what's the worst experience you've ever had with mtg?
What's the worst experience you've ever had with mtg?
This thread
how's manaweaving been your worst experience?
Introduced a friend of mine to the game.
Lost three games in a row because I got mana choked every fucking time, and he bumbled his way to victory without even knowing what he was doing.
Did he enjoy himself?
Does he still play?
I've never actually had a bad experience, everyone at my lgs has been pretty lovely. Couple of socially awkward types but surprisingly few and far between. Maybe I'm just lucky.
Guy who plays to win and barely manages to do so because he bought expensive cards complains to me because I have proxies in my deck. And my deck isn't even that great, just fun for me to pilot.
>what's the worst experience you've ever had with mtg?
Conspiracy 2 draft
>Mana screwed/flooded
>Too freaking hot
>Everyone had a better deck than me
>All the rounds went to time for everyone
>Ended at 3am
>Rare redraft
>Last out of 12 people
Everyone targeted me in multi man high school games cause they thought my rat deck was good
Pro tip it's not
Took a 4 year break living in the middle of nowhere, then moved to the big city. GP comes to city. Quickly assemble previous GP winning deck. Go to GP. Get in draw bracket and end up going 2-2-2 drop.
On one hand, I shouldn't have gone to a GP cold and unfamiliar with the meta. OTOH, who skips a GP when it comes to town?
>OTOH, who skips a GP when it comes to town?
that's a fair point
Your mistake was using the previous GP winning deck. That's the deck which most players would have answers/sideboard for.
I was at my LGS playing a pauper tournament once, back when I was still new to tournaments.
The guy, who showed 4 minutes late because he was having a smoke and took a billion years to complete every single turn eventually casts Crypt Incursion. I reach to my graveyard and proceed to separate my creatures to hand it to him so he can count more easily, and that's where it begins.
>guy screeches at me and screams "JUDGE!"
>tells judge I was trying to cheat
>I try to explain that since I have around 12 creatures in my graveyard, I was trying to help, tell him I didn't know it was that bad
>judge gets hyper pissy that I did that
>about to kick me out when the owner shows up
>owner is a lvl 2 judge and a great guy, tells me to stay
>pissed judge proceeds to sit at my table to "keep an eye on me"
I later learned that the pissed judge was friends with my opponent, which made mr never return to the shop out of pure rage. Seriously, tournament players are retarded sometimes.
I did win that game and met the same player in another shop for a modern. Although we didn't play, he got 1/4 so there's that.
>I did win that game
good for you and fuck him.
>new guy moves to hometown
>finds out i play magic
>asks me if i wanna play for some fun
>i go home and grab my janky combo decks because thats all i was interested in
>proceeds to stomp my shit with splinter twin and similar retarded decks
>asks me if i really expected to win with those shit decks
>tells judge I was trying to cheat
>I try to explain that since I have around 12 creatures in my graveyard, I was trying to help, tell him I didn't know it was that bad
>judge gets hyper pissy that I did that
What was the mistake here?
it's technically against the rules in official play to move cards in your graveyard around since some cards like pick related care about graveyard order (it's the only one i've ever seen care about it though)
I did not know that
I'll continue to not to care about that
>Modern pptq, comp REL
>I play grixis control
>round 2, kid playing merfolk
>probably 15 year old or so, is obviously really nervous
>he plays awful and painfully slow
>keeps forgetting his vial triggers, slams down spreading seas and instantly draws a card while I have mana open
>I attend him on it every time but let it all slide because he's so nervous he can barely make eye contact
>game 3, match had taken forever so many people started watching
>he has a bunch of fish on the board and goes to attack step, tapping his creatures
>"wait no I wanna play lord of atlantis first"
>...ok fine
>he attacks for lethal, I go bolt snap bolt
>he tries to spell pierce with his cavern of souls, he tapped wrong to cast the Lord of Atlantis
>he wants to roll back again to tap properly
>I say I've let him slide so many times this match this is enough
>some arguing with the spectators and a judge being called
>the horror I've been dreading all match finally comes through; he starts crying
>he picks up his cards and storms off, didn't play for the rest of the day
>I spend the rest of the day with a knot of shame, anger and second hand embarassment in my stomach
And then I went 3-3 drop
tbf, it does come up quite a bit in pauper
if youre playing the format, you should know that
dude was still a massive cock about it
>crying over cards at the age of 15
cmon, dont feel bad for him. he was obviously a pissy brat, my dad gave me the belt whenever i started crying over a game
In college, one friend played nothing but combo decks. We mostly played EDH so it could take a bit for him to get started, gave us time to actually play. Then he made momir vig. Every game was t minutes of him casting and drawing and shuffling on everyone else's turn, always ending with the same rite of replication kicked and biovisionary. Boring as hell to play against, so we started targeting him first, which always lead to a bitch fit. Same person always stormed off from D&D whenever things went bad, so glad that's out of my life
It's a overused term but I am pretty sure he was autistic. And making a 15 year old cry when you are 24 yourself just feels bad regardless
>Playing Commander with two other people
>Out of the box Meren precon
>Both other players have tricked out $800 decks
>One of them "boards in" Rest in Peace before the game because of my commander
>His first two plays: Turn 1 Vampiric Tutor for Rest in Peace, Turn 2 Rest in Peace
I just kind of sat there the whole game unable to do anything, which turned out to be a 45-minute slog between the two of them. Thank god it wasn't some eight player game I guess.
>Worst experience ever had:
Several hour long EDH games (several of these, on different occasions). I don't like EDH anymore.
>Worst experience ever given:
Magic 2011 Draft. Had an utter and comple junk deck and was circling the drain. Got paired up with a dude with an absolutely godlike deck and a shit-eating grin. He was manaflooded game one and completely creamed me game two. Game three he was winning decisively, until I Naturalize + Rise from the Grave'd his Platinum Angel at 2 LP. He had no artifact removal and simply couldn't draw any creature removal. That loss caused them to drop from top three to fourth place and he got jack-shit price wise. The guy was visibly mad for the entire evening.
>LGS is holding tournament.
>Get paired off against this stoner guy.
>And I mean, he just radiated the scent of pot. It was everywhere, his clothes, his cards, his hand when we shook at the start of the match, everywhere.
>And he played this really boring blue control deck. Manage to eke out a win, but it was three very long games.
>By the end of it, I smell like weed too.
>Get stopped by police as I passed a cop car on the way home. Walking home.
Be grateful it was only weed
All the way back in Stronghold I entered a sealed deck tournament. First tournament I was ever in, I was like 14 at the time and didn't quite know how things worked. The judge, a skinny older teen who looked like he would have rather been anywhere else, was listing pairings for the first round and I didn't get what they meant. I asked who was I supposed to play against and he started screaming at my face. Spooked me hard enough that the next tournament I attended was ten years later, in another city.
Having my Revised dual lands cheated from me in trades when I was a kid.
Look, just because the idiot child is willing to trade a $500 card for a stack of 5 cent ones doesn't mean you should go for it.
Note that it's only against the rules in formats that contain those cards.
It's totally fine in current limited formats, Standard, and Modern.
I doubt anyone would give a fuck in EDH either.
I just did it because he was playing Dimir Faeries, a deck that doesn't run any graveyard order matters card. Although, I know I was on the wrong. I was just kinda sad about how terribly my opponent and the judge reacted. I hate being called a cheater
I mean, they're both morons regardless.
Cheating requires knowledge and intent.
There are a bunch of cards that care about graveyard order, but WotC stopped printing them after a certain point. This one is the newest I know of, it was in Weatherlight.
>I doubt anyone would give a fuck in EDH either.
Super dangerous assumption, EDH decks use weird old cards literally all the time and it absolutely matters if somebody plays something like Shallow Grave.
Anyway, I dug up the actual rule and it's that
>In formats involving only cards from
Urza’s Saga™ and later, players may change the order of their graveyard at any time.
>A player may NOT change the order of an opponent’s graveyard
So even in current formats you can't change the order in your opponent's yard, but you can in yours.
This one is newer.
>"Alright, I concede. You guys have fun, I'm going somewhere else."
If they swap their decks around to counter yours before a game starts, they're kinda crappy. Should have just scooped and done something else to prove a point.
What you're supposed to do is hide your commander until the game starts and people roll for first turn
>Go to LGS
>a couple of father/son duos play in standard showdown
>one kid always has random brews or the latest SaffronOlive meme deck
>other kid always has some spikey deck and plays super fast, for sure wants to win the shit out of the tourney every week.
>often I get paired against them or their dads (who are both pretty chill guys desu)
>always seem to stomp the kids, have good and fun games with their dads
>spikey kid seems to take it in stride and postgame we talk about choices, decks, etc
>brew kid always seems down after losing, I always make sure to show interest in his lists and try to talk to him, stay positive.
I was definitely the brewer kid when I was his age, not the spike, so I feel like I have a duty to be encouraging to him.
Had a game night I was playing at robbed, and some Chad tried to play hero and got shot.
Really long turns by experienced players. It takes away the fun and the interaction I had while playing quick games in my youth with my buds.
>Playing in the Avacyn restored pre-release with 60 or so players
>Have a great black red deck, great removal, good critters, etc.
>go 3 games 2-0
>4th matchup is against a player i know is good but he looks unhappy
>start the match, he plays a forest, and a critter
>second turn, draws, miracle +4+4 onto the critter, swings 5, plays a forest puts another critter in
>third turn, draw, miracle +4+4, swings 10.
Turns out, he got 6 copies of that card in his 6 packs. He was playing red green and also go 3 of the red miracle that deals 5 to the face for R. and the mythic red fireball miracle.
I've never hated a set so instantly before. Too bad too, cause the flavour is nice there.
drafted homelands in a niche game in 2015.
no one won a game. it was over by decking.
>only ever play kitchtentable magic with friends and go to prereleases
>go to like second or third prerelease
>lose first match
>second match against some guy who looks like he is a regular at the store
>he's playing some kind of control deck
>has shit draws
>manage to win a game (I can't even remember which, maybe it was the third game) though my deck is far shitter
>he's really frustrated at losing the game
>starts flipping cards of the top
>he needed one plains (in his three-color prerelease deck with little mana fixing) to cast a card that would have fucked my shit up
>it's like the 6th from the top
>"I would have won if I had drawn that land"
>feel this is really disrespectful from him
>say "Well well, that's pretty big talk"
>he absolutely flips his shit
>get into a long argument
>he ends up rushing out of the store for his nicotine fix (he was trying to quit smoking and was wearing a nicotine patch)
>what's the worst experience you've ever had with mtg?
playing white weenie vs. uw draw-go in modern. only matchup that sucks to play even when you're winning.
i stopped going to my lgs because half the decks are some form of 'draw-go, draw-go, timely reinforcements, cryptic command, gideon jura' and a few of those people are actively trying to win 1-0 with a 50 minute game 1 (though i don't know of anyone stupid enough to let g1 go to time instead of conceding)
From the same store
>playing Fate Reforged prerelease
>play this with an empty board
>"You have to return it to your hand"
>say I don't have to because it says another
>"Then you can't cast it because you don't control another creature"
>explain him how the rules work despite him being a regular at the store
>he suggests asking the judge
>judge is busy playing a game himself and can't come
>he asks "someone who knows a lot about magic"
>who was also playing a game himself
>guy looks really unsure and hesitatingly says that he thinks I am right
>can finally continue with my fucking game after arguing about really easy to understand rules for 10 minutes
Going to my lgs and seeing the store closed permanently.
That doesn't sound that bad
No it's not, it wasn't a really bad experience but I thought I might as well add it since I was writing up a story anyway
Well since it was a prerelease and I assume the judge there was the store owner or the only judge he should've paused his match for a min to help you out.
I get at least one stupid rules hitch from a 12 year old every prerelease. It's par for the course for prereleases. Hell, just from my most recent:
>kid tries to sac his Irrigated Farmland to draw a card because he's "discarding it from play".
>another kid says I can't cast Riches because his only creature is hexproof.
I mean, in situations like that we all kinda had them at some point when learning to play.
I can't count how many times I've had to explain why board wipes get around hexproof and shroud
>that moment when you have to explain how -x -x effects interact with indestructible
>Mirrodin Besieged draft at LGS, the prize is a Tezzeret the Seeker
>Store owner participates in the draft
>I'm matched against him
>G1, his board state is poor
>See him literally look through his deck and rearrange it when he thinks I'm not looking
>Call him out on it, he gets pissy and denies it
>No one else saw this so it's eventually decided that we just start over
>Proceed to beat him soundly
>He continues to be a bad sport but grudgingly accepts his defeat
Thankfully I have had pretty good experiences since then (at different venues), but it was disappointing to see that from the guy running things.
lmao really?
>drafting Fifth Dawn right when it came out
>starting at like midnight because the store thought this was a good idea
>3-0, it's almost 3am
>ask the other undefeated if he wants to split since it's late as fuck
>he says no
>nbd, let's go
>stomp him game one
>he asks me if I still want to split
I think that's the most annoyed I have ever been with someone over Magic. I just won game two and left, and looking back it's not even that bad but at the time I was pretty mad.
As dumb as it sounds, someone not flashing a removal spell when he had game and spent a long ass time on his turn. I was already riding a pretty high tilt by that point in the night just because my deck wasn't functioning and I had to mull every single game. I'll lay down a short version of the story.
>Playing R/B Zombies, uses haunted dead and amalgam as the primary combo, voldaren pariah as a curve topper. Against gearhulk reanimator.
>I should have the advantage in the game but my deck was just clunky as shit all night like I said earlier. I have 3 lands on turn 8 or whatever it was.
>I'm at 12, he's at 1, I have him on the backswing with a 1/1 spirit token that's tapped, and a cryptbreaker untapped. I have 2 mana up 2 cards in hand.
>he spends a long ass time on his turn before full swinging with a whitehulk, 3 amalgams, and a scrapheap.
>Plan that I've been circulating non-stop was to haunted dead, block the whitehulk and a scrapheap, take 9 fall down to 3, win next turn.
>go to do that, magma spray on cryptbreaker. I take 12 and lose
If he had just flashed the removal spell from the start of the turn then I would have had no problem, but I sat there for like 5 minutes waiting for him to do something with the hope of still being able to cheese out the game just to find out I was dead anyways. It's like he had game, how did he not see that earlier? There's no combination of anything that I could have done that would have given me more than 2 blockers or make a blocker and remove a creature. Not with only 2 mana.
>Was still playing Standard during Kaladesh
>Brewed a Grixis Control
>Was 2-0 at an FNM
>Play against this one guy who blatantly netdecked Temur Tower
>Kid has a crazy lisp
>Every single turn "Oontap, oopkeep... DWAH."
>Kick his ass game 1
>Sideboard in some artifact destruction to make sure I can clinch this
>Get utterly mana flooded game 2
>Draw none of my counterspells nor artifact destruction spells
>Towers just roast me eventually
>Game 3
>Start with a single island and then draw nothing but my red and black sources of mana
>No Void Shatter, no Gearhulk, can't have cast a Dispel to protect my Anticipate or Glimmer of Genius that he readily counters
>Eventually lose
>Kid: "Yeah... if you want to beat this deck it's weally impootant to countuh my dwah spells..."
>"I wish I could but I had no blue mana."
>Kid: "...Yeah if you wanted to win you weally should have countuhed my dwah spells..."
Tried MtG as a massive casual after several years hiatus. I built my deck when I was an early-teenager, so it was absolute crap.
One of the guys had some kind of artifact-based land destruction deck. I had expected to lose, but it was like I wasn't even playing the game: Put down a land and he blows it up, put down a creature and he neuters it. That experience soured me to the whole game, so I decided to never waste my time or money on it again.
Also lost a few decks to the laundry machine back when I was about 10 years old and kept forgetting to take them out of my pockets.
Stuff like this is why I only play with my friends.
>have good decks in other formats
>play EDH with friends
>it's basically 1v3 every time
>ask why they target me every single time
>"you have the most experience and your other decks are really good"
>tfw my edh decks are mostly cards I had lying around from cracking packs or prereleases
Guess I should stick to 1v1.
Not sure which I really had a worse time with considering on the first story I actually went 4-0 that pre-release.
>sit down for second round
>say hello to my opponent
>he is extremely tense, like he'd jump out of his seat at any moment
>game starts normally
>I play pic related
>I target harvest hand
>opponent yells at me "THAT ISN'T A TARGET"
>entire store of 45-50 people go quiet
>he's on his haunches like he's about to jump on me over literally me saying target instead of whatever he wanted to hear
>his friend sitting next to him asks him to calm down
>match continues and is very close
>guy is extremely harsh and tries to make conflicts over every little thing
>claims I'm misconstruing everything
>in final match I'm sweeping him
>turns out later this guy is known for not tracking life totals when he's angry (which is always)
>In final turn I have 11 creatures attacking him when he is at 2 life
>he tries to start an argument that he still had all 20 of his life
>abruptly fuddles all his cards together and signs the match slip
>spend the next 15 minutes angrily saying how I was "missing triggers" over things
Never thought I'd have someone sperg out and attack me in a card shop but now I won't go there anymore because some husky 40 year old takes limited so damn seriously.
Second story is me playing 4 drafts in a night and even through mulligans only drew 8 lands the entire time.
I must've spent only 20 minutes actually playing games.
>takes limited so damn seriously
user, he had autism.
Having to listen to them screeching and sperging out at the FLGS
>Build new deck
>Go to the LGS on game night to test it
>Be there for three hours, not a single other player arrives
>Go home
This is why my favorite LGS got turned into an esports bar instead. I live in a city of faggots where people would rather not play than risk losing. Everyone is always building decks, but they never play them at the stores.
You really should have a way to deal with enchantments in your deck.
,love that art
I made a guy cry at MWC finals, he was older than me and it was just a couple tears of frustration and shame because he didn't see Burn playing as a control deck vs Twin in response to Leyline of Sanctity. And had to sit through half an hour of Monastery Swiftspear dealing him 17 damage 1-2 a turn because I used all my spells killing his creatures and hitting myself to protect her from Bolt.
You really think so?
If he really had autism I would think he was actually paying attention to the game and have no basis to be claiming either of us were missing these elusive triggers.
Could be any other untreated behavioural disorder, he had his friend there with him to calm him down right?
I got my Beta Underground Seas for an Island.
I know for a fact the guy I traded it with dropped out of magic before the first white borders were a thing, and I have cherished it for the past 25 years.
But that was when basics were impossible to get and more valuable than duals, trading a valuable card for shit because the owner of the valuable card doesn't know it's value is shittiness worthy of some shin kicks.
His friend never does anything in particular to calm him down besides saying calm down.
I have no idea about their particular relationship (brothers, old friends, etc.)
but he's no retard handler, the guy can definitely function
Barely if he's spazzing at you like that kek
>Be 2007
>Am 17, learn about magic from friend
>Go to high school's nerd club to learn
>Friend puts together shitty R/G/W deck fileld with his worst slivers and cards
>Don't care, just wanna learn, didn't even know it was bad
>Some faggot at the table says my deck is shit over and over and over
>Leave mid-game reminding him I was new and wasn't my deck
>He turns blood red and starts stuttering trying to get me not to leave
>I leave, don't touch magic for another 5 years
And that's how I learned about both my favorite tribe, Slivers and how the majority of magic players are social rejects worthy of medication.
Yeh you've gotta be right cus I'm not the first person this guy has acted this way to. The rumor I heard is that he only gets away with it is because he is ""friends"" with an employee at the store. Far more likely they're just aware of his condition whatever it may be.
>99 card deck
>can't have full playsets
>expecting me to top draw disenchant or something
Come on dude, it was a dick move from the beginning.
It's sad that people can be like this, don't let it ruin your enjoyment of magic! leave that up to WOTC
I sorta have stopped playing since then.
I used to play loads of limited and pre-releases at the shop because it's usual a real nice competitive/no-nonsense environment (the store is one of the PPTQ/PTQ hosts in the area) where I can just enjoy a buncha good matches with players that aren't 14 and aren't gonna sperg at me, but now whenever I show up to the store at peak hours that guy is there making things unpleasant.
Normal Meren does, Precon Meren doesn't.
They were abusive twice over towards him, and that's the kind of behavior that makes sure few people stick to the game.
Yeah, like roid rage or something.
right now
every card in the game either has a nigger or a granny in it
could the alt-left please get its identity politics out of my fucking hobby
At least we're finally getting some white people in Ixalan, even though they're vampires
>now I won't go there anymore
don't be a bitch and repeatedly beat his ass, make him cry
Find another store.
It's super hard getting aclimated to a different place but after getting two LGS close on me, I've gotten used to just showing up at random stores for FNM.
I'd been to every other store in the area except this one before that. They're all casual spergfests. This one store with mature rule-abiding players is now super uncomfortable when I go to it.
The only direct route to this store is 13 miles on a super crowded highway and the other stores in my area I haven't already checked out multiple times are 20+ miles.
Maybe I'll take up MTGO sometime but for now I'm taking an extended break.
I built the worst sphinx tribal edh deck ever, the average cmc had to be likr 5 or something. And of course because the commander was Sharuun there was always at least one cunt who woukd viciously target me even though my deck had zero infinite combos
It took me a long time to get all the cards as well, and I disassembled it after maybe 6 games
Sounds like someone thought you were a tryhard. Next time tell people you purposefully don't use infinite combos and you aren't a tryhard. If they still target you, they clearly have autism and trust issues.
I mean fuck, it's EDH.
And yet people keep saying that Land Destruction is fun/is completely legitimate/etc.
There is a reason they've been printing less and less of it.
LD is completely legitimate. It's an extremely harsh form of control.
Competitively viable or fun? That's a different matter.
I feel aggressively costed LD should be limited to nonbasics - it'd punish greedy manabases while having a natural counter in just...running a bunch of basics.
>8th grade
>really into magic, skipping most classes to play or look on card kingdom to brainstorm decklists
>still new, still not really aware of high power cards (playing mostly with uncommons and hand me down cards), but enjoying it a lot
>most of the friends i played with were cool, but there were a few outliers
>one kid just bought the beefiest white/red/green creatures he could find and never realized how removal spells worked. pitched fits every time he lost.
>worst offender was embodiment of stereotypical teenage atheist, who min-maxed his entire deck to be completely full-proof strategy that usually one by turn 5 via mana ramp and high power creatures/direct damage
>ruins every game by beating everyone, being generally obnoxious, talking shit about everyone else until the cows came home
>digging through my mom's boyfriend's old cards one day, find a few interesting cards
>one being lure, and the other being cockatrice
>realize i can beat him with a jury rigged deck that deathtouches all his creatures, while also giving cockatrice shroud, etc
>challenge him to a game, ante my best cards
>accepts, even though he wagered nothing
>start winning instantly, basically perfect opening hand
>out of nowhere he just points at my lure, grabs it along with my cockatrice and runs away with his deck
>literally never see him again
if you're reading this, fuck you Alden.
Knowing that U and artifacts will always be the most powerful
Shit man did you give chase or were you too shocked? I would've tarred, feathered and then beat the tar off him if I caught that mother fucker
Modern EDH precons are terrible and have barely any good cards.
Roman Conquistador Vampires.
Whose iconic legendary is a strong black womxn.
>Vampire Isabel I de Castilla
Nigger, neck yourself. Queen Miralda is white and beautiful.
realizing I have to pay $7-$10 for objectively better lands
Blackcleave Cliffs is like $20.
This is like a dollar