THEIR WHOLE RACE IS A SPELL!!!
And that's why there's a mage gene in the world.
Of course, you would need, like, super-ultra genetic engineering and magical acumen to do that. If creating the ubermensh is difficult, imagine trying to write genes that generate useful spells, and any mutation could mean a spell backlash at every level.
Make them explain how their characters know DNA is a thing when they don't know germs are a thing.
Look up spells Distort Life, Evolve and Alter Beast. They should cater to your party's needs for the most parts I believe.
>What the fuck happened over night? I thought I went to /b/ by accident.
>Why are you fags this hostile?
It's just one lonely loser trying to make himself look like he's getting a lot of attention. You shouldn't have to be told to ignore trolls and shitposting.
>I won't go into specifics, but my D&D 5e group wants to know if they can gene splice using magic.
Yes and no. Your players' characters probably don't know anything about genetics (which, depending on your whims as the GM, may or may not even exist in that universe). However, the concept of mixing the bloodlines of two distinct creatures to create a horrible new amalgamation is a well-known facet of many D&D settings.
I suggest that you ponder the attached screencap.
Ding ding ding